Jiang Chao opened the map, which is a sand table map that can be automatically enlarged.His current location is on the south side of the island.Regional details——

Name: Territory of Desperation.

Area: twenty square kilometers.

Status: Barren.


Jiang Chao can only view within the area, and other areas are all in a gray state.After Jiang Chao read the map, he switched to Sea Island Mall.

Island Mall is similar to a department store.The main products are cabbage seeds, tomato seeds, old hoes, googoo cows and so on.He is now in a novice state and can only buy primary commodities.

Jiang Chao opened the personal panel——

Host points: 1000. (gift for beginners)

Host points are the common currency of Sky Island.Items can be purchased to expand your farm operation.

After Jiang Chao's research was completed, the task interface was refreshed.

Novice task: reclaim wasteland and plant sky crops. (Term: 30 days.)

Task Reward: [A trolley full of artistic temperament]

Task penalty: whole body weakness BUFF.


There are rewards and punishments for sky missions.Jiang Chao was already mentally prepared when he signed the treaty.

Jiang Chao focused on the novice task: "Where is Huang Tian?"

In front of him was an endless gray plain.This has nothing to do with Arata.

"The host is free to explore." 3709 said meticulously.

Jiang Chao: ...

Jiang Chao walked around the dusty plain and opened his personal backpack.

Backpack: [Invisible Bamboo Dragonfly] [Sky Stone] [Cabbage Seed].

Jiang Chao set his sights on the [Sky Stone].

[Sky Stone]: It can change the soil quality in the area.

Jiang Chao opened the map of the territory, and then placed the Sky Stone in the center of the territory.

The island shook slightly.A strange green light lit up in the Lost Territory, and immediately after that, there was an oasis of one square kilometer in the middle.

Jiang Chao headed towards the oasis coordinates.

Five minutes later, a green plain appeared in front of Jiang Chao.The plain is like the Mongolian grassland in summer, with lush fresh grass, and he can feel the rich natural atmosphere.

Jiang Chao rolled on the oasis for a while, and opened the system guidance.

[Basic farmland]: 800 points. (Fold: 23H remaining.)

[My hoe]: 200 points. (Fold: 23H remaining.)


This is what he just discovered during the flight.The two props are hidden in the taskbar details, with a red exclamation mark in the upper right corner.According to the system introduction: the red exclamation mark is a necessary item, and the yellow item is a reference item.

The two items totaled 1000 points, Jiang Chao looked at his personal balance.I deeply feel the stingy nature of the system...

Jiang Chao buys with one click.Two props go into the personal backpack.

Now the backpack is a bit miscellaneous, Jiang Chao sorts it into categories, and then clicks to use it.

Farmland specification: one mu.

Jiang Chao opened the island map, and first tentatively dragged it to the gray area.

"Ding, this area is not suitable for crop growth, please re-plan."

Jiang Dynasty was changed to Oasis.This is also the name of the territory that Jiang Chaogang changed.

"The plan was successful, are you sure?"


A one-acre yellow field appeared on the edge of the oasis.Jiang Chao picked up his hoe and approached.

Unlocked foggy areas, gray soil territories, oases, farmland... Jiang Chao feels that the farm is like a shrinking doll.He needs to start with the farmland and expand and unlock it step by step.

The sky is gray and wild.Although the farm is flying at an altitude of 3000 meters, the air pressure is normal and it is not affected by strong ultraviolet light at all.

The farm only had a piece of wasteland and a hoe, and in the next five hours, Jiang Chao worked hard on reclaiming the wasteland.

The steps of Jiang Dynasty's reclamation are limited to book knowledge.

At this time, while wielding a hoe, he searched for the specific steps to reclaim the wasteland.

The signal of Sky Island is full.According to the mobile phone search, he needs to reclaim the barren fields-sow seeds-harvest.Due to the particularity of the farm, detailed steps such as seed treatment, seedbed disinfection, and customized water and fertilizer can be ignored.

Cabbage, also known as cabbage, is a cruciferous plant that mainly grows in the northeast of China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Most of them are biennial herbs.Jiang Chao finished studying the properties of cabbage.Realized a serious question: he needs to wait two years?

Half an hour later, Jiang Chao planted the seeds before realizing that he was thinking too much.

At the moment the seed is sown, a field attribute appears before him.

[Basic farmland]: 100 primary cabbages.Maturity time: 72H. (can be renamed)

Jiang Chao renamed [Basic Farmland] as [Farmland No. [-]].

Ten cabbages can be grown from one bag of cabbage seeds.Primary cabbage takes only 72 hours from planting to growth.Jiang Chao looked at his slightly blistered hands, full of anticipation for the cabbage all over the floor...

At [-] o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chao finished cleaning the farm, and then played around in the oasis grassland, returning with a sense of accomplishment.

The Pacific Ocean is dotted with dots, and the ships coming and going do not increase or decrease due to day and night.

At one o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chao returned to the small fishing market and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chao was awakened by the phone ringing.Caller: Li Dafei.

"Luohai Agricultural Research Institute is recruiting interns. It's going crazy in the group, are you going?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Dafei said excitedly.Luohai Agricultural Research Institute is a national agricultural scientific research unit.It is the A-level employment direction for agricultural students.

After Jiang Chao listened, he thought for a while and said, "I won't go."

"Why?" Li Dafei was taken aback. "The Agricultural Research Institute cooperates with our school. If you have good grades in your major, you have a high chance of passing it."

The Agricultural Research Institute is recruiting 100 interns this time. This is the iron rice bowl of the state unit, and more than [-] people have signed up in the light group.

"I want to stay in the small fishing market, and I don't plan to go out."

If it was two months ago, Jiang Chao would definitely be willing to make a breakthrough.It's just that he has lived in the small fish market for two months and has adapted to a slow-paced life.All the jobs he was looking for during this time were around the small fish market, and now that he had farm tasks, he would never go there again.

After hearing the reason, Li Dafei was heartbroken: "Where's your fighting spirit?"

"I was blown away by the big waves in the small fishing market." Jiang Chao teased.

The two chatted for a while, and Li Dafei asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I don't know yet, maybe do some farming business."

"You are a fishing port, and what you want to do is also a fishing farm business."

"Cross-field operations are popular now."

Li Dafei didn't take it seriously, seeing that Jiang Chao really had no fighting spirit, he had no choice but to hang up the phone.

"Jiang Shuai, you are not coming to Luo Hai anymore? My face!"

"Do you want to come to Beijing? I just rented a two-bedroom and one living room, and I happen to be short of a roommate."

"When you are young, you should make more adventures..."


Ten minutes later, seven or eight WeChat messages popped up on Jiang Chao's mobile phone. These are all classmates who have a good relationship.

Jiang Chao opened the 21st Agricultural Group, and someone was asking himself about the plan of the Agricultural Research Institute, and Li Dafei had already said it out loud.

Jiang Chao answered a few words seriously, and it was inconvenient for everyone to ask more questions.

Graduation is like a gust of wind, destined to blow them to different corners.


In the next two days, Jiang Chao went to the supermarket to purchase a lot of compressed biscuits, mineral water and other goods, and he planned to carry them to the island next time.

Jiang Chao also went to the agricultural tool market. He originally wanted to buy some fine agricultural tools such as lawn trimmers and automatic seeders.Just a reminder from 3709 that the soil of Sky Farm is special and only farm tools can be used.

Jiang Chao had no choice but to give up.

At nine o'clock in the morning on July [-], Jiang Chao checked the time and rode his bicycle to Baiyun Market.

This Saturday, the number of people in Baiyun Market doubled. When Wang Yongshou saw Jiang Chao coming in, he said casually while picking up customers: "You find a place to sit first, I'll come over when I'm done."

Jiang Chao pulled a stool and sat inside, trying not to affect the business of the store.He originally thought that Wang Yongshou would finish his work in a while, but Wang Yongshou would pick up customers when he had customers, and would move fish boxes and clean up dead shrimp when he was not.As if forgetting about myself.

Jiang Chao interrupted twice with his words, but Wang Yongshou dragged him away with the excuse of being busy.

Jiang Chao wasn't in a hurry when he got to the back, he just played with his phone on his own.At twelve o'clock in the noon, the store was deserted, and Wang Yongshou couldn't find any reason to procrastinate. He looked at Jiang Chao enthusiastically: "I'm sorry, business has been busy these two days."

Wang Yongshou poured Jiang Chao a glass of boiled water.

Jiang Chao cut to the chase: "Uncle Wang, the store is due in three days. What are your plans?"

Wang Yongshou has delayed the rent for two months, and now the rent is deducted from the deposit, which happens to be deducted until the 21st.

"I discussed it with Xiaoping. Ten thousand is really too much... how about we add two hundred, eight thousand and two per month?" Wang Yongshou talked about his plan.

Jiang Chao nodded and asked, "The highest is eight thousand two?"

"It's the highest."

"Then our business can't be negotiated. You can find the moving team to clean up these two days, and I will come to collect the house on the 21st." Jiang Chao got up directly.

"No rent?"

Wang Yongshou was taken aback, "The peak season is still half a month away. If you sublet it now, it will take at least half a year to find a replacement, and the rent will not be much higher."

"I know." Jiang Chao followed his words.

"I'm also an old tenant for five years. I didn't want to cause you any trouble. We should be considerate of each other."

Wang Yongshou was about to play the emotional card, but Jiang Chao interrupted directly: "Uncle Wang, what you said is inappropriate, right?"

"Before the contract was signed, you said that the decoration of the store was not good. My dad spent [-] yuan to redecorate it."

"Four years ago, you asked my family to borrow a car. After borrowing the car for half a month, you came back to repair the surface of the car."

"Three years ago, there was a flood in the small fish market. The other stores were at the original price. My mother sympathized with your difficulty in doing business, so she secretly reduced the rent for two months."


After Jiang Chao finished counting, he looked at Wang Yongshou: "Uncle Wang, all other stores have gone up to [-] now. Our house hasn't raised a penny, and you still ask for a rent reduction... are you so considerate of each other?"

Jiang Chao spoke very flatly and slowly, but every time he said a word, Wang Yongshou's face turned ugly.

"You remember very clearly..." Wang Yongshou laughed.

Now shops of the same size start at [-].He didn't expect Jiang Chao to be so familiar with the rent in the small fishing market after being away for a long time.

"Uncle Wang, I'm out of town, but I'm not stupid." Jiang Chao really wasn't in the mood to continue wrangling.

Now that the topic is out of the way, Wang Yongshou no longer pretends to be stupid: "The store's funds are indeed tight. Otherwise, I will suffer a bit. Let's still pay the previous price, and I will try to get it on the 21st."

"There's no need to fight."


"The shop is no longer rented."

"What do you mean?"

"Not renting anymore."

Before Jiang Chao, he really wanted to have a good talk with Wang Yongshou.But Wang Yongshou kept making progress again and again, and he really didn't want to continue dealing with each other.

Jiang Chao's white and clean demeanor, coupled with the key points along the way, give people the impression of being gentle and easy to talk to.But he has his own views in his heart, and he will not easily change what he believes in.

After all, the relationship between him and Wang Yongshou is only between the landlord and the tenant, so there is really no need to make yourself angry.

"It's all said to be rented, what do you mean now? Why don't you just break the facade of the house, what's the point! If you are not locals, how can you have such a reputation?" Seeing that Jiang Chao had made up his mind, Wang Yongshou cursed directly.

He hasn't shown it in the past few years, but every time he gets along with Jiang Chao's parents, he holds his breath.Jiang Chao's mother is a teacher at No. 7000 Middle School, and his father is an employee of Telecom.The combined monthly salary of the two is [-] yuan, which is not enough for half a month's profit.

But despite this, he had to work for ten years before he could afford this facade.

When Jiang Chao's parents were alive, he could still comfort himself.Jiang Chao's parents passed away, and his fixed assets are not as good as a young boy... Why are the locals so rich?

The more Wang Yongshou thought about it, the more he lost his balance.He didn't miss the 2000 yuan, so he didn't want to make Jiang Chao happy!It is also because of this that he has repeatedly found fault in the past two years.

Wang Yongshou stared at Jiang Chao angrily.

"Receive the house on the 21st." Jiang Chao didn't look pleasant either.

Zhao Xiaoping was washing clothes upstairs, when she heard the noise, she hurried downstairs.

Although Wang Yongshou has been delaying the rent, he never thought of quitting the rent.Zhao Xiaoping and Jiang Chao talked badly, but Jiang Chao was firm.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chao left on his bicycle.

Wang Yongshou sat at the door sulking.

The surrounding merchants watched the incident, and a few good-natured people joked: "Old Wang, you really don't plan to rent it?"

"Our 250 square meters cost 1 yuan per month. Your [-] square meters' [-] yuan is very cheap."

"Jiang Chao is very good. I have been looking for you so many times before. Is ten thousand too expensive?"

"It's off-season now, but a shop with [-] yuan is not bad for rent."

"You have made a lot of money in the past two years, but now it's too much for two thousand."


The surrounding merchants looked at Wang Yongshou like an idiot, and every word pierced Wang Yongshou's heart like a knife.

Wang Yongshou lit a cigarette.

He regretted it in his heart, and he was a little bit dissatisfied.Isn't it just a facade room?The Baiyun market is so big, he doesn't believe that he can't rent cheap ones!

The author has something to say:

Jiang Chao: Working hard to farm~

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