"This cabbage...one hundred and six?"

Half an hour later, Zhao Gang asked again emphatically.At this time, he and Zhou Xiaxia were standing in front of the little blue truck.

There are nearly half a car of cabbage in the car.Zhao Gang stretched out his hand and patted it twice. The cabbage was round, but no matter how round it was, it was still cabbage.

Zhao Gang took two more shots.

One hundred and sixty cabbages?

The sound is the same as ordinary cabbage.

Zhao Gang is ready to continue filming.

Zhou Xiaxia hurriedly stopped: "Don't ruin the film."

Zhou Xiaxia took two days off work, and only heard about [Factory Defrauded] [Factory Hot Search] this afternoon.She didn't take it seriously at first, until her colleague got angry——

"You took two carts of cabbage? That's fine."

"Great wealth depends on fate, while small wealth depends on luck."

"Hey, this luck can't stop it."


It took Zhou Xiaxia a long time to understand that they were talking about herself.Zhou Xiaxia listened to all kinds of meat and vegetables, until the head of the workshop had a complicated expression: Our factory sent out [-] cabbages, and it was on the news.

Zhou Xiaxia hastily turned on her phone.After reading it for a long time, I understood: the cabbage sent by the factory is named M32, imported from overseas, and the retail price is 160...

One six eight!

Zhou Xiaxia thought of her own cabbage, and didn't care about the reasonable price, so she hurriedly called Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang turned off the phone, and she didn't get through until seven o'clock in the evening.The two have been married for 21 years, although Zhao Gang promised himself not to sell cabbage.But the more she thought about it, the more worried she became, until the shift was handed over.Take a taxi home quickly.Now the two of them stood beside the cabbage cart, feeling that what they were looking at was not cabbage, but a pile of gold ingots.

"How much cabbage did we collect?" Zhou Xiaxia asked.

"Let me see."

Zhao Gang opened the small cargo box.After careful inventory--

M32 cabbage: 527.

Braised Beef Noodles: 315 boxes.

Fresh Green Tea: 150 boxes.


Zhao Gang picked up the calculator.

Cost: 527X2=1054 yuan.

Market price: 527X168=88536 yuan.

Profit: 88536-1054=87482 yuan.

Profit eighty-seven thousand.Zhao Gang knocked three times, and handed it to Zhou Xiaxia in disbelief: "You do the math."

Zhou Xiaxia crackled and knocked: "Press [-], and you can earn [-]."

After Zhou Xiaxia finished speaking, both of them were a little dazed.It's not that they haven't seen [-] yuan, but it's all the hard-earned money they got from getting up early and working late at night. After deducting daily expenses, they are considered good at keeping [-] yuan at the end of the year.

The two looked at the half-load of cabbage, and Zhao Gang was as calm as possible: "These are market prices, and we may not necessarily sell them."

"Yes." Zhou Xiaxia agreed.

"I'll sell it for twenty tomorrow?" Zhao Gang tried to ask.These are imported cabbage, and it has just been on the news. Rao, he has been selling cabbage for ten years, so he doesn't know how to price it.

After Zhao Gang finished speaking, Zhou Xiaxia remained silent.

"High?" Zhao Gang asked.Although he said he was twenty, his heart was empty.Buy two yuan and sell it for twenty... It's a money grab.

While thinking, Zhou Xiaxia gritted her teeth: "I won't sell it yet."


"Take it, and sell it in two days."

Zhou Xiaxia brushed the cabbage all afternoon.See the blogger's analysis, now the reputation of cabbage is growing.If it is fully opened, it may have a part of the market.Zhou Xiaxia doesn't have such big ambitions. She just hopes that the price of cabbage will stabilize and sell for 50 yuan.

50 yuan!

Directly doubled 25 times!

Zhou Xiaxia felt her heart tremble.The two discussed it and finally decided: wait for three days first.

Although these cabbages are vacuum packed.But they don't understand high technology, and they are worried that it will deteriorate after a long time.The two decided to wait and see for three days, and if there was no change in the market, they would sell quickly after three days.

"I'll sell the instant noodles and drinks tomorrow." Zhao Gang moved the cabbage to the yard.

Zhou Xiaxia followed to help.After the two of them finished their work, the time was drawn to ten o'clock in the evening.

The village in the city they rented.At this time, the cabbage is neatly placed in the corner, very fresh and emerald green under the moonlight.

"Go back to sleep." Zhao Gang looked at the time.He will go to the market tomorrow, and Zhou Xiaxia will go to work, neither of them can afford it.

The two went back to the room.Because of their different schedules, they all sleep in separate rooms.Half an hour later, Zhou Xiaxia put on her coat and went out.

As soon as she arrived at the yard, she saw Zhao Gang lighting a cigarette and staring at the cabbage absentmindedly.

Zhou Xiaxia was startled: "Why are you here?"

Zhao Gang shook his cigarette: "I'm afraid I'll lose the cabbage." Although he felt that [-] cabbages was an exaggeration, but if it can be sold at a high price...you can't lose it.

"Why did you come out?" Zhao Gang looked at Zhou Xiaxia.

Zhou Xiaxia was silent for a while: "I'm also afraid of losing it." With so many cabbage in the yard, I couldn't sleep at all.

The two of them took out the quilt from the house, covered the cabbage tightly, and waited until the cabbage was completely unrecognizable before returning to the room to rest in satisfaction.

In the middle of the night, the two went out again in their coats.Now in the dog days, they are worried that the cabbage will be spoiled this time...

The two tossed back and forth like this, and they didn't feel completely relieved until they moved the last cabbage into the house at five o'clock in the morning.

With so many cabbages, it's still safe to put them under your nose.

I can finally sleep.


"Evaluation of Xiaoyuan cabbage?"

While Zhou Xiaxia and Zhao Gang were sleeping exhausted, in a high-end duplex building in Luoyuan District, Shenzhen City, Lu Lele was drinking coffee while scrolling through the Guohu interface.

Lu Lele is a senior engineer of Shenzhen Xiaowang Technology.Apart from work, my greatest interest is to share some professional knowledge on Guohu.Now the professionalism is not as good as before, but the entertainment and news timeliness have increased.In the past few days, he has started eating melons from [Sister Huo's stingy].From his professional perspective, this is a targeted news hype.

Lu Lele opened the hot list.The second hot list: [How to view the 72nd video of [Xiaoyuan Tianju]].

"Hello, fans who watched the video..." Xiaoyuan commented directly at the beginning of the video.

Lu Lele watched casually while gnawing on the watermelon.Xiaoyuan is an excellent video blogger. He thought this issue was the same as other videos, but he just saw the end.He looked a little dazed.

[-]'s cabbage, the evaluation of passers-by is full of votes?

Xiaoyuan has made 71 videos before.Huaxiangyuan Cake received the most votes with 69 votes.And now... that's an exaggeration!

Lu Lele finished reading in a daze, and opened the comment section.

The first hot comment: "Welcome to the live-action extra chapter of "The Little Chef of China". [狗头] [狗头]"

"Chinese Little Chef" is an ancient Chinese gourmet cartoon.It has become a childhood memory of a generation with exaggerated food production + toe-picking aftertaste.At this time, the hot comment has 3000+ likes, and 200+ replies below.

Lu Lele continued to click.

"The little chef is amazing! Will such delicious cabbage attract the dark culinary world?"

"@小厨神, please go to Huaxia Xiaoyu Market to collect the legendary aroma cabbage!"

"@中华小厨神动画团, stop updating for 12 years. Material is here!"


Reply to Yishui's joke below.There are also many netizens who have matched the BGM of Little Chef, and Xiaoyuan's evaluation is as exaggerated as Little Chef.

Not only netizens, but even Lu Lele did not believe in the effect of cabbage.

Everything is hype.

Lu Lele finished reading the two topics [Sister Huo was cheated] [Sister Huo's employee].After a while, the time was drawn to six o'clock in the morning.He's a night owl and ready to catch up on sleep.

Lu Lele put on the blindfold.Time passed bit by bit, and he thought he fell asleep quickly.But countless fragments flashed through my mind.

"You cabbage is not a heavyweight..."

"The blue box is delicious, but it's not at the same level as the red box."

"There is a huge disparity in strength, even if you have no conscience, you can't vote."


This is a clip of [Xiaoyuan Video].

"Grandma sleeps less and dreams more. She sleeps well after eating."

“Large portions and tasty...”

"Acne is reduced, and I love cabbage."


Here are the staff reviews.

Images of the two sides kept flashing in my mind.

Lu Lele: ...

He shouldn't be brushing cabbage!Can't sleep at all!

Lu Lele got up from the bed and searched for Taobao products: Dajiang Nongfu M32 cabbage.

He considers himself a rationalist, but has undergone continuous brainwashing.He felt that he had fallen into a consumption trap, and he was full of the urge to buy cabbage.

Lu Lele opened the store, ready to buy.

Ordinary cabbage: sold out.

Premium Cabbage: Sold out.

Special offer shells: 1.

Boutique dragon fruit: 32.


Now all the big river cabbage is sold out, only special shells and dragon fruit are on sale.

The unit price of shells is 1688 yuan, and that of dragon fruit is 388 yuan.This is not a serious price, even the second fool at the entrance of the village would not buy it!

Lu Lele refreshed the shop.

Special offer shells: 0.

Boutique dragon fruit: 0.

Lu Lele: ...

Two seconds before and after, it's gone?


"After squatting for three hours, I finally encountered a return."

"Who only shoots but doesn't pay? Can you be quicker!"

"Dragon fruit is so expensive, I really want to buy it..."


At the same time that Lu Lele's face was covered in circles, many netizens got under the covers, holding their mobile phones as if sprinting a hundred meters.

They are all netizens snapping up Dajiang cabbage.Except for a small number of gourmet passers-by, the purpose of everyone buying Dajiang cabbage is simple: pretend to be X.

Consumerism is all the rage right now.Various "fried" products such as fried shoes, mobile phones, and co-branded models continue to go out of the circle.A pair of shoes costs three to four thousand yuan, and a mobile phone starts at ten thousand yuan. Even if they have enough wallets, they may not necessarily be successful in snapping up.Compared with it, Dajiang cabbage is too much in line with the idea of ​​fried dumplings.

Cabbage [-]?expensive!

One six eight?not expensive.

Use [-] to buy a cabbage, take a hashtag, and post on Moments: [Xiaoyuan evaluates the same cabbage. [Laughing and crying]] [I owe the cabbage I bought...] and so on, the effect of pretending to be X is absolutely perfect!

Worried that your friends will talk about you being stupid behind your back?This effect is what I want.

The synonym of silly X is pride, and the effect of packing X with Dajiang cabbage is equivalent to packing X with limited shoes.

[Xiaoyuan Video] was exposed, and the quality parties are still analyzing the reactions of passers-by in the video.Pretending to be party X doesn’t have this concern, just buy, buy, buy.

The cabbage is delicious and makes a lot of money.Even if you pay the IQ tax, you can still make a circle of friends.It's a big profit anyway!

Pretenders snapped it up.Although the quality parties have regrets, they are not too entangled.

Dajiang Nongfu opened a shop to do business, and now the cabbage is sold out, just wait until the daytime to put it on the shelves again.Do you still need to find a purchasing agent all the way?

Haha, no need.

Such expensive cabbage must be mass-produced, so how could it be possible to use a purchasing agent.


Host name: Jiang Chao.

Current mission: Explore the Sea of ​​Sky. (27 days left)

Personal Backpack: [Vegetable Unlock] X3.

System credits: 56W+


Just as the netizens were seriously expecting it, Jiang Chao opened the system interface of Sky Farm.At this time, the system points are 26W+, and there are 27 days left for the current task.

Jiang Chao switched to the business situation of the small shop.

My little shop: Dajiang Agricultural Deputy.

Store shelves: X20 ordinary cabbage, X20 intermediate cabbage, X20 mutant dragon fruit.

Small shop orders: Intermediate cabbage X5000, mutant dragon fruit X500. 【to be delivered】

Taobao order: ordinary cabbage X500, intermediate cabbage X500, mutated dragon fruit X500. 【to be delivered】


The store data is concise and clear.After Jiang Chao finished reading, he set his sights on the Taobao order.Since [Huo Dasao Stingy] appeared on the trending search, the number of clicks on Taobao store has increased, but most of the netizens just look at it and don't buy it.In the past three days, Taobao store received ten orders sporadically.

He left Baiyun Market yesterday and went directly to the Economic Commission.

Mrs. Huo's delegation has arrived.After negotiation between the two parties, the previous order of 5000 was signed.According to the agreement, Dajiang will deliver the goods within three days.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening after the contract was signed, Jiang Chao went back to his room to change his clothes, and then went straight to the farm without stopping.He slept on the balloon and never paid attention to the status of Taobao.Until now... why are there so many Taobao orders?

Taobao set the delivery within three days.

Jiang Chao simply calculated that there are 5500 cabbages in the farm.He needs to grow 1000 cabbages and [-] dragon fruits in the past three days.Pitaya still needs to mutate varieties...

There are ten acres of farmland.

Jiang Chao looked at the farmland, and then at the small shop's orders.Aware of a serious problem, he took orders hard these two days.Doesn't seem to... consider the actual productivity of the farm?

Big head.

In the next two days, Jiang Chao spent all his time on the farm.In order to complete the task more efficiently, Jiang Chao purchased another 20 acres of farmland.Uninterrupted use of cabbage [Advanced Growth Spring].Three days later, the farm successfully planted: intermediate cabbage X6000, mutated dragon fruit X300.

The mutated dragon fruit is irrigated with the sea of ​​sky, and the chance of mutating is 20%.In order to facilitate irrigation, Jiang Chao reclaimed five acres of dragon fruit fields along the coastline. Even so, he was very tired carrying water back and forth.

Not only Jiang Chao, but the three farm natives, Dading, Dajin and Xiaojin, were also busy.

Two days later, Jiang Chao put the cabbage and dragon fruit on the shelf and collapsed directly on the beach.At this moment, Jiang Chao had only one idea: do what he can.

He intends to sell this batch of goods and carefully adjust the monthly productivity of the farm.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Jin flew around the sky: "Chirp!"

Xiao Jin is too young, so these three days are not so much labor as a high-spirited commander.Jiang Chao felt that the farm couldn't keep Xiaojin anymore...

They played one by one for a while.

Jiang Chao looked at the date, and it was already the first ten days of September.


"Ah, it's not on the shelves yet?" While Jiang Chao was wading around the seaside, many netizens were scrolling through the Taobao interface.

Now Dajiang's evaluations continue to flow out, and the evaluation rate is 100%, which is even more exaggerated than XX magic medicine.

The party pretending to be X is eagerly waiting, and the party of quality is itching.With the heated discussion on the Internet, everyone found that there are fewer and fewer Dajiang cabbage on the market.As for the Dajiang Agricultural and Sideline Store... the self-service cabbage was sold out as early as three days ago.

Dajiang cabbage is like a full moon in the sky.Everyone only hears its name, but it is still unknown whether it tastes good or not.

Dajiang cabbage has advanced from cheating cabbage last week to a synonym for mystery.


"520 seven cabbages, do you want all of them?" Just as there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, in a simple rental house in Harbin.Zhao Gang looked at the man in front of him, feeling a little dizzy.

The man's name is Yuan Chengcai, the owner of the Ninghai Trading Store in Harbin City.The two set up a stall in a market, but they didn't have deep contact.At this time, the purpose of Yuan Chengcai's arrival is simple: to acquire Dajiang cabbage.

Purchase price: 120 yuan / tree.

"Boss Zhao, 100 yuan is a bit low, but I have connections here. It also saves you from going back and forth..." Yuan Chengcai said enthusiastically.

Zhao Gang was dizzy when he heard that.

He thought of Zhou Xiaxia's words.

Wait another three days.

Except for going to the hospital for the past three days, he spent the rest of the time guarding the cabbage.After waiting for three days, I really had good luck...

◎The author has something to say:

Zhao Gang: Lay down the money. QAQ~

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