"At ten o'clock in the morning on August [-]th, an ocean in the sky appeared over the Pacific Ocean..."

"Russian expert research: The air and ocean have a special water molecular structure, and the reason for the suspension is a mystery."

"United countries plan to conduct a new round of exploration on Sky Island."


Half an hour later, the sky and ocean swept through the portals of various countries.

A month ago, the Pacific Ocean was turbulent, and a giant island rose at an altitude of 3000 meters.The area of ​​the island is between [-] square kilometers and [-] square kilometers, which cannot be detected by precision instruments from various countries.Alien civilization, spiritual recovery, the end of the earth... Speculations related to islands are frequently searched.It's just that with the passage of time, residents have become more and more accepting of the existence of islands.

Now Sky Island has fallen into the hot search.And now... a second mutation?

Everyone clicks on the video.The island is hazy, but clearer than before.According to the detailed analysis... this is the long sea in the sky.

It violates the laws of physics.

The search volume of [Sky Island][Sky Ocean] has risen rapidly.

While the world was watching, Jiang Chao returned to the farm.If the mid-air is compared to a transparent fish tank, the island is the boat in the fish tank.Now the boat is surrounded by sea water, and he was just observing the fish tank from the outside.

Surgeon, Pollock, Speartail... In addition to these common creatures.He also saw many deep-sea fish such as swallowing eel, deep-sea fish, and Physalis squid.In addition, there are some marine magazines that have not appeared before.

According to the international division, the deep sea area is below 200 meters of sea level.The Sea of ​​Sky is a deep sea suspended in mid-air.The sea of ​​sky is a slightly deep blue, and he can only observe the outer five meters.Further inside is turbidity.Jiang Chao has reason to believe that there are other creatures in the sea of ​​sky, and these creatures may not be earth species.

Now the fog has expanded ten nautical miles outward, and as far as the eye can see, there is an endless sea level.Jiang Chao took two photos, then put away his phone regretfully.

The marine life is unknown, and he plans to explore the sea after everything is ready.

At this time, Da Jin and Xiao Jin were playing on the sea level, Jiang Chao calmed down and opened his backpack.

[My Castle]: A harbor in the sky.

This is the last card, Jiang Chao taps it to use.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining an A-level building: [Fantasy Castle], do you want to use it immediately?"


The island sand table is opened, and the territorial oasis will automatically expand.A castle model appeared in front of Jiang Chao.Before Jiang Chao checked it, the system reminded: Please select the area of ​​use.

The island oasis stretches over twenty square kilometers.The south side is nearly [-] acres of farmland, and the other areas are endless green grasslands.Jiang Chao browsed carefully and finally chose the center of the oasis.It is two kilometers away from the farmland and the sea level, and the environment and geographical location are superior.

"Are you sure?" The system reminded again.


The card in his hand disappeared, and there was an additional building coordinate above the oasis.

Jiang Chao put away the sand table and went directly to the coordinates.

Three minutes later, Jiang Chao stared blankly at the scene in front of him.This is an enlarged version of the N-fold model castle.The castle is in the style of Disney's fairy tales, and the theme color is mainly pink and blue.The gate is in the shape of an orange pumpkin, with two unicorn sculptures on both sides of the pumpkin.

Push the door and walk in, and there is a straight fairy tale avenue in front of you.On both sides of the avenue are animal sculptures such as rabbits and foxes, behind which are colorful flowers such as violets, pink cherry blossoms, and small daisies.

Fairy Tale Avenue is about 500 meters away, and it ends at the end.In front of it is a huge blue fountain, behind the fountain is a huge complex of colorful buildings...

In the next hour, Jiang Chao walked around the castle twice.The fantasy castle covers an area of ​​730 acres, with a total of [-] rooms, except for the regular rooms such as the kitchen, bedroom and dining room.There are also servants' rooms, horse walking grounds, shooting ranges, fencing ranges, private painting workshops and other strange places.Although there are no personnel to take care of these places, all kinds of equipment are readily available.

Jiang Chao thought of the aristocratic Japanese in junior high school.He thought it was exaggerated enough in the anime, but compared to the castle...it was too conservative.

Jiang Chao stayed around the fountain for a while.

"Chirp!" At this moment, a bird chirped from the sky.Xiao Jin circled in mid-air and landed in the direction of Jiang Chao.

"Chirp chirp!" Xiao Jin landed on Jiang Chao's palm, chirped twice in a strange voice, and spat out something from his mouth.

The object was sticky, Jiang Chao stretched out his hand to have a look.This is a small fish the size of a finger cap. At this time, the small fish has turned over, and it is very tragic against the backdrop of the scorching sun.

Jiang Chao: ...

"I won't eat." Jiang Chao returned it to Xiao Jin.

"Chirp!" Xiao Jin pushed in Jiang Chao's direction again, as if to say that the little fish is really delicious.

Jiang Chao smiled, and returned Xiaoyu to Xiaojin.After this interruption, his shock just now was slightly weakened.Regardless of whether it is a Central European castle or a fantasy castle, farmland still needs to be planted.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chao returned to Baiyun Market.Now the store shelves are full of cabbage, and he plans to wait for the dragon fruit to mature, and then add some new varieties tomorrow.

Just as Jiang Chao was about to open the door, two people came out from the south gate and went straight to Jiang Chao's direction.

Jiang Chao stopped his movements: "Are you?"

"We belong to Shengyun Self-service Factory." The leading man looked at Dajiang's signboard and said.

Jiang Chao turned on the phone. At this time, there were two unread calls and three unread WeChat messages.

Half a month ago, he ordered three self-service cabinets at Shengyun Self-service Factory.The delivery time was one week, but the farm was busy during this period, and the delivery time was repeatedly rescheduled.He communicated with Xiao Chen yesterday, and the two parties agreed to deliver at [-]:[-] tonight, but Sheng Yun didn't expect that it would be two days earlier...

"Hello." Jiang Chao hurriedly greeted.

After a brief communication between the two parties, the two workers began to install.

These are three 3X2 self-service code scanning cabinets.Jiang Chao put the two-day self-service cabinets at the door of the store, one on the left and right sides, and the rest in the store.

Time passed bit by bit, and when the debugging of the three self-service cabinets was completed, it was seven o'clock.

"Thank you." Jiang Chao passed cigarettes to the two workers.Now in the dog days, the two workers were wearing blue short-sleeved sleeves, and it took a lot of effort to carry them back and forth.

"It's okay." The two waved their hands.What they do is physical work, but the drink cabinet they adjusted before, and it's the first time I've seen someone buy a cabbage cabinet...

The three chatted for a while, and the two workers left.

Now that the market is closed, Xu Guizhi was about to leave. After seeing the two self-service cabinets, he asked curiously, "Is the cabinet installed?"

"Yes, I plan to do some self-service business." Jiang Chao said with a smile.

Xu Guizhi: ...

Jiang Chao is the only one in Da Jiang's agricultural deputy.The business is not booming, now get a self-service cabinet... What a mess.

Xu Guizhi looked at the self-service cabinet and asked gossip, "Aren't you afraid of stealing?"

These self-service cabinets are well constructed and painted, and don't look cheap.

"Not afraid." Jiang Chao replied with a smile.The three self-service cabinets are equipped with hidden cameras at the factory. Even if the camera at the store door is damaged, it will not affect the use of the self-service cabinets.It's just that this is a private matter of the agricultural and sideline shop, so there is no need to elaborate.

"The investment is not small." Xu Guizhi sighed.In view of Jiang Chao's continuous bankruptcy, her desire to preach has also faded.

Xu Guizhi took the car keys and left.

Jiang Chao put ten cabbages in each of the two self-service cabinets.After adjusting the price, scan the QR code and leave on a small bicycle.

Now the task of [ten acres of farmland] is completed and the farm is on the right track. He is going to rest for two days before thinking about the next step of development.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chao opened the classmate group.

"Now foreign media reports that there may be alien civilizations on the island."

"How do they breathe? Are they wearing respirators?"

"It doesn't necessarily have to be an alien civilization. It may also be a relic of the earth..."


At this time, the group was full of miscellaneous people, all discussing today's hot spots, and many students shared international news.

Jiang Chao clicked on the link.

"Re-exploring the sky and islands with other countries: The fog in the sky and ocean has weakened. The army can reach a range of 50 meters. According to the Chinese military, the sky and ocean are suspended oceans... [picture] [picture]"

Here are two pictures of the island: a sea fish skimming around the outer edge of the ocean surrounded by fog.The figure of sea fish is very light and shallow, but it is indeed in the form of fish.

Countries are now able to peer into the ocean from shallower areas of fog.Jiang Chao guessed that with more and more unlocked areas, the fog around the island will eventually dissipate.

Jiang Chao flipped through the chat records, and at this moment, some friends lamented: For the boundless universe, our wife is too small.I don't want to conquer the starry sky, I just hope that I can go to the island in my lifetime, even the Jurassic era will recognize it...

"Archaeology of prehistoric dinosaurs?"

"I've thought about this too, it's so cool to go to the island!"

"I don't know if the island is another civilization."


The group of friends became more and more excited as they talked.

They were full of yearning for the mysterious and unknown, but at the end, everyone sighed heavily.

With the current level of technology... it is possible to live in my lifetime.

Jiang Chao dived and watched for a while, and went to bed on time at twelve o'clock in the evening.


Early the next morning, Jiang Chao went to the farm.

The growth cycle of sky dragon fruit is 72H.Now that the installation of the self-service cabinet is complete, he plans to cross-sell cabbage and dragon fruit.

When Jiang Chao arrived at the farm, he saw Da Ding standing listlessly on the outskirts of the farm: "Master Host."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chao was taken aback.

Da Ding pointed to the dragon fruit field.

Dragon fruit belongs to the cactus family, which likes light and tolerates shade.A dragon fruit tree can produce 5-10 fruits.Due to system factors, each fruit tree on the farm bears one fruit.

Jiang Chao walked towards the nearest dragon fruit field.When he left yesterday, the dragon fruit was in full bloom.And now...

The branches of the dragon fruit turned yellow, and many fist-sized fruits fell to the ground.The fruit skin is thick, and the fruit inside is sour and astringent and inedible.Looking up, the dragon fruit field and the cabbage field are in sharp contrast.

These dragon fruits were painstaking efforts of nearly a week, even though Jiang Chao has a high level of mental quality, he is also very irritable now.

Jiang Chao was as calm as possible, and stroked the nearest dragon fruit tree.

Name: Intermediate dragon fruit.

Status: Planting failed.

Reasons: drought, lack of water, sick roots.

Suggestion: Sufficient fresh water is the guarantee for the healthy growth of agricultural plants.Please install a water dispenser for the dragon fruit field!

Jiang Chao opened the system mall.

Name: primary water dispenser.

Function: automatic filtration, a single unit can act on one mu of fields.

Price: 10W/unit.


Jiang Chao: ...

The author has something to say:

Jiang Chao: ...Although there is a castle, it is very sad. o(╥﹏╥)o

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