The atmosphere is very quiet.

"Mr. Jiang..." After the mourning ended, Wang Ke bowed heavily.After 60 years of dedicated study, she is now a first-class professor in the world, and has participated in the research and development of suspended cars and holographic theaters.

Wang Ke didn't have much contact with Jiang Chao.Looking at the elegiac couplet at this time, she seems to recall that 65 years ago, after graduating from high school, she landed on the empty island with anticipation and anxiety...

The fate of my life has changed because of the sky island. The process of scientific research is boring and boring, but the research and development results are exciting.If she is given another chance, she will still devote herself to the scientific research industry regardless of her own life.

According to Jiang Chao's last wish, his ashes will be scattered into the sea.

Wang Ke followed the regulatory agency to the beach.

The ashes were slowly sprinkled down, and Wang Ke felt melancholy for a while.

"Professor Wang." In this melancholy, two students stepped forward to help.They are not in the same era as Jiang Chao, but through film and television materials and books, they admire Jiang Chao very much.

Wang Ke looked at the students and asked, "Do you regret doing scientific research?"

"No." The two were decisive.Scientific research is under great pressure, but their lives have been changed by technology, and they are very proud.

Wang Ke suddenly relieved.

Sky Island technology is mysterious, but after generations of research, remarkable progress can still be made.

Wang Ke stayed at the beach until night and left silently.


"97 years old, this is considered a long life on earth." Just as Wang Ke left silently, Ge Gexing joked in the [plane space] space.

"Who made me live so long?"

Jiang Chao was very speechless.At this time, they are in a two-dimensional space, the entire space covers [-] acres. Except for the residential area, other places are full of vibrant farms. Cabbage and pumpkins are planted on the farm, which is the sky farm.

Thinking of the past ten years, Jiang Chao felt very helpless.

According to the original plan, they will all enter [plane space] ten years ago.Everyone also developed according to plan...

First, Da Jin and Xiao Jin 'passed away', and then Suoke and Da Ding appeared 'the program is old'.In this step-by-step plan, only Jiang Chao and Gege Xing are left among the natives of Sky Island.

Ten years ago, Ge Gexing "passed away", and Jiang Chao was about to die with him, but found that Ge Gexing was involved in an important logical chain: M32 company.

In foreign relations, Grid Star is the boss behind M32.Now the sky island cannot be upgraded, and there is no follow-up of the M32 logic chain. In this way, Jiang Chao can only stay on the sky island alone, working hard to remedy the M32 loophole.

After ten years, Jiang Chao could 'end his life' after confirming that Sky Island and the subsequent logic had no effect on the earth.

Ten years is easy to say, but this is the ten years he lived alone... too lonely.

At this time, through [Plane Space], Jiang Chao has recovered his 20-year-old peak body.It's just that he has lived to be 97 years old, and he is still a little unaccustomed to tossing in a hospital bed for another year.

Jiang Chao and Ge Gexing teased, then went to Sky Farm.

The crops in the sky farm are ripe every three days. Even if it is covered by science and technology, it is still unbelievable.In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Sky Island has not exposed the existence of the farm in the past 60 years.

Since Huaxia developed super-large crops, Jiang Chao has reduced the sense of existence of the farm.

Ten years ago, he used the props he exchanged before to receive the Sky Farm into the [Plane Space].

The [-]-mu farm has turned into a [-]-mu farm, but [Plane Space] has enough seeds. After the previous upgrade, ordinary crops can also collect seeds, which can fully meet the needs of everyone's life.

Jiang Chao picks up the hoe and digs the ground with great nostalgia, with Da Ding helping him.After the two tossed about for a while, Jiang Chao went back to the dormitory.

At this time, Da Jin and Xiao Jin are playing in the sky, Casokana and other animals are chasing back and forth... Because of the use of the [Fantastic Beasts] skill, the animals are not considered ordinary animals. surface space.

When Jiang Chao came to the restaurant, Suoke was making rich blue cherry blossom soup.

Jiang Chao drank a big bowl and was a little curious: "Where is Odin?"

20 years ago, Zhou Yao passed away.Odin stayed in front of Zhou Yao's tomb for three days, and entered the plane space first.

Zhou Yao and Odin are the only lovers in the world who combine human and AI.Jiang Chao uses props on Odin: the range of activities is not limited to the sky island.

In the next 40 years, Zhou Yao and Odin traveled around the world hand in hand.

Fans were worried about the relationship between the two, but no matter ten years or 20 years, they found that the two are still the same as when they were in love.Odin is also considered by fans to be the AI ​​with the most human thoughts.

In the last 20 years, Zhou Yao was getting old slowly, Odin was worried that Zhou Yao would be sad, and thought about aging his appearance.

Zhou Yao smiled, his feelings for Odin will not shrink from his identity.Now that he is getting old, he still won't shrink back from his appearance.

Regardless of status or age, he loves Odin very much.

Odin was silent, she accompanied Zhou Yao through the last years.When dying, Odin asked Zhou Yao if he would like to make his memories into AI.

Zhou Yao refused after thinking about it.

Odin is Odin with a soul, but his memories are just memories, not Zhou Yao.

This is unfair to Odin.

Zhou Yao left, Odin stayed in the plane space for ten years, and then the natives such as Da Jin and Xiao Jin came.

Jiang Chao turned around in the plane space, and then found Odin behind the house.

Jiang Chao asked about Odin's recent status.

Odin looked at the farm in a daze: "In my memory, my whole life has been scrambling and killing. Everyone made me brave. They told me that I am the future king of Odin, and I must wear armor that cannot fall down." Next. As everyone expects, I will become the only king of the Odin galaxy.

But I have no happy memories. After death, I put my soul in the body of AI. I want a world full of desserts. I thought that I would be happy when I met the world of desserts..."

Odin turned to Jiang Chao: "Do you know why I stay in the tower?"

Jiang Chao shook his head.

"The world of desserts is my wish, but when I got it, I was not as happy as I imagined. What I want is not desserts, but complete relaxation. I can overlook the whole world from a high tower... I didn't Need to leave."

Odin smiled: "I just got used to it, until a fool appeared under the tower and waited every day..."

Odin was rambling on, Jiang Chao knew that the idiot he was talking about was Zhou Yao.

"I'm asleep, call me when you reach your destination." After Odin finished speaking, he stretched himself.

She is the god of war in the Odin galaxy, and she will not do things that cannot be imagined. She is just a little tired, and she wants to sleep for a while.

"Where are we going now?" Odin left, Gridstar came over and asked.

[Plane Space] is a plane traveler, you need to enter coordinates to move towards the target direction.Now [Plane Space] wanders freely in the universe, and they need coordinates.

Jiang Chao opened the plane travel album, and at this moment a scent wafted over.

Jiang Chao looked towards the kitchen. At this moment, Suoke was trying to make cookies with a hand bone.

"Skull Star." Jiang Chao said decisively.

Now that time is long, he wants to go to the hometown of the aborigines to have a look.

Ge Gexing adjusted the coordinates, and the plane space flew in the direction of Skull Star.

The skeleton star is 723 million years away from the plane space. They don't know when and where they will arrive, but the time is long, and everyone is full of expectations for the journey.

This is relaxing leisure time.

The author says:

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~The full text is over, this chapter is written very smoothly, and the ending is quite satisfactory.There are a few rhythms and plots in the full text that are not well written. Analyze carefully and try to avoid this problem in the next book.

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