"What a broken B game, it just killed me directly."

"You're okay, I played the city in the rain, and the water got stuck to my neck step by step."

"I'm also a city in the rain, so desperate."


At ten o'clock in the evening, the tourists came out of the disaster simulation yard. Compared with the excitement before, everyone looked listless at this time.

They thought the Disaster Simulator was a thrilling adventure.It's just that now, the excitement is the excitement, it's just too aggrieved.

"How did you hang up?"

"Earthquake, he jumped out of the window on the [-]th floor and fell to his death."

"Dare to jump on the nineteenth floor?"

"When I jumped, I was buffered by the balcony downstairs, so I didn't die... I don't want to try that feeling again."


In the next half hour, many tourists complained about their fancy hanging methods in the [Strategy Forum].Its core idea: [Disaster Simulation Institute] Dakeng, if time is limited, it is recommended to experience other projects.

"Is it really that bad?" Some new tourists on the island were curious.

"It's worth one hundred and fifty, but it's just a shame to play."

"It's better to add some budget and go to the whale belly universe."

"The budget doesn't matter, it's just a special experience, and you have to reserve time."


[Disaster Simulation Institute] The value for money is excellent, but the way to die is aggrieved, it is better to focus on other projects.

"I feel good, very simulated."

"I chose the city in the rain, the rain is like a flood."

"I am also a city in the rain, and the sense of substitution is too strong."


Compared with the heartbroken tourists, many tourists also like the disaster simulation institute.

[Disaster Simulation Academy] Half of the tourists like it, and the other half don't recommend it.This is also the first controversial project since Sky Island was fully unlocked.

"After playing the Disaster Simulation Academy... the new Sky Island project, I feel pretty good." At midnight, Song Xuelin chatted with his friends while brushing his teeth.

Song Xuelin, 32 years old this year, is the deputy manager of Wanda Mall in Huizhou City, in charge of personnel deployment and fire safety.Wanda Shopping Center is a family business. Because of its good business last year, he specially applied for a trip to the empty island with the old man this time.

He just selected [Blaze Ruthless], because of professional reasons, he has a good impression of Big Fire Ruthless.

Song Xuelin and his friend hung up the phone, then turned on the sky bracelet.

According to the records of the Disaster Simulation Institute, his self-rescue score of [Fire Ruthless] was 53, and the cause of death: suffocation by thick smoke.

Song Xuelin didn't expect that he would die.

He is in charge of the safety of supermarkets, and he has cooperated with the fire department to organize many fire drills before.It's just that the reality is completely different from the drill. With his eyes closed, he can still feel the thick smoke.

Song Xuelin reviewed the previous process.

The car spontaneously ignited, covered his mouth and nose, and fled with his body down.

He carefully recalled the steps of self-help.There was a problem with him escaping with a low body. At that time, he was only escaping with a low body and did not pay attention to the surrounding environment, so that he collided with a tall and burly young man, and then completely messed up.

In the previous fire drills, the employees lowered their bodies and fled in order, but they made mistakes during the actual escape and did not give the masses any time to react.

[The Fire is Ruthless] is a holographic simulation, but the result is very tragic.

Song Xuelin couldn't fall asleep, thought for a while, and opened the official website of the fire department.Search for N ways to save yourself in a fire.


"There are nearly ten thousand bad reviews in the simulation institute, and the reason is..."

"Sky Island Simulator Academy: The first day of operation suffered a terrible word of mouth Waterloo!"

"On the feasibility of Sky Island technology in reality."


At one o'clock in the morning, news related to the simulation academy appeared on the tail of Weibo.Now that the popularity of Sky Island is increasing, some media have set up permanent offices in Sky Island.Permanent office: The staff are stationed in the sky island for a long time, collecting anecdotes about the sky island every week.

At noon yesterday, since the [Disaster Simulation Institute] released information, many media have squatted on the [Strategy] forum to praise the simulation institute.There are still many direct purchase tickets, and now the first day scores of [Simulation Academy] are released.

The simulation institute scored 9200 tourists, with a comprehensive score of 6.23.Compared with other 9.95+ high-scoring projects, this is Waterloo in the full sense.

At three o'clock in the morning, keywords such as #空岛模拟院#, #模拟院评分6.23# appeared in hot searches.

There are also quite a few media directly shooting hot posts on forums, and most of the hot posts are [deadly suffocated] [no food country is fun] [worth the ticket price, but too cruel] and other complaint titles.Its theme: Disaster simulation is worth the ticket price, but the gameplay is boring, so it is not recommended to try it.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Will it be a headline party?"

"Show more positive posts."


At this time, there are many cloud tourists swiping Weibo.Everyone is a fan of Kongdaoyun. Since the news of [Disaster Simulation Academy] came out, they have been looking forward to the new project.And now... everyone is a little dizzy.

#空岛水铁鲁# is more interesting than the news of #空岛美美美#.In the next eight hours, information related to #空岛WATERLOO# kept appearing on the real-time list.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, #空岛水银鲁# topped the hot search list.

"It's not that bad, I think it's quite fun."

At [-]:[-], Song Xuelin flew to the disaster simulation institute on a broom while answering the phone.The phone calls were made by some friends who saw the trending searches and called to gossip.

Song Xuelin chatted for a while and hung up.

At 35:[-], Song Xuelin landed near the pirate ship.He froze when he saw the scene in front of him.

At this time, there are many tourists around the island boat, and everyone is buying tickets for the simulation theater.Song Xuelin came here yesterday, and because he returned home at night, he decided to try again.Looking up now, tourists are much more lively than yesterday.

"It really overturned?"

"I originally wanted to play the day after tomorrow, but now I want to try."

"Me too. Every project in Sky Island is very good. I don't think it should be overturned."


The tourists chatted in twos and threes. Everyone saw the trending search and arranged their itinerary in advance to check in.

Song Xuelin was very dumb.

The popularity of Sky Island is extremely high. I didn't expect that now because of the hot search in Waterloo, it can attract a large wave of tourists.

Sky Island's reputation is terrifying.

Song Xuelin put away the broom and opened the ticket window of the Simulation Academy

Now there are 20 tickets left, Song Xuelin can buy them directly.Because [Big Fire is Ruthless] failed to save himself, he can only buy the [Big Fire] scene.

"so many people?"

"We came at the wrong time."

"Last night, I dreamed that I was burned. I don't believe that I can't leave alive!"


At this time, there were a few more young people beside him.These were all rants on the fence yesterday.Song Xuelin was surprised that everyone would come to the second round...

Song Xuelin looked around, there were quite a few old faces from yesterday at the ticket gate of [Big Fire Ruthless], and most of them were complaining tourists.

Song Xuelin: ...

It was a bit unexpected.

The author says:

Tucao tourists: Cherish life. _(:з」∠)_

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