Year of HP

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People, as well as the dead soldiers sent by Alfred, yes, they will definitely die and never return. These are just trained Muggles. In the resulting decisive battle, almost all races were included, and they unanimously targeted the Holy See and began to strangle them.

Tragic, painful, and even if it weren't for the dragon guarding Hogwarts, when Salazar went crazy, these would no longer exist.After receiving the news from the family that he wanted to marry another family and inherit the Bulstrode family again, one of Antonio's nerves was finally broken, and the volcano woke up from his sleep.

After that night, they never saw each other again until their death. Antonio never even knew that he had a daughter. In the days closest to the god of death, he sealed his soul in the book of forbidden family art. With little expectations, I hope that one day I can finally be forgiven by the other party.

"No, there is no need to see you again, and there is no need to tell him about Helena," Rowena said indifferently. Thousands of years can erase a lot of love and hatred. People have been dead for so long, so why bother to look again Those old and yellowed pages, not to mention that she never loved that person.

Salazar, who received the answer, did not persuade the other party, no one could match Rowena's wisdom, and no one could shake her decision on this matter, leaving the secret room, he said, "You have heard it all, what are your plans? "

"Who is Helena?" The man's dull voice was filled with unbelievable excitement.

"Are you Antonio Bulstrode?" said a woman's voice.Salazar had sensed the approach of the ghost a long time ago, but if it wasn't for Antonio's pleading, if it wasn't for these guys being his few friends, he wouldn't bother to take care of other people's family affairs.

"Your Excellency Slytherin, good day, I often hear mother mentioning you." Although Helena became a ghost, she still maintained the etiquette that should be seen when seeing elders, except for the rudeness caused by guessing in her heart just now. questioning.

"Good day," Salazar nodded, "Let me avoid it for a while, I think you need your private space."

"Thank you."

Helena bowed and saluted, and then looked at the soul of the father she had never met. The name Antonio was never mentioned by her mother, and she overheard it from Professor Gryffindor.For a child who has no father since childhood, what kind of mood should it be to meet his own father.Ordinary people are probably very excited, but since none of them is alive, Helena smiled sarcastically, but she didn't know who she was laughing at.

The author has something to say:

☆、There is a feeling that things are right and people are wrong



The Snake Ancestor, who was tired of Snape, was trying his best to light fires everywhere, but the sound of Martian language directly interrupted Salazar's passionate performance. He squinted his eyes and stared at the little bun lying at the door. The little bun was drooling and sucking his thumb, his round black eyes innocently looked at the two fathers and adults on the bed, as if the voice just now was not made by him.

"How did this little thing get in?" Snake Zu was furious.

"Yeah, yip..." Xiao Baozi continued to utter the Martian language.

Pushing away Salazar who was entwined around him, Snape was about to stand up and pick up the little bun when he was surrounded by a hand around his waist. "Aldo Flying Come," Salazar felt that the Flying Curse is the most convenient way to use it in this respect. "He's your son, not just anything, don't cast spells on him." Snape said helplessly after taking the flying bun and wiping the drool off his fingers.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." Xiao Baozi said excitedly that he really liked the trapeze game, and he wasn't frightened at all, so this was a refutation of his father's words?Unfortunately, no one can understand.

"Sev, we haven't had that for a long time," the shameless Lord Snake Master took out the little bun from Snape's arms and threw it beside the bed, then replaced himself, and buried it in the same way as the little bun. Snape's arms.

"Yeah..." Father, how can you take my place?Little Baozi began to crawl towards the position of the two fathers, huh?Why is it still in this position?Ma Dan, use space magic to imprison your son who is under one year old, just to prevent being disturbed, do you still have morals, Snake Ancestor?

"You scared Dumbledore today." Snape didn't move at all and let the other party make a fuss. He really couldn't let go of this guy. Once he let go, he would be like a sperm on his brain.

"I didn't scare him, I obviously wanted to kill him." Salazar tilted his head to look at the innocent little bun who was trying to crawl over by the bed, and said the sleeping spell silently, and then secretly smiled a few times. sound, and began to struggle with Snape's robes.

"Forget it, it's all in the past," Snape said calmly, tightly holding down the hand that was making trouble on his body. "However, according to Dumbledore's description, the Nicolas May he knew was probably the Pope. Oh, it's hard to imagine that Nicolas May is a descendant of the Yaxley family."

"Ah, it's a pity." The last heir of Haohao was robbed of his body by the pope. Salazar didn't care about the surname of the first to be exterminated in the goblin rebellion. He just didn't care about Snape's disregard. It's a blur, but what I think in my heart is another matter. I broke away from the opponent's hand and pressed it with my backhand. It is most convenient to tear the robe with the spell of tearing apart, but he said solemnly, "Antonio put his Both the soul and the forbidden technique that carried the soul were completely destroyed."

"Hmm..." I was numb all over from the fingers that were cruising on my body, but I suppressed the instinctive trembling, and then the man asked, "Why...ah...would..." Turned over and pressed Holding Salazar's body, he took a breath, "Rowena and the others know?"

"Probably, anyway, death is like a lamp going out, and no matter how great the resentment is, it will dissipate," wrapped his hands around the waist of the person on the body, the skin was so smooth, and went down, kneading the other person's buttocks fiercely, in a cheap way He also tore his robe to pieces, as if he was suffering from skin hunger, rubbing against the scorching hot skin.

"The baby is" Snape, who was tortured out of control, could no longer maintain his rationality and continue talking with the other party. He seemed to be watching from the side in a daze, but he still didn't forget it.

"Don't worry, it's all right." Salazar glanced at his son who was sleeping in the dark, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with using magic to make his little bun fall asleep.

"The eight-eyed spider, um... let it go..."

How could this man remember what made Lucius smear Dumbledore?Of course, I will put it aside first. You must know that the eight-eyed spider left by Hai Erbo is now under good supervision, and no little wizard has ever been killed. Preventing such things before they happen is far from attracting attention after the incident. big impact.Humans are cheap, just like werewolves. If you take all kinds of precautionary measures at the beginning, even if the potential danger is a little bigger, it won't explain anything. You have to wait until the werewolf bites a few wizards before you can pay attention.But at this time, I can still think about the eight-eyed spider, which shows that my lover's sanity has not completely disappeared.

Kiss each other's lips and tongue, Dumbledore, Yaxley, and eight-eyed spiders all go away.Turning over and pressing down, Salazar enjoyed the chasing between lips and teeth, the exchange of sweetness, and devoted himself to making his lover forget those annoying things. The hardness of his lower abdomen was against the same scorching heat of his lover, serious and focused Master Snake Zu, who was teasing his lover, suddenly fell softly on Snape's body.

Opening his water-filled eyes, a faint smile appeared in them, he pushed Salazar away a little weakly, and then looked meaningfully at the eyes of the immobile Master Snake Zu who could almost burst into flames, and, um, Sneh Pu casually glanced at someone's bottom, and inadvertently raised the corners of his lips. "How does it feel to be slackened, ah, feel powerless and burn your body, enjoy it." The lingering and enchanting tone can hardly be imagined to be the words spoken by his always cold and awkward lover, which made Sa Raza went mad in pain, feeling weak and fuming at the same time.

"Heh, Sev, don't you feel bad?" Salazar, who was unfortunately recruited, was not in the slightest embarrassment, and looked at Snape's lower abdomen with raised eyebrows, and sighed a few times.

Snape sneered, stayed on the bed for a while to relax his strength, got up and went into the bathroom, and when he came out, he had already wrapped himself up like he was teaching at Hogwarts, wearing an airtight black robe, which was slender The red imprint on the tender white background of the pretty neck near the chin inadvertently met Salazar's gaze, which only made the desire that had been eliminated begin to revive again, making people dumbfounded.

Undoing the curse and picking up Aldo's little bun who was irresponsibly put to sleep by his father, Snape looked at someone's ready to move with a smile, "The sun hasn't set yet, come out later and put Aldo to sleep first, Don't put any more spells on him."

It will be fine after the sun goes down, Salazar expressed his understanding, it seems that he is really not working hard enough, and he even has the ability to put on himself a slack with just the right amount of strength, please ignore that lying on the bed at this moment can only be full of random thoughts Lord Snake Ancestor of the yellow waste.


In the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore chomped on the Duke of Bee's dessert like chewing wax. After Snape told him part of the truth, he went to see his old friend Nicolas May, but there was no one there. .Originally, I thought that dealing with Voldemort would be the end of the game, but I didn't expect that the Holy See would be involved.

The hundred-year-old white wizard took off his glasses and wiped them carefully. At this moment, he remembered that Nicolas Lemay suggested to him to use the Sorcerer's Stone to imprison Voldemort's soul, and suddenly realized that it was for the Pope to absorb the soul power.It is necessary to worry about the malice of Slytherin, the founder of the dark wizard, and also worry that the new pope may endanger the wizarding world.These are far more worrisome than the previous Voldemort.

The little wizard who was petrified is already healed, and it seems that the Voldemort soul piece of the soul-returning stone ring will no longer appear, but the incident in Azkaban heralds more serious and turbulent waves.

Hogwarts is as calm as usual, and the little wizards are still fighting all kinds of right and wrong disputes. The only thing that people can say is that this year, the black magic professor Gilderoy Lockhart suddenly Passed out, woke up and seemed to forget everything.

In the face of greater worries, those black and white things seem insignificant.Nurmengard, Dumbledore looked at the door. He wanted to ask the saint for help. Although the man imprisoned himself in this prison, the power of the saint was still firmly grasped inside. that person's hands.The energy of the first generation of the Dark Lord can be seen, far from what Voldemort can match.

"Gail," Dumbledore raised his hand to touch the stone door, Dumbledore's voice was very low, it seemed to have indescribable complexity, the gray stone wall, and a thin bed, the one who used to be high-spirited with him The man just lay there, looking at himself with those already cloudy eyes.This is where Dumbledore first saw the life of the first Dark Lord.

Gellert didn't seem to realize who was coming, and the person who didn't realize was the White Wizard he had been longing for all this time. He didn't know where his thoughts drifted, and there was a golden light piercing his eyes in a trance, Physiological tears welled up in the eye sockets.

"Gail," said again. Seeing Gellert like this, Dumbledore felt sad, and the feeling of guilt seemed to overwhelm him.The man seemed to have finally seen someone coming in, a ray of light lit up from the turbidity, but then dimmed suddenly, "Al?" He asked suspiciously, as if confirming the authenticity of the person coming.

"it's me."

Gellert coughed twice, picked up the water glass, moistened his dry lips, and raised the corners of his lips mockingly, "This seems to be the first time you have stepped here? Why? What's the matter?"

Three consecutive questions made Dumbledore frown. After Snape's departure and the appearance of the Snake Ancestor, he once again felt that something was wrong. The young Muai seemed to be like a cloud of smoke yesterday. No trace.Wizard Bai's intuition told him that they were no longer the congenial lovers they used to be, maybe it was just that he still couldn't let go.Youth is no more, youth is no longer, time is no longer, and the most touching emotion in the world will no longer be...

The author has something to say: Pierce: When my mind is filled with another story, how can this article continue? Oh, I’m going (ーー゛) how to break it! ! !

Contribution ends here! ! !Terrible~(≧▽≦)/~ la! ! !

☆、The First Congress of the Black and White Demon King

Young and frivolous, they parted ways for their own ideas. If there was no death mixed in this disagreement, maybe Gellert Grindelwald would not have imprisoned himself. In his heart, he felt more guilty about Dumbledore.When we met again, we learned that the pope thousands of years ago was actually possessed by Nicolas May, a master alchemist. Gellert, the first generation of Dark Lord, stood at the top of the wizarding world, and it was a shame that he had no equal opponent. sad thing.

Voldemort?That brainless kid didn't deserve to be called the Dark Lord at all.Lost to Dumbledore?Gellert smiled, this conversation finally untied his heart knot for many years, and he could let go of this hopeless obsession.Maybe let it go, and then you can start a new journey again.

The aging Gellert got up and pushed open the cell door, the dazzling light, lowered his eyes to avoid, the saints eagerly greeted their king. "My lord, do you want to welcome the young master back?" Bettany, the second ruler of the saints below the Dark Lord, asked, how could the heirs of the saints stay in such a messy place like England.

"I'm going to England myself. Next year I will be the professor of black arts at Hogwarts, so I can just see that kid. You've done a good job with saints, Bettany." After Geng Geng's subordinates ignored him, the saints concealed their strength under the leadership of Bettany, and did not lose control of the German wizarding world because of his irresponsibility. Gellert was grateful to everyone.

"Yes, my king."

"Call the saints scattered everywhere, and soon, we will welcome a war against the power of the Holy See."


"Hermione, is this the idol you adore, Professor Lockhart?" Harry pointed to the newspaper that revealed Lockhart's use of insanity to read those adventures about duels with various magical creatures, and used forget Curse to erase the news of those people's memory. "This school year is over, and Lockhart has lost his memory for no reason. It seems that Voldemort's curse is really powerful."

"Oh, Harry, don't mention that name." Ron opened his eyes wide in horror, "That's an evil dark wizard. I heard that his name is magical. He will sense your location and come to kill you. your."

Harry pouted, noncommittal.It is true that there is name magic, but even if he keeps calling Voldemort's name, that guy probably won't care.

"Merlin's stinky socks, I'm such a stupid girl with only Achnatherum splendens in my head, and I would believe that liar Lockhart," the angry Hermione didn't hear the dispute between the other two about the name Voldemort, how much love Like a person, how much you will hate a person after being cheated.

Is it really okay to use this Snape potion sentence to laugh at yourself?Harry was racking his brains and was about to comfort this clever and silly witch with dry words, when suddenly his eyes lit up and he faced the man who was coming towards him, the newly appointed Potions professor who was about to step down soon. Soul of Voldemort Tweedy, Harry repeated the name in his mind, and then said with a silly smile, "Professor Tweedy, good day."

"Good day, Professor." Hermione and Ron immediately greeted the Dark Lord Professor.

"Tomorrow you'd better leave the school by the fireplace in the headmaster's office, or spend a holiday at school." Voldemort frowned, "Go back to Gryffindor Tower to inform the Headmaster."

"Professor, can you tell us what happened?" asked the little witch who was exceptionally sensitive to all kinds of abnormalities.Harry also looked at his demon lover with puzzled green eyes.

"Azkaban Prison Escape, Dementors." After Voldemort briefly explained two words, he took a deep look at Harry and left.He just came here on purpose to tell Harry.

"Dementors have taken the Hogwarts school bus?" Ron yelled in horror, "Oh, no."

"Nothing is impossible. Since Death Eaters can leave Azkaban, what is impossible for Dementors?" Hermione looked at Ron who made a fuss with contempt.

The sudden appearance of dementors disrupted the mood of all the little wizards in Hogwarts returning home, and each college was busy organizing everyone to start learning the only spell that could deal with dementors.The heads of the four major colleges gathered in the principal's office. Snape returned to Hogwarts after learning the news. Dumbledore turned his attention to Snape, "How did that lord decide?"

"Wait a moment, everyone, there are three more lords coming soon." Snape's black eyes flickered slightly, the long and comfortable life in Slytherin Castle made him a little unbearable for the current chaotic life.

"Your Excellencies?" Professor McGonagall was puzzled. She was Dumbledore's confidant, and she knew about the appearance of the founder of Slytherin. So who were the other two referring to?Although the other two deans were also puzzled, they remained silent, as if they did not exist like air.

"They're here." Snape was about to answer when he felt the presence of his lover at Hogwarts.

"Come in." Dumbledore's voice barely suppressed the trembling. That Lord Slytherin made no secret of his malice. Except for his prejudice against Slytherin House, he didn't know where he provoked that hostility. Totally beyond the so-called academy bias.

As soon as Dumbledore's voice fell, the door of the headmaster's room opened. Salazar sneered. Every time he saw the headmaster, he would feel very bad. He went straight to Snape's side and put the other person's body in line with Slytherin's aesthetics. After turning the silver-green single-seat sofa into a double-seat sofa, he resolutely sat beside him and held Snape's hand. Snape frowned at him and turned his head nonchalantly.

"Gail?" Dumbledore's surprised voice sounded, "You..."

"Al, long time no see." Gellert smiled slightly.

"Uncle, I think it's necessary for Lucius to come, what do you think?" Reha Voldemort Tweedy asked respectfully in the direction of Salazar, while staring at Geller playfully. special.Every piece of Voldemort's soul will spare no effort where it can make things difficult for the old bee.

"Ahem, Lord Slytherin told me something, and the current situation can no longer remain in the internal struggle between A...Bus and Voldemort." Gellert awkwardly intercepted Voldemort's soul piece , who let their lover be the opponent's subordinate?Your Excellency the first-generation Dark Lord, please don't stamp people at will, they are not your personal property, okay?

The atmosphere was a bit stagnant, and the professors in the principal's office seemed to have discovered some terrible secret.Dumbledore's hands that were blocked by the table trembled, then he took off his glasses as if nothing had happened, wiped them carefully and put them on again. "I think I should confess the true identity of Professor Tweedy before we get down to business. Long time no see, Tom."

Voldemort sneered and said nothing, he looked at Salazar, it didn't matter that his uncle was with him, could this be the feeling of an elder, and he firmly refused to recognize another elder's former subordinate.

"Let's talk about the Witch Hunt first. According to the current historical records, Muggles burn wizards with fire. Of course, all the truth has become an empty concept like the Witch Hunt. No one believes Muggles. powerful."

"People who are not of my race must have a different heart. Muggles are very afraid of unknown powers. The weakness of Muggles is that if no one takes the lead in killing wizards, they may always have to compromise. In Muggles Behind it is the support of the power of the Holy See and the guidance of public opinion, which completely discredits wizards. The Holy See is developing vigorously in the Muggle world. For Muggles, this is familiar and known, and it is integrated with them, while we wizards are It's heterogeneous."

"The last place of the witch hunt movement is Hogwarts. The pope of the Holy See is called Pendifix. I found that he did not die, but existed after devouring the soul of Nicolas. This Nicolas should actually be The last descendant of the Yaxley family." Salazar paused, calmly took the water from Snape, talking too much would make her tired.

"The Yaxley family is the family that created alchemy life forms like goblins. During the goblin rebellion, this family was completely wiped out by the goblin king. Nicolas May was probably an accident." Snape added, "Another thing The matter is still being determined, it is the person who broke into the Chamber of Secrets this year, Sal and I and..." Snape glanced at Voldemort, and Voldemort rolled his eyes in his heart, "We all think that person is not Voldemort's couple fractions."

"Sev and I will be responsible for this person, and the other one is the main soul of Little Tom, understand?" Salazar looked up at Voldemort, who was speechless. He couldn't afford to offend either of these two people, "My responsibility."

"I want to interrupt everyone's conversation. What percentage of Tom is there in front of us?" Dumbledore repeated Snape's words for Voldemort, and heaped up the cockroaches on the table in a good mood. Stuff it in your mouth.

"I heard that Lord Grindelwald had a first love. I wonder if my subordinate knows about it," Voldemort asked Gellert calmly.

Speaking of business, can you not be crooked?Gellert endured it, he was just curious about this person whom the other party had never mentioned specifically to him, almost all the top forces in the entire wizarding world gathered in this principal's office, could it be that he would be no match for that person, very soon Obviously in Snape's tone, he heard fear, "What kind of existence is that person you are talking about?"

The author has something to say: I have been busy reading all kinds of novels recently, finding novels is really hard work, my hands are sore, I almost have nothing to read, and I am back to write again. . .

☆, inspirational good young Harry Potter!

The occurrence of the Azkaban prison escape incident made it easy for the group to get the eldest son of the Black family out. Sirius Black's long-term secondary status annoyed the Malfoy family, and they forced him to The man (dog) was locked up in the basement of the manor.

"Father, where did this big black dog come from?" Draco came back directly from Snape's cellar office in Hogwarts, which is connected to the fireplace in his own manor. The ghosts had concerns about this aspect, but they were shocked by the very unglamorous painting style that appeared in their own house.

A black dog tied tightly by an iron chain, with a collar hanging around its neck, kept barking "barking", and the sound was so heart-piercing that it made people feel chills all over.Draco saw some kind of anger and resignation in the eyes of the black dog, wiped his eyes, he felt dazed. "Ah, my dear little dragon, do you like this big black dog?" Lucius asked his son with a smile, bending his eyes.

"Oh, no, father, did you raise this? I have to say that this is completely inconsistent with the aesthetics of the Malfoy family. Father, your vision is really surprising." Draco had to ask this Malfoy family The fashion pioneer known for his flamboyance and elegance cast a contemptuous look, even though the person in front of him was his father whom he always respected.

"Wow, woof," Peat, this is unscientific, my dear cousin Narcissa, come and save your cousin, and my lovely nephew, what about your sympathy, I am really not a dog, Sure enough, this family is all evil Slytherins.Sirius Black wanted to tear off the chain around his neck that locked the magic power on his body, but unfortunately he couldn't use his strength at all, so he could only continue barking heart-piercingly.

Lucius patted Draco and told him to leave first.Then he conjured up an extremely Slytherin-style chair in the open space, silver and green intertwined, calm and rational.This seems to be the habit of all Slytherins, hate gold and red, impulsive Gryffindor colors.

"Narcissa and I learned about Regulus a few days ago," Lucius paused, and glanced at Black, the big dog that finally stopped barking, "Some words are inappropriate from my standpoint." , as the heir of the family, throwing responsibility to his younger brother, betraying the family, for your freedom, oh, maybe your friendship. Then, as old Potter’s friend, after his friend died, he was imprisoned in Az Caban didn't know how to justify himself, he thought that killing the real murderer would be enough, and he didn't care how Little Potter was abused and raised in a Muggle relative's house."

"Ah, people like you are not worthy of inheriting the old house of the Black family. Do you think I'm right? Black." Although the words were discussed with everyone, at this time, Lucius really despised him. Looking at the black dog in front of him.Sirius was silent for a while, then called out twice.

"Don't worry, Regulus is the real hero compared to you." As if understanding what the other party was concerned about, Lucius handed a piece of parchment to Sirius, "You never thought But what kind of impact did your act of entering the Order of the Phoenix have on the entire Black family, a family of Slytherins for generations, so Regulus had to bear everything he didn't need to bear, including the fake hangings he made himself. Locket, he's dead, and you're alive. He's a hero, and you... huh."

"I think maybe now you can calm down and continue talking with me with your brain that has been educated by the heir of the Slytherin family for more than ten years," Lucius waved his hand and untied the big dog's neck. chain.The place where the black dog was originally was smoothly replaced by a tall man with a stooped waist and a haggard face. Sirius Black, ideals and freedom once obscured his eyes, everything he did was so stupid, and his brother, that memory Li would only follow behind him, that cowardly brother who always spoke in a low voice, but did everything he should have done.

"Where is Regulus? What is your purpose?" Sirius held the parchment, the writing on it was so familiar, the signature was RAB, Regulus Arcturus Black, and he tightened his grip With the parchment in his hand, the eldest son of Blake, who had regained his composure, seemed to have really pushed through the thick fog and started to grow up at this moment.

"For some reason, we couldn't agree with you to inherit the Black family, so we made a deal with your mother's portrait. We rescued Regulus, and you were completely deprived of the right of inheritance. Of course, you no longer have the right to inherit, but this time it is possible It is deprived together with the surname." Lucius felt that he couldn't bear it when he said this, but it's a pity that whoever let this guy provoke is not an ordinary person.

"It's just like this?" It's too simple if it's just like this.Sirius didn't believe it, he was a bit stupid, but he didn't understand Slytherin's so-called alchemy-like equivalent exchange.

"Regulus is already dead, so alchemy may be required in the process of resuscitating him, and you will need to pay your magic power at that time. Most of the final results may turn you into a squib, and a small part may be to retain your magic power, but It will never recover." Lucius thinks that it is more likely to be a squib, and according to the temperament of the snake ancestor, it is absolutely impossible not to kill the whole person.

"May I ask, who did I offend?" The inheritance rights and everything else are false, but only magic power, a squib?What a joke, Sirius couldn't accept it at all, but Regulus' resurrection meant too much to him.He didn't know why the other party would make such a request.

"You can carefully think back to your student days," Lucius touched his chin, and said with a slightly sympathetic tone, "Everyone has to pay for their actions, but it's just a matter of time. The longer the debt , the thicker the interest.”

"It's the snotty one," Sirius almost jumped up, tossing and turning in his mind as if he was the only one in school. "Is he so capable?"

"Oh, four Gryffindors bullying one Slytherin is indeed a Gryffindor worth learning from." Lucius looked at Sirius with a sneering look, "The words have already been brought, anyway, do you agree or not? That's how it turned out." The originally unbearable mood was completely forgotten after the other party's Gryffindor's temper came out, and the stupid dog just didn't want to be cruel.

At this time, Hogwarts was still organizing some students to return home from the fireplace in an orderly manner, while most students chose to spend their holidays at school.Ron invited Harry, and took Hermione to his house as a guest, and the three of them were in the Gryffindor common room.Harry clutched a glass bottle with a beetle in it.Harry yawned, he declined Ron's invitation, and then asked seemingly unintentionally, "Where's your Scabbers?"

"Banban seems to be feeling very unwell these days, and has been resting in the room all the time. I don't know if it has something to do with the dementors." Ron said worriedly.

"We'd better send Scabbers to the hospital wing for Mrs. Poppy to see," Harry suggested.Hermione glanced at Harry, then turned to Ron and asked, "Scabbets has lived for so long, people tend to get sick when they get old, and mice are probably too." Then she blinked at Harry, obviously we The clever little witch saw that the problem was wrong.

"Ah, is that so?" Ron looked at Hermione suspiciously, then looked back at Harry, and then thought about the fact that the other party lived in the Muggle world, so there should be nothing wrong with what he said.It was an accident, then, that the medical wing had a rat using an Animagus, no?

Well, it was an arranged accident, after Dumbledore called the Minister of Magic, Miss Beetle in a glass bottle of some suspicious Animagus in Harry's hands sent out the next day After the news, Sirius Black's grievances were successfully cleared, but they found that no one knew where Sirius Black had gone.Harry shrugged indifferently. The person who led him out of the darkness when he was most confused was not the godfather he had never met, and the person who was always by his side was not the godfather. Harry did not lack love and help. The godfather has cleared his grievances, but he doesn't know about the rest.However, Harry scratched his hair in distress as the time for the reopening of the Potter Manor that the Snake Ancestor had said was about to come.

"My dear little Harry," the person who came hugged Harry from behind, Harry was so frightened that he almost cried out, but was soon soothed by the familiar smell on the other person.

"Viddy, you scared me," Harry patted his frightened heart, turned around and looked into Voldemort's eyes and asked, "When are you going to find your main soul?"

"Halpo, the snake pet from my uncle's family, helped me find Nagini," Voldemort sneered. What he didn't expect was that the split soul piece of the main soul was on the little girl Nagini, except for the little girl who had no intention of being on Harry's body. Katamari, Nagini is the only living body that serves as a storage container for the soul piece, and the madness of the main soul is unstoppable.

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