Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 421 17. The eyes of history

Fighting at the speed of light, reconciling at the speed of light, couples can be seen by outsiders, so I won’t comment.

——Important point, even if you want to comment, Spelby Scovalo, who suffered a lot from the relationship between Tsunayoshi Atobe and Xanxus, is not here at this time.

So this trip to Paris Disneyland for three days and two nights ended with the return of Dino Gabrielone and Hibari Yasuya, and the return of Atobe Tsunayoshi and Xanxus to Italy.

Not long after saying goodbye to senior brother Dino, Keigo Atobe, who set foot on the land of Balian Castle again, looked at the scene in front of him and was silent for a long, long time.

Then, Tsunakichi Atobe grabbed her boyfriend's clothes and was shocked.

"I only left for three days, why is Balian Castle gone?!"

Enemy attack?

That's not right, isn't this the base camp of Vengley? The next door to the location of Balian Castle is Vengley Castle. Two gorgeous castles stand opposite each other with only a moat.

But now, the Vengley Castle next door was intact and shining in the sun, and it was only a river away. The Balian Castle was in ruins, and the broken bricks, tiles and glass were pale and dull in the sunlight.

...This is too targeted. Did the enemy attackers specifically attack Balian?What hatred, what resentment!

Let's diverge our thinking again, this doesn't look like seeking revenge, could it be...

"You don't want to rebel against Pengo Lie again, the Balian Castle was destroyed by Prison Temple, right?" Atobe Tsunakichi stared at her boyfriend with wide eyes.

Yes, after this period of brainwashing by the teacher Bourne... No, it is basic education. Tsunakichi Atobe not only figured out the issue about their seniority mentioned when he quarreled with xanxus, but also Peng The current situation within Glenn.

For example, although Xanxus is the adopted son of the ninth generation of Vongola, and has been stable for a period of time under the rule of Sasuke Uchiha, the agent of the tenth generation of Vongola, this is a dangerous element with two previous convictions for rebellion.

18 years ago during the period of Vongola Ninth Generation, xanxus set off an incident that wanted to seize the cradle of Vongola Tenth Generation's throne, and eight years ago, he also tried to use the ring war to win the "Sawada Tsuna" who was still in Shangkuni at that time Ji', that is, Uchiha Zuo's assistant, the right to inherit the tenth generation of Vongola.

But both failed.

For now, although Tsunakichi Atobe, who now inherits the tenth generation of Vongola, himself doesn't care much about the power-seizure disputes that took place within Vongola, but what happened will not disappear, and it is necessary to understand it. Things to do.

And to be honest, it was more or less because xanxus had killed all the other heirs of Peng Gelie's direct lineage in the cradle incident, so Tsunayoshi Atobe was able to pick up the throne of the leader of the Tenth Generation of Peng Geli.

As a beneficiary, Tsunayoshi Atobe is really not very good at judging this.

It's just that now facing the impact of Balian Castle being turned into ruins, Tsunayoshi Atobe was thinking about conspiracy theories, thinking about the previous convictions of xanxus.

——These ideas are justifiable, not groundless.

"No, if you rebelled against Pengo Lie, why would you come back? It's still too late to run away." Atobe Tsunakichi suddenly became excited.

Facing his little boyfriend who was quite imaginative, xaxnus was silent for a while, and then said something in a very magnetic voice with his arms around Tsunakichi Atobe.

"If I betray Pengo Lie, what are you going to do, stay here, or go with me?"

"Actually, we can try Romeo and Juliet's way of falling in love." Tsunakichi Atobe thought about it and said.

"You know, it's the kind of drama where the male and female protagonists are in two opposing families, but they meet secretly, it seems very exciting."

Generally speaking, although the sea and the fish pond are gone forever, and the current future is dark and there is no light of hope at all-the fact that the romantic and passionate Italian men should have did not appear in xanxus is also speechless up.

In short, seeing the beautiful period described by Senior Shinozu is basically hopeless, but the optimistic Tsunakichi Atobe feels that Haiwang's life can still be rescued.

If you can't change your boyfriend, then try to change your love style?

For example, the smooth love at first sight is a thing of the past. Now if xanxus defected to Vongola, they can try the poignant love like Romeo and Juliet. Vengola's balcony seems to be a good place to fall in love.

After a while, maybe you can try other methods, for example, xanxus was caught by Peng Lie?

... The probability of this is quite low. After all, this tyrant has a criminal record, and the feelings of the ninth generation of Pengelie for this adopted son are well known in the world.

——Even the incident in the cradle that almost made Pengelie extinction many years ago didn't make Pengelie Ninth Generation make up his mind to kill his son. What could be more serious than this in the future.

So roughly speaking, according to Atobe Tsunayoshi's delusion, the possibility of Xanxus being caught after the rebellion is relatively small, and the possibility of him being caught by these Balian people is more likely.

At that time, can you also play the sadomasochistic love style between the captive and the master?

The thoughts of Tsunayoshi Atobe, whose mind is full of love... are also very erratic and the span is too large.

It's just, what, did Tsunayoshi think of his own business when he was thinking about falling in love, for example, Tsunayoshi Atobe's mission to come to Pengo Lie.

...What, his mission is to succeed Vongola?

Oh, it was just an accident, don't take it too seriously.

Besides, these comrades in the prison temple of Pengo Lili are very capable of working now, and it seems that it will be fine even without Tsunakichi Atobe's help. Don't be too lucky when you can paddle more in life. Life is long. , It's okay to have fun in time.

... To a certain extent, some intuitions of this senior tutor, Li Boen, are quite correct. For example, through the clues discovered after teaching Keigo Atobe, it is very keen to see that Tsunayoshi, the mutated rabbit, is indeed certain. Some aspects are useless.

Bad wood is either reflected in the body or in the mind.

From childhood to adulthood, everything went smoothly until now. Tsunayoshi Atobe, who only wants to fall in love and has never been a social animal, can be regarded as a perfect embodiment of what is meant by children not being too pampered.

However, even if Li Baoen and the others know this now, Atobe Tsunakichi's character has already been formed under the favor of his brother Atobe Keigo, and there is no way to break it back!

Yun Bei...all kinds of things.

and so.

"If I am captured, can I apply to sleep with you?" Standing in the ruins of Balian Castle, Tsunakichi Atobe bravely raised his hand and asked.

"..." This is completely out of step with his little boyfriend's thinking, and he doesn't even know what kind of messy xanxus Atobe Tsunayoshi has made up in his head.

However, Atobe Tsunayoshi's innocent and romantic personality has been fully exposed since they met, and xanxus is quite accustomed to being unable to keep up with the rabbit's fault-like way of thinking. Instead, he skillfully summed up a set of feasible strategies to deal with the little white rabbit.

For example, when you don't understand the logical relationship between Tsunakichi Atobe's preface and postscript, just choose to ignore the unclear antecedents and see the result.


"Captives are not fun, we can play something else." Xanxus said with deep eyes, reaching out to stroke Tsunakichi Atobe's chin, as if joking.

"Like if I lock you up."

"The small black house is not fun, can't we go on a trip?" It sounded like a joke, but Tsunayoshi Atobe bristled inexplicably, and changed the subject wittily.

"We went for a walk on the streets of Vienna, went to Provence to see the beautiful lavender fields, went to Stratford to watch Shakespeare's plays, and went to the Aegean Sea to watch the sunrise, and I said 'I love you' on the seaside where the bright lights shine, Couldn't be more interesting!"

So forget about the small black room, it sounds creepy, so scary!

Looking at Tsunakichi Atobe who was talking babblingly, xanxus' eyes were deep for a while, and then he seemed to be convinced, he put his arms around his little boyfriend and said, "That's fine."

Tsunayoshi Atobe (≧▽≦)!

...But, is the topic off-topic, and what have you forgotten?

It's just that the atmosphere between the two couples who got close to each other in the ruins was too good, so I won't mention those unsightly things for the time being.


"Cough cough cough..." The scenery... No, it was Spelby Skuvalo who had business to do.

Pretending not to see the terrifying eyes cast by his best friend Xanxus as if looking at a dead person, Sberby Skuvalo, who had been frightened since he was a child, calmly handed a document to Tsunayoshi Atobe's eyes.

"Sign it."

Atobe Tsunakichi looked down: "...You Balian are rebellious, why do you want me, the tenth generation of Pengelie, to sign the reimbursement form for you?"

"Who has rebelled!" Spelby Skuvalo yelled loudly.

"You didn't rebel against Balian Castle, why did the castle become like this?" Atobe Tsunakichi was also stunned.

That's right, just now he was imagining a couple of things about the changes in love after the xanxus rebellion, and it turned out that Spelby Skuvalo brought this document... What's going on?

"The castle was destroyed by this bastard, what does it have to do with Pengo Lie!" Sberby Skuvalo glanced at Xanxus next to him.

"..." Tsunakichi Atobe looked at her boyfriend.

Xanxus holding Tsunakichi Atobe was as immobile as a mountain, calm and composed.

In general, it was just a misunderstanding anyway, a misunderstanding.

"...Even if you didn't rebel, I won't sign this document." Tsunabe Atobe resolutely refused.

Just kidding, the amount in the reimbursement document in Sberby Skuvalo's hand is so large, not to mention that he still does not have the right to decide the direction of such a large amount, even if Tsunayoshi Atobe has the tenth generation of Pengele He would not accept the amount of real authority.

——If this document is signed, wouldn't Vengley's finances be over!

It's not that xanxus has a lot of private property, let him make it up for himself.

Love and money, this is something to be considered separately!

It is estimated that Tsunayoshi Atobe's attitude was too firm, and he left a particularly complicated and disgusted look at the tenth generation of Pengele before Sberby Skuvalo, who did not fool the reimbursement of the money, left.

Tsunakichi Atobe thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought that the courtiers described in the history books looked at the concubine next to the king, and they should almost have the eyes of Skuvalo.

... Tsunakichi Atobe felt a little wronged.

How should I put it, as the only boyfriend around xanxus, he should make a living in the palace!

The author has something to say: catch bugs!

【Irresponsible Small Theater】

Deceptive x: You are the demon concubine in the palace.

Leaping Rabbit: Do you still want to hug left and right? !I never thought about it!

Think about fish ponds at most.

x: ...

Or just lock people up.

There are about a few chapters left before this little story is over, and there is a story about a parallel world outside the episode!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!

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