Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 413 9. Black History

Before counting down the thick and dizzying genealogy of the Vongola family, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. After breakfast with his brother Keigo Atobe, Tsunayoshi stopped by the Sanada family's kendo gym.

To be honest, the Sanada family's kendo gym is very famous in Tokyo, and Genichiro Sanada, the youngest son of the gym owner's generation, is no stranger to Tsunayoshi.

However, it cannot be said to be very familiar.

Looking back, it should be when I was in Atobe Keigo country, when the emperor of the Ice Emperor galloped across the tennis court. As a younger brother, even if there was professional training for figure skating to complete at that time, Tsunayoshi insisted on giving My brother has the habit of cheering every game.

Don't look at how Tsunakichi looks like a big boy in his daily behavior, but Keigo Atobe, the older brother, is very dazzling and responsible. In fact, the two brothers are only one year apart. The guardian is a little childish.

But the rabbit is still a good rabbit, no matter how he was confused by Ninzu Yushi later, resulting in a subtle deviation in emotional cognition, but still the same sentence, the relationship between Tsunayoshi and his brother Keigo Atobe is very good.

But Tsunayoshi would try his best to cheer for every game where Keigo Atobe played in Hyotei Academy, and Tachikai Dai, who was the strong opponent of Hyotei Academy at that time, would of course understand the opponent's situation.

So from that time on, Genichiro Sanada, who was the vice-captain of the Tennis Club of Rikkai University, knew the existence of Tsunayoshi, and was very impressed with Keigo Atobe’s younger brother.

And counting forward, in fact, the relationship between Tsunayoshi and the Sanada family did not only start when he met Genichiro Sanada, the president of Rikkai University, in junior high school.

As mentioned before, the Sanada family's kendo gym is very famous, and the Sanada family's tradition of having police officers for generations also makes the Sanada family's kendo gym more trusted by more people.

When he was young, Keigo Atobe, the only son, had been learning various martial arts for self-defense because of the great business of the Atobe chaebol family. Later, after Tsunayoshi was adopted, he was also arranged to have the same courses.

It’s just a little different from his elder brother Keigo Atobe, who received the most elite courses. As the second son of the family, Tsunayoshi, who was more free than his elder brother Keigo Atobe, was once sent to the Sanada family’s kendo hall to learn swordsmanship.

——It’s not because of adoptive sons, it’s just a tradition among big chaebols, it’s to prevent future generations from competing for the family business. Generally, after the confirmed heirs receive the best family education, the education of the second son in the family is not so demanding .

I studied in the Sanada family's kendo gym for about three years, until the six-year-old Tsunayoshi became fascinated by the gorgeous sport of dancing on ice, and these young interest classes gradually stopped.

Therefore, when Tsunayoshi was in the Sanada Kendo Gym, he had actually met his own grandfather and uncle's family long ago, but neither of them discovered the truth at the time.

Later, when I was in junior high school, I met Genichiro Sanada, the senior of Rikkai University. In the past few years, Tsunayoshi would visit the gym from time to time. In addition to meeting with Sanada senior, it was also to visit the elderly Sanada master— — Tsunaki’s maternal grandfather.

Even though Tsunaki and his relatives didn't know each other face to face, when Tsunaki came to the kendo hall to study when he was a child, the people of the Sanada family fell in love with this boy who was as cute as a little white rabbit at first sight and were very kind.

Even the master who guided Tsunayoshi to get started back then was Sanada's grandfather who had retired for many years and had never taught his disciples.

Perhaps blood relationship is indeed quite magical.

It’s just that Tsuna Yoshi felt a little embarrassed when he visited the elders of the Sanada family these years. After all, he had been studying in the Sanada Kendo Gym for a long time when he was a child, but later he said that he went skating and never seriously studied Kendo. The face just climbed the wall.

... This subtle feeling, savor, savor!

But in any case, these things have already happened, and it is inconvenient to mention them now.

He just came to the door of the Sanada Kendo Gym as usual, but today Tsunayoshi suddenly hesitated, not knowing how to deal with these familiar but suddenly unfamiliar...relatives.

I don't know if the Sanada family knows his real identity now. If they don't know, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Tsuna to come here like this?

And when it comes to relatives, it is also because he is in Tokyo now, and the closest to Tsunayoshi is the people from Sanada Kendokan, so he will come to his grandfather's house first now, but he will also go to see his own parents after that, I heard They are in parallel... ahhhh, so entangled!

Standing at the familiar gate next to the Sanada Gymnasium hesitated for a long time, Tsuna did not make up his mind to ring the doorbell, hesitating for a long time thinking whether to come again next time.

But when he was staring at the gate in a daze, a hand pressed his shoulder from behind, Gang Ji was frightened instantly, and turned to lean on the gate with a frightened expression.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" Genichiro Sanada shyly lowered the police cap on his head, covering his reddish ears so that no one would notice.

"Sanada-senpai." Tsunakichi who came back to his senses coughed lightly, resumed his usual standing posture, and asked a question quickly.

"You are not at work, why come back at this time?"

After graduating from high school, the tennis princes who squandered all their youth on tennis courts went their separate ways. Some of them embarked on the path of professional tennis players, but most of them started a new journey in life.

This is the case with Genichiro Sanada.

Because of his family background and his strong personality, Genichiro Sanada applied for the police academy after the college entrance examination, and became a policeman after graduation.

And now when Tsunayoshi came to Sanada's house to visit, it wasn't the time for the police officer to rest. Genichiro Sanada, a policeman, appeared at his door in broad daylight... His senior didn't look like someone who arrived late and left early.

"I'm asking for leave." Genichiro Sanada replied casually, then pushed open the door of the house, looked at Tsunakichi who was standing still, and urged him.

"Come in."

"Oh." Tsuna Yoshi followed Genichiro Sanada, was silent for a while, and then said without words.

"Senior Sanada..." "Wrong." Genichiro Sanada interrupted Tsunayoshi's words, but then he might feel a little stiff, so he said in a lighter tone.

"Call, cousin."

Tsuna was startled for a moment, and then understood, obviously the Sanada family had received the news.

"Cousin." Gang Ji followed the example of goodness.

"Grandpa, they will be very happy to see you." Genichiro Sanada's eyes were soft.

In fact, it is true.

Although in the past Tsunayoshi would receive a very warm reception every time he visited Sanada's house, this time it was not the same as usual.

But maybe because of the change of status, Tsuna always feels that she is different, for example, more cordial and popular.

Genichiro Sanada's mother, Mrs. Sanada, is Tsunayoshi's aunt in terms of seniority. This enthusiastic elder brought sumptuous snacks and tea to Tsunayoshi, and when talking to him, his words were full of love and affection.

"I have long said that this child, Tsuna-kichi, is destined for our family." Mrs. Sanada looked at Tsuna-kichi's outstanding figure intoxicated, and said with a smile.

"When Gangji came to our kendo gym for the first time when I was a child, I said that it would be great if this child belonged to our family, how cute it is."

The result is theirs or theirs, and the cute child belongs to their family.

"Well, I've grown up." Tsuna reminded while biting a snack.

Children only say they are cute, and Tsuna is an adult now, okay, so he is not so childish!

"You are so cute when you grow up!" Mrs. Sanada patted Tsunayoshi's face with a smile, then got up and ran out in a panic.

"I forgot, a few steaks were fried on the pan, ready to make burgers!"

Tsunayoshi likes to eat hamburgers the most, and Mrs. Sanada's hamburgers have always been his favorite food since he was a child.


"Don't eat too much, it's not okay to make your stomach hurt." Genichiro Sanada calmly reminded him.

"..." Gangji.

No, Tsuna Yoshi had a stomachache because he ate Mrs. Sanada’s hamburger without restraint, which happened once when he was studying in Sanada Gymnasium when he was a child.

But just this one time, all the classmates and seniors from childhood to adulthood used it as a teasing reminder, can we still have a bit of privacy and dignity, and why the stupid things Tsunayoshi did in the Sanada Kendo Gym when he was a child became known to everyone later.

Gossip junior is a bit too much! ! ! !

Regarding this, Sanada Genichiro just continued to drink tea calmly, as if the gossip did not come from him.

In fact, it can't be considered that Genichiro Sanada did it on purpose.

*That probably happened in middle school.

One day when the tennis club of Tachikai University was training, the president Seiichi Yukimura and the vice president Genichiro Sanada were watching the practice match by the side of the field, and Renji Yanagi, who was sitting on a bench and used to collecting data, suddenly said something.

"Do you remember Keigo Atobe's younger brother? I heard that he was not born in the Atobe family."

Because he is used to collecting information about all the opponents they fight against, Liu Renji has carefully collected information about Keigo Atobe, but he did not expect to find some unexpected news recently.

People, occasionally gossip a little.

"It's not his own, nor is it an illegitimate child." Yukimura Seichi said with a smile.

Otherwise, Keigo Atobe could treat his younger brother so well?Princes are not stupid.

"It's an adopted son, but the Atobe family seems to have concealed the news." Liu Lian'er closed the computer and said.

"But I got inside information. I heard that Tsunakichi Atobe didn't know that he was adopted when he was a child, but later this incident was accidentally leaked. When he was five years old, Tsunakichi Atobe cried a lot and ran away from home. .”

"The day I ran away from home, I brought my favorite little white rabbit doll and cried pitifully." Genichiro Sanada subconsciously added.

And the child is stupid, the farthest place he can go when he runs away from home is the park near Sanada's house. When Genichiro Sanada found him, Tsunakichi was still hiding under a tree and couldn't get out. He cried miserably while holding the little white rabbit doll .

Later, it was Keigo Atobe who came to find them, and the two six-year-old 'big kids' cooperated to carry five-year-old Tsunayoshi down from the tree.

Later, it was Keigo Atobe who took his brother home with distress while teaching him a lesson, while Genichiro Sanada at that time patted the dust on his body and went home by himself.

Thinking about it, it all happened many years ago, Genichiro Sanada was quite surprised that he remembered it so clearly.

However, these memories of Sanada Genichiro surfaced, which surprised the two good friends Yukimura Seiichi and Yanagi Renji, and instantly cast their eyes on the normally taciturn friend. Things are surprising.

"Tsunayoshi studied at my kendo gym when he was a child." Genichiro Sanada explained and added something by the way.

"He is very greedy. When he was a child, he could eat hamburgers made by my mother until his stomach ached."

Just such a sentence, so the gossip that Keigo Atobe's younger brother Tsunayoshi is completely different from his stinky brother is a silly, white and sweet gossip, and it has spread to all colleges and universities.

So how publicized Keigo Atobe was when he was a student in front of his opponents in these colleges, and his brother's stupid stories were widely spread.

Roughly speaking, Gang Ji was also implicated by his brother, after all, such things as sitting together have existed since ancient times!

The author has something to say: Rabbit: Excessive!Why do persimmons only pick soft ones (T^T)!

Yukimura & Liu: Because it's easy to pinch (≧▽≦)!

Probably some memories, and then I am ready to go to Pengo Lie.

Just a reminder, this is just a short story, not too long, so the plot is a bit tight, but I will write everything that needs to be made clear.

Take your time at the end of the episode, be careful!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of lazy cats; 5 bottles of small strawberries;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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