Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 406 2. The Last Supper

This is a parallel world, located in the Vongola Castle in Sicily.

This evening was originally the same as usual, and it should be dinner time for this year's new tenth generation of Pengelie.

However, in such a leisurely private time, the guardians of Pengoile and the high-level personnel of Balian who were gathering in the huge restaurant of Pengoilei Castle sat on the left and right sides of the long table with the goose yellow tablecloth belt Even the warm scenes that come here cannot conceal the smell of gunpowder that is gradually filling up at this time.

"Oh, you said that the enemy who attacked Vongola last time claimed that he was the real blood of Vongola and accused me of being a counterfeit?"

Sitting at the top of the long table, Peng Lie Judai had a playful expression on his face, and he was completely unmoved when he heard this horrifying thing, and there was no panic in his eyes, as if he really just heard a joke.

Then, only 24 this year, the young and promising Pengelie Judai looked at the high-level assassination team headed by xanxus on his left, and said.

"What do you think?"

"It's nonsense, Judaimu and us have been fighting since we were young, so we don't know whether he is real or not."

Before the people on Balian's side could speak, Hayato, who was sitting first on the right hand side of Pengele Judaimu, spoke with a fiery temper, accusing him.

"A criminal who was still attacking Pengo Lie a few days ago, how can such a person be trusted!"

"That's right, do we, Pengo Lie, want to doubt our leader just because of the words of an outsider." Without even the smile of verbal obsession, Liu Daoku stared blankly at Balian, who was opposite, and said.

"Or is it Balian's conspiracy? Is the position of the tenth generation of Pengele so persevering?"

Currently, the ninth generation of Pengele is on vacation. In the headquarters of Pengele in Sicily, only the power of the newly appointed tenth generation of Pengele is comparable to that of Balian.

If the question of the tenth generation of Pengelie's lineage came out at this time, then their throne under the tenth generation of Pengelie would be unstable now, and it seems not difficult to imagine who the beneficiary would be.

All of a sudden, several unfriendly gazes were cast on Xanxus who was wearing a jacket and had a terrifying aura, the shining eyes were more revealing than words.

But before the foreseeable fight came, Pengelie Judai pressed the pause button at the right time.

"Don't be like this, I believe this matter is not a conspiracy by Balian." Pengelie Shidaimu defended his assassination team.

"Judaimu..." Hayato Gokuji was a little worried.

"After all, Balian has their pride, and they don't bother to do such a dirty trick." Pengelie Judai said jokingly.

"Isn't it like the straight-forward style of the Ring War back then that was in line with Balian's style? By the way, when Skuvalo and you guys rebel again, I will definitely not rebel this time. Whoever wants to sit on the throne of the leader of Vongola .”

There is really nothing in this world that is more exhausting than Pengelie's position as the tenth generation. If it wasn't for... more than 20 years ago, he would not be able to be such a social animal in this world that was originally just a vacation.

Vongola Judaimu... Tsk, fortunately, all of this is coming to an end.

However, no one knew the secret thoughts of the tenth generation of Pengelie, and hearing his shocking words of inciting others to rebel against him, at such a sensitive moment, the people sitting in the restaurant at this moment relaxed.

This kind of tone is the ten generations of Pengelie they know, that's right!

"Gang, it's a foregone conclusion, so don't keep saying such frustrating words. The position of Peng Gelie's leader isn't that bad." Takeshi Yamamoto tried to smooth things over with a haha.

Ran and egg.

Since the tenth generation of Pengelie sat on the throne of the leader of Pengelie, he complained once every three days and encouraged him every five days. The attitude of Gleijudaime Salted Fish also knows too much.

Really, if he really didn't want to be the tenth generation of Pengelie, he wouldn't have worked so hard when he was young. Now it's a foregone conclusion and he despises this throne. The tone of Versailles is simply outrageous.

But to use the excuse that Pengele Judaimu often talks about.

"When I was working hard as a teenager, how did I know that such a social future was waiting for me!"

Just like buying and selling goods, high-end products can also give people an experience period, and they can return the goods at the original price if they are not satisfied, but Peng Gelie's tenth generation purpose is simply the overlord clause.

When they were young, the leaders like Bao En boasted that the throne of the leader of Pengelie was as high as the sky and the earth. Now that the ten generations of Pengelie are sitting in this position, they realize how outrageous these people are fooling him.

But what's even more outrageous is that even if the experience feels bad now and I want to regret it, there is no option to return the throne of Peng Gelie's tenth generation... How can I play it!

Seeing that if Balian's Xanxus really gave up his plan to usurp the throne, there would be no other way for Pengelie Shidaimu... Hehe, how could it be possible.

For example, now is the time.

After the atmosphere eased, the scene of the confrontation just now relaxed a lot, and Lusilia on Balian's side complained and explained in a timely manner.

"Actually, we don't believe it either, but people have always believed in Judaime."

"If you believe so much, you still ask this question." The young Lan Bo muttered in a low voice.

But whoever was present, everyone could hear Lan Bo no matter how softly he whispered, but now he pretended not to hear it.

However, the tenth generation of Pengele did not blur the question, and asked directly: "Tell me, what was the attacker's original words?"

It was obvious that the incident was outrageous and was brought to him. It seemed that the attacker was probably the one he was looking for.

The tenth generation of Pengele was just curious about how the attacker planned to quibble about his identity.

"That person said that he is the real 'Sawada Tsunayoshi', but his identity was replaced by... when he was three years old. Since then, he has been wandering outside and only recently recovered his childhood memories." The appearance of a baby The Mammon spoke clearly.

As for the ambiguous name in Mamon's mouth, everyone knows that the attacker accused Judaime, who is now on the throne of the leader of Vongola, for replacing his identity as 'Sawada Tsunayoshi', and it was when he was three years old. .

What happened 21 years ago, the tenth generation of Pengelie who they know now may not be sure, so this lawsuit appeared in front of them.

But Pengelie Shidaimu suddenly realized, no wonder he couldn't find the trace of this person all these years, it turned out that this guy lost his memory.

The soul of an outsider after amnesia will be regarded as an aborigine of this world by default. No wonder this person escaped his pursuit back then.

But now this guy has regained his memory, and he still can't forget the identity of 'Sawada Tsunayoshi'. Also, the protagonist's luck is huge.

It's just that this is an identity that people can't forget and covet. If you have a life to remember, you have to have a life to enjoy it.

"Whether it is Vongola's bloodline or not is not something that can be verified directly." Vengola Judai crossed his hands on the dining table and said with a relaxed expression.

"The ninth generation of Pengelie is not here. My father among the consultants outside the door is probably in Sicily now."

As an outside consultant and the father of the tenth generation of Vengley, although Sawada Iemitsu's status in Vengley can be imagined, this person does not have a fixed residence in Vengley Castle.

Because according to Vengley's tradition, only the current Vengley leader and his guardians can live in the Vengley Castle for a long time.

This is why Vongola Ninth and the others are going abroad for vacation now, because Vongola Tenth’s position in the top position is not yet firm. At this time, there can only be one voice in Vongola Tenth. Affected by anyone's prestige.

So at this time, even as the father of Vengley's tenth generation, Sawada Iemitsu must abide by the rules of Vengley and his outside consultants and live in a small town outside.

But he doesn't live far away. If Pengele Tendaimu and the others want to verify the bloodline now, if all goes well, Pengele Tendaimu and others can still fall asleep in the same biological clock as usual.

……If all goes well.

At this time, the door of the restaurant suddenly opened, and Li Baoen, who looked like a baby, entered the restaurant surrounded by servants.

"I just sent someone to do a DNA test. Jiaguang is in the infirmary now, and the test report will come out in half an hour."

As an outside consultant and also the tenth generation teacher of Pengel, it was only natural for Li Baoen to come here upon hearing the news and intervene in this matter.

So now the troublesome matter is resolved by the teacher, and Peng Lie Judai looked like he was finally off work, and said directly: "Then let's eat first, I'm starving to death."

Big things will be discussed in half an hour, and now the delicious dinner is the theme, and other things will be dismissed.

In response to this, Li Baoen kicked in the air: "Look at how promising you are!"

Holding the ramen served by the servant, Pengele Judai turned around nimbly, and hid directly behind Hayato Gyoji with a chair.

"Don't always sneak attacks while eating, it's too tasteless, teacher!"

And I guess this is also the last meal, can it make people have some good memories!

Takeshi Yamamoto and the others on the side smiled cheerfully. This dinner was as happy and warm as usual.

After dinner, to be exact, half an hour was only enough for Pengelie Judai, who had a fast meal, to finish eating. Others, such as Mamun from Balian, were still leisurely cutting steaks.

The DNA verification report from Pengo Lie appeared in front of Li Baoen, who was drinking coffee and eating dessert, like a meal.

"How is it?" Seeing Li Baoen's leisurely appearance, Hayato Gujiji wished he could grab the report in his hand and read it.

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is that, as the number one killer in the underground world, Li Baoen's strength is far from what Hayato can handle.

So in a hurry, I can only watch.

Fortunately, Li Baoen was not too appetizing. After reading the report, he directly stated the result: "The attacker is not of Pengo Lie's blood, and he has no blood relationship with Jiaguang at all."

"I just said that this matter is fake and boring." Spelby Skuvalo snorted.

If it weren't for Mamon and Belphegor who insisted on coming to Pengele Castle, they wouldn't be here now.

"But there is one interesting thing." Li Baoen raised his head from the report, fixed his eyes on his students, seemed to be smiling, but said in a cold tone.

"Vongola's Judaime, you, as 'Sawada Tsunayoshi', have no blood relationship with Iemitsu."

There was a sudden silence in the restaurant.

……What! ! ! ?

It is because of the bloodline of the first generation, Sawada Iemitsu's son, 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' can sit on the throne of Vongola Judai, but now Li Baoen says that they Vongola Judai and Sawada Iemitsu have no blood relationship!

In the silence, there was a sudden burst of laughter, and everyone immediately looked at the source of the laughter——Pongelie Shidaimu.

"I just found out, it's really slow." Putting down the napkin in his hand, Peng Gelie Judai crossed his hands on the table again, and said calmly.

"I am indeed not 'Sawada Tsunayoshi', my name is Uchiha Sasuke, an enforcer from another world."

The author has something to say: Sasuke is not a villain, and the person who attacked Pengo Lie is not the real 27.

The little white rabbit hasn't appeared yet.

However, the plot of the extra episode will be tighter, 27 will not be on the stage for a long time, and Sasuke doesn't have many roles, so a guest appearance will promote the plot.

1. The story in the if line has little to do with the main text, it is a love story between x and 27 in another world.

The side story is probably not long, so let's take it easy.

The background of this story will be made clear in these chapters.

2. To sort out the time of the if line, the real Tsunayoshi Sawada was replaced by a counterfeit when he was three years old, but the counterfeit was hunted down by the law enforcement officer Sasuke who came to this world for vacation.

So the three-year-old Tsunayoshi Sawada disappeared, and the impostor lost his memory and hid. In order to maintain the "destiny" of this world, Sasuke temporarily replaced the position of Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Until now, the impostor has been found, and the real Tsunayoshi Sawada will make an appearance soon.

3. The Sasuke here is borrowed from the character design of the memory chapter in the next door "Don't Sleep", not from the character design in Naruto. My next door's text is like a mountain. This Sasuke has experienced more.

Since Sasuke's private setting is very complicated, I will briefly introduce it in the next chapter, but those who are interested can read the memories in "Don't Sleep", which is very detailed.

As a character in the series, I won't focus too much on Sasuke's past in Pengo Lili, as long as everyone has an understanding of it.

Note: The pre-received article "Ninja's Utopia Daily" is going to write the story of Sasuke, but the article will not be considered until the end of Dazai's article.

When it's finished, I'll come back and show you the way.

4. That's about it, I won't spoil the rest.

Than heart!

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