Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 395 79. Do you know that I love you?

[Tsuna Yoshi's 23-year-old little tail]

Regarding the salary and the complaint, Fran said it was easy, but he acted vigorously, but the reality was a little bit unexpected.

For example, among Vongola, the Ministry of Finance is of course responsible for paying salaries, and the immediate boss of the Ministry of Finance is Vengola's Rain Guardian Takeshi Yamamoto.

Wanting to comment on the issue of salary, Fran's first stop was of course the Ministry of Finance in Vengley Castle.

But Takeshi Yamamoto, who was rarely on duty in the Ministry of Finance this day, after hearing Fran's reason for coming, spread his hands helplessly and said.

"There are fixed regulations on the salaries of guardians and alternate guardians in Vengley, and it doesn't mean that salary increases can be increased."

In fact, as a huge organization that has been passed down for hundreds of years, it is also the royal family of the inner world, not just the guardian of Vengley, and the wages of all apparent positions in the inner world have a regulation.

——Just like in the government departments of the world, there are regulations on the salary of the army, the salary of civil servants, or the salary of temporary workers.

This kind of system has lasted for so many years in Vengley, and it is a regulation formulated by countless outstanding economists. This kind of regulation allows the economy in the inner world to circulate itself and form an independent closed loop. I know that I can’t change it casually.

By the way, fixed wages are one thing, personal assets are another, and the two should not be confused.

For example, in the watch world, there are also civil servants. Some civil servants are admitted from the bottom, so their personal assets are relatively small, while some civil servants have richer families, so their personal assets are more.

In the other world, it is also a guardian or staff member of a class, of course, there is this difference.

But these are off topic.

In short.

"The salary of the alternate guardian of Balian is considered the highest. If you want a bonus, you can do a few more missions." Takeshi Yamamoto patted Fran on the shoulder with a laugh.

"But the salaries of chefs in Balian Castle are almost higher than me." Fran complained.

"That person was hired by Xanxus at his own expense, and has nothing to do with Pengo Lie." Takeshi Yamamoto shrugged.

In other words, Fran is a person in the other world system, and his personal salary and benefits are constant, while the chef in Balian Castle is only employed by Xanxus, who has money and can spend it however he wants, What can I do?

If you have the ability, Fran can try to ask Xanxus for a bonus, this matter is not within the scope of Vengley's responsibility.

In this regard, Fran can only: "..."

The reality is cruel.

Hit by the cruel reality, the boss did not appear at the dining table in Balian Castle during lunch that day, and Captain Spelby Scuvaro was also absent. Fran complained a few times to Mamon, who was also sensitive to money. sentence.

"Fortunately, I was born and died, and my salary is not as high as that of a chef. I think it is very unfair. I want to protest!"

"You can try it, but the possibility of a salary increase is not high." Mamon, who was still a baby at that time, was floating beside the dining table, cutting steak with her short hands, all kinds of expressions were hidden under the high-collared cloak, which could not be seen clearly.

——Don't ask Mamon how he knew that the possibility of a salary increase is not high, ask because he has tried before, but the result is obviously not ideal.

"Hee hee hee, the frog is such an idiot, who expects these dead wages these days."

Belphegor, who crawled out of the exam hell at the Mafia school a few days ago, was sitting aside at this moment, the knife and fork in his hand rubbing brightly, laughing at Fran as always.

"The wages paid by Peng Lie can't even match the fraction of the prince's expenses."

"Of course, the prince (pseudo) is either eating and drinking in Balian Castle, or wasting his youth in a mafia school, where is the money going to be used." Without turning his head, he let Belphegor's throwing knife stab him into the hat, Fran complained without changing his expression.

"Public funds are used for private purposes. I really should ask the rabbit next door to sanction corrupt elements like you, the prince (pseudo)."

In Vengley, it is because there are high-level personnel like Belphegor and others who fake public affairs for personal gain, so the internal public financial situation has been worrying in recent years.

If there is no prince Belphegor (false), the air in Balian Castle will be much fresher, Fran is looking forward to that.


"Don't mention the rabbit next door. This morning Peng Lie's Ministry of Finance issued a notice, and next month our salary in Balian will be deducted again." Mamon bit his fork and snorted softly.

"What? What's the reason this time?" Lucilia on the side was so surprised that she exploded and wailed.

"I have a huge list of skin care products ready to pay next month!"

"I heard that the rabbit woke up this morning with a toothache and was in a bad mood, so he deducted Balian's wages." Mamon's knife and fork scratched the plate and made a harsh sound of "呵啦——" and repeated his tone.

Simply put, since becoming the tenth generation of Pengelie, the rabbit next door has really drifted away, and they don't even bother to find a legitimate reason to deduct their salaries from Balian's side if there is nothing to do.

Bad mood?Meow, why didn't the rabbit say that he was pregnant and moody? If the rabbit dared to become pregnant, Ma Meng, a miser who regards money as his life, would dare to pay a huge amount of money. Who is afraid of anyone!

...Well, a friendly reminder, don't set the flag randomly.

But these are digressions, let's get down to business.

This side was shocked for a moment that the rabbit next door Peng Lie was no longer a human being. After regaining his senses, Lusilia quickly calmed down, raised his orchid finger and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, the boss will pay us back wages."

Well, Pengo Lie doesn't give out money, and it's okay to use Xanxus' private property to pay salaries anyway. As long as you can get the money, Lusilia doesn't care who sends the money.

"Be sober, can the money given by Bass be the same as that given by Peng Lie!" Mamon's little voice was trembling with excitement.


"What's the difference?" Fran complained, holding his mouth shut, "Anyway, whether it's paid by the boss or by Vengley, my salary is not as high as that of the chef."

Let me explain, before Fran said that the chef's salary in Balian Castle was almost catching up with him, but now he said that his salary was lower than the chef's.

Instead, in just a few days, the chefs at Balian Castle, who were about to catch up with Fran's salary, got a raise again. At this moment, the chef's salary is really higher than Fran's.

Of course, since Fran is the only alternate guardian in Balian, his salary as an alternate guardian of Balian is now less than that of the chef of Balian Castle and less than that of the official guardian of Balian.

——This kind of equation looks very sad, tsk tsk tsk!

So anyway, no matter who pays the wages, Fran is at the bottom of the food chain. The sad reality is not exciting.

But for Mamon, whoever pays the money is very telling.

"Aren't you stupid? Boss is older than us." Mamon said shockingly.

"When the boss dies first, we can share his property equally. Haven't you thought about it!"

And at this time, if Mameng and the others get their salary from Pengo Lie, they will get extra money, but getting their salary from Xanxus is equivalent to getting their own future money. Isn't this a loss?

Do the math, it's not worth it!

"..." Luslia & Belphegor & Fran.

Fuck, you are still brave, Bass is still alive and well now, and now he is thinking about his legacy, how dare Mamun!

"It doesn't matter, the boss doesn't care about things after death." Mamon waved his short hands and imagined the future.

After death, he doesn't care about the floods, and naturally he doesn't care about the ghosts and monsters that will greet his property. Xanxus only lives in the present, and it doesn't matter how the garbage is tossed after death.

Of course, it doesn't matter who divides up his property.

Instead of taking advantage of outsiders, it's better to let Mamon and his companions divide up. Anyway, the members of Balian are loyal to the boss, and it's not too much to make some money after working hard all their lives.


"It's as if these properties will have no owners." Fran, who was holding the frog hat, complained sharply, "If the boss gets married in the future, the money will belong to the other half. What does it have to do with us?"

"Impossible, it's impossible for a boss like you to get out of the order in this life." Mameng vowed.

Then... who knows.

"Speaking of which, I think the boss has changed a bit in the past few days." Luslia said with a strange expression covering her cheeks.

"Boss seems to have changed his perfume, and his clothes are much brighter."

How should I put it, although xanxus used to be as extravagant as a successful man, but now it looks more extravagant, and more...hormone bursting with masculine charm soaring.

"Has the boss taken a fancy to anyone recently?" Lusilia said to the point.

"How is that possible." Mamon sneered at this speculation, "No woman dared to approach the boss at the recent banquet."

The brutality of the Balian leader Xanxus has not been a day or two. Spelbi Scuvaro is more philandering in Sicily, and Xanxus is more daunting in the banquet. Which woman is not afraid of death and dares to approach Xanxus.

——It has to be said that on the opposite side of gossip, Wushou Mameng, who comes and goes without a trace, does have an inherent advantage.

However, sometimes people are blinded by established illusions.

No woman dares to approach xanxus, what about men?

The banquet at Vengley Castle was the same as usual. What was slightly different was that Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was drunk at the banquet this day, did not wait to guard the protection of the knight prison temple Hayato, but plunged into the waiting room for a long time. In the arms of the tyrant.

Alcohol confuses people and makes them confused all night. The moon shyly hides in the clouds late at night. After this night, everything will be different.

It was just alcohol and fatigue, and it was the first time again. After being distracted and infatuated, Tsunayoshi Sawada fell into a deep sleep, and the satisfied xanxus clasped the rabbit in his arms, his eyes were deep and dangerous.

Staring at Tsunayoshi Sawada who had fallen asleep for a while, xanxus stretched out his hand and gently brushed away the sweat-soaked hair on Tsunayoshi Sawada's face, then got up and carried the princess to the bathroom.

——I gave you a chance to leave, but you don't run away.

——There will be no second time.

On the bathroom wall with mottled lights and shadows, there was a silhouette of a tall and ferocious man bowing his head and kissing the forehead of a sleeping man.

The silhouette flashed by, and so did the warmth that no one knew.

But the future is still long.

The author has something to say: It is probably the closed loop of one-night stand at the beginning (≧▽≦)!

270: The property of x is mine, so you don't have to think about it.

Marmon: ...

Fran: ...

Without giving any hope, the black rabbit is simply not human! ! ! !

A new chapter will be added tomorrow!

The reminiscence chapter is over, and the next chapter is the last point of the main text.

At the end of the month, ask for a wave of nutrient solution.

By the way, there are still a few collections in the column that can break through [-], please hold your thighs and ask your friends to help you gather together.

It would be great if I could get a collection of 444 this year. This is my lucky number.

Please, love you guys, love you!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!

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