Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 375 59. Unexpected Strike

[The 20-year-old single dog]

After staying up all night batching documents and working overtime, Tsunayoshi Sawada was still yawning when he touched his neck early in the morning and went to the restaurant of Vengley Castle.

But fortunately, one's physical fitness will naturally improve after adulthood, plus the experience of working part-time as a bodyguard in the past two years in college, staying up all night is not uncomfortable except for being a little sleepy.

After sitting by the light-yellow tablecloth in the restaurant and drinking a cup of refreshing coffee, the drowsiness was gone.

After waking up, Tsunayoshi Sawada looked around, only to find that the restaurant in Vengley Castle was a little deserted today.

Peng Lie Jiudaimu, who usually comes to eat together, and the senior guardians around Jiudaimu are not here today.

On the long table more than ten meters long, Sawada Tsunayoshi and the teacher Li Baoen sitting opposite were forgetting each other, surrounded by maids and housekeepers.

"Is Grandpa Jiudaimu still awake?" Tsunayoshi Sawada was a little puzzled.

And what answered him was a large hammer coming towards him. Tsunayoshi Sawada subconsciously squatted down with his head in his arms, and his movements were so skillful that he felt sad.

Hearing the sound of a hammer hitting the wall, Sawada Tsunayoshi poked his head out from under the long table tremblingly.

"I'll just ask a question, Li Baoen, what are you doing!"

It's unreasonable to light the hammer when there is a disagreement, and Tsunayoshi Sawada is not asking questions that cannot be asked!

"Kudaime left for America yesterday afternoon." Li Baoen took a sip of coffee calmly, his movements were elegant and gentlemanly, as if he wasn't the one who just threw the hammer to try to murder the rabbit.

"...So?" Tsunayoshi Sawada didn't understand.

"You only know such obvious information now, what did you do yesterday." Li Baoen snorted coldly.

As Peng Lie Jiudaimu's assistant, Sawada Tsunayoshi is with Jiudaimu in the Apollo Hall every day, but Sawada Tsunayoshi didn't know that Kudaimu left Sicily yesterday evening?

An assistant who is so dull, shouldn't he be beaten to death!

"……"Kokichi Sawada.

How did he know about the impromptu decision of Grandpa Jiudaimu!

Moreover, Vongola Castle is so big, the helipad in the castle and the range of Sawada Tsunayoshi's daily activities are not in the same direction, and there are not many chances of encountering each other. How could Sawada Tsunayoshi know these things!

"As the tenth member of Pengelie, there are still things you don't know about in this base camp." Li Baoen sneered, and took out his pistol calmly.

"I think you'd better go to Santuchuan to stay, don't waste air in the world."

"……"Kokichi Sawada.

Does the morning start with a gunshot feel a bit ruthless to the Mafia?

But for Sawada Tsunayoshi.

"Excessive, if it weren't for the prison temple and they have to go to class..."

With messy hair, he saved his life from the firepower of his own devil teacher, and on the way to the Apollo Hall to prepare for work, Tsunayoshi Sawada couldn't help complaining.

But in the middle of complaining, I thought about the performance of my companions, Hayato and Takeshi Yamamoto in front of Li Baoen in the past... Forget it, they are useless, the hammer of the Great Demon King is mighty and domineering, and the guardians of the tenth generation of Pengelie I can't hold it.

After Zetian Tsunayoshi came to power, who else could stand against him, the devil teacher, probably only Balian.

After all, in Tsunayoshi Sawada's impression, Sberby Skuvalo was never afraid of the killer Riboun, and Xanxus was even more...

No, what are you thinking about him? !

Probably because he was dazzled by those seemingly invisible eyes when he was working overtime in the middle of the night yesterday, Tsunayoshi Sawada is only thinking about it now that he hasn't recovered.

Clear up the distracting thoughts that are disturbing your mind, and now you have to work.

As the ruling family of the other world, Pengo Lie's daily work involves coordinating the relationship of other families in addition to the family affairs of the Mafia.

——It is necessary to take into account the balance of interests among the various families in the inner world, and to prevent people from secretly cooperating to shake Pengo Lie's powerful rule.

Combining vertical and horizontal, continuous elimination and fighting, whether it is the art of war or political psychology, in short, everything is involved.

As the heir of Vengley, Tsunayoshi Sawada basically knows everything.

It's just that there are too many things to learn and few things to be good at.

After wandering around for so many years, in fact, Tsunayoshi Sawada himself feels a little bit confused now, because apart from the practice of dying fire that he has always insisted on, what he has learned now is like Rootless duckweed.

——Looking at the flowers and flowers, I don’t know what to do, what about court etiquette, paperwork, heir’s self-cultivation and precautions in various languages ​​and human relations, as well as the thick genealogy and marriage relationship explanation of the Pengelie family.

But after all, he didn't receive education in this area since he was a child. Now that he thinks about it, after going to university and starting to practice in Pengo Li, although on the surface, Tsunayoshi Sawada has begun to integrate into the other world.

In fact, standing in the banquet hall of Vongola Castle talking and laughing happily, for Tsunayoshi Sawada, it is not as good as when Balian stood in front of him with murderous intentions at the age of 14 and announced that he would seize the title of Vengola's heir. The ring, the truth that came at that moment.

After all these years, is Sawada Tsunayoshi really stepping into the strange land of the other world step by step?

Why did Tsunayoshi Sawada sit alone in the Apollo Hall, which symbolizes the power of the leader of Vongola, looking at the empty office where other people are not qualified to enter, and turned his head to the big desk where Vongola Nine Generations works every day.

——It’s just that Jiudaime is not here now, and he is on a business trip to America.

At this time, the sun filled the silence of the Apollo Hall, and Tsunayoshi Sawada felt cool and lonely.

At this point, it’s time for Prison Temple to wake up for class early in the morning. Senior Yamamoto may have just bitten his first bite of bread in the mafia school. Collom lives alone in the girls’ dormitory with others, and he is probably used to life in a foreign country. Rhythm up.

Muku... It's fine if he doesn't bully others at school. The elder brother should be punching. Today, Lanbo has no class. If he doesn't sleep until the afternoon, he probably won't wake up. Senior Hibari, who is far away in Japan and goes to university, said the same thing , it’s not bad that this guy doesn’t bully others.

Most of the companions wasted their lives wantonly in the mafia school at the foot of the mountain. Only Tsunayoshi Sawada had to stay in the castle under the protection of Vengley for an internship.

How should I put it, why did Tsunayoshi Sawada feel that he was not free when he was in Japan after coming to Sicily?

It’s not the kind of freedom where you can’t see your companions. Prison Temple and the others will still come to Vengley Castle to help when they are free, but... When he was in Japan, Sawada Tsunayoshi once fought with Spelby and the others, making a fuss memory.

But in Sicily, because the mafia school is under the control of Xanxus, Tsunayoshi Sawada will be strictly prohibited by Peng Lie's elders even if he steps in.

Actually, Tsunayoshi Sawada would also be very curious.

This school bears the history of Vengley, the school where every leader of Vengley after the second generation has attended, the place where the companion prison temple and the others are currently studying, and the place where wanton people like Xanxus lived, what does it look like? ?

... Cough, he wasn't thinking about xanxus, but Tsunayoshi Sawada was thinking about the prison temple and the others!

Yes, I was distracted just now, where did I think?

Before Tsunayoshi Sawada regained his composure, a subordinate of Peng Gelie entered the Apollo Hall to report urgently.

"Your Excellency Judaime, just now there is news from the Intelligence Department that fighter jet No. 1224 has disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean and is suspected of being attacked by the enemy."

Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was holding a signature pen in his hand, paused, his usual gentle eyes suddenly changed.

——The person who took the No. 1224 fighter jet to the mission this morning is Xanxus!

The author has something to say: look forward to the May Day holiday!

Than heart!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Yunhe;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Fusu; 5 bottles of chalice;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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