Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 333 17. The Sinful Man


There is a more realistic problem that has been throughout Tsunayoshi Sawada's entire college career, that is, as a world-class prestigious school in the world, the holiday time of Tokyo University does not completely overlap with the mafia school in Sicily.

For example, although Dongda’s winter vacation and the mafia school’s vacation time overlap somewhat during the annual holiday, people all over the world go home for the New Year at about the same time.

But during the summer vacation, it's different.

As I said before, Tsunayoshi Sawada is on summer vacation here, and he traveled all the way to Vongola’s side to do white jobs. Hayato and others, the guardians of Vongola’s tenth generation, are still in the mafia school Close the little black house.

...To be precise, the only ones in the small black room are Hayato and Rokudoku, and Takeshi Yamamoto, Rambo, Kurom, and Ryohei Sasakawa are all fine.

But even if it's okay, Coulom and the others are still in school. Unless they wait until the weekend, they usually don't have time to come out of the mafia school to help Tsunayoshi Sawada.

And the only guardian who didn't go to the mafia school, Hibari Kyoya is now far away on vacation in Naisei, beyond reach (or even in Sicily, she won't help), it's an unreliable fact.

In other words, if Xanxus came to Vongola Castle to block people at this time, Tsunayoshi Sawada would be absolutely helpless, and he would not be able to find anyone to help.

...But, heck, I was joking too.

The Ninth Generation of Vengley is still in charge of Vengley Castle at this time, how could xanxus throw himself into the trap of this adoptive father's territory.

I have to say that Tsuna Yoshifuku Sawada has a great life, as long as he hides in the Vongola Castle and does not come out, basically nothing will happen to him.


But these are also digressions, let’s get down to business.

Here is still talking about Zetian Tsunayoshi's internship at Pengo Lie Castle.

Although there are no friends who can help, fortunately, Tsunayoshi Sawada has been tempered by the devil teacher Li Baoen over the years, and there is still no problem in dealing with some basic things in the other world.

Coupled with the importance that the ninth generation of Pengelei now attaches to the successor of Tsunayoshi Sawada, and the firm support of many royalists in Pengelei, Tsunayoshi Sawada's position in the world is still very stable.

——Even if you don't get much money during the internship, as the sure leader of the next generation of Pengel, you still have the respect you deserve.

"Money, money, money, you know money, can you have something to do!" Li Baoen, a big hammerhead of the Len brand, and Sawada Tsunayoshi... directly dodged.

Just kidding, Tsunayoshi Sawada was incapable of resisting Li Baoen when he was 14 years old, now he is 20 years old, can he still be squeezed!

——Even if Tsunayoshi Sawada is willing, those royalists who support the tenth generation of Pengel can't just watch such a tragedy happen under their noses.

Taking Lien back, Li Baoen glanced at Sawada Tsunayoshi indifferently.

"...As for the bonus of the consultant outside the door next month, I think it can be settled according to the highest level standard. What do you think, teacher?" Tsunayoshi Sawada counseled... No, Congxin.

Respecting the teacher is not just following the heart, who can object!

...It is also real in the world.

But this little fact is actually an episode, an accident that happened to Tsunayoshi Sawada during his work that day.

In fact, the theme of Tsunayoshi Sawada's work today is actually sending documents.

To be precise, the internship work during this period required Zetian Tsunayoshi to send documents. The main purpose was to make Zetian Tsunayoshi familiar with the operating procedures of various departments of Pengel and the processing mode of daily documents.

In the first two years, Tsunayoshi Sawada's internship was almost the same.

Moreover, Tsunayoshi Sawada had sent a lot of documents to Peng Gelie's overseas branch before, and he ran even further back then.

And this year's summer vacation, Tsunayoshi Sawada spent a lot of time in Sicily to familiarize himself with the work of the headquarters, step by step to understand the behemoth of Pengo Lie.

After all the work is familiar and ready to be used, it is probably time for Pengelie Judai to officially take over.

And the arrival of this moment, judging from the preparations of Pengele Nine Generations to gradually retreat to the second line in recent years, it seems that it is not too far away.

But let’s not mention the future, let’s talk about the present here.

Tsunayoshi Sawada, who is still in Vengley Castle, is on the way to deliver documents, as he said just now.Although they are in the same castle, the distance between the Apollo Hall where Pengele IX is located and the office building where the subordinate departments are located is still a bit far.

After turning over the episode of salary increase with Libun, Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was walking in the spacious courtyard of Vengley Castle with documents in his arms, couldn't help but say something.

"It takes 10 minutes to walk to send a document. The inside of Pengo Lie Castle is really big."

"After all, it has existed as Vongola's headquarters since the first generation. It has been renovated and expanded by successive leaders in the past few hundred years. Of course, it is very big." Sitting on the shoulder of Sawada Tsunayoshi, Li Baoenyouzai Youzai said.

"And you will be living in it in two years, so don't complain about your place."

"That's what I said..." Tsunayoshi Sawada held the document, and his gaze swept across a large area, including the Vengley Castle where it is now, and... the pointed tower of the Balian Castle next door.

——Because of the current location of Tsunayoshi Sawada, the sight here skips over the walls of the nearby Vengley Castle, and can only see the tallest tower of Balian Castle.

"As far as work is concerned, I don't seem to have sent documents to Balian." Tsunayoshi Sawada thought suddenly.

Leaving aside the matter of xanxus, Tsunayoshi Sawada is still very objective in official affairs.

In the past few years of his internship career, Tsunayoshi Sawada has even been to the Vongola branch abroad, but he has never been to the Balian Castle, which is separated from the Vongola Castle.

How much is still a bit strange.

"The battle for the ring between Balian and you took place a few years ago, how could you take risks in a place with a previous record of betrayal." Li Baoen said casually.

This matter is actually an open secret in their Vengley, or in the other world.

In the other world, it is an irrefutable fact that Balian, the assassination department affiliated to Pengele, betrayed Pengele twice in succession.

If it weren't for the current king of the inner world, that is, the adopted son of Peng Lie's ninth generation, the place where the Balian people like Xanxus should go is actually the Avengers Prison.

And even if Vengley's ninth generation kept Balian, but due to the above reasons, Balian will still be suspected by Vongola's side.

Especially for Vongola's royalist faction, xanxus killed all Vengley's heir candidates who had the right to inherit, and only Tsunayoshi Sawada escaped.

Just for this matter, the vigilance of these people against Balian is off the charts.

——On Vengley's side, there is only one seedling of Sawada Tsunayoshi, and we must be optimistic that it will not be ruined by Balian's side!

... Roughly speaking, it's just a seedling in a ten thousand mu field, and the overprotective mentality must never be ruined by ambitious wolf cubs.

So don't let Tsunayoshi Sawada step into Balian's territory.

For so many years, Vongola's royalists have tried their best to guard against Balian, and even Japan has not allowed those members of Balian to enter, just because Tsunayoshi Sawada is studying there now!

"If you were younger, those stubborn elders in Vengley would probably be able to tie you up with a dog chain, watch over you every day, and serve you every day." Li Baoen laughed.

"……"Kokichi Sawada.

No, doting means doting, the dog leash is a bit too much!

The author has something to say: In the end, the ending of this seedling...everyone knows hahahaha!

The column is cute and asks for support, compare your heart!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Jiuge and Guda don’t want to eat apples; 15 bottles of everything is empty;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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