Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 214 22. Mr. Frog

The private parking lot of Balian Castle was rarely lively this morning.

"Clothes, shoes, game consoles, and some of your favorite fresh ingredients have all been put on the private plane." He said, counting one by one while standing beside the entrance steps of the private plane, wrenching his fingers.

"I've already contacted the person in charge of Kudaime Island. Someone will be in charge of sorting out these things when we arrive. You don't have to worry about anything."

"As your personal secretary, Bagir will accompany you this time. The entourage on Balian's side is Lusilia except for Xanxus."

"Also..." Looking left and right, the Balian members were all busy. The guy from xanxus seemed to be handing over some work to Sperby Skuvalo, so he didn't notice this side.

So Hayato lowered his voice, approached Tsunayoshi Sawada and said in a low and serious voice: "I have secretly planned the flight route for this route. If there is anything wrong with Xanxus and the others, don't hesitate to parachute Judaime immediately."

"No matter where you land, our Pengelie guards will find your whereabouts within half an hour!"

Kokichi Sawada:"……"

He was standing beside the plane parking lot drinking water, and Tsunayoshi Sawada almost choked when he heard the words of Hayato Gokudera.

"No, I'm going to live on the Jiudaime island with xanxus for a while, don't be too nervous, Kikuji." Tsunayoshi Sawada lifted the cap of the mineral water in his hand, dumbfounded.

Also skydiving, this is too exaggerated, can xanxus eat people?

...but in a way, xanxus is as dangerous as a man-eating beast.

"I'm serious Judaime! That guy xanxus is uncertain, who knows what he will do!" Hayato Goji was anxious.

"I know you're worried about me, but Yuji, you've really been a bit of an underdog these days." Sawada Tsunayoshi patted Yuji Hayato's shoulder comfortingly and said.

"Although Xanxus usually doesn't respect me, the leader of Pengo Lie, among Pengo Lie, he is our companion after all."

"Not respecting enough is already a big mistake." What Hayato has never let go of is the matter of Balian's confrontation with Pengo Li.

Betrayal is something that cannot exist in the inner world. If there is one, there will be two. Suspicion cannot be controlled by people, especially for kings.

Once betrayal, even if it can be accepted at the time, for many kings, there will always be times of rebellion in the future. Many things in history have illustrated this point.

To some extent, there is nothing wrong with Hayato's idea.

But the only surprise was Tsunayoshi Sawada.

"Not respecting me enough, and their loyalty to Pengo Lie, these two points are not in conflict." Tsunayoshi Sawada smiled and said seriously.

"Actually, I wanted to say it before, prison temple, you really don't have to care about this matter so much."

"I know you are doing it for my own good." Sawada Tsunayoshi said before Gokuji Hayato persuaded him.

"However, I really don't care about these things. For me, Vengley is just a place where I can work with my companions."

What is the majesty of the king of the world, the respect of subordinates, the love of everyone, and the right to say nothing, these descriptions of Sawada Tsunayoshi are actually not very deep.

As mentioned before, as a leader of Vongola who became a monk halfway, the education that Tsunayoshi Sawada received since he was a child was different from that of his Mafia-born companions like Hayato and others.

very different.

"I'm going to live on the island of Kudaime for a while this time, and I'll be back soon." Tsunayoshi Sawada patted Hayato on the shoulder of Gokuji and said in a relaxed tone.

"If I come back safely this time, prison temple, how about you try to accept Balian? You don't get along well with Skuvalo and the others at work."

"Then how can it be the same." Hayato Guiji held his breath a little.

Being businesslike at work and accepting Balian are two completely different things.

The former can be done as long as Hayato is patient, but the latter needs to be open... No matter how you think about it, it doesn't seem to be Hayato's character.

"So, people will change." Sawada Tsunayoshi smiled and said.

"If nothing else happens, Prison Temple, you will work with Balian and the others for the rest of your life. Pengelie Castle and Balian Castle are so close. You can't see them when you look up. You must be tired of always guarding against them."

"For the sake of Judaime, I don't feel tired." Hayato Gokudera clenched his fist.

"Then let's try to change it for me, just from...Fran is also Kurom's adopted son after all, although he went to Balian later, but every time he comes to our Prison Temple here in Vengley, don't be too serious. I despise him." Tsunayoshi Sawada went further.

Prison Temple Hayato: "..."

It's really difficult for him to make this change if he doesn't dislike Fran, that frog kid.

But how should I put it, Hayato Sawada has never been able to refuse Tsunayoshi Sawada, from the time they met until a long time later.

——This is loyalty and friendship.

"I see." After thinking it over, Hayato Kikuji chuckled and bowed slightly to his friend Tsunayoshi Sawada, just like he had done many times before.

"I wish you the best of luck, Judaime."


High in the sky, the roaring private jet flew across the sky smoothly, leaving behind a string of cloud marks.

There were only four seats occupied in the huge airplane box. Tsunayoshi Sawada and Xanxus sat side by side in the front row, while Bajir and Lusilia's followers sat in the back row.

Squinting for a while, Tsunayoshi Sawada was humming while playing games on his mobile phone. Xanxus seemed to be dissatisfied with Tsunayoshi Sawada's neglect of him. He stretched out his hand to grab Tsunayoshi Sawada's chin, and turned around up.

"Are you in a good mood?" Xanxus looked at Tsunayoshi Sawada.

"There are many good friends, so I'm in a good mood." Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was turned away by xanxus, patted xanxus' hand away from pinching his chin with one free hand, without looking at his boyfriend out of the corner of his eye, perfunctory Said.

"Don't move, I'm playing to a critical moment now."

"What is this? A development game?" Lusilia, who was in the back row of Tsunayoshi Sawada and the others, poked out his head and glanced at the screen of Tsunayoshi Sawada's phone, covered his cheeks in surprise, said "Yo" .

"It's still a harem-type development game~S~"

"Hey, Lusilia, have you ever played this game?" Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was looking for favors with the characters in the game, asked casually.

The screens of some game designs are relatively obscure, and it is difficult to see what type of game it is for a while.

Lusilia could see the type of game Tsunayoshi Sawada was playing at once. Unless he had been in contact with it, his reaction would not be so fast. Either he had played it himself, or he had watched others play it.

Lucia's answer was also quick.

"Bell has played this game before." Lusilia said with a smile.

"Bell can play this kind of game? I thought he usually only played fighting games." Tsunayoshi Sawada turned his head in surprise and looked at Lusilia sitting behind him, wanting to learn from Lusilia. Look at his face to see if he is joking.

Cultivation games, as the name suggests, don't have any quick and bloody scenes, but just some scenes where various attributes can be used to gain favorability. Playing this type of game doesn't require any skill, but it requires a lot of patience.

But Balian's older child, Belphegor, usually doesn't even have the patience to deal with work documents, so how could he play such games.

real or fake?

"Bell got a girlfriend a few months ago, and it seems that she was the one who went to play with Amway." Luslia thought for a while.

"I know, I heard that Belphegor's ex-girlfriend still coaxed him, saying that if Bell captures an out-of-print painted character in the game, he will go to a home run with him."

Bajir, who was a little quiet at the side, became excited when he heard Belphegor's name, and shared gossip enthusiastically, saying.

"Belphegor played non-stop for several weeks before, but when he got the out-of-print painted figure, his girlfriend called and wanted to break up."

Belphegor, who had been playing the game for a few weeks at the time, immediately blew up when his girlfriend called to break up.

It turned out that his girlfriend was also a character, and she said domineeringly: "I asked you to help me play games to increase our common hobbies so that we can communicate. As a result, you can't care about me as soon as you start playing games. You have Forget it? You haven't contacted me for almost a month!"

The purpose of cultivating common hobbies between couples is to sublimate the relationship. Belphegor directly put the cart before the horse. The boyfriend and girlfriend have not dated for almost a month, and the relationship between the two parties has not yet reached a good point.

——A big taboo in love, if you don’t do it, you won’t die!

As the party at fault, Belphegor had no position to explode, so this relationship ended without a problem.

"How do you know about Belphegor's love affair with Bagir?" Hearing this, Tsunayoshi Sawada wondered about this question.

Logically speaking, Belphegor himself would not have said such a shameful thing, and Bagir, a member of the outside consultant, was not very familiar with Balian.

So, how did Bagir know about this.

"Someone broke the news in the group." Bajir, who was sitting in the back of the private jet, said as a matter of course when facing the curious eyes of Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Vengley's internal personnel exchange group - including members of Balian, the official statement is the work exchange group of Vengley's members.

In fact, it is a group of mafia gossip groups.

And this group also has a name that was mentioned before - [clams boiled without salt].

Yes, Tsunayoshi Sawada wore a vest and joined the chat group that was not discovered by any Pengelie members. The senior personnel of Pengelie and Balian were obviously not in the group.

But many of the consultants outside the door were in the group, including Bagir.

And due to work reasons, I didn't get this news—and even if I got it, I guess it would be regarded as not. Sawada Tsunayoshi was wearing a vest.

Tsunayoshi Sawada tilted his head and thought with some doubts that the matter of Belphegor's lovelorn was probably a private matter.

Who can obtain such gossip without fear of death under Balian Lanshou's bloody flying knife?

The author has something to say: Everyone knows who it is (≧▽≦).

All kinds of daily life!

The column is cute and asks for support, compare your heart!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!

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