Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 206 14. The time is up

When Sawada Tsunayoshi was 14 years old, the tutor who was sent to Bingsheng disrupted all his future plans and taught him all the chic skills to live in the future was sent by the ninth generation of Pengelie.

When Sawada Tsunayoshi, it was the ninth generation of Pengelie who led Zetian Tsunayoshi to enter the senior management of Pengelie and was responsible for teaching him hand in hand.

At the age of 22, Tsunayoshi Sawada officially took over the position of the king of the world in his hand. In order to maintain the authority of the king, the last king who decisively left Sicily for retirement was the ninth generation of Pengelie.

To be honest, Tsunayoshi Sawada feels a bit complicated about the purpose of the ninth generation of Pengel.

How should I put it, probably before the onset of puberty, Tsunayoshi Sawada's greatest ambition for himself in his life may have crossed his mind by accident. Live carefree in the small town of Bingsheng.

——When I was young, Hibari Kyoya was amazing in martial arts, and he also had a few traces of financial acumen that could be seen. I imagined that I would spend my life leisurely under such a bamboo horse. The thoughts of Sawada Tsunayoshi back then were actually quite normal.

Just like a girl always fantasizes that one day her best friend will be rich and rich, and then she will be uncomfortable with eating and drinking spicy food, a child's dream is always arrogant and naive.

But now it is far more absurd than a dream.

Peng Gelie tenth generation, the king of the other world, what does it feel like to have half of the power in the whole world in his hands?

Nothing special.

Those praises, flattery or flattery, everything is too illusory and unreal, making Sawada Tsunayoshi a little bit at a loss when he can't find reality.

Fortunately, he has a group of companions by his side.

The distance between those false realities and beautiful dreams is too close. Fortunately, the existence of companions can always make Sawada Tsunayoshi find reality. Compared with sincere flattery, being ridiculed by Hibari Kyoya or Rokudaokuku makes people feel at ease .

Of course, that doesn't mean Tsunayoshi Sawada is a masochist.

In fact, after the little white rabbit evolved into a black rabbit, Tsunayoshi Sawada has more than eight times the means of dealing with his cheating companions who could only stare blankly in the past—and these methods are still being improved.

There is no end to learning, bravely climb the peak!

But these are digressions, let's get down to business.

All in all, based on the above-mentioned seemingly real and illusory experiences, it is said that Sawada Tsunayoshi’s heart is very complicated for the ninth generations of Pengele who endowed him with these experiences.

It is probably the kind, the rest of the life will be ups and downs, the glory will come from you, the downfall will come from you, the luck and suffering will come from you, and the indifference will also come from you.

Compared with the father who has been missing since birth and was accidentally buried in the ground by mother Sawada Nana for many years, the ninth generation of Peng Lie's eyes in Sawada Tsunayoshi may be more like the existence of his father.

That kind, the child's life will be deeply and lastingly influenced by the father - this kind of existence, besides the mother, must be the father.

This can be said to be the influence of the ninth generations of Vongola on Tsunayoshi Sawada's life.

Of course, this kind of subtle psychology is not easy to mention to others, and even if you mention it, you don't know how to say it.

All in all, Sawada Iemitsu, who was ordered by a Judaime of Sawada Tsunayoshi to bring him back and accompany his wife, has not heard any rumors about the cuckold of Vongola Judaimo who is suspected of having another father.

... All I can say is, gratifying.

Well, but these are off topic.

Closer to home again.

Anyway, no matter how complicated and subtle Tsunayoshi Sawada feels about Pengo Lie's Nine Generations, he still seems to have some unconvinced and little awkwardness that his life has been distorted.

But after the second period of middle school, in general, Tsunayoshi Sawada's positive emotions towards Peng Gelie's ninth generation are still greater than negative emotions.

For example, respect, such as closeness, these feelings are far greater than the anger and disgust when occasionally quarreling with Kudaime.

Because of this, even if Pengele Jiudaimu left Sicily and went to a small island in the sea to retire, just like returning to Biesheng every year during the Chinese New Year, Sawada Tsunayoshi would go to the island every year to accompany Jiudaimu on the island Stay for a few days.

Count the time, it's almost time for this year.

Because I heard Coulom mentioning this matter in the restaurant during lunch, and after lunch and Xanxus were walking back to the bedroom on the second floor of Vengley Castle for a lunch break, Tsunayoshi Sawada said a little nervously.

"That's right, I'm going to live with Kudaime on a small island for a few days...but I'm so nervous, what should I do!" Tsunayoshi Sawada panicked.

No, although I go to the small island to live with Kudaime for a few days every year, and the daily calls are constant, it does not mean that I am not familiar with it and it is awkward to be with strangers.

But when I went to find Peng Lie Jiudai last year, wasn't Tsuna Kichi Sawada still single!

Now going to see Peng Lie Jiudaimu, Sawada Tsunayoshi feels flustered, similar to the kind of ugly daughter-in-law meeting her in-laws... or the eldest son-in-law meeting his father-in-law.

Cough, anyway, no matter if it's the in-laws or the father-in-law, the identities are different, so panic!

"I'll go too." Xanxus, who was walking beside Tsunayoshi Sawada, watched his little boyfriend's uneasiness for a long time, and then said so leisurely.

"Should I bring any presents to meet Kudaime this time? What should I answer if he asks me any questions? And... what did you say?"

Tsunayoshi Sawada stepped on the soft carpet in the aisle for a long time before realizing what xanxus said.

"Are you going too? And your title... Don't you think there is a problem?" Tsunayoshi Sawada twitched the corner of his mouth.

Calling his father "old man" or something, Tsunayoshi Sawada is not as careless to his cheap dad as xanxus is to Kudaime.

It's also Jiudaimu who has a good temper. He didn't do anything to Xanxus when he met such an unworthy son.

But then again, if it weren't for Jiudaimu's bottomless connivance to xanxus, xanxus' temper would not be as tough as it is today.

However, the relationship between father and son is sometimes similar to that of enemies. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Both parties enjoy it, and the others just watch the fun.

"Are you going to see Kudaime with me?" Tsunayoshi Sawada tilted his head and looked at xanxus with a cute and puzzled expression.

... kind of cute.

How should I put it, although I don't usually pay much attention to these things, but the relationship between xanxus and Kudaime is subtle, which can be known without special observation.

Especially in the years when Tsunayoshi Sawada came to Sicily for an internship every summer vacation, Tsunayoshi Sawada was doing an internship in the Apollo Hall of Vengley Castle.

But no matter how Vongola Nine Daimu taught Sawada Tsunayoshi at that time, Xanxus himself never appeared in the Apollo Hall.

The magnificent promenade between Balian Castle and Vongola Castle was still closed at that time, and with the attitude of xanxus at that time, it is no wonder that when Tsunayoshi Sawada first took office, there were always people around Balian who were not submissive and plotted against him.

However, Tsunayoshi Sawada doesn't care about these rumors. Anyway, he came to Sicily to work and not to be a domineering man. As long as Balian completes the work arranged by Vengley, his personal attitude will be fine. Really not a problem.

——Sawada Tsunayoshi has met xanxus since he was 14 years old, and has encountered countless blank stares and cold treatment from him. I am really, really used to it.

Just thinking about it now, I feel a little bit emotional.

From icy to hot and so on, cough, of course, I really don't mind Sawada Tsunayoshi being a little colder in bed.

But these are also just to think about.

With a lot of miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, Tsunayoshi Sawada, who returned to the door of the room in Vongola Castle, opened the door with a little carelessness of thinking too much.

As a result, the door closed quickly as soon as it opened, and Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was pressed against the door of the room instead of the bedroom by xanxus' whole body, felt a little confused by the heat on his lips.

——Well, can it be said that Xanxus was bewitched when Tsunayoshi Sawada tilted his head and talked to Xanxus just now?

Even though he is 24 years old, he tilts his head like a child and talks childishly. Tsunayoshi Sawada sometimes acts coquettish and cute unconsciously, which really tests the bottom line of the viewers!

With a little calmness, he could wait until Tsunayoshi Sawada returned to the room before doing it. I have to say that xanxus still knows his little boyfriend very well, and knows that Tsunayoshi Sawada will become angry if he is too intimate outside.

But in private, you can do whatever you want.

... Well, you can't do whatever you want!

Suppressed by an overbearing kiss, Tsunayoshi Sawada finally pushed Xanxus who was clasping his waist a little farther before he suffocated, and said with a little panting.

"Hey, it's still daytime."

"Just close the curtains." With a hoarse voice, Xanxus approached Tsunayoshi Sawada's cheek, so close that he could feel each other's heartbeat and breathing.

This time the kiss was not as overbearing as before and made people unable to breathe, but it made people unable to separate their minds from thinking about other things.

"...Didn't we just talk about Jiudaimu?" Tsunayoshi Sawada was provoked by xanxus' kisses again and again, dizzy and his face began to turn red.

"I said I'll go with you, the discussion is over." Xanxus is usually an elm pimple who doesn't understand his style, and he doesn't know why he learned all kinds of grinding skills in bed without a teacher after having sex.

I don't know what actions and words made xanxus suddenly so excited. Even if he didn't feel anything at first, it's hard to say now that Tsunayoshi Sawada was so close to xanxus.

"Open your mouth." Xanxus coaxed again when he approached.

"No, we haven't finished discussing the matter at Kudaime yet!" Tsunayoshi Sawada puffed up his cheeks.

"And last time, what did Jiudaimu say about the phone call last time?!" Tsunayoshi Sawada, who only remembered this matter now because of escaping from reality, was a little flustered.

"The last time he called, he asked me to go to the island with you." Xanxus said vaguely, rubbing Sawada Tsunayoshi's lips.

"Then you didn't say it earlier!" Tsunayoshi Sawada stared.

And then kissed again.

...Oh my god, if they go to the island where Kudaime is recuperating in this state, it won't be embarrassing if the parents see something.

No, it will definitely be very embarrassing!

The author has something to say: I am on the list, happy!Make up for what was owed before, and add a new chapter!

These days are relatively busy, if you catch bugs, you can comment and remind, I love you, and I love you!

Thanks for the comments and support guys!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 120 bottles for a single dog; 20 bottles for the fifth day of the first month;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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