Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 172 16. Disappointment

Mathematics and Mechanical Principles courses, which involve a lot of mathematical and physical concepts, are very unfriendly to many students who are new to Mafia schools.

Therefore, in response to the request of the majority of students who have failed majors to form a group to protest, the mathematics and mechanical principles course began to be reformed several years ago. It is divided into four stages, namely:

The elementary courses are roughly equivalent to the elementary school stage of general education.

The intermediate course is probably the middle school stage equivalent to the ordinary course.

Advanced courses are probably equivalent to the high school stage of ordinary courses.

Refresher courses are probably equivalent to general courses at the university level.

As for the ultimate research course, because the content involved is too esoteric and obscure.

So after this stage, the course of Mathematics and Mechanical Principles will become an elective course, and only those who are going to enter Vengley's technical department in the future will insist on taking this course.

For the students of most other mafia schools, it is enough to survive the advanced courses, and more things are for the researchers to consider, which has little to do with them, the future mafia elites.

As for the inexplicably stared by Rambo Povino in the Central Plains before, where is the subtlety?

Nakahara didn't know at first, but when he and Osamu Dazai took mathematics and mechanics courses separately from Rambo Bovino this afternoon.

Looking at the students sitting in the elementary course classroom, Zhong Yuan suddenly understood.

Let's put it this way, their mafia school doesn't divide grades into classes, so there are students of all ages in a class.

But in lectures at varying paces, the average age of Mafia students who took elementary courses in mathematics and mechanical principles was only 12 years old.

At this time, Osamu Dazai and Chuya Nakahara were eighteen years old.

"..." Chuya Zhongyuan.

"Hey, you guys are here to attend the elementary class too." Fran, who seemed to have no sense of disobedience among the classmates who looked like elementary school students, had the same tone as before and Nakahara Nakahara who entered the classroom had a fight with Osamu Dazai call.

"I thought I could see Lanbo." Fran helped his frog hat and said casually.

"Fran, you are about the same age as Rambo. I thought you were going to take an intermediate course at the age of 16?" Zhong Yuanzhong also sat down neatly beside Fran.

"You are going to take an advanced course, and you are not here yet." Fran talked about the matter.

Looking at the pupils in the classroom staring at the three of Zhongya Zhongya and the others sitting in the back row, Zhongya Zhongya held on for a long time, and couldn't help covering his eyes with books.

"How do you say that the Mafia school divides our courses into stages?" Osamu Dazai had a thick skin, and he was justified in sitting without a bookend.

"Mackerel, are you stupid? Didn't we take the exam before entering the mafia school?" Zhongya Zhongya erected his book to block his eyes, and said angrily.

"It is estimated to be determined according to that assessment."

No wonder the mafia school had to take a culture class in the admissions exam.

The cultural class papers cover everything and everything, whether it is a mule or a horse, how much ability, the person who wrote the exam papers will not know if they correct it.

"But I didn't take any exams when I entered school." Fran tilted his head.

This is the truth. When Tsuna Yoshifi Sawada forced Balian to send Fran to school, Fran directly enrolled without taking the exam.

Only outsiders like Nakahara Chuya and the others will take part in the mafia school admissions exam.

"Which family are you the young master?" Osamu Dazai clicked his tongue.

Having been in the Mafia school for so many days, although he was insane due to insomnia before, Dazai Osamu did not stop the little tricks of private investigation.

In this mafia school of theirs, apart from the outsiders who can only enter after passing the entrance examination, the only young masters and ladies of the major families who are exempted from the entrance examination.

Fran looked young and had a good relationship with Rambo, the patriarch of the Povino family, so he was probably a young master or something.

However, Osamu Dazai had never heard of Fran's surname, and Fran's class was always a class of mysterious illusionists.

"Most of the elders and young masters of those families have private tutors, Fran, don't you?" Osamu Dazai asked knowingly.

—If Fran had had a tutor, he wouldn't have gone to the elementary courses to learn the basics of mathematics and mechanical principles. "I'm not the young master, I'm just a poor wage earner who was squeezed out." Fran said with a deadpan expression.

"Besides, next month's salary was deducted by our boss who picked skins that week. If Me doesn't come to the mafia school, next month will be ruined."

Although there are various studies and homework in the mafia school, there is only one thing that is better, food and shelter are included.

Even Fran, who was raised by Balian's five-star chef, didn't have any complaints about the school's restaurant. One can imagine how comfortable life in the mafia school is.

"Well, are you sorry?" Nakahara Chuya, who has never been deducted from salary, is powerful and rarely understands what it feels like to be short of money and eat soil, can only comfort him dryly after thinking about it for a long time.

Sitting in the front row of Nakahara Nakaya and the others in the lecture theater, a boy of twelve or thirteen years old heard that Fran was doing miserably here, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What, did Pengelie Judai deduct all of Balian's salary for next month?" The boy slapped the table with a smile.

For the families in the inner world, the tenth generation of Pengelie's protection of Balian is well known.

But in the same way, it is well known that Pengelie Shidaimo deducted Balian's salary for any excuse.

As far as the well-founded excuses for deduction of money circulated from Pengelie, they range from 'I'm in a bad mood today, deduct Balian's salary' to 'I'm in a good mood today, deduct Balian's salary'.

——Using such a random reason to deduct xanxus' wallet shows how casual Pengele Judai's attitude towards Balian is.

At the beginning, there were some people in the family in the world who worried about whether the tenth generation of Pengelie's jokes were intended to protest Balian or something.

But after so many years, Pengelie Shidaimu still does his own thing.

As for Balian, although members often gather to protest against such irresponsible deductions of wages, protesting left and right protests, procrastination is not at all like the cold and sure-hit style of the assassination forces.

After protesting for so many years, Balian's salary is still a matter of Pengele's tenth generation's words. Sberbi Skuvalo wants to roll his eyes when he looks at the people in Pengele's finance department, but xanxus doesn't care at all It's a little thing.

On the other hand, after waiting for a long time before the news of the breakup between Pengelie and Balian, those troublemakers in the other world slowly came to their senses.

—Damn, this is playing with them!

Pengo Lie and Balian and the others were having fun with their own family, and only those who were full and had nothing to do and stared at Peng Lie maliciously would be fooled.

...Well, is there something wrong with the description?

Cough, all in all.

Due to the casual and tolerant attitude of Pengelie Tendai to Balian in these years, even in the other world, Balian's vicious reputation is still very scary.

But as long as they don't have evil intentions to make things difficult for Peng Lie, these young and willful students in the mafia school are somewhat at ease and casual towards Balian.

——Of course, no matter how casual they are, they dare not write a dissertation on the sex change of the Balian boss, and the cheating in the history class is still unmatched.

But make fun of Balian's people about their salary, they still dare.

Fran is an alternate member of the Guardians of the Balian Mist.

——Although it is said to be a candidate, Fran is powerful and is a disciple of Liu Dao Mu, the guardian of the Vongola Mist.

Therefore, during the banquets at Vengley Castle, people from all the major families in the world knew Fran more or less.

The twelve or thirteen-year-old boy who was laughing at the table in front of Fran and the others was named Quxima del Boccaccio.

The Boccaccio family is a vassal family of the Baltiska family under the control of Aria Baltiska. They have worked together with Baltiska for generations, and naturally they have some friendship with Balian.

Keshima del Boccaccio had met Fran a few times while he was in Vongola.

After Fran came to the mafia school, many of the courses overlapped with those of Kexima and the others, who were [-] and [-] years old, and he was naturally familiar with them after seeing them a lot these days.

So now hearing Fran pretending to be miserable behind him, Keshima couldn't help laughing out loud, turning around with two cute dimples next to his cheeks, Keshima asked with a smile.

"What reason did Judaime-sama use to deduct your Balian's salary this time?"

"Balrian?" Zhong Yuanzhong was also a little surprised, "Fran is a member of Vengley's assassination team Balian?"

"It doesn't look like it." Kexima smiled brightly, and he understood why Zhongyuan Zhongye was so surprised.

In terms of temperament and age alone, Fran, who is only 16 years old this year, looks very soft and cute, and Balian's killer is really quite different.

"It's okay, I've seen other killers who don't look like killers." Osamu Dazai said it rather calmly.

To be honest, after seeing a killer like his good friend Oda Sakunosuke who was busy raising children all day long, Osamu Dazai has a deep understanding of people's inescapable appearance that is rarely seen at this age.

Fran is nothing, if one day someone tells him that the baby is a killer, Osamu Dazai probably won't even blink his eyes.

...To a certain extent, Osamu Dazai also has the truth.

"Mr. Rabbit deducts our Balian's wages every day, how do I know what reason he used this time." Fran's answer was a bit sad.

Before Fran came to the mafia school, he found out that his boss had an affair with Mr. Rabbit next door, and thought that his salary would be doubled next month.

The result is miles.

Fran doesn't want to have any surprises now, so xanxus should use some handsome tricks to keep their normal salary next month.

I really want to despair of this boss who can't even smile!

The author has something to say: Ms. S: This is a typical example of not hitting for three days and kicking her nose on her face.

Father X: Then you should fight.

The column is cute and asks for support, and there are a few more to make up!Comparing!

Thank you little angel for your support!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of quinoa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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