Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 167 12. History Rotation

Sicily, Vongola family.

The Vengley family originated from Sicily, the hometown of the mafia. It was initially established as a self-police group to protect residents. The founder was Vengley I, Giotto.

By the time of King Vengley II, Vengley had transformed from a police group into a first-class mafia organization with assets, scale, power and prestige, and his reputation was rising steadily.

After the great victory in the Battle of Animsfia, King Vengley II unified the entire Inner World, and the Mafia Alliance led by Pengelie and his allied families became the core organization in the Inner World.

At this point, the prestige of Vongola II Sivnora reached its peak, and the leader of Vengola finally became the uncrowned king of the inner world. Vengola's rule has been brilliant until now.

——Excerpt from "The Road to Power: Poongola II Chapter"


This is a lecture hall of the mafia school. Although it was two days late, the first history class of this semester came late after the original history teacher returned from leave.

There are a total of eight compulsory courses in the mafia school. Except for the melee combat and hot weapon courses, the other six are cultural courses.

Among the six cultural courses of history, language, mathematics and mechanical principles, geography, dance and etiquette, even the cultural courses of dance and etiquette, which look like activity courses, have textbooks distributed in advance. no the same.

The history class of the mafia school has never had a serious textbook. If there is a thesis assignment every year, the students need to go to the library to find the information to complete.

By the way, the library of the mafia school has a lot of precious orphan books and the history of the world that is inconvenient to be known to the outside world, so the books in the school library can only be viewed in the library and are not allowed to be borrowed.

But these are also digressions, let's get down to business.

There is not even a decent history textbook in the history class of the mafia school, although part of the reason is that some things can be said but not recorded, but a larger part of the reason...

"The first generation of Vengele created the Vengele family, and the second generation of Vengele pushed the prestige of the Vengele family to the apex of power. Even now, the tenth generation of Vengele, the glory remains and the crown will last forever."

The deep voice with obvious masculine characteristics seems to be telling a story, and the sense of legend is told, making people feel as if they are deeply involved in the scene.


"...Even if it's because the scope of the historical assessment is the same every year, don't play the same recording to us every year!"

Sitting on the stepped seats, a classmate pointed angrily at the sloppy man who sat in the middle of the classroom and did nothing, and played the recordings in class.

"Mr. Shamar, even if we don't even have a textbook for our history class, the classes we take are about the same every year, but it's too much for you to do nothing during class!"

Don't say nothing, Shamar almost fell asleep in front of the students, isn't that plausible!

"It's long-winded, it would be nice for me to be a doctor for you to play a guest role as a history teacher. A group of brats who are not very capable are quite demanding." Shamar gouged his ears and rolled his eyes.

"What history teacher, Mr. Shamar, you have never prepared lessons at all. Every year, you use recordings to teach us history lessons." A girl sitting in the front row of Zhongyuan Zhongye complained that there was a reason for it, and said.

"Although our history class is only once every two weeks, it's too perfunctory."

"Why don't you say that I have to teach history to [-] classes in your school by myself." Shamar is also very experienced in dealing with students' complaints. account.

"Fifty classes, each class has one class every two weeks. On average, the teacher will have 25 classes a week, and it will be divided into five classes per day. Each class lasts for 45 minutes. I don't need to resort to extraordinary means. Very fortunate, okay?"

"That's what you said, Teacher Shamar, when I entered school five years ago." A certain boy sitting on the seat next to Osamu Dazai twitched the corners of his mouth.

As a result, after five years, every time I take history class, I listen to Shamar playing the class recordings I don’t know how many years ago, and I don’t even change the background music.

The history class of the mafia school is actually the same every year, and the course content is not much renovated, just to take care of the new students who enroll every year, so the teaching content of the history class is the same every year.

Changing to Shamar, the content of the history class is more than the same, and the recording teaching is exactly the same without any changes.

Nakahara Chuya and Dazai Osamu, the two new students who joined Class [-] didn't feel much, but for the original students of Class [-], it seemed like history repeating itself.

——Taking a history class every year is the same as restarting the cassette tape. This kind of irritability of repeatedly getting stuck in the same place is also gone.

As I said before, there was no such thing as a history class in mafia schools a few years ago.

Since the members who entered the mafia school before were all members of the inner world ruled by Vongola, these students are more or less aware of the various entanglements between their own history and Vengley, and there is no need for special explanations in the class.

So a few years ago, there was no history class in the mafia school, and the teachings about the relationship between Peng Gelie and the marriages of various families were actually put in the etiquette class.

——It is enough to gradually understand the interests of various interpersonal contacts and alliances in the course of learning etiquette.

However, in recent years, due to the increasing number of outsiders entering the mafia school through foreign enrollment, Pengelie Shidaimu is also a reformist who advocates advancing with the times and accepting new families.

In order to allow these new students who entered the mafia school but did not understand the situation to smoothly integrate into it, the mafia school will offer a history class, and the teacher of the history class is a young man caught by Sawada Tsunayoshi.

——Probably because Shamar was too busy molesting the maid when he was working as a doctor in Vengley Castle and was discovered.

Peng Lie Judai, who was still in the internship period at that time, just pointed at it, and Shamar came to the mafia school as a history teacher.

Anyway, the Mafia School and Vengley Castle are on the mountain and the other is at the bottom of the mountain. They are not far apart. When Shamar works overtime at the Mafia School, it does not affect him to come to Vengley Castle as a doctor.

After so many years, Shamar was in the mafia school, and he was not sacked by the students here.

So so-so, the history teacher just continued to mess around.

It's just that even if they don't wear sacks, the students of the mafia school complain about the teacher Shamar in various ways.

The history class never prepares lessons, and it’s okay to only use recordings to cope with the class for several years. The key is that such a perfunctory teacher has the nerve to assign papers to students every year.

History class is a compulsory course, and it can be messed around, anyway, Shamar doesn't care about the students, even if the students skip class, as long as they are not caught by the members of the Vengley Security Department, Shamar will turn a blind eye.

But it’s not easy to mix up. History class has a paper requirement to complete every year. The content of Shamar’s class is the same as the recorded course every year, but the papers assigned every year are all kinds of weird things, which basically have nothing to do with the content of the class. .

"Mr. Shamar gives us the same courses every year, and the papers he assigns every year are so shameless." A girl sitting behind Rambo Povino muttered.

Although it's not kind to think so, Rambo Povino couldn't help but nod when he heard this sentence.

That is, Shamal people are unreliable, and the thesis assignments assigned every year are even more unreliable.

Take last year as an example, the topic of each year's history class papers should have been arranged at the beginning of the semester, so that students can go to the library to find information and write papers.

However, due to Shamar's idle procrastination, three months of the first semester last year passed, and the topic of the history class paper in their school has not yet been decided.

As a result, last year's Vengley annual meeting was held at the end of the first semester. The Vengley castle was cleaned up. Everyone in the world was silent, and no one dared to offend the prestige of Vengley's tenth generation.

Then, starting from the second semester last year, the topic of the thesis for the history class came out, which was written by Shamar himself on the blackboard in the classroom.

——On the Influence of the Ten Generations of Vengley's Gender on the Inner World.

Note: Inspired by thinking, if the current Pengelie [-]th generation is a girl, will the direction of the world be the same as it is now?

Reference materials: various sex-transfer novels on the Internet, male-to-female-to-male and then male-to-female, you can try all kinds of reversals, you can’t die if you don’t do it... Cough, dare to explore!

Finally, I would like to clarify that last year, when the topic of this history class thesis came out, it was only a month since the bloody cleansing of Vengley Castle.

...Damn it!Who dares to write this thesis topic!

Those who write are all real warriors. Anyway, there were not many real warriors last year in the mafia school.

For the students of the mafia school, although the essay credits of the compulsory courses are very important, if they don't write for a year, it doesn't matter much.

The only people who received credit for this shitty historical essay last year were: Rambo Povino, Pryn Jesso, Belfigore, and Uni Girioneiro.

But these are digressions, let's get down to business.

After the students complained, the first history class of Class [-] of this semester ended, and before the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Shamar said slowly.

"By the way, I have already thought about the topic of this year's thesis."

Under the stunned eyes of the students, Shamar waved his hand, and the topic of this year's history paper appeared on the blackboard.

——On the impact of the gender of the Balian leader of Vongola's assassination force on the inner world.

Note: Inspired by thinking, if the current Balian leader is a girl, will the direction of the world be the same as it is now?

Reference materials: Same as last year, please actively speak and participate actively!

There was silence in the classroom, and Shamar just walked away calmly.

"..." Everyone.

Really, dare, ah!

The author has something to say: Unscrupulous doctor: I have ten generations of Vengley in front of me, so I have nothing to dare.

Note, this time point is almost the time when the family doctor found out that 27 and X are in love!

The column is cute and asks for support, compare your heart!

Thank you little angel for your support!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Ye Ling;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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