Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 156 1. Antecedents

Three months ago, Yokohama, Japan.

In the luxuriously decorated chief's office on the top floor of the port mafia headquarters.

"...Let me take the school exam?" Zhongyuan Zhong also looked at his boss in surprise, and said in a tone of disbelief.

"Let me go to study?!"

"To be precise, it is to let you go to perform a long-term mission that is similar to going to school." Sitting behind a large desk with folded hands, the port mafia leader Mori Ogai had the same expression of gentle scum as always.

Slightly raised the corners of his mouth, Mori Ogai said in a cheerful tone: "Maybe we can make good friends, Chuya."

"..." Zhong Yuanzhong also slightly widened his eyes.

Wait a minute, let's go over the cause and effect a little bit.

It is now Nakahara Chuya and Osamu Dazai who ran away from home, and the two returned from London together on the second day.

Although I still haven't figured out why the bastard Dazai Osamu suddenly went to London alone to find him, Nakahara Nakaya returned to the headquarters of the port mafia's fifth building on time, and reported to the leader Mori Ogai about his previous mission abroad.

Although there was a slight deviation in the end of this long-term overseas mission, which prevented Zhongyuanzhong from returning to China as originally planned, the work content was still completed.

Except for the occasional acquaintance of Rambo Povino, a member of an Italian mafia family in London, Chuya Nakahara's mission went smoothly this time.

The only problem is that the bastard Osamu Dazai suddenly went to London.

But now that Nakahara Chuya came back from London intact with Osamu Dazai, no matter what the problem is, Nakahara Chuka will always have time to figure it out slowly.

However, the original plan was like this, but now there is another variable.

--go to school.

Well, according to the explanation of boss Mori Ogai, he wants Chuya Nakahara to go abroad for a long-term mission, and the way to complete this mission is to go to school.

...The result is that I have to go to school, I feel that the result is not bad whether I explain it or not!

"Where do you go to school?" Zhong Yuanzhong also grasped the key point of the question very keenly.

"Sicily." Mori Ogai said.

"Also, I didn't send you there this time, but Chuya, you have to take the exam yourself." Mori Ogai added and said.

"You can only go to school if you pass the exam. If you don't pass the exam... Zhongye, with your strength, you won't fail the exam."

"Examination?" Zhongyuan Zhongye was the first and the second eldest.

Not to mention Nakahara Chu was also stunned, even the little girl Alice who was listening felt that her master Mori Ogai was now particularly like the kind of stupid parent who blindly trusts his children, and always feels that his children are the best in the world.

But in fact, there is nothing wrong with fighting out of the mission Zhongyuan Zhong.

But for exams and other cultural subjects, even if he really intends to devote himself to his own boss in this life, Zhong Yuanzhong still can't do things that he can't do even if he breaks his hair.

Although I don't really want to admit it, but this kind of task involving culture is more suitable for that bastard Osamu Dazai!

Letting Zhongyuan Chuya take the exam or something, isn't Mori Ogai really worried that halfway through the exam, Zhongyuan Chuya will be irritable and destroy the entire examination room?

"It's not just the cultural class, Chuya, you are going to take the exam of the Mafia School in Sicily this time, strength is the standard." Mori Ogai didn't discuss this matter with Chuya Nakahara.

After briefly explaining the exam time and location, Mori Ogai asked Nakahara Chuya to step down.

As for the more specific content, it is obvious that Chuya Nakahara should go to the guardian Koyo Ozaki to inquire.

By the way, before Nakahara Chuya left the office of the head of the port mafia, Mori Ogai casually recalled one thing.

"By the way, about that guy Dazai..."

Zhongyuan Zhong also raised his head and looked at his boss suspiciously.

"Let Dazai take this exam too." Mori Ogai said calmly, "If Dazai is meaningful, tell him..."

"About the question he asked me last time, if he can be admitted to this school, he will know the answer."

After finishing this sentence like a charade, Mori Ogai didn't speak, but watched Nakahara Chuya leave the office with deep eyes.

After a while, the little girl Alice, who was eating the cake, tilted her head and said, "Is this okay, Rintaro?"

Faced with the master who created herself, Alice, the metamorphosis of humanoid abilities, is always not very respectful, and it can even be said that she is a bit domineering.

However, Mori Ogai obviously feels good about his own little ability, so other people's opinions are naturally not important.

"That guy Dazai is planning to betray you." Alice said in a clear voice, puffing her cheeks and chewing on the cake in her mouth.

"You let him go to the mafia school, don't you plan to kill him?"

"It's not good to fight too much." Mori Ogai chuckled, acting very sanctimonious, and said.

"I heard that the newly appointed tenth generation of Pengel is a pacifist."

"Cleaned up half of the pacifists in the world family?" Alice sneered.

Although she looks like a little girl, as Mori Ogai's humanoid ability, what Mori Ogai knows, Alice, who is almost inseparable from him, of course also knows.

"It's only one third, not half." Mori Ogai corrected him earnestly.

"Also, Dazai is my disciple, I never thought of killing him." Mori Ogai clarified by the way.

To be reasonable, even when he was most afraid that Osamu Dazai would step on the same bloody road as him to become the leader of the port mafia, the most serious thing Mori Ogai did was to force Dazai through the matter of Oda Sakunosuke George left the Port Mafia only.

It's a pity that this plan, which should have been perfect, somehow went awry, and ended up going awry all the way, and finally got a little out of control.

But this little loss of control is still in Mori Ogai's plan, and it is not unacceptable.

The only regret is that although the previous plan allowed Oda Sakunosuke, a powerful but out-of-control man, to leave the port mafia, Dazai Osamu did not get along with him just like that, and Mori Ogai was actually a little distressed Woolen cloth.

——However, whether Mori Ogai felt sorry for his disciples and was reluctant to kill him, or Dazai Osamu was really hard to kill, and the pay and reward were very disproportionate.

This, let the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom.

But this is not the point.

"That guy Dazai seems to want to stay with the port mafia now." Alice said with a grin.

"However, Rin Taro, if you spend more time with this disciple Dazai, you might be able to put aside the previous differences and shake hands and make peace."

"I'm really looking forward to this scene." Mori Ogai's face that has been firmly seated on the throne of the leader for more than ten years has been tested for a long time. He was not shocked by the irony of his own family's supernatural ability Alice, and instead thought about it seriously.

Then Mori Ogai sighed, and said; "However, Dazai may prefer to play with Chuya rather than develop a relationship with me."

It's probably a kind of vicissitudes of life that the son can't help his father when he grows up.

"..." Alice.

It always feels like something is lost.


After leaving the boss's office, Nakahara Chuya didn't immediately go to Dazai Osamu - anyway, the bastard would show up when he was supposed to, and Nakahara Chuya didn't want to waste his precious time looking for someone.

Turning around, Nakahara Nakaya first went to look for the eldest sister Ozaki Koyo.

As one of the five cadres under the head of the port mafia, Koyo Ozaki's office is located in the building next door to the office building directly under the boss Mori Ogai.

Through the passage between the buildings, Nakahara didn't walk much, and found the eldest sister Ozaki Koye in a torture room with a window nailed down in the building next door.

Ozaki Koyo is holding a whip and is tortured Dazai Osamu who is chained to the wall.

...By the way, Osamu Dazai left the Port Mafia for London without permission before. Although he was later brought back by Nakahara Chuya, it cannot be regarded as a defection, but there is still a punishment for dereliction of duty.

Koye Ozaki, the person who executed the punishment, was impassive and selfless, but Osamu Dazai, who is now being handcuffed to the wall, was beaten as soon as he was beaten, and he always made some moans that were reminiscent of something wrong. Is this intentional or not? On purpose?

Opening the door of the torture room, as soon as he entered, he heard Osamu Dazai make another blushing voice for no reason. Nakahara couldn't hold back, kicked Osamu Dazai on the head, and gave a warning with a dark face.

"Don't make strange noises."

"What's so strange, sister Hongye is so ruthless, what's wrong with me yelling?" Dazai Zhi argued vigorously, with a face of innocence that would rather die than surrender.

"Calling? You're called|Chun, right?" Zhongyuan Zhong also bared his teeth, "Believe it or not, I'm calling someone..."

The ellipsis is not that Zhongyuanzhong didn't speak, but that it is not suitable for children to mute the sound like this.

Koyo Ozaki patted Chuya Nakahara with his hands in his pockets, and stared at the corners of his beautiful eyes, and said, "Chuya, didn't I tell you not to go to messy places with Dazai!"

What did a good boy say, Osamu Dazai is really a source of pollution.

"Hey, sister Hongye, where this guy Chuya went has nothing to do with me." Osamu Dazai felt wronged.

Nakahara Chuya always blamed him for anything out of the ordinary, although eight out of ten times he did not find the wrong culprit, but this time it really had nothing to do with Osamu Dazai.

The scapegoat can't be deducted like this, protest!

"Shut up, you haven't finished your private trip to London this time." Koyo Ozaki whipped Osamu Dazai again with his backhand.

Seeing the elder sister beat up Osamu Dazai, Chuya Nakahara, who was happily watching on the sidelines, remembered the business.

"Boss asked me and Dazai to take some school exams, and we will go to Tokyo in two days." Nakahara Nakaya said.

"Mafia school entrance exam?" Koyo Ozaki used interrogative sentences, but her tone was very firm.

But before Zhongyuan Zhongya could say anything, Osamu Dazai, who was handcuffed to the wall and beaten, "hiss—" he cried out in pain, and then said.

"Mafia school? Isn't this the school Rambo is attending now?"

The author has something to say: let's start with a few chapters, and then the school chapter will begin!

Note, in terms of details, Da Zai has a deeper memory than Zhong Zhong, so it was Da Zai who first discovered the connection between the school and Rambo.

Thank you little angel for your support!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 144 bottles of linzixiou; 52 bottles of Yanlou; 10 bottles of You; 5 bottles of Mumumumu, Saiki, and Yeyixun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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