Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 151 71. Beast

The afternoon sun shines through the tall and evergreen tree crowns on the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Sicily has been enjoying good weather these days.

Stepping on soft Persian carpets under the boots, sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows in the reading room of the Vengley Library, the comfortable sofa makes people feel a little drowsy.

So Sawada Tsunayoshi, who had nothing to do with the comic book, was greeted by the sleepy bug while reading the book, and fell asleep accidentally leaning on the back chair of the sofa.

Under the background of Vengley's current overtime work, there are almost no Vengley members who will come to the library at this time.

So after Tsunayoshi Sawada, the only one who was idle, leaned on the sofa and fell asleep, the reading room of Pengo Li library was very quiet for a while.

Birds and flowers are fragrant, and occasionally some loud conversations from the office buildings of Vengley Castle not far away can be heard, but these voices are filtered by the groves around the library and cannot be heard clearly.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the sound of 'cracking' footsteps suddenly sounded in the aisle outside the reading room. It sounded very slight, but for Tsunayoshi Sawada, who has been rubbed by his own devil teacher for a long time, this sound is enough to arouse Conditioned.

However, perhaps it was because the breath coming along with the sound of footsteps was too familiar, carrying a deep-rooted sense of security that seemed to have existed since a long time ago.

So until the owner of the footsteps, Xanxus, stepped on the soft carpet in front of the sofa, and stood in front of the sleeping Tsunayoshi Sawada next to the French window.

Tsunayoshi Sawada, who fell asleep with his head tilted on the high-back sofa, frowned, but still did not wake up.

Although it is said that they are in a relationship, after all, Tsunayoshi Sawada and Xanxus are not the protagonists of the eight o'clock file who don't have to do anything all day long and only want to fall in love.

They each have their own jobs, excluding overtime and business trips, apart from sleeping together at night, or occasionally going to each other's work area to accompany them to study, in fact, the two of them add up to spend time together... Well, it seems that there is really no Tsunayoshi Sawada Spend a lot of time in the Apollo Hall.

And for the past two days, Tsunayoshi Sawada stayed in the library reading comic books instead of playing games to pass the time, while Xanxus was on a temporary business trip with assignments.

The task at hand was completed the day before the annual meeting of Vengley Castle. After returning to Balian Castle, Xanxus didn't stay much, and came directly to Vengley Castle.

It’s just that xanxus didn’t find Tsunayoshi Sawada in the office of the Apollo Hall at the beginning. After being reminded by Takeshi Yamamoto who passed by the Apollo Hall to pick up the documents, he went to the Vengley Library to find someone.

But unfortunately, Xanxus who came to the reading room of Pengo Li library to find someone, although the person was found, Tsunayoshi Sawada happened to fall asleep.

And judging from the state where xanxus stretched out his hand and clasped Tsunayoshi Sawada's chin, the rabbit didn't respond at all. He didn't wake up when he was directly touched by someone, and Tsunayoshi Sawada slept soundly.

Tsunayoshi Sawada slept soundly, but it was a bit difficult for Xanxus.

Call people up directly... no, it hurts a bit when a rabbit bites people in a hurry, and it's not easy to coax. The experience of being thrown out of us in the middle of the night is enough.

——After all, I am used to the warmth of the Furong tent. It is actually quite uncomfortable to reach out in the middle of the night and not find someone by my side.

Cough, but these are digressions, let’s get down to business.

Having been with Tsunayoshi Sawada for this period of time, xanxus, who knew very well where his boyfriend Lei Dian was, didn't wake him up after thinking about it, and just sat down next to Tsunayoshi Sawada casually.

Tsunayoshi Sawada was sitting on a high-back single sofa, although it was spacious enough for two people, but it was inevitable that Tsunayoshi Sawada would bump into Tsunayoshi Sawada when he was crowded like this.

Then with a tilt of his head, Tsunayoshi Sawada leaned on Xanxus' shoulder, and Xanxus stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his waist so as not to slip onto the carpet.

Hugging the people around him, he took a look at the book that Tsunakichi Sawada was holding in his hand - "Naruto".

...How should I put it, although this kind of comic book is very out of date in such a classical book collection building as the Vengley Library.

But inexplicably, xanxus felt that Tsunayoshi Sawada would read this kind of book, which is actually quite expected.

The only problem is probably only one.

Xanxus used to read almost all the books in the Vengley Library, even if the content of some books may not be read, but xanxus knows the type of books.

There must have been no comic books in the previous Vengley library.

So, when did they start to have such a down-to-earth collection of comic books in Vengley's library?

...Probably, it started when Tsunayoshi Sawada took over as the tenth generation of Pengelie.

At this time, Xanxus originally wanted to pass the time with any book before Tsunayoshi Sawada woke up, but what he was holding was a comic book that he had never read before.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was leaning on Xanxus' shoulder at this time, breathing deeply and sleeping soundly. If Xanxus wanted to read another book, he might wake up Sawada Tsunayoshi when he stood up.

It's probably a kind of... a dilemma.


Wearing a cloak skirt, a hood on her head, and a square box that looks like a birdcage but is actually a magic dress, a magician girl named Gray is walking in the Vengley Library in the aisle.

"Elmero II" Webber Velvet was urged by his step-sister Lienice Elmeiro Archizolti to go to Sicily to attend an inexplicable annual meeting. Due to the rush of time, it was too late to call on other people.

Therefore, the disciple Grey was the only one who followed "Elmello II" Weber Velvet to Vengley Castle.

For the past two days, Weber Velvet had come to Vengley Library to read the magician's notes that he couldn't find elsewhere, often forgetting to eat and sleep. Grey, a girl who looked underage, shouldered the burden of looking after the master.

At about the same time as these two days, Gray came to the library from Vengley Castle and planned to call the master back for dinner in advance. When passing by the aisle next to the reading room of the library, he didn't go in as usual.

There are two entrances to the reading room of the Vengley Library, one is the European-style double door near the inner corridor in the library, and the other is a floor-to-ceiling window that directly enters the reading room from the courtyard. Find an open floor-to-ceiling window Then you can enter the reading room.

But Gray went to the corridor of the courtyard today, and she could clearly see at a glance that her master, Weber Velvet, was not in the reading room at this time.

Weber Velvet would stay in the library for a while when he was searching for books on magicians, and Gray didn't think it was strange.

In the past two days, I will greet her with a smile. The elder brother/brother Peng Gelejudai, who looks very kind, is sitting on the sofa next to the French window in the reading room as usual, but this elder brother/brother is now asleep.

What surprised Gray was that a strange man appeared in the reading room where she was usually alone, or with her master these two days.

The strange man looked very angular in appearance, and the cross scars on his face carried a chilling aura.

"Oh my God, this man is so dangerous!" Across the distance and the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the magic dress in the cage in Gray's hand spoke frightened words.

In fact, without opening his mouth in his magic dress, Gray himself felt a little chilled by the breath of this strange man.

Just like the feeling of being suddenly soaked by icy river water in the hot summer, the strange man sitting next to Pengele Judaime always had a biting killing intent in his breath.

What's more frightening is that this kind of killing intent doesn't seem to be aimed at anyone in particular by that man, it's just common.

But this kind of unusualness made Gray feel even more uneasy.

"That man's aura of undead is so strong." The magic dress in the cage in Gray's hand was agitated, and it was very obvious that he wanted to escape.

For a person with such a strong breath of undead, how many lives should be harvested to be so terrifying. Is this man a walking god of death? !

Grey, wearing a hood, quietly stood in the distance and looked at the strange man sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window, resisting the urge to run away, and said hesitantly.

"The big brother/brother is still there."

Sawada Tsunayoshi was sleeping next to the strange man at this time, seemingly unaware.

In Gray's view, this feeling is probably like watching a big white rabbit lying next to a wild beast with its bloody mouth open. Gray is really hesitant to wake up the big white rabbit who doesn't know the danger!

A hand suddenly appeared on Gray's shoulder, and Gray turned around in surprise.


"What are you doing standing here?" Weber Velvet, who came over from the library with two thick books in his arms, looked at his disciple in surprise.

"A very dangerous person appeared beside that elder brother!" Gray said eagerly, pulling on the master's windbreaker.

By the way, he pointed to the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the reading room a little further away, and the picture of Tsunayoshi Sawada sleeping on Xanxus' shoulder appeared in front of Weber Velvet's eyes.

Seeing Xanxus for the first time, Weber Velvet's sensitive nerves trained in crisis immediately tensed up.

No matter from which aspect, xanxus is indeed not a character who can make people look relaxed.

However, it was a little different from his own disciple's expression of caring about chaos. Weber Velvet breathed a sigh of relief after seeing clearly Tsunayoshi Sawada sleeping on Xanxus' shoulder.

"That's Xanxus, the leader of Balian." Webber Wilwirt paused, and said, "Zawada's companion."

Although Tsunayoshi Sawada looks soft and cute, easy to get along with and has a good personality, but he is the leader of the mafia after all, so he should be vigilant.

In the past two days, Weber Velvet occasionally saw several scenes where Tsunayoshi Sawada fell asleep, but he often woke up before he got close to Tsunayoshi Sawada.

But now leaning on the shoulder of that man who didn't look easy to mess with, Tsunayoshi Sawada was sleeping deeply, and his expression was very soothing. This is a gesture that can only be seen in front of a trusted companion.

Weber Velvet didn't bother the sleeping Tsunayoshi Sawada and the others, but left with his disciples.

But before leaving after listening to the master's words, Gray turned to look at the performance of Tsunayoshi Sawada and the others by the floor-to-ceiling windows, but now he had a different feeling.

Maybe instead of a rabbit lying next to a dangerous beast, it's a ferocious beast defending what's his?

But, um...why do you feel that the tenth generation of Pengele looks like a rabbit?

The author has something to say: the castle chapter has come to an end, and after that is the mafia school chapter.

However, the Mafia School Chapter is a branch line, probably similar to a transfer station between volumes, with fewer volumes and chapters than the main text, and the specific situation will be seen later.

The branch line is used to supplement some foreshadowing of the text, it is all daily, take your time!

As a preview, the next chapter of the 27-based main body volume will probably be a parent chapter, depending on the situation.

Thank you little angel for your support!

Work hard to code, compare your heart!

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