Penggli Rhapsody

Chapter 145 65. Leisure Room

In the bedroom of the suite belonging to Tsunayoshi Sawada in Vengley Castle, Xanxus, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a piercing cell phone ringing.

"Hi." Xanxus' voice sounded low and dangerous.

Nonsense, anyone who wakes up in the morning will be in a bad mood!

But the person who answered the phone obviously didn't listen to xanxus' dangerous voice. The loud voice from the mobile phone's microphone was like a sledgehammer hitting the eardrums, directly waking up xanxus who was still a little sleepy.

"Bastard, where are you now!" Spelby Skuvalo was a little rushed.

Of course, whoever stayed up all night and worked all night, but did not see the companion who had agreed to hand over the work at the designated place the next day? .

But there was nothing he could do about it, he held Tsunayoshi Sawada in his arms last night and slept all night, xanxus, the true and headstrong leader, completely forgot about what work and handover would happen at a short while.

If it wasn't for Sberby Skuvalo who was still outside calling xanxus, xanxus probably wouldn't have woken up yet.

"You're not still in Balian, are you?" The voice of Sberby Skuvalo in the phone's microphone suddenly had an unbelievable guess.

"No." Reaching out to find Tsunayoshi Sawada by his side, xanxus sat up abruptly on the bed, tidied his hair casually, and said with a smile.

"I'm in Pengo Lie."

It took a few seconds to understand the meaning of xanxus' words, and Spelby Skuvalo's voice became even more irritable.

"Damn it, no wonder I didn't see you here, you bastard!"

The beauty is in her arms, let alone work, and her companions can leave behind. Xanxus is now with Tsunakichi Sawada at the Vengley Castle, where he still wants to get a companion who is struggling to work outside.

Spelby Skuvalo understands the truth. After all, even if he has never tasted the sweetness of love, he has seen the dog food sprinkled by others in love.

But understanding this matter does not mean that Spelby Scovalo can understand this matter.

——The bastard xanxus lost the chain on the side of Vengley Castle, and Siberby Skuvalo, who was so tired outside, did the work of two people by himself. The hatred of overtime work is as deep as the sea!

However, is there something wrong?

"Didn't that guy Zetian fall out with you two days ago?" Siberby Skuvalo was a little annoyed holding the phone.

It's not that Tsunayoshi Sawada kicked xanxus out a few days ago, and he didn't come to Balian Castle to look for xanxus these days. Many housekeepers of Balian Castle were tearfully surrounded by xanxus with low pressure. Smashed the head several times.

As for the emotional intelligence of xanxus, who can't even coax people, whether it's Aria Baltiska or Sperby Skuvalo, they are all ready to hold down the lovelorn and irritable xanxus.

As a result, Sberby Skuvalo came out to do a mission, and when he turned around, he was let go by xanxus who was staying in Tsunayoshi Sawada's room and couldn't get up... What do you mean? !

"Didn't you break up with Zetian?" Spelby Skuvalo said in surprise.

"Get out, you just broke up." Xanxus' voice was very rude.

Hmph, it was also the rumors spread by Sberby Scuvarro and Aria Baltiska over there before. Xanxus, who didn't take this matter seriously, was only in a mood after not seeing Tsunayoshi Sawada for a few days irritable.

As a result, I couldn't resist coming to Vongola Castle to block people last night, only to find out that Tsunayoshi Sawada had been working overtime in the library of Vengola Castle these days, so he didn't go to Balian to find him.

——What kind of low EQ or breaking up is simply nothing.

Facts have proved that when you are in a relationship, don't listen to the nonsense of people around you. It is serious to catch people directly. Other things such as coaxing people and being broken up are all false.

"You do the task yourself, I don't have time." Finally, to retaliate against Spelby Skuvalo's rumors these days, xanxus hung up the phone very neatly.

"..." This is Spelby Skuvalo who was forced to work overtime outside and was hung up on the phone.

... The bastard xanxus is indeed a beast!

He hung up the phone and turned off the phone, no matter how furious Sperby Scuvaro was outside, Xanxus lived in Vengley Castle like a fish in water.Not only did Tsunayoshi Sawada live with Xanxus in Balian Castle for several days, but at the beginning, Xanxus also stayed with Tsunayoshi Sawada in Vengley Castle for a long time.

After Tsunayoshi Sawada became the master of Vongola Castle, the housekeepers and servants serving in Vengola Castle did not actually change much.

In addition to the addition of some new manpower, many of the housekeepers and servants who are currently in charge of castle affairs in Pengo Lie Castle are old people from the Ninth Generation Period.

The housekeeper and servant who worked in Pengele Castle during the ninth generation of Pengele, of course, also served xanxus who once lived in Pengele Castle as Pengele's heir.

Although xanxus lived in the Balian Castle for more time after he joined the Balian Assassination Force at the age of 12, but in the Vengley Castle, Xanxus still has his room.

And just like keeping the room of Vongola Nine Generations, it is located on the third floor of Vongola Castle. The room that originally belonged to Xanxus has also been preserved as it is. It was a place reserved by Nine Generations for his adopted son before, and later it was Sawada Tsuna Ji kept the past for her companions.

It's just that since the cradle incident, the room belonging to Xanxus on the third floor of Vengley Castle has never been occupied by the owner.

Later, xanxus provoked the battle for the ring again, even if Tsunayoshi Sawada didn't pursue anything because of it, xanxus never went back to Vengley Castle to live.

After so many years, Xanxus returned to Vongola Castle, but he no longer lived in the room he used to live in. Instead, he lingered in the suite of Tsunayoshi Sawada, the tenth generation of Vengola.

——Everyone knows why.

There are many housekeepers in Vengley Castle, and the things they are responsible for and the main objects they serve are different.

Among the many meticulous butlers in tuxedos and white gloves, old Jason was considered to be the most experienced and older.

However, the 60-year-old old Jason is still personable. Although his hair is gray, he is in good spirits. As the chief butler in charge of all the butlers in Pengo Lie Castle, old Jason's business ability is naturally nothing to say.

——If it weren't for the fact that Old Jason's son was also working in Pengo Lie Castle, in order to distinguish him from his son Jason with the same name, Old Jason's name wouldn't sound so revealing.

The chief butler, Old Jason, was originally the confidant butler next to Kudaimu, but after Kudaimu left Vongola Castle, in order to prevent the newly appointed Vongola Judai from being in a hurry.

Therefore, after most of the old people working in Vongola Castle left with the nine generations, the old Jason only planned to stay in Vengola Castle temporarily to help transition the Vengola Castle caused by the intersection of the two leaders. Manage vacuum periods.

However, as Tsunayoshi Sawada, the tenth head of Pengele, relied more heavily on the chief steward, Old Jason, the chief steward who had been working in the castle for so long, still did not leave in the end.

——This is also conceivable, after all, no matter whether it is Tsunayoshi Sawada or Hayato Gokuji, it is exhausting enough to deal with Peng Lie's work, and no one has the ability to be a housekeeper.

In a place as big as Vongola Castle, there are so many people, and there are many things to do every day. Don't look at Vengley's butlers, it seems that all of them are elites, but because of this, none of these elites obeys the others.

If there was no chief butler, Old Jason, who was experienced and persuasive, sitting in charge, no housekeeper in Vongola Castle would be in chaos every minute. At that time, Sawada Tsunayoshi would really have nowhere to cry.

Besides, Kudaime took away many old butlers and servants of Vongola Castle when he resigned. The person who is most suitable for the position of chief butler is old Jason, and Tsunayoshi Sawada is stupid to leave him. people let go.

In short, although he did not go to the place where Kudaime is currently located as originally planned, the chief housekeeper Jason is still very pleased to stay in the place where he has worked for most of his life in Vongola Castle, and he works hard every day.

And in my lifetime, I can see the day when the little master Xanxus who had served at the beginning came back to live in Pengoile Castle-although the place where Pengoile's housekeepers lived secretly made all kinds of turbulent gossip fly all over the sky.

But to old Jason, the seasoned chief butler, none of these are big things.

Early this morning, after serving Judaime for dinner as usual, a few hours later, I heard the bell calling the butler from Judaime's suite again.

The head butler, Old Jason, had been circulating in Vengley Castle for a few days about the gossip that Mr. Xanxus was being dumped, but today he saw Mr. Xanxus in the suite of the tenth generation.

Regarding this matter, the performance of the chief butler, old Jason, was very worthy of all the incredible things he had experienced in Pengo Lie these years.

Anyway, just be calm.

Choose the clothes to change for Mr. Xanxus, put on a comfortable and expensive coat, and very skillfully smooth out the wrinkles of the shirt for the grown up little master.

Then the head butler, Old Jason, heard Xanxus ask.

"Where's Zetian?"

"Master Zetian is currently in the leisure room on the first floor." The head butler, old Jason, replied meticulously.

Xanxus froze for a moment—it wasn't very obvious, but the head butler, Old Jason, still noticed it.

But, if you see it, you have to act as if you didn't see it. The head housekeeper, old Jason, has rich experience in how to deal with the young master.

"With whom?" Xanxus asked.

Usually at this time, Tsunayoshi Sawada usually works in the Apollo Hall, and xanxus knows it well.

But today Tsunayoshi Zetian didn't go to work but was in the leisure room of Pengo Lie Castle. He also knew that he couldn't go there alone.

"Lord Aria and Lord Kurom are both in the lounge." Old Jason, the head butler, answered fluently.

Of course he is fluent. The head housekeeper, old Jason, worked in the leisure room on the first floor of Pengo Lie Castle.

It's just that later I saw Master Zetian and the others dancing happily without being disturbed, so the head butler, Old Jason, left a servant there to help fill the tea and water, and then left to deal with other tasks.

After listening to the words of the chief housekeeper, Old Jason, xanxus said 'um' without saying anything else, changed his clothes and went to find Tsunayoshi Sawada.

But then the chief housekeeper Old Jason, who was working near the lounge, vaguely saw Mr. Xanxus and Mr. Zetian saying a few words at the door of the lounge, and then Mr. Xanxus was turned away by Mr. Zetian again.

Oh, the old people don't get involved in the affairs of the young people.

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

27: Dancing, do not disturb.

X: I can!

27: Can you cooperate with me in the women's step dance?

X: ...

27: Hmph!

The column is cute and asks for support, and there are two more to make up, compare your heart!

Thank you little angel for your support!

Work hard to code, remember to cheer for me!


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Yuri Alice, Hello, 10 bottles; Qi Qi, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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