In the evening, Ci Ye was going to make snake soup with snake meat.

He asked Hei Yao to kill the snake, remove the bones, peel the meat into shreds, and then fry the processed snake meat with lard and put it in a steamer, letting the snake meat and seasonings be steamed together.After steaming, he put the snake meat, shredded chicken, shredded mushrooms and other side dishes into clay pots to cook. After cooking for a while, the delicious and fragrant snake soup is ready.

"Wu, can I eat it?" Jin Ze swallowed, staring at the clay pot of snake soup without blinking, he couldn't take it anymore.

Ci Ye approached the stove, lifted the lid on the clay pot, and a strong fragrance permeated the air, making people's index fingers twitch and saliva drool.

"Okay, it's ready to eat!" After the water vapor dissipated, Ci Ye found that the snake soup was almost cooked, so he turned his head and said to Jin Ze.

"Go get your bowl, I'll serve you a bowl!"

"Okay!" Jin Ze cheered happily, and hurried back to get his clay bowl.

The bowl was filled with snake soup, Jinze hugged the bowl, his eyes sparkled, and he was very happy.He scooped up a spoonful of snake soup with a spoon, blew it casually a few times, and stuffed it into his mouth impatiently.

"It's so delicious!" Jin Ze couldn't help saying after swallowing a mouthful of snake soup.This snake soup is fragrant but not greasy, delicious, it is really great!

Hei Yao and Xiao Bai tasted the delicious snake soup, but also gobbled it up. They didn't expect the snake beast to be so ugly, but the meat was so delicious.

Ever since he tasted the snake soup, Jinze has been obsessed with it, thinking of trying to catch another snake.But the snake beast is so easy to catch. Whenever he has time, he sneaks to the water's edge to observe, but he always finds nothing.

"Witch! Look! There are fish in the water, I caught a big fish!" Jin Ze shouted to Ci Ye with a big fish in his hand.

Ci Ye glanced at him with a smile: "Okay, okay! Come back quickly, be careful of snakes and beasts in the water!"

"It would be great to have snake beasts! We can eat snake meat again!" Jin Ze replied with a bright laugh.

"What are you talking about? Come here, we should go back and make dinner!"


Jin Ze hugged the big fish in his arms happily, and ran back to Ci Ye happily regardless of the muddy muddy water on his body.

The Roaring tribe has been hiding on the high ground platform for several days. The rain has finally subsided recently, and they can also have some activities nearby. I believe that after a while, when the water level recedes, everyone will be able to return to the tribe.

And recently, the orcs who went to the tribe to check and patrol every day could always find some fierce beasts in the water. Most of these beasts came from the poisonous purple swamp, and they all sneaked into the tribe while it was raining and flooded.

Ci Ye also often reminded the orcs who went out to be careful of these fierce beasts. They were all poisonous, and if they were accidentally bitten, they would be in trouble.

"Wu, look there is a lump of mud!" Jin Ze was running up the mountain, but he caught a glimpse of a strange thing, and he hurriedly told Ci Ye, "This lump of mud is so strange, it can still move!"

Ci Ye took a closer look and found that the system gave a message:

【Black mud fish】

[The dorsal fin has spines, which are highly poisonous and will kill quickly. 】

【Food: fish and shrimp, aquatic plants, etc.】

"That's not mud, it's black mud fish. This kind of fish is poisonous, so be careful and don't touch it!" Ci Ye quickly told Jinze that the information given by the system is highly poisonous, and it will be troublesome if it gets in contact with this kind of fish.

Jin Ze was also a little surprised, and stared at the black lump with wide eyes. He didn't expect it to be a poisonous fish, which is incredible!

"Let's go back first!" Ci Ye glanced at the ball of "mud", and felt a little more worried. These poisonous beasts have appeared more and more frequently recently, which is not a good sign.

Soon, the monsoon rains finally stopped, the weather cleared up, and the water level in the tribe slowly dropped.Finally, on a sunny day, Ci Ye announced that everyone can move back to the tribe.

"Great! I can finally go back!"

The orcs packed their luggage, took down the tent and put it away, with excited and excited expressions on their faces.God knows how they survived these days. Their beloved homeland is close at hand, but they can only hide on this small platform. Everyone feels melancholy and depressed.

And now, everyone can finally go back to their beloved tribe, even though the witches say that the tribe may be destroyed as a mess, everyone is very happy, as long as the tribe is still there, they can turn the tribe back to its best look again.

Walking on the street, the water has receded completely, leaving only large and small puddles.The houses on both sides of the street exude damp water vapor, and the whole tribe is filled with a faint fishy smell.

There were some strange-looking beasts hidden in the corner of the road, and the orcs caught them angrily when they saw them.Ci Ye had warned them that these beasts might be poisonous, and everyone was very cautious.Just seeing their homeland being occupied by these nasty beasts, everyone was extremely angry.

Back in the house, the orcs didn't have time to rest, so they hurriedly started cleaning the house.Many wooden furniture in the house were soaked, and everyone could only move them out and put them in the sun to dry.And some floors were also damaged by soaking, and they all needed to be dismantled.Seeing the home that they took care of with all their heart turned into this kind of appearance, everyone felt depressed and sad.

What the orcs never expected was that the tribe's mushrooms were not damaged by the heavy rain, but instead grew more vigorously.

Before the rain, the mushroom trees in the tribe were moved into the mushroom houses, and most of them survived tenaciously, but what is surprising is that many luminous mushrooms grew in some courtyards, open spaces and roadsides, like a Blossoming small flowers are dotted on the side of the road, emitting a faint light.

"These should be grown from luminous spores. Mushroom trees always spray spores, so many spores fell into the soil." Ci Ye smiled when he saw the small luminous mushrooms by the roadside of the tribe.

"Do you want to dig up these mushrooms?" Obsidian asked.

Ci Ye shook his head: "No need, just let them grow there, they look pretty good too."

After a pause, he turned his head and said to Hei Yao: "Let's go to the field, I want to see how the crops are doing."

The two walked towards the field together, and Ci Ye sighed silently in his heart. After such a long period of rain, he had already guessed what the field looked like.

"Witch! Leader!" On the road, I met the orcs who managed the breeding area. They were cleaning and preparing to put the livestock away for refuge first.

The cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and silkworm babies raised by the tribe were well protected by the orcs, and followed them back to the tribe safe and sound.Everyone watched the tribe come back to life again, with faint smiles on their faces.

"Wu, the mulberry trees in the tribe are still fine!" As soon as Feng Ka returned to the tribe, he ran to observe the situation of the mulberry trees. Seeing that the mulberry trees were still growing vigorously there, he felt much more at ease.

"But many fruit trees in the tribe have drowned, Wu, the roots of these trees have been soaked!" Feng Ka frowned and said seriously.

"It's okay." Ci Ye patted her on the shoulder, "We'll go out to find some fruit trees in the ripe season, transplant them back, and dig up all the dead fruit trees."

Feng Ka sighed: "Okay, then I'll call someone to dig the tree later."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ci Ye worriedly again: "Wu, is the food grown in the field all right?"

"More than half of the crops were drowned, and only a small part survived. The rain washed away the nutrients in the soil. We will apply more fertilizer to them tomorrow, and we can save some."

Ci Ye's words were extremely heavy, and Feng Ka felt like a big stone was blocked in his heart. Everyone worked so hard to sow, weed, and fertilize the fields during the birth season, but the heavy rain ruined everything in one go.

"Don't be sad, at least some have survived. I have also stored seeds here, and we can continue to sow them next year."

Looking up and seeing Ci Ye's calm expression, Feng Ka's frowning brows also eased a little, "Well, Wu, you are right, we must not give up!"

Ci Ye smiled at her: "Let's go, let's go to work in the fields!"

In this way, after the orcs returned to the tribe, they quickly devoted themselves to busy work.Dashi and the orcs of the construction team are repairing the house seriously every day, helping the orcs to clean the floor and repair furniture; Feng Kaye and the female orcs continue to raise silkworms and tend the vegetable garden.This heavy rain almost took away the most cherished thing of the orcs, and everyone was determined to protect the most beautiful tribe.Soon, time passed day by day, the weather became clearer, and the rainy season came to an end.The fields of the tribe are back to life, the vegetable gardens are full of vegetables and herbs, and the fruit trees are bearing small fruits. The whole tribe is gradually returning to its original appearance.

The biggest change should be the mushroom tree in the tribe.In the past, most of the mushrooms were cultivated in the mushroom house, but after a heavy rain, the wet weather also let the orcs see the powerful ability of the spores.Without their knowledge, the mushroom tree launched many spores in various parts of the tribe, and these spores turned into small mushrooms, scattered in every corner of the tribe.

Now, the tribe doesn't even need to move the mushroom street lights out of the mushroom house, the whole tribe has been occupied by the mushroom farm.

At night, little fluorescent lights flicker, illuminating the whole tribe. The luminous mushrooms are dotted on the ground like little stars, growing on the roadside, feet, stone steps and under the window sills. It is really beautiful.

But now the orcs don't need to go to the mushroom house to pick mushrooms if they want to eat them. There are mushrooms everywhere in the tribe.If you pick a few at random, you can add some seasoning and roast them on the fire, turning them into a readily available snack, which wins the favor of the orcs.

Ci Ye was also a little surprised when he saw that the tribe was occupied by mushrooms.Perhaps the mushrooms I brought back have mutated, and now these mushrooms have adapted well to the tribe's growing environment, and their vitality is as tenacious as weeds, and they can survive well without careful care.Seeing these useful mushrooms everywhere, he couldn't help but smile in relief.

After the rainy season, the hunting teams returned to the grasslands to hunt again, and the fishing nets were thrown into the lake for fishing again.A lot of food has been lost in the tribe's fields, and the burden on the hunting team has also increased a lot. The tribe needs to store more meat than last year.Fortunately, during the recent period, the herds of beasts have come out again, and the fish and shrimps in the water are also very rich, and the beastmen have lived a comfortable and peaceful life again.

"Dashi, have the tribe's granaries been repaired?" Ci Ye found Dashi and asked about the situation of the granaries.After returning to the tribe after the rain, he asked Dashi to repair and strengthen the granary.

Dashi nodded seriously: "It's all repaired. There are small holes in some places, and I have filled them up."

"Little hole?" Ci Ye continued to ask.

"It's a rat hole. Some rat beasts are very good at digging holes. No matter how hard they are, I can't prevent them. This time I carefully patched up the wall with stones and bricks. They will never get into the house again."

After listening to Dashi's words, Ci Ye calmed down a little, and he asked again: "Were there so many rats in the tribe before?"

"No, there are more rats after the rainy season."

After the heavy rain, there were more rats... Ciye thought for a while, and then told Dashi: "Dashi, you ask Cuba to arrange more orcs to patrol the granary, and you must not let the rats eat the food."

"Okay, I see!" Dashi replied seriously.

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