Early the next morning, Ci Ye heard knocks on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw many little orcs sitting outside.A large group of fluffy animals stayed at the door, looking like colorful glutinous rice balls fell in the snow.

Seeing Wu open the door, the little orcs all turned into human shapes and stood in the yard in an orderly manner.

"Why are you all here?" Ci Ye's eyes widened, a little dumbfounded.

"Jinze and the others said that the witch told a nice story, so today we got up early and ran over." A little orc blinked and said.

"Hmm! Wu! We also want to hear stories!" The little beastmen said one after another.

"Okay! Then come in quickly!" Seeing so many children, Ci Ye quickly took them in and let them sit by the stove to warm up.

In the room, Hei Yao saw so many little orcs coming again, he was suddenly depressed.Xiaobai was very happy, running around the little orcs and playing with them.

The little orcs came so early, they must have not eaten yet, Ci Ye walked into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast.

"You guys cook here for a while, and I'll cook something delicious for you." Ci Ye said to the little orcs.

"Okay!" The little orcs were happier when they heard that there was something delicious, and they walked into the kitchen without blinking at Ci Ye.

Hei Yao looked at the little orcs in the room, sighed, and went into the kitchen to help.

Ci Ye is going to cook fish porridge and sweet and sour cakes this morning.

Remove the bones of the fish, cut it into thin slices, put it into the multicolored rice, add some vegetable leaves, add water into the pot and cook together, then add appropriate seasonings, the refreshing and delicious fish porridge will slowly emit fragrance.

Then steam the Gulu fruit, peel and grind it into a puree, add eggs and purple chestnut powder and stir evenly, add diced meat, diced mushrooms and diced vegetables, etc., sprinkle some salt, chili powder, and seasoning Powder, the prep work is done.

Rinse a small amount of oil in the pot, pour Gulu fruit puree, spread it with a shovel, and form a round cake; after one side is fried until golden, turn over and fry the other side, press with a shovel, and both sides will be fried until golden. It's ready to cook.

"Wow! It smells so good!" A greedy little orc couldn't help swallowing when he smelled the aroma wafting from the kitchen.

"Yeah! It smells so good! It must be delicious!" Jin Ze also nodded, his stomach was rumbling because of the aroma.

"It's time to eat!" Ci Ye walked out of the kitchen and called the little orcs to sit down at the dining table, wash their hands and prepare to eat.

The little orcs ran to the water tank obediently, scooped up water and washed their hands.They didn't know how to wash their hands before eating, but after Ci Ye came, he told them to wash their hands before eating, otherwise they would get sick.Everyone has developed a good habit of washing hands obediently.

Hei Yao helped Ci Ye bring out all the meals and put them on the table, and Ci Ye was holding a bowl to serve the little orcs.

Each little orc was given a large bowl of porridge, three glutinous rice cakes, and a fried egg.

Looking at the delicious food in front of them, the little orcs couldn't wait to grab the glutinous rice cakes, and they hurriedly stuffed them into their mouths, not too hot.

"Wow!" A little orc held a palm-sized glutinous pancake, took a big bite, and opened his eyes wide in an instant, amazed by the crispy and soft glutinous glutinous pancake.

"It's so delicious! This Hulu pancake is delicious!" the little orc muttered while chewing.

"Yeah! The food made by witches is the best!" The other little orcs gulped down the cakes and nodded in agreement, their mouths glistening with oil. It seemed that they all fell in love with the delicious Hulu cakes.

Take a bite of Hulu pancakes, and then drink a mouthful of refreshing and delicious fish porridge to relieve the tiredness. Jinze thinks this is the best breakfast he has eaten since his death season!

After the dead season came, some days it snowed heavily and it was impossible to go out, so the cafeteria was closed and everyone cooked at home.But Mona's cooking skills are really bad, and Jin Ze and Da Jin miss the food in the cafeteria very much every day.

"It would be great if I could come to Wu's house for dinner every day!" Jin Ze was holding a bowl of porridge, his eyes were still rolling, and he looked secretly at Ci Ye.

Seeing Hei Yao staring at him indifferently, Jin Ze shuddered and buried his head deeper in the bowl.Sure enough, it still doesn't work, and the leader will be angry again!well!

After eating and washing the dishes, everyone sat neatly by the fireplace and listened to Ci Ye's storytelling.Because some little orcs hadn't heard the story of the Lion King told yesterday, Ci Ye told it again today.

Except for Kanazawa and the others, this is the first time for the little orcs to hear such an interesting and thrilling story, which is more interesting than the orc warriors telling their hunting experience, which is really great!

Ci Ye slowly told the story, the little orcs listened carefully, and their moods fluctuated with the development of the story. When they heard that Simba was driven away, everyone was very angry, but when they heard that Scar was defeated, everyone He showed an expression of joy and excitement again.

"Okay, this is the end of the story. This is the story of Simba, the Lion King." After Ci Ye finished telling the story, he looked at the little orcs in front of him with a smile.

"Scar is so bad!" A little orc couldn't help but say, with resentful flames still shining in his eyes.

"Yes! Scar is the most annoying! Simba is the most powerful! I will become the Lion King like Simba in the future!" Another little orc hurriedly said.

"Oops! You can't be the Lion King!" interrupted a little orc.

"Why can't I be the Lion King?" The little orc raised his head in disbelief.

"Because you're a cheetah orc, you can't become a lion king! Hmph!"

Hearing this, the little orc who aspired to be the lion king was stunned, and then said unconvinced, "Then I will become the cheetah king!"

"Hahahaha!" Everyone couldn't help laughing as they watched the two of them bicker.

After telling the story of the Lion King, Ci Ye took out the orc version of the story of the Monkey King and told the children.

The wonderful and interesting stories bring infinite joy to the little orcs, and also give them the wings of imagination. Is there a Lion King in Glory Land?Are there any Jade Rabbit orcs on the moon?In the hearts of the little orcs, there is only one positive answer to these questions.

After listening to the story in the afternoon, the little orcs should go home.

Today, instead of snowing outside, the sun came out. Some orcs walked out of their homes and began to shovel the snow on the road with shovels. The tribe was full of life again.

"Boom!" A big snowball hit Jin Ze, and in front of him, Gu Li was holding her waist and laughing loudly.

"Okay, Gu Li! How dare you hit me! Let's see how I deal with you!" Jin Ze turned into a golden lion, leaped towards Gu Li.

Gu Li made a grimace, turned into a silver-white tiger, got into the snow and ran away.

The two little orcs were chasing and fighting in the snow, knocking down the snowdrift that had been shoveled up with great difficulty, which made the orcs next to them laugh and curse, and the whole world suddenly became lively.

Seeing the little orcs having so much fun, Ci Ye also wanted to go out to play.

Putting on a thick fur coat, a fluffy tail scarf, and bunny earmuffs, Ci Ye is ready to go out.

The clothes he wears are all made according to the production method given in the [Clothing] column of the system.The winter in the game is also very difficult, so a lot of warm items are given, which is also a great help now.

Ci Ye is not an orc, and his physique is not as good as that of an orc, so he has to wear thick clothes when going out, wrapped like a ball, so as not to get sick from the cold.Seeing Kanazawa Guli and the others transforming into animal shapes and running freely in the snow, Ci Ye felt a burst of envy in his heart.

"Ah Hua, why don't you go play in the snow?" Ci Ye saw A Hua standing alone by the water tank, and stepped forward to ask.

"Wu, look, the water is frozen, so beautiful." A'hua smashed the ice with her hands, and fished out a large thick piece of ice.

Lift the ice up and place it in the sun. The ice is crystal clear, shining like a gem, looking transparent and clean.

"Hmm! It's really beautiful!" Ci Ye replied.

When Ah Hua told the ice cubes to be put down, her hands were red, her face was also red, and she asked, "Wu, can ice cubes be used as lanterns?"

Hearing A Hua's question, Ci Ye was a little surprised. It turned out that A Hua had been staring at these ice cubes and wanted to use them to make ice lanterns. It seems that A Hua is really obsessed with lanterns!

"Of course!" Ci Ye smiled, "Ice can be made into ice lanterns, which can be stored for a long time during the dead season!"

After listening to Ci Ye's words, Ah Hua's eyes lit up, and her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"I want to make a beautiful ice lantern! Put candles in it, it will look great at night!" He excitedly said to Ci Ye.

Ci Ye smiled and patted his head: "Well! If you want to do it, do it, and it will be successful!"

Ah Hua nodded seriously, and also showed a bright smile, "Well! I'm going to get the tools at home now!" After finishing speaking, she hurriedly turned into a little leopard, jumped into the snow, and ran away.

Ci Ye stayed by the water tank, looking at the floating ice inside, it was crystal clear, and Ah Hua's love for lanterns was as pure and flawless as this ice.

Exhaling, Ci Ye stood in the snow, watching the little orcs running and playing in the distance.Jin Ze and Gu Li were lying in the snow, and when they saw Ci Ye coming out, they ran over to play with Ci Ye.

"Let's build a snowman." Ci Ye said to them.

"Build a snowman?" Jin Ze and Gu Li heard a new thing.Their eyes sparkled, waiting for Ci Ye's explanation.

Ci Ye smiled and said, "It's just to pile snow into the shape of a human being. Come and pile it with me."

Through the gloves, I can still feel the coldness of the snow.Ci Ye recalled the steps of making a snowman when he was a child, making snowballs on the ground, and then rolling snowballs on the ground.The snowball got bigger and bigger, and soon it was knee high.

"Wow! What a big snowball!" Kanazawa sighed when he saw such a big and round snowball.

"Come on! Roll a snowball too!" Ci Ye said to them with a smile.

"Okay! I want to roll a snowball too, a super big one!" Jin Ze impatiently joined the snowball team, and Gu Li also picked up the snow and began to rub it.

Make a big snowball, set up the snowball one big at a time, the upper one is smaller and the lower one is bigger, and the prototype of the snowman is ready.Then use branches and fruit cores to make hands and eyes for the snowman, and install a long nose and mouth, and a white snowman is completed.

"Look! This is the snowman!" Ci Ye smiled and rubbed his hands, looking at his masterpiece with great satisfaction.

Jin Ze and Gu Li stood aside, frowning, looking left and right.

"Wu, the snowman you made doesn't look like a human at all." Gu Li couldn't help but say.

Ci Ye laughed loudly, and replied: "This snowman is more abstract, you can try to make it and see if you can make a more human-like snowman."

"Okay!" Jinze nodded earnestly as he pushed the big snowball as high as his waist; Guli also rubbed the snow, determined to make a beautiful snowman.

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