A few days later, the continuous rain finally stopped and ushered in a long-lost sunny day.

Pushing open the door, a fresh and moist breath hits the face.The scorching sun, mixed with the evaporated moisture, makes people wake up from the long drowsy rainy day, and the depression and haze accumulated in the bottom of their hearts are swept away.

"Finally I can go outside to play!" Jin Ze jumped out of the house excitedly, turned into a golden lion, and started rolling in the mud.

"Jinze! You can't go to the bathhouse to take a bath after waiting like this!" Mona leaned against the door, looked at him, and smiled.

"Then I'll take a bath in the creek later." Jin Ze rolled over again, turned into a human form, and answered dirtyly.

"I'm going to play with Gu Li, we haven't come out for a long time!" Jin Ze couldn't hide the excitement on his face, he was bored at home these days.

"Go, your father and I are going hunting today, so we don't have time to worry about you." Mona stretched her waist, revealing her smooth and tough waist and vest line. Stuffed.

How did you manage me... Jin Ze thought aggrievedly, sighed silently in his heart, turned into a beast again, and ran away in a hurry.

On the other side, Ci Ye opened the window and was dazzled by the bright sunlight outside the window.

Covering his eyes with his hands, and slowly adapting to the bright sunlight, Ci Ye also smiled happily: "It's finally clear!"

"Well! The hunting team can go hunting today." Hei Yao walked to him and raised his arms to help him block part of the hot light.

The orcs of the Howler tribe used to go out to hunt even in the rainy season, but the hunting harvest in this weather was very small, so the orcs were often hungry during the rainy season.

After Ci Ye came, he taught them to use traps to catch prey and got enough food. He also taught them to use salt to store food and air-dried meat, and found a lot of food that could fill their stomachs. Stay at home without worrying about hunger and wind and rain.

"Alright! There is not much food stored in the tribe, so I will go hunting with you this time," Ci Ye said.

"You want to be with us too?" Hei Yao was a little surprised, not knowing why Ci Ye suddenly made this request.

"That's right!" Ci Ye nodded with a smile, "I want to go fishing with you and test the effect of the fishing net."

"Fishing net?" Hei Yao remembered that Ci Ye had mentioned this thing before, and he didn't expect to make it so soon.

"Before I asked Fengka and the others to help us weave fishing nets. I didn't expect them to make them so quickly. They even made two. After leaving the tribe, let's find a river and cast the fishing nets down." Ci Ye thought about the items. Looking at the tenacious fishing nets woven with red-striped spider silk in the fence, I felt a burst of excitement, after all, fishing nets are a great weapon for obtaining food.

"Okay." Hei Yao agreed, and he also wanted to see what Ci Ye's "fishing net" looked like.

After breakfast in the cafeteria, the orc warriors of the hunting team were assembled, and Hei Yao and Ci Ye set off with the hunting team.

"Let's find a water area suitable for casting nets." Ci Ye rode on Hei Yao, grabbed the fur on his back, and pulled his ears, and said loudly.

The wind galloped, and the voice of Ci Ye was not so clear.

After speaking, he buried his head in the temple hair on Hei Yao's neck. It's been a long time since he rode on Hei Yao's body... Ci Ye thought silently.

what am i thinking !Surprised in his heart, Ci Ye found that his thoughts were very dangerous, no, no, no, he couldn't think about such things, although riding on the back of a black lion was really exciting.

"Roar——" Hei Yao ran on the grassland, let out a high-pitched beast roar, and startled Ci Ye, who was riding on his back and was fluttering in the wind.

"Roar——" The other running orcs also let out excited roars. The roars choked Ling Yun and echoed in the vast wilderness for a long time.

After being imprisoned by the heavy rain for so long, the orcs who are active in nature are suffocated. Running in the mountains is the time for them to really release their nature.

One after another, beast roars echoed in his ears, and Ci Ye was also infected by the high-spirited and exciting atmosphere, showing a bright smile, and followed by a loud roar on Hei Yao's back:


"Roar—" Hei Yao immediately answered, responding to Ci Ye.

After roaring out, everything became brighter, the wind was clear, and Ci Ye felt that his heart was open at this time, and his heart was full of heroism, washing away the complicated thoughts in his heart.

"Are you there?" Ci Ye felt that Hei Yao gradually stopped, and he looked forward, only to see a water area with large golden reeds growing in front of him.

"It's so beautiful!" Ci Ye jumped off the lion's back and walked closer to observe this beautiful water.

The vast ocean is vast and stretches to the sky. This seems to be a lake. During the rainy season, rainwater and river water are injected, which nourishes the plants by the lake and makes them grow extremely luxuriantly.

The surface of the vast lake is rippling with mist, like a precious mirror, reflecting the reflection of the blue sky and white clouds.The breeze is blowing, sparkling, and the golden reeds are also swaying with the wind, like a piece of golden silk.

Suddenly, a big silver-white fish leaped out of the water, startling splashes of water, adding a bit of vitality to this magnificent picture scroll.

"This is really a good place! Let's cast your net here!" Ci Ye looked at the beautiful scenery and was very excited.

Obsidian changed back into a human form, walked up to him, and explained: "This lake has existed for a long time, and it will dry up in the hot season, but every rainy season, this lake will gushes out again, and many beasts will die. Love coming here to drink water."

"There should be a lot of fish in this lake. Let's cast the fishing nets down first, then go hunting nearby, and collect the nets in the evening." Ci Ye suggested, with a bright smile on his face all the time, it can be seen that he is interested in this The lake is very satisfactory.

"Okay!" Hei Yao nodded, with a smile on his face, seeing Ci Ye so happy, his mood became extremely good.

Ci Ye took out the fishing net from the inventory. This fishing net woven with spider silk is very strong and durable, and it is a good product for fishing.

Passing the fishing net to Hei Yao, Ci Ye stood aside and instructed Hei Yao to cast the net. The other orcs were also very curious and stood aside to watch.

Hold the hand rope in one of the hands, then pick up the fishing net with both hands, and throw it easily. The farther the throw, the better, and the rope in your hand cannot be loose.

The edge of the fishing net is decorated with stones. After throwing the net, due to the weight of the stones, the fishing net quickly sinks into the water, and then the fish will be locked in the fishing net.

When collecting the net, tighten the rope so that the edge of the fishing net forms a tight pocket, and then lift the fishing net up.

Ci Ye instructed Hei Yao to place the fishing net, and at the same time explained the working principle of the fishing net to the orcs.

The orcs were amazed as they watched. They believed that the fishing net would surely catch fish, after all, it was made by witches.But seeing such an intelligent object, they couldn't help but be amazed.

"Okay! Let's come back in the evening, and then we can collect the net." Ci Ye looked at the fishing net hidden under the water and nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go, let's go hunting. There is also a net. I will teach you new hunting methods."

"A new hunting method?" Hearing this, the orc warriors were all invigorated. After all, hunting is the forte of the orcs. I don't know how Ci Ye will teach them to hunt.

"Look! There are a group of birds and beasts there!" An orc warrior in the shape of a panther found a suitable hunting target in the distance.

【White-billed Duck】

[The ferocious beasts that live in groups by the water are fast, and the duck feet have tiny sharp hooks, which are very ferocious]

【Food: Fish and Shrimp】

Ci Ye looked at the information given by the system. There were about 100 white-billed ducks in the distance that were about the size of turkeys. If they used fishing nets, they might be able to catch them all.

That's it!Ci Ye made up his mind, and then began to greet the orcs and tell them his battle plan.

First, choose a small open water area, tie the net to a stick, insert the stick into the soil, spread the net, and prop it on the entire water surface, and a loose net bag-shaped trap ready for hunting is ready. .

After setting the trap, Hei Yao sent a signal to the orcs waiting in the distance, and several extremely fast leopard orcs rushed out of the grass and rushed towards the ducks.

The orcs were surrounded, leaving only a gap, as if deliberately driving the white-billed duck in that direction.

Frightened, the flock of white-billed ducks screamed in a panic, and fled towards the gap in a hurry, trying to dive into the water and escape.

However, what awaits them in front of them is not a free lake, but a cruel trap.

The first batch of white-beaked ducks that escaped and jumped into the water directly got into the loose net bag waiting to be hunted, their legs and wings were entangled, and they struggled to escape.

The following group of white-billed ducks were chased away, and jumped into the nets one after another, with the bodies of their compatriots under their bodies. They panicked even more, and hurriedly fled a few times to the distance, but there was still a trap in the distance. It's impossible to escape.

Batches of white-billed ducks were driven into the nets. The hooks on the duck's paws were originally fierce weapons, but now they were entangled in the nets and became deadly weapons.

In a short while, this group of white-billed ducks was wiped out, and occasionally a few escaped from the sky, and they were all killed by the leopard orcs who came behind.

"This is too powerful!" An orc hiding in the grass and watching the battle couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hahaha! That's great! I caught all these ducks and beasts! This trap is great!" Da Jin let out an excited and hearty laugh, and ran out of the grass excitedly, looking at the net full of white-billed ducks , with a hot light in his eyes.

"I didn't expect to be able to catch all the ducks! This net is really useful!" Cuba was very excited when he saw so many white-billed ducks. The amount of meat was enough for the tribe to eat several meals.

"Everyone, pull up the net, leave some female ducks behind, and kill the rest." Ci Ye ordered, he didn't expect it to be so successful, and the ducks are really stupid.

"Okay!" Everyone ran over happily, took bamboo poles and began to collect the nets, with uncontrollable joyful smiles on their faces.The meat they hunted this time today is worth the amount they had been out for two days!

After harvesting the white-billed duck, Ci Ye followed the orcs to find new prey near the lake, and taught them some new hunting skills and traps.

Although Ci Ye didn't try it himself, he just talked about it based on his previous memory, but the orcs are all hunting experts. They are quick in thinking in this respect, and they quickly mastered these skills. A special way for orcs to come.

The sun is setting, twilight is falling, and it's time to go home.

Today, the orcs used traps to harvest a lot of prey, so much that they couldn't even imagine it, and it was comparable to the amount they had hunted for more than ten days before.

With beaming smiles on their faces, each of the orcs was so happy that they could not close their mouths from ear to ear. They carried a few live animals on their backs, and they walked with silly smiles.

The dead prey were all put into the inventory by Ci Ye, otherwise the orcs would not be able to carry them.Some of the living beasts that were deliberately left behind were carried by the orcs and brought back to the tribe to raise them.

"Let's go, let's go to the lake to see how the fishing nets are doing." Ci Ye called to the crowd and walked towards the place where the nets were cast.

Come to the lake and let the orcs tighten the rope and lift the net.

"It's so heavy!" The two orcs carrying the net felt the weight under their hands, and looked at each other in surprise, with surprise that couldn't be hidden in their eyes.

"A few more people to help!" Hei Yao ordered.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" The orcs scrambled to stand up, and when they came to the hand rope, they began to help pull the net.

"Roar!" Everyone exerted their strength together, and a large bag full of fish was slowly pulled ashore.

Seeing all kinds of big fish jumping around in the net, the orcs all stared wide-eyed and held their breath, for fear that the rich harvest would disappear if they were not paying attention.

"Ah!" The orcs shouted, and finally dragged all the fishing nets ashore.

The fish out of the water struggled desperately on the shore, their scales shining brightly in the setting sun.

Didn't expect so many fish here!Seeing a net full of fish, Ci Ye was also very surprised.The fish in the fishing nets can be as large as one meter long, and the small ones are half the size of an arm.In addition to fish, there are also some shrimps, crabs, turtles, mussels, etc., which are really rich.

"There are, there are so many fish! It's so wonderful!" Cuba stood aside, watching so many harvests with tears in his eyes, and was so excited that he was incoherent. Don’t worry about not getting enough to eat!”

The other orcs also stood in place, silently looking at the full fishing net, with excited and complicated lights shining in their eyes.

"Let's go! Let's take the fish home, and then throw the net in again, and we can continue to harvest tomorrow. Everyone will be surprised when we return to the tribe." Ci Ye said to everyone with a bright smile.

"Okay!" Ci Ye's words reminded the orcs, and they became even more excited when they remembered the incredible shock on everyone's expressions after returning to the tribe.

After carrying their prey, the orcs turned into beast shapes and galloped in the direction of the tribe.

On the road, there were bursts of louder and more passionate animal roars than when they came, which disturbed the returning birds and caused commotions in the distant cattle herd.

The author has something to say: I wrote so much without knowing it, happy!Writing articles has liberated me from being exhausted. Now instead of watching videos, watching dramas, or playing games with my mobile phone, I read books and code words every day.Thank you for reading the article I wrote, really appreciate it!Writing articles actually satisfies my desire to talk, and gives me a place to express my ideas and brain holes.I am so happy to have you guys reading what I write!Really really really super happy!yeah!

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