Travel through the beast world with the famine system

Chapter 32 The Rainy Season and Beast Chess

After the last dormitory was built, all the orcs of the Howling Tribe moved out of the cave into a clean and bright house.

The weather has been gloomy for the past few days, and the rainy season is coming soon. Dashi and his construction team have been rushing to work, trying to repair the road before the heavy rain.

One cloudy afternoon, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, tearing a crack, followed by deafening thunder.Big drops of raindrops fell, moistening the dry land and awakening the world that has been dry and hot for a long time.

It was raining heavily outside, and the single orcs in the tribe were hiding in the dormitory.

Boom boom boom!

"Who is it?" A lazy orc got up from the bed, yawned and walked to the door.

A gust of wind came in with the shower, which wet the floor at the door.

"It's me, Dashi." The person outside the door was wearing a coir raincoat, and after taking off his hat, he revealed a familiar simple and honest face.

"Why are you here, Dashi? Come in quickly!" The lazy orc welcomed Dashi in, and the other orcs got up from the kang when they heard the sound.

Dashi took off the coir raincoat made for him by Ciye, put it cherishedly on the wooden cabinet at the door, then sat on the wooden chair beside the kang, picked up the bowl of water on the dining table and drank it in one gulp.


Dashi gulped down the water and wiped his mouth: "The witch asked me to see if the repaired road was damaged by the rain. I just went to see if there was any problem. The wind was blowing too much when I came here. Come in and talk to you guys." Let's chat for a while and go back later."

An orc smiled and said, "Okay! Come on, let's play animal chess together."

He made room for Dashi on the kang, Dashi sat on it, and saw that he was having fun with another orc.

Beast chess was invented by Ci Ye a few days ago. Thinking that the orcs would stay at home during the rainy season, he adapted the game of fighting beasts on Earth and taught them to the orcs in the tribe.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the beast chess was invented, it was enthusiastically sought after by everyone, and everyone was full of praise for this novelty.

For this adaptation of Beast Chess, Ci Ye also spent a lot of thought, and seriously asked Hei Yao about the ranking of the fighting power of the beasts in this world.

The animal chess on the earth, the beasts are ranked from strong to weak by combat power: elephant, lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, dog, cat, mouse.

After being adapted by Ci Ye, it becomes: Stone Mountain Elephant, Dinosaur Crocodile, Dry Koala Bear, Fire Cloud Beast, Silver Wolf, Grass Dog, Wind Cat, Rotten Rat.

Among these beasts, Ci Ye has only seen the ancient crocodile, the fire cloud beast and the silver wolf, and he has never seen the rest.

But Obsidian said that the orcs in the roaring tribe have seen these creatures, of course, most of them were seen in the place where they lived.

Both the chess pieces and the board for making beast chess are made of wood. Ci Ye drew the image of the beast on each chess piece. The beasts that have never been seen are all completed by Black Yao's dictation. Make it easier to distinguish.

A total of more than a dozen sets of beast chess were made, and Ci Ye gathered some orcs in the tribe and taught them the rules of the game.

After a few games, the simple and easy-to-play beast chess spread among the people.Not only little orcs, but also adult orcs can't put it down, and they have to play chess with others every day with chess pieces.

"Hey! I'll eat it!" The lazy orc sat on the edge of the bed, took a piece, and ate Dashi's silver wolf chess piece.

Dashi frowned: "Oh!"

"Move your 'Rotten Rat' over here!" An orc leaned against the boulder, pointing anxiously.

"Hey, hey, let me see, let me see!" Dashi pondered for a while, and did as he said.

snort!The lazy orc glanced, then moved another space.

After several fights, Dashi lost another game.

"Oh! Dashi, why did you lose again!" said the orc who had pointed him out just now.

"Hey! It's not that Cal is too strong!" Dashi shook his head with a helpless expression.

"Hey! Don't forget to give me the meat you lost to me!" The lazy orc named Cal narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I know, I know, I should go. I'll bring the meat when the rain stops."

It was raining less outside, the big stone got off the kang, picked up the coir raincoat that was on the cabinet, put it on and went out.

"Hey! Why is Cal so good at chess? None of us can beat him. Look how much meat he has won!" an orc muttered sourly.

"Hey!" Cal narrowed his eyes and showed a sly smile.

Dashi left the dormitory, went to Ciye's house again, and told him about the specific situation of the road.

After Dashi left, Ci Ye asked Hei Yao beside him: "How long will the first rain of the rainy season last?"

Black Yao thought for a while: "It will probably rain for a few days, and then it will become sunny."

"That's good." Ci Ye nodded, "When the rain stops, I will try to grow colorful rice, and I will build a few more houses. I want to build a cafeteria and a bathhouse."

"Okay! Let's start when the first rain stops. The beasts outside will come out to move around during the rainy season. There is enough food and enough people can be left behind."

"Well! By the way, we can catch fish to eat during the rainy season!" Ci Ye's eyes lit up as if thinking of something, "Do you still remember the fish cage I made in the valley?"

"Do you want to use that to catch fish?" Hei Yao thought of the bamboo fish cage, it really saves effort to catch fish.

"No, the fish cage is also a fishing tool. I am going to make a fishing net. The fishing net can catch a lot of fish. With the fishing net, we will have enough food and we can store the excess fish."

Thinking of fishing nets, Ci Ye's eyes sparkled.The spider silk obtained from the red-striped painting spider before finally has a place to use.

"I'll go to Fengka tomorrow and make fishing nets with her." Ci Ye decided.

"Well, good." Hei Yao was also curious about the fishing net Ci Ye mentioned, and wanted to see what it looked like when it was made.

After planning his future work, Ci Ye realized that it was already night.It has been raining, the sky is very dark, and the grasp of time is not so clear.

Before the rainy season, enough meat has been distributed according to the unit of the house, so that everyone does not need to go out during the rainy season, and can cook at home by themselves.

"Hey--" Xiao Bai circled around the door of the kitchen, impatiently wanting to rush in.

"Don't come in, Xiaobai, the meal isn't ready yet." Ci Ye was busy by the stove, and Hei Yao was helping to cut the meat. Kung Pao chicken and mutton soup were going to be eaten tonight.

When the houses were built, the kitchens of each house were built with brick stoves, and two large pots could be placed at the same time, making cooking more convenient and quicker.

"Come on! It's ready, ready to eat!" After the meal was ready, Ci Ye put the dishes into a big basin, and then asked Hei Yao to bring them to the dining table.

"Dinner is ready!" A bowl of diced chicken was placed in everyone's bowl, and everyone couldn't wait to eat.

Kung Pao Chicken is characterized by being spicy with sweetness and sweetness with spicy. After the mouth, the tip of the tongue will feel slightly numb and lightly spicy, and then the taste buds will be hit by a burst of sweetness. When chewing, it will feel a little "sour". , the entrance is spicy and crispy, red but not spicy, spicy but not fierce, and the meat is smooth and crisp.

The mutton soup is sweet with rotten meat, milky white, fat but not greasy, no smell of mutton, and the mutton is tender and unique.

"Is it delicious?" Ci Ye smiled and asked the two beasts, one big and one small.

Hei Yao and Xiao Bai raised their heads from the bowls and nodded vigorously. The rice cooked by Ci Ye is really delicious!

"Eat more if it tastes good, there's still plenty in the pot." Ci Ye filled Hei Yao's empty soup bowl with mutton, and added a bowl of diced chicken to Xiao Bai's bowl.

"Roar!" One big and one small grinned happily, and the tails behind them were about to wag happily to the sky.

While Ciye and the others were happily enjoying their dinner, Jin Ze stayed at his home, looking at the dark fried pork in the bowl.

"Mum, you put too much salt in today's meat, and it was burnt." Kanazawa muttered dissatisfiedly, thinking of Ciye's delicacy in his heart.


"Ah!" Jin Ze yelled, and Da Jin hit his head hard.

"It's good to eat some, and it took you a long time to make it!" Da Jin said fiercely, raising his fist.

"Hmph! If you don't want to eat, don't eat it, go outside and drink water!" A beautiful woman with brown hair stood by the table, raised her eyebrows, and looked at the picky couple.

"Hey, it's delicious! The meat made by Mona is the best!" Da Jin immediately changed his face, looked at the woman with a smile, and swallowed a large piece of dark meat in one gulp, his eyes were affectionate And gentle.

Sitting on the chair, Jin Ze stared wide-eyed, watching his father eat a large piece of meat, he couldn't help admiring him for being such a genius!

"Jinze, why don't you eat?" The woman walked to Jinze, bent her eyes, and asked with a smile, her eyes revealed a threat.

"I'll eat it, I'll eat it now!" Jin Ze tremblingly picked up a piece of meat, carefully put it into his mouth, and then swallowed it with his eyes closed, tears filled his eyes.

"I, I want to drink water!"

Jin Ze immediately jumped off the chair, ran to the water tank, scooped up a large ladle of water and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hiss—so salty—" He stuck out his tongue, his mouth was salty, bitter and astringent, and it felt like his tongue was about to fall off.

I really want Ciye... I want to eat the meat made by Ciye...Fengka and the others can cook...

Kanazawa looked out of the window resentfully, and sighed sadly, wishing the rain would stop soon.

At night, the rain became heavier, and the dark night sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and the raindrops hit the tiles with a burst of crackling, making people unable to sleep.

Ci Ye was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, but he was sober, listening to the sound of rain outside the house quietly.

A familiar breath approached, and a moist kiss fell on the lips.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Ci Ye turned his face sideways and asked the person next to the pillow.

"I can't sleep, I want to kiss." Hei Yao hugged him in his arms, his narrow pupils shot out two bright green lights, covering him.

"Go away!" Ci Ye scolded with a smile, "Why don't you kiss enough every day!"

"I can never kiss you enough." Hei Yao rubbed against him like a hooligan.

Ci Ye sighed helplessly, Hei Yao is becoming more and more clingy now, like a big cat!Although he has never raised a cat, he often sees those clingy cats making flattering and sticky meows in the arms of their owners in short videos. Now Hei Yao is similar to those cats. Although he doesn't meow, he always It is to pester him and stick to him whenever he is free.

Quietly huddling in Hei Yao's arms, Ci Ye was thinking about the past, feeling drowsy like a tide, and gradually narrowed his eyes.

The heavy eyelids finally couldn't hold it anymore, and gradually closed their eyes, Ci Ye fell into a dreamland.

In a haze, he felt again the pair of emerald green animal eyes of the man beside him, shooting out two blazing lights in the darkness, covering his face with a peeping gaze, piercing into the softest place in his heart.

The author has something to say: The kangaroo jumpers in this sports meeting should sleep well and eat well today, and they will be able to jump better than others tomorrow!come on!Woohoo! (I'm sorry, today this chapter was suddenly locked without review, I only found out before going to bed, the update is late, everyone forgive me!)

[I didn't write anything out of line at all, embarrassing! 】

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