Travel through the beast world with the famine system

Chapter 11 Making pottery and cooking salt, building a small home

A few days later, the pottery blanks were dried in the shade, and Ci Ye put them into the kiln for firing.

Ci Ye carefully guarded the cave during the whole process, after all, this is the most critical step in the formation of pottery.

Opening the closed cave, Ci Ye carefully took out the pottery inside, and found that most of the pottery fired in the first kiln was good, but a small part was accidentally broken into pieces.

"Great! It's finally finished!" Touching the simple and exquisite clay pot in his hand, Ci Ye was very excited. "Look! Xiaobai! This is pottery!"

"Hey--" Looking at these strange things, although Xiaobai didn't understand them very well, he walked around happily. Who made Ci Ye say that they can make delicious food?

Ci Ye moved the successfully fired pottery back to the cave bit by bit, stored the collected food and seeds in it, and then took out a large pottery pot, set it on the fire pit, and prepared to boil water and boil salt.

Put the salt stone into water to dissolve, and then filter it with gauze to remove the impurities inside. Ciye doesn't have gauze, so he used his old T-shirt.After filtering, put the clean brine in the sun, and after the water evaporates, what is left is a handful of fine salt.

Putting the extracted refined salt into a clay pot, Ci Ye showed a satisfied smile: "Xiaobai! We will have a big meal tonight, and I will make delicious food for you with salt and clay pot!"

"Yeah—" (Yeah!) Xiao Bai became happy when he heard that there was something delicious.

At night, Ci Ye and Xiao Bai stood by the fire pit.

"Yi ying ying—" (I really want to eat! I really want to eat!)

"Wait a while, you eat some fruit first." Ci Ye took out a white berry from the earthenware jar and handed it to Xiao Bai.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." Xiaobai still couldn't help drooling at the clay pot with the white berries in his mouth.

Inside the pottery pot is beef stew with potatoes, of course, it is an improved version from another world.Potatoes are replaced with Gulu Guo, and beef is replaced with Hulu Pork.

Let the Gulu fruit stewed Hulu pork simmer in the earthenware pot, and Ci Ye fried two more dishes, namely fried pork with chili peppers and pan-fried fish nuggets.

Take out the tenderloin of the Fire Cloud Beast, cut it into thin slices, then peel and chop the onion and ginger from another world, and mince the chili.Marinate the meat slices with salt, then put them into the pot, pour a little collected animal oil into the pot, put the meat slices into the pot and stir-fry them back and forth until the color changes, then add seasonings and stir-fry until the aroma is released.In this way, a delicious fried pork is ready.

Take out the stir-fried meat, then pour the marinated fish into the pot, turn over constantly, fry until both sides are golden, put it on a plate, sprinkle some yellow berry juice, and you're done.

"It's ready!" Ci Ye brought two dishes to the dining table in the cave, and lifted the lid of another pottery pot, and a strong aroma instantly filled the cave.

He took out a clay pot and filled it with a large pot, and Ci Ye placed it on the table.It is said to be a table, but it is actually a large rectangular bluestone, which Ci Ye found in the mountains.

"Xiaobai, it's time to eat!" Ci Ye put Xiaobai on the table, filled him with a bowl full of soup to cool down, and filled a bowl of fried meat and fish pieces.

As soon as Ci Ye put down the pottery bowl, Xiao Bai buried his head in it all at once, ignoring the heat, and started eating in big mouthfuls, like a ruthless cooking machine.

When Ci Ye saw Xiaobai's cooking, he couldn't laugh or cry, and took a bite with his chopsticks.

"It's delicious!" Ci Ye's eyes widened, he didn't expect the dishes made in clay pots to be so delicious.

"In the past, using bamboo tubes made it impossible to give full play to the taste of the ingredients. The pot is better! If I find iron in the future, maybe I can make an iron pot." Thinking of this, Ci Ye shook his head, smelting iron is too far away, now Let's just concentrate on eating.

After dinner, Ci Ye made some more pottery.The required pottery is far from enough, but the kiln is too small to hold much at a time, so it can only be fired in batches.

Time passed day by day, and during the days of making pottery, Ci Ye found time to do some other things.

The first is to make clothes.Open the [Clothing] column of the system, there are many clothes in it, find [Flower Shirt] and [Cool Summer Dress], you can get a lot of information about making clothes.

Ci Ye used the shed skin of swamp worms as fabric, fish bones as needles, and some fiber threads extracted from vines to sew. With the assistance of the system, he made some clothes for himself.

The tops have long sleeves and short sleeves, and the pants are also long and short, with different styles.The molt of the worm is light purple, and Ciye used some petals as a dye to dye them a darker color, and added many beautiful patterns.

Ci Ye also made a small hat for Xiaobai. In the [Clothing], he chose the style of [Cow Hat], sewn it with animal skin, dyed it pink, and opened it at the place of its one horn. a small hole.

Xiaobai likes this hat so much, he wears it every day and doesn't even take it off when he sleeps.Later, the weather became hot, and his head was sweating while wearing a fur hat, so Ci Ye had to make another small straw hat for him.

After finishing the clothes, Ci Ye also made a [grinding machine]. [Grinding Machine] is the content of a Spring Festival mod that Ci Ye subscribed to in the "Famine" game. This mod contains various items with Chinese characteristics, full of New Year flavor.When the base was being built, Ci Ye's favorite thing was to put a circle of red lanterns in the base.

"I hope to have the opportunity to make all the things inside!" Ci Ye looked at all the items in the [Spring Festival] column and secretly made up his mind.

The real-life grinding machine is actually a mill.Ciye collected a lot of purple chestnuts in the purple chestnut forest before, and they can be stored for a long time after drying, but Ciye felt that storing them directly took up too much space and required a lot of clay pots, so he decided to use a mill to grind them into powder.Not only is this easier to store, but it can also be stored for a longer period of time.

"Xiaobai! Grind the noodles!" Ci Ye shouted at Xiaobai after peeling and chopping the dry purple chestnuts into the millstone.

"Hmm——" Xiao Bai ran around on the ground, wearing a small vest around his neck, the vest was connected to a rope, the rope was connected to a wooden stick, and the wooden root was connected to a millstone.

The millstone was slowly turned around by Xiaobai, and the fine chestnut powder was gradually ground.

Ci Ye is not trying to squeeze the cubs. Although Xiaobai was just born, he is now about the size of a goat on Earth, and he is also super strong. It is not a problem to grind a cylinder of flour every day.

Seeing that Xiaobai has grown up these days like taking hormones, and now he can grind, Ciye also feels relieved that my family has a child who has just grown up.

It took a few days to grind the purple chestnut, and a total of three big tanks of purple chestnut powder were collected.The powder is white and fine, similar to earth flour, but tastes like glutinous rice flour.

In order to reward Xiaobai, after grinding the purple chestnut powder, Ci Ye made a lot of delicious food for him with chestnut powder.

Xiaobai's favorite is the chestnut cake with white berries, it's sweet and soft, super delicious.But Ci Ye said not to eat too much, and the leftover chestnut powder should be stored, and Xiao Bai could only taste it occasionally.

In addition to these, Ciye's vegetable garden is also growing very well.Outside the wooden wall, the vegetable fields are neatly divided by exquisite wooden fences. Different plants are planted in different areas, which look vibrant and green.

Ciye waters the vegetable garden every few days, and ferments the manure with the collected bone fragments and animal manure.

There are [poop bucket] and [compost bucket] in the system for fermenting manure. Ci Ye made a few for fermenting manure.Although the smell is super bad, the plants in the vegetable garden are growing so well, and the manure is responsible for it.

While the planting area is developing, Ciye's animal husbandry business is also following up.A few more single sheep were caught in the trap, and Ci Ye raised them all.

The original sheepfold was enlarged a bit, and the sheepfold was also repaired. Now there is a ewe and three lambs in Ciye’s sheepfold. One of the lambs has grown very big, almost Coming of age.

In fact, the horns on the head of a creature like Du Yang are still very lethal, but Ci Ye used traps to catch them every time, making their horns useless.

After catching a single sheep, Ci Ye will cut off the horns on their heads so that they will not damage the sheepfold with their horns.

In addition to Du Yang, Ci Ye also raised two chickens. Although they are chickens, one is actually a colorful sparrow that loves to eat yellow berries, and the other is a beautiful and huge bird named "Blue Kingfisher".This kind of blue kingfisher is a bit like a pheasant. It can fly, but it doesn't fly very high, and its meat is of acceptable quality.

Both chickens were caught by Ci Ye with a trap. Since they were both hens and could lay eggs, Ci Ye spared their lives and folded their wings to raise them.

Now, there is a beautiful small cave in Ciye's base. There is a sheep pen and a chicken pen in the open space surrounded by wooden walls. Outside the cave is a lush and pleasant small vegetable garden.In the vegetable garden, Ci Ye also paved cobbled roads with cobblestones picked up by the stream, and some wild flowers were transplanted along the roadside, which looked very beautiful.

Building up the small base bit by bit, Ci Ye also felt the joy of giving and harvesting in the labor, and gradually weakened the longing for his hometown and the confusion of not being able to go back.

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