The other party prevents Zhengyi and Taibai from entering, and only allows Qianqian to meet their patriarch.Qianqian asked Zhengyi and Taibai to stay outside and enter alone.

There are porcelain pots of various sizes inside, almost filling the space in the tent.An elderly man with white beard and hair, stroking his long and thick silver-white beard with one hand.The squinted eyes seem to be invisible, but in fact, they already know the existence of Qianqian.

"Welcome to the Yanlang tribe in the Western Regions. I am the patriarch of this tribe, Huan De."

"Hello." Qianqian was a little nervous, her restless little hands had nowhere to rest.

"Don't be nervous. You were in danger just now. People from our tribe rescued you, right?" The old patriarch spoke slowly, Qianqian was not in a hurry, he nodded and said, "Yes, I haven't said anything to that person yet. Thank you little brother."

"Thank you, you can't just say it with your mouth."

At first, Qianqian was curious about what kind of request the patriarch would make, but it turned out that their customs were really strange.Once you talk about repaying your favor, you have to repay it tenfold.

"You want me to be a doctor?"

The patriarch asked someone to throw a pile of yellowed and old books over, and said that Qianqian would heal the tribe members while reading medical books.

"You saved thirty lives, and I will let you go."

When Qianqian heard the sentence, "You have to repay ten times the favor to be sincere", I felt an inexplicable sense of absurdity in my heart, which was enough to make him lie on the ground laughing at this old setting that lost all his teeth. .The so-called do as the Romans do, Qianqian cannot disobey the rules of the tribe.He told Zhengyi and Taibai about the matter, and wanted to ask one of them to help read the medical books, but the two god servants immediately raised the white flag and surrendered.At this time, a hunchbacked old woman walked up to Qianqian and said to him, "Young man, if you don't mind, let the old woman lend a helping hand."

"Great, thank you." Since someone offered to help, Qianqian was naturally happy.

Now that she needs to repay others, Qianqian can't separate herself, so she will leave it to Zhengyi and Taibai to inquire about Lingshi.

"There are gathering places of monsters everywhere here, remember to be more careful, if anything happens, please notify me immediately."

Zhengyi nodded calmly, Taibai excitedly looked forward to going out for a walk and adventure.Although envious, Qianqian stayed in the small tent of the medical center prepared for him by the patriarch, studying medical books.

Before the book has opened a few pages, Qianqian is already dozing off.The medical books here are recorded in a mess, and there is a sentence without a sentence, which is completely incomprehensible.The old woman couldn't help but secretly laughed when she saw it. She explained it slowly to Qianqian like she taught her doting grandson.When she gradually mastered the skills recorded in the book, Qianqian finally could understand the contents of the book, and she lifted her spirits.

"Thank you, I can understand a little bit. But... Do I have to repay your favor tenfold again?"

Seeing Qianqian's serious question, the old woman stroked Qianqian's head lovingly.Immediately, she realized that she had offended the other party by her behavior just now, and immediately apologized.Smiling lightly, he waved to her and reassured her that she was fine. The old woman's eyes were full of love and affection and she said: "I once had a son. If he is still alive, he should be a middle-aged uncle by now. He He is very skilled in medicine and smart. He is the best child in this clan."

The old woman said that her son was the only one in this group who knew medical skills.At that time, a huge epidemic occurred in the tribe, which made the people of the tribe face the tragic situation of extinction. The old woman's son worked tirelessly to find a suitable medicine for the epidemic that could not find the source, but he was overtired and went into shock. died.

It sounds like a great man, but Qianqian really feels inferior.He thinks that the old woman is the most well-dressed and good-looking person in this group.I thought this was probably the so-called special treatment of being honored by the ethnic group as a high-ranking person.

After that, Qianqian began to see some patients who seemed to be more common.He didn't dare to prescribe medicine, and the old lady was helping him.

"Actually, you know a lot. I can entrust you with the matter of healing people."

Qian Qian was curious, what was the reason for this, she wanted an outsider to heal her own clansmen, besides, there was this old woman who knew a little about medicine, so she could train some talents.

"It's just our custom. You can take it as learning new things and repay us by the way. It's not a bad thing, is it? Don't look at us like this. Here is something that no one else has."

The old woman was mysterious, lowered her voice, and continued: "About ten years ago, our samurai went out for a long trip. They originally planned to scout out the surrounding terrain and environment, but unexpectedly found a spiritual land. There is a The mouth of the spring, and the water gushing out of it, are all miraculous elixir."

"But I see your life..."

Qianqian wanted to find a suitable word, but she always felt that it would be impolite to say it anyway.The old woman understood Qianqian's thoughts, she nodded with a smile and said, "Do you know what is the most important thing to them, no matter what kind of creature it is in this universe?"

After thinking for a while, Qianqian replied uncertainly, "Water?"

The old woman nodded with a kind smile, and said: "In this dry and arid place, it is really more difficult to find a clean water source. It is extremely precious, more precious than your own life. "

According to the old woman, half of the tribesmen here are mixed with the blood of demons or monsters.In this vast territory of the Western Regions, there are many tribes like this.This is just the tip of the iceberg.Qianqian couldn't help but sigh because of this, he thought of the rumors from the Western Regions that he had heard when he was quietly watching in Su Ming, and now he really felt that seeing is worse than hearing.

"This place will be attacked by foreign monsters or monsters from time to time. Most of the children who grow up here have learned how to defend themselves and kill." This is why they have many scars on their bodies, and their clothes and pants are not It was tattered.They are all children of Warcraft, and they don't care what clothes they wear.For them, there is no such thing as blood relatives, and the rules of the tribe only exist by making them live as humanly as possible.It can be regarded as a kind of restraint.

"Why do cold-blooded monsters have descendants in human form?"

How is this a reproductive natural body?Qianqian is completely clueless.

"It's a long story. According to the longest historical record, there is no human existence here. After all, this is a small tribe in the Demon Realm. Originally, there were only monsters and some rare demons here. Later, some people strayed into the Western Regions for cultivation and got lost. In this way, the number of human beings gathered here gradually increased. When the monsters first discovered the existence of human beings, they did not regard them as prey, on the contrary, they regarded them as Inoculation container. After all, monsters cannot reproduce by themselves."

Warcraft is originally formed by the condensation of evil spirits.The universe is so big, all kinds of negative emotions can lead to the birth of Warcraft.However, they seemed dissatisfied with the current law, and began to wreak havoc everywhere.

"It is impossible for people like us who are called devil blood to live in the outside world."

That's why, he would rather fight to the end with Warcraft than leave this purgatory-like world.

"Afterwards, the number of capable human beings gradually increased, and more people came here to practice. However, there are very few who can leave safely."

Qianqian looked at the old medical book in her hand, and thought of the old woman's son in her heart.Such a clever person never thought of leaving here, but instead vowed to stay behind his clansmen.He vaguely felt that even though the people here had the blood of cold-blooded and cruel monsters, their hearts were warm and loving.

Thinking of the old lady saying that many of the people who came in through Shimen could not return to their original world, Qianqian was really worried.When he heard that there was another entrance here, Qianqian immediately clicked his tongue.

"It's hard to get in, but easy to get out."

For some reason, he has an almost 100% sure guess that the other entrance mentioned by the old woman is probably the entrance where Hao Yi took Hongrui to break through the level.After all, people like them who come from the gate to the stone gate openly and aboveboard will definitely be discovered by various practitioners.No matter what purpose Hao Pi intends to enter the Western Regions, Qianqian can be sure that it is definitely not a good thing.

When he started to figure out the situation here, when he came into contact with the clansmen again, he no longer had the mentality of wanting to repay the task.For them, Qianqian has more admiration.This spirit of being indomitable to fate and never giving up on evil forces really made him admire.

"Is this the clean water from the spring you mentioned?"

The bowl in Qianqian's hand was filled with clear and clean water.It looks nothing special, but it is refreshing and smooth to drink.

"how do you feel?"

The old woman asked expectantly, Qianqian tasted it very seriously, and could only say that no matter how delicious the water was, it was still the same, bland and tasteless.

"Don't you feel a special spirit? Do you feel a powerful force pouring into your body?"

Shallow shook his head, saying no.The old woman was stunned, it was the first time she saw someone drink the spring water and didn't react at all.

At this moment, Zhengyi and Taibai, who had not seen each other for several days, came back.

"My lord!" Taibai, who was originally excited, ran into Qianqian's temporary tent with Zhengyi, who was still calm. When he saw an outsider, he immediately put away his temper and bowed silently.

The old lady was also sensible, she nodded to Qianqian, with a gentle and kind smile on her face, she took a look at Taibai and Zhengyi, then walked out, leaving the three of them alone.As soon as the old lady left, Taibai immediately ran to Qianqian and shouted, "Is it alright, my lord, here alone?"

Seeing Taibai rubbing up like a kitten, he stroked his head with a slight smile, and said, "It's all right. But you guys, did the journey go smoothly?"

"There is nothing special. We went to their main source of food. There may be something strange there, and the Lord needs to go there himself to determine."

Zhengyi regained the dull look he hadn't seen for a long time, thought for a moment, and then said: "Okay. But let's set off the day after tomorrow. After all, you just came back, so take a rest first."

Zhengyi knew how to be considerate, but he couldn't help it, so he had to remind: "My lord, we won't get tired."

Yes, Samurai doesn't understand such things as fatigue.Thinking of it this way, he suddenly remembered that when Su Ming was quietly contemplating, Hao Yi once said that Hongrui doesn't understand hot and cold constitutions.Qianqian can't help but wonder, is it because Hongrui's predecessor is Xiaoxiandie?It is not like ordinary things, of course, it will not have the seven emotions and six desires of ordinary people.But in this reunion, Qianqian finds that Hongrui now is a little different from Xiaorui when she was a child.Expressions, feelings, and emotions are all a little different.When I was a child, I was a little dull, and I felt like I didn't eat the fireworks of the world. When I grow up, I live more like a person.

"I know you won't be tired. Just treat it as me. Take a rest first, it's okay."

I have been studying medical skills for several days in a row, and I have also received a few patients. I am indeed a little tired.

Qianqian led the two of them out and wanted to find something to eat, but as soon as they got out of the tent, they saw a very spectacular scene.All the clansmen knelt on the ground, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a hijab.

"What's the matter??" Qianqian, who was completely out of the situation, opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Thank you heroes for saving me! Thank you God for coming!"

What rhythm is this?When Qianqian was completely in the dark, Zheng Yi just spoke.It turned out that they encountered a monster attack along the way.Perhaps with the previous experience and the experience of dealing with monsters, Zhengyi and Taibai became much easier to deal with.When they came to the legendary spring, they drank a sip of spring water and felt the endless spiritual power in their bodies.In this way, inadvertently, the two of them almost eradicated the monsters within this hundred and eight thousand miles.Although it happened without any plan, at least this way has been able to protect the people here from being disturbed by monsters for three years.

"You guys did such a big thing?"

This means that the favor they owed before has now been written off, and there is still more.Hearing what the tribe said, Qianqian really couldn't laugh or cry.This kind of human calculation method is really too impersonal.

"You should not make such a rule. This favor is not something that can be calculated like this. You are human, and even if this favor is not calculated like that, you still have a mentality called gratitude in your heart."

Those who want to repay will naturally come to repay.The ungrateful person, let him go.Just follow the fate, no need to worry about each one, how tiring.

Qianqian has been here for a few days, and I really think this is the biggest problem here.The regulations state that those who are unwilling to repay their kindness cannot leave here alive.Qianqian is a person who is sure to repay kindness with kindness. From the very beginning, he had no intention of doing nothing and leaving the village where he and his companions had been saved.But after thinking about it, if someone really doesn't want to stay and obey their rules of compulsive repayment, will they have to stay here with their lives?How is this different from those monsters that don't think about blood? Of course, Qianqian couldn't explain it so directly. He just tactfully asked those clansmen who worshiped them as gods to stand up and look at them.Tell them that it is enough to keep things like favor in their hearts, and they don't have to keep talking about them.In case that day, when each other finds out that each other needs help, those who are willing will help each other, and those who are powerless can also open their mouths to care and encourage each other.

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