"Although you don't have silver-white spiritual power, your level is higher than the other four of us here, so you start at level two. After passing the payment language test just now, we could only get one level up, Thanks to you, we have been promoted two levels in a row."

The man said that Qianqian's singing voice is transparent and has texture, so he won an extra level of promotion, and Qianqian himself jumped three levels in a row.

At this time, the people passing by them whispered displeasedly: "There is no promotion at all, is this a miscalculation of the payment language?"

The man raised his eyebrows, indicating that he did not make a mistake in his choice.Qianqian knew that she had wronged him, and sincerely apologized.The man laughed boldly, waved his hand straightforwardly and said: "I have been honored by Mr. Sa, how can Mr. Sa apologize? We still have to thank Mr. Sa."

If the misunderstanding is resolved, then the matter is over.Originally, the man proposed to continue walking together, but Qianqian tactfully refused because she wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the Lingshi.The other party was not angry, and said straightforwardly: "Since Mr. Sa has no intention of traveling together, I can't force it. If you still need to make up the number of people, your invitation is welcome at any time."

Who invited whom?Qianqian muttered in her heart, but there was still a gentle smile on her face.

Back when the three of them were together, Qianqian dared to mention Lingshi.

"I don't know what kind of person the last partner is?"

"Master, this incarnation is not necessarily a human being."

Zhengyi corrected Qianqian's arbitrary thinking. After the proprietress reminded him, he and Taibai called Qianqian temporarily from master to young master. In order to avoid people knowing, the two around him were god servants.

Qianqian and the others casually wandered around for a week, and found that large and small activities were going on here, and there were basically grade requirements.If the level is not met, you will not be able to enroll.

"The proprietress said that there are three ways to advance."

The first way is to conduct or participate in the competition and win.The number of promotion levels depends on the level of difficulty of the game.The other is to live and do business here as a resident.As long as the goods in hand are successfully sold or Yuan Ling is earned, those Yuan Ling will become the cumulative score of the score, so it can also help advance, but this is the slowest way, and most people will not choose to do this.There is also the most direct and rude way, which is also impossible for Qianqian and others to choose, and that is to kill the high-ranking person and replace him.

Qianqian nodded slowly, pondering in his heart, and said: "Our main thing is not to advance, let's see if there is any clue of Lingshi first."

As soon as the words were finished, they saw a very grand store in front of them.This is a large store where two stores are combined into one.What attracted Qianqian's attention was not the exaggerated ornate decoration of this store, but the name.

"Communication database."

Doesn't this make it clear that to know everything, one must consult here?Qianqian was so excited that he thought that he could get information about Lingshi just by inquiring here, but the next second he was distressed.

"1000 Yuan Lingyi consultation..."

"Master, it's faster for us to find out by ourselves?"

Zhengyi also felt a pain in his head.Let alone how long it would take to earn 1000 yuan spirits, they don't have that kind of time to play games.

"Why do I feel like I've entered some monster-fighting game, and I still need to hone and level up and earn money to buy things?"

Qianqian is concerned about Hongrui, but the more anxious she is now, the more unable to act.

"What shall we do now?"

After discussion, they decided to inquire about the news first, but they returned empty-handed.

"Is this the city that never sleeps? It feels like we have passed for several days, right?"

Looking at the clear sky from the beginning to the end, Qianqian asked a little tiredly

"If the young master is tired, let's find a place to stay temporarily."

Qianqian agreed weakly, Taibai saw that the lord was tired, so he hurriedly increased his size and let Qianqian ride on it.Originally, I planned to find an inn, but it turned out that I had to pay Yuanling to stay overnight.Since I have no money, I can only sleep outside.They walked, and after passing a shallow river, they found an empty and uninhabited cabin.

"Is this a house without an owner?"

Looking at the cleaned house, but empty.Qianqian was worried that the owner of the house just happened to be out, so she dared not move in without authorization, so she and Zhengyi and Taibai built a fire near the house to rest.I plan to wait for the master to come back and see if I can borrow it for a night.

On the other side, the unknown crowd saw this situation, and some people began to complain: "Is it true, I said that the adult would not dare to live in such a neatly cleaned house. No matter how you look at it, this house feels There are masters, and you just don’t listen.”

Immediately, another voice retorted: "Are you going to let that adult live in a dilapidated house?"

"At least don't make it look like someone lives there. Who dares to live in it? That adult is not a hooligan."

There are endless disputes here, and there are really hooligans who live directly there.

"Master Sa, come in and rest. It's okay to apologize when the master comes back. Sleeping out here is not a wise choice."

Seeing this man, Qianqian and the three of them really had a lingering feeling.

"Isn't it good for you to do this? If the master comes back, he will be very upset."

The man shook his head with a smile, and said, "In this kind of place, would someone be so generous as to leave the house without locking the door and let people move in at will?"

After the man said this, Qianqian also felt strange.Is this a small house built for a mission?

"Let's live first and then talk. Instead of staying outside and exposing yourself to danger, it's better to stay inside. Even if there is something strange, you can prevent it."

Qianqian didn't ask him what kind of defense he planned, he just said that if he felt that it was not safe to go outside, he would follow the man's advice and go inside to rest first, and if the master came back, he would just explain and apologize.

"We just need to rest."

This sentence sounded like a shallow reminder to Zhengyi and Taibai beside him, but it was actually a reminder to the man who had already been looking for food in the kitchen.

Strange to say, she has been here all day, and Qianqian has never eaten but knows no hunger or thirst.Right now, he just wants to sleep well in a soft bed.Taibai sat beside Qianqian, letting Qianqian lean on her to rest.Zhengyi first went to the well to fetch water, seeing that Qianqian was already drowsy from exhaustion, so he didn't disturb him.

The next day, the man followed Qianqian as expected.Qianqian didn't bother to pay attention to him, and just acted according to her own ideas.

"Since there is no news, let's take part in some small activities first, earn some spirits, and increase the level by the way. In some RPG video game modes, you can't find some clues if you don't reach a certain level."

"Master, what is La... La Piju?"

"Hehe, this is"

Before Qianqian finished speaking, he noticed that someone's ears had been extended to him to eavesdrop.This person saw Qianqian found himself, but he didn't know how to blush, and chuckled at them brazenly.Qianqian gave a dry cough, and said in a low voice: "It's not a thing, it's just a game. I'll teach you how to play when I have a chance."

During the conversation, they came to a small stall.Next to the booth lay a middle-aged man who seemed to be sleeping.Several people looked at each other, and in the end it was Qianqian who took the initiative to ask

"Excuse me, brother, can I bother you?"

That person obviously had his eyes open, but he didn't answer.Qianqian asked again, but still didn't get a response.The man standing at the side came over thoughtfully, and he patted Qianqian's shoulder lightly, motioning for him to try it.Qianqian stepped back and called out another man, "God, what are you doing here?"

immortal? !

When Qianqian was surprised and wanted to laugh, the man actually sat up and really answered.

"This is a small game stall, and you don't need Yuanling. If you are a novice, you can still get Yuanling. Feel free."

After speaking, he fell asleep again.

Qianqian was really speechless. He walked up to the man and asked softly, "Is this really a fairy?"

Hearing Qianqian's serious question, the man showed a malicious smile, hooked his index finger, and let Qianqian lean over.Putting his shallow shoulders on his shoulders, he also replied in a low voice: "I don't know."

Frowning lightly, he distanced himself a little from the man, deeply feeling that he had been tricked again.

"I don't know if you call him a fairy again?"

"Don't people who practice here like to be called immortals or gods? Most of the people here are practitioners, and the title of immortal can't be wrong."

What kind of nonsense is this?It can only be said that the universe is so big that there are no surprises.

"Master, shall we have a try?" Taibai pulled Qianqian away with a displeased face, preventing the man from getting closer to his lord.Seeing Taibai sticking out his tongue childishly in protest, the man immediately let out a hearty laugh and said, "It's just a small game, let the kids try it."

Since it is a small game, Qianqian sent Taibai to take the lead, and try it first.

It looked like a small booth here, but when Taibai stepped into the range of the booth, the surroundings were like a four-dimensional color ultrasound system, presenting another scenery.Taibai's feet turned into a small pool, and he stood on a small lotus leaf.The lotus leaf is really too small to fit Taibai's four big palms.

"Taibai! Stand up! You can only stand on two legs, otherwise"

Before Qianqian finished speaking, Taibai had already fallen into the water.The first challenge ended in failure.Taibai was not convinced, so he came back a second time.This time, he learned his lesson and stood up like a human from the beginning, and he did not fall.It's just that when he saw the rules and regulations of the game appearing in front of him, he almost didn't immediately fall into the water.

"Cross the other side in two seconds?"

Qianqian smiled wryly and said to Taibai: "Taibai, don't be brave, come down, let Zhengyi come."

This rule can obviously be overcome by using spiritual power, but novices generally do not have Yuanling, so it is impossible to use spiritual power.Even if you go back to play after you get the Yuanling, you are no longer a novice at that time, so you can only satisfy your own competitiveness, and it is useless if you don't get the Yuanling.

"Master... Young Master, I can do it."

Taibai had such great determination, Qianqian let him try.

As a result, all five danced in a circle.The man with the best grades was the man, followed by Zhengyi.Qianqian covered her face with her hands, laughing out of shame.

"The game involves water, and the young master doesn't know how to swim. It's pretty good to have such a score. Besides, it doesn't represent your strength."

Zhengyi's consolation made Qianqian feel even more ashamed.He patted Zhengyi on the shoulder heartily to express his gratitude.

"Young master is the same as me! That's great!" Taibai didn't understand the level of grades at all, he only knew that he was honored to have the same grades as the master.

Taibai's really proud speech made everyone present laugh.

"I can't see that the big man is so agile, and his grades are on par with Zhengyi's."

Shallowly praised the muscular man who had been silently following behind him, Zhengyi glanced at him and said, "Maybe he's more skilled than that sloppy man."

Next, they also participated in several small competitions, including those who guessed fists, those who passed the test, and those who competed loudly.Although the man's voice was not as pleasing as it sounds, it was also sonorous and thick, and the volume of the voice was indeed loud and powerful.

In such a day, a group of them also earned a lot of spirits.The levels also jumped three levels in a row.

"I once heard that there are many descendants of monsters in Fantu in the Western Regions, and they were said to be very dangerous. From this point of view, it looks like an ordinary game village."

Qianqian washed his face with the well water that Zhengyi brought up for him, and his slightly tired body immediately revived.

"Master Sa doesn't know, this is just a place for juniors to stay. Haven't you noticed? There are no seniors here."

"After you mentioned it like this, I really haven't seen any powerful people."

"This is just a small warm-up place. If you have big ambitions, you won't stay here if you have a little strength."

Qianqian didn't seem to have seen this man take a bath, not even wash his face.He handed the bucket to the other party, and said: "I think you must go with us. I don't care, but we have talked for so long, and I still don't know your name."

"Haha, if you don't ask if this isn't your son, I can't tell you my name? I had a baby name when I was young, Bahu. My real name is Huxian."

"Huxian? Puff~"

Qianqian couldn't help laughing out loud, she couldn't even say an apology.

"Is my name that funny?"

"I'm sorry, that's not the meaning. But your name is really full of immortality."

Immortal Hu laughed himself, and said: "No way, my old man worships those immortals very much. I remember when I was young, that old man was still a teacher. But he didn't have talent. Although he was reluctant at first, I still reluctantly learned some. , now it’s considered a bit of cultivation, so it didn’t disappoint him.”

"You just said, what's your baby name?" Qianqian felt as if she had heard a name she hadn't seen for a long time, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes that were stimulated by laughing too intensely.

"Bahu. Very heroic, right? The tribe gave me this name, but the old man said that the name was too vulgar. He is clearly the boss of the barbarians, so he said he wanted to reform."

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