"Mother! That's the Lord!"

The child's urgent voice did not make the out-of-control 'mother' let go of her mouth.Relative to the bitten Yiyi, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he quickly made fifteen handprints with his free left hand.When he put his hand horizontally and ordered "Destroy!" in a sharp voice, the monster was immediately surrounded by a group of small white fireworks, and then it didn't even have a chance to shout, and its soul was swallowed up and disappeared.


The child who saw his mother being wiped out held his mother's thigh tightly, and when he saw his mother disappear before his own eyes, he discovered that even he was entangled by those little white flames.This means that the Lord will also destroy him together.The confusion at the beginning also disappeared in this instant.

"Don't..." Hong Rui saw the child's body gradually disappearing, she wanted to go forward to stop it, but she was restrained by Yi Yi and couldn't go forward.

The hand she stretched out to the child, and the hand the child stretched out to her, could never touch each other.

Until the moment when the child completely disappeared, Hongrui could only watch him say 'goodbye' silently to herself.


No one responded, Hong Rui's clenched fists turned pale, her eyes were red, and she loudly asked Yi Yi behind her, "Why are you going to kill him?! Tell me!"

Angrily, she grabbed Yiyi's collar, and Hongrui glared at this arrogant man.

"Did you let him eat the meals prepared for you? Especially those meat dishes."

Hongrui couldn't understand at all, she now asked why the child was killed, what does it have to do with those meals?

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"They can't eat these things."

Hearing this sentence, the hand that was gripping the collar tightly loosened, Hongrui shook her head and said, "You mean...they lost control because of the food?"

Yan Yi glanced at Hongrui, who had been hit hard, stretched out his hand to straighten his collar, and accidentally pulled at the wound he was bitten just now. rest.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? You should have known!"

"Do you regard me as your big brother Hua? I have no obligation to take care of everyone here, including you." With heartless words and a cold attitude, this is the king of the demon world.Hongrui knows very well that this person is not Lehua, nor Hu Peng, nor Sa Qian. , It's just that even if it is hell, there is still a trace of affection at all.It's just that this man saved her after all, Hongrui couldn't continue to blame him.

All the way back to the dormitory, Hongrui kept thinking about what Yiyi said to her on the way just now.

Among the Ming Luo Demon Clan, the magic power of the Ancient Yuan Clan is the most simple, and because of this, they cannot accept any chemical mixing from the outside world.Even if it is human food, it cannot be eaten.Once the pure and thick blood is polluted by the outside world, it is fine on weekdays, but it will be completely out of control when it comes to the red moon season.That monster, that is, the mother of the child who delivered the food, was of the Guyuan tribe.And the child is a mixed-race child of Gu Yuan and Jin Yuan.Children of this type are generally more inclined to the blood of Gu Yuan. After all, the blood of the Gu Yuan family is relatively strong, and most of the mixed demon children will not be able to escape Gu Yuan's fate in the end.

Based on the situation just now, it can be said that the blood of the child's mother has been poisoned.Even if she was restored to her original body and calmed down, she would not be able to survive as before, and would instead bring hidden dangers.And the child infected by the venom will completely lose control during the next red moon period, and the state will be like his mother.

Instead of letting things drag on endlessly, Yi Yi chose a way to let them be relieved.

When Yan Yi returned to his bedroom, a young man handed him back a blue bracelet.

"My lord, you accidentally dropped this when you wanted to stop the red girl from continuing to move towards [Rounding Mo Ridge]."

Yan Yi touched his wrist subconsciously, and quickly recalled in his head, just now when he heard the injustice sent by him to secretly protect Hongrui came back to report, Yan Yi didn't care about the pain that appeared on his body due to the influence of Hongyue. Abnormal situation, Po Kong stretched out his hand to catch this 'little trouble'.It's just that he was one step slower.Maybe it was the wristband that I accidentally dropped when I was in a hurry.He had just let his men back down when the door knocked again.Yi Yi impatiently thought that when it was really lively tonight, when he opened the door and saw the object standing outside the door, he was even more unhappy.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you not to walk around late at night?"

Yi Yi who came to answer the door coldly asked Hong Rui who was holding a medicine box in her hand.

"It's dawn. I'm here to bandage your wounds."

"No need."

Hongrui took a sneak peek, the wound that was bitten to the bone last night healed so quickly.

"This little injury is not worth mentioning. Besides, will that kind of thing work for me?"

Hongrui is right when she thinks about it, for a majestic demon lord, if he is injured, he can at most use an endless stream of magic power to heal him at will. This kind of medicine commonly used by mortals may not be effective for this demon lord.

Hongrui glanced at the medicine box in her hand, and couldn't help complaining to herself, she must have lived with Qianqian for a long time, and even forgot about such things, instead of relying on such mortal things, spiritual power or magic power therapy is faster.

Seeing Hongrui standing at the door with a medicine box in a daze, Yan Yi had no choice but to take the box from Hongrui's hand and said, "I'll take this. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest."

After a whole night of tossing like this, I really don't want to say I'm not tired.Seeing that the medicine box was accepted and still not leaving, Yan Yi frowned slightly and asked, "Are there any questions?"

After a while, Hongrui coughed lightly, and asked in the most natural tone possible: "That child...what's his name?"

As soon as the question was asked, Yi Yi immediately raised his eyebrows. After thinking for a while, he said: "A mere descendant of the demon clan, he still hopes to have a name. He doesn't have a name."

"Really?" That's right, this is not a place where you can play around and live a peaceful life. Who would care about the name of a child with a complicated background.

"Go and have a rest." Yi Yi didn't wait for Hong Rui's reaction, and turned her head to shut her down.

As soon as the door was closed, the turbulent pain that Yan Yi had endured for a long time suddenly spread from his abdomen to his chest.He caressed his chest with one hand, and waved a little harder with the other. Immediately, the windows and doors in the room were cursed, and the imprisonment could not be opened from the outside.He sat on the large bed, closed his eyes and meditated.The moment he opened his eyes, a foul-smelling mucus spit out from his mouth.He stared at the pool of black liquid on the ground, with a much more relaxed expression on his face, and wiped away the foreign matter remaining at the corner of his mouth with his thumb with disdain.Not only people from the outside world, but even the residents of the Demon Realm didn't know that this master who didn't have the blood of the Demon Race would also be affected by the Red Moon.

Even though it is daytime now, the fiery red moon still hangs high in the sky.He looked up for a moment, estimating in his heart that the person he had been waiting for for a long time was almost coming to his range.With her purple-black lips raised slightly, Yi Yi said to the person who was about to come, with a particularly treacherous atmosphere

"Welcome to visit us."

After the incident at [Ruomo Ridge], Hongrui was no longer willing to have any communication or contact with any member of the Demon Race.After Yan Yi knew about it, he ordered someone to place a high-leg shelf next to the door of the room, and when someone delivered the food, put the food on the shelf so that Hongrui could pick it up by herself.


On this day, Guozi woke up. She stood up, straightened her neck, and looked around. Hongrui knew that she must be looking for Qianqian's figure, so she went up and said softly, "Guozi, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry before I came here. I brought you along too. Wait a little longer, and I will let you return to Sa Qian, okay?"

Maybe because she understood Hongrui's apologetic words, Guozi squinted her eyes, softly 'chirp' and rubbed her small head against Hongrui's palm.

"You're still the best."

Hongrui felt a pang of sadness in her heart. These days, she looked back at many of her lost memories, but the pictures were so strange and tasteless, she felt that those were not part of her life, she was just watching other people's life journey Same.

"Miss Hong, the Lord asked you to go with him."

Now if Hongrui didn't want to look at the fire mirror and retrieve her lost memories, she would hardly go out at all.


She was worried about leaving the awakened fruit alone in the room, and repeatedly told it not to run out without permission no matter what it saw or what happened.After Guozi nodded obediently and agreed, Hongrui cast a small spell on it to make it smaller and put it in her pocket.

Hongrui came behind Yiyi who was waiting for her with her hands behind her back in the front hall. Before she could make a sound, the other party already knew she was coming. Turning her head, her eyes lingered in the direction of Hongrui's pocket for a moment, and said: "Follow me Bar."

Perhaps a little used to this indifference, Hongrui didn't care too much.She even sometimes thinks that this person, Yan Yi, seems cold and arrogant, but he has saved her time and time again, so she can be regarded as her benefactor.Hongrui walked behind Yiyi, thinking absently.If their positions are not antagonistic, they may also be able to become friends for general conversation.Since the man in front of her is kind to her, Hongrui will find a way to repay him.Even if he risked his life, he would pay him back the favor.As long as it's not unreasonable, as long as it is within her ability, she is willing to help.Yi Yi seems to understand Hongrui's thoughts, but so far, he has not made any excessive demands on the little girl.

"Hey! Where do you want to take me?"

They left the Demon Realm at the beginning, and Yiyi led her around for a long time in silence all the way.Hong Rui quietly reached into the pocket of her clothes, stroked Guo Guo's body, and confirmed that it was safe and sound.

"Even if you don't know how to call him Senior Brother, how about at least calling him one word?"

call?It was only said that night that he was just a descendant of the demon clan, so what name did he expect.Now that he is the devil, he still cares about how a girl calls him.

"Then what do you call you? You are not Senior Brother Hao Yi now, so call you Xiao Yi? Or Little Demon King?"

Hearing the word [small], Yi Yi's ears moved with tingling pain.He remained silent and didn't turn his head. Hongrui seemed to be able to foresee that icy face, which must have become stern and gloomy now.I don't know why, occasionally Hongrui feels that the man in front of me is somewhat similar to Lehua intentionally or unintentionally in some places.Compared with Qianqian, Hongrui would think that it would be easier for people to accept that Yanyi is the shadow of Lehua, if this man is not a big devil.

"Then, Lord Demon Lord, where do you want to take me?"

"My lord, it's free. If you like, you can follow them and call me the lord."

I don't care if you don't mind!

Hongrui pouted and glared at the demon king who turned his head and raised his eyebrows and sneered at him.He whispered in his mouth: "Even if you are really kind to me, I will not be your little guy, and call you the master. It's a good idea."

"Look carefully, do you have any impression here?"

When Hongrui came to a blue ocean, Yiyi naturally stretched out her hand, leading her to stand in the center of the ocean.Originally, when she wanted to say that she had never been to this place, she saw a small figure in front of her eyes.

"Come here and sit down. Repeat what the senior brother taught you just now, until the ocean under your feet recedes, and [Fangyuan Pavilion] will appear in front of your eyes."

It was Hao Yi who spoke.Hongrui saw her petite self sitting in the position where she was standing now, closing her eyes, with a pair of nimble little hands, constantly switching and making handprints.Tried many times, but finally failed.Hao Yu was not discouraged either, he came forward and took his junior sister by the hand, asked her to go back to land, and took her to an inn.Following the figure in front of her, Hong Ruiyi really came to a dilapidated inn that had been abandoned for a long time.

"Here, I have been here before."



Hongrui's memories are like a collapsing dam, pouring into her mind continuously.For a while, she couldn't sort out her thoughts clearly.

"And then? Is that all there is?" Hongrui took a few more glances at the inn that had been abandoned to the point where there were only broken tiles and ruins left. In the eyes of some Hongrui, the scenery here seems to be perfectly placed in front of them.

"It seems that that place doesn't help you much."

After that, the two wandered around casually, using the remaining memories in Hao Yi's soul, they explained to Hongrui sentence by sentence.

"Where I live, I just turn over the mountain in front. It's just that I still can't remember the experience here."

"It's okay, take your time. But I'll let you read everything you want to know."

"I know." Hongrui released the fruit, since she is not in the Demon Realm, there is no need to hide.

"When I asked you to come here, I mainly wanted to use you to introduce Lefeng into the Demon Realm. Of course, it is also one of my wishes to restore your memory. After all, it was Hao Yi who made you lose your memory."

For the negligence committed by the shadow, the Demon Lord Ming Luo would actually make up for it without hesitation.Sometimes Hongrui really can't figure out whether this person is good or evil.

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