For a long time, everyone thought that the Demon World would be gloomy, dark, damp and messy.As a result, Hongrui opened her eyes and looked around, and what she saw was the beautiful scenery and neat and orderly buildings.In a moment of excitement, Hongrui brought the fruit she was holding in her arms.Fortunately, it was in a deep sleep, and did not realize that it had left Qianqian.Hongrui followed Yiyi all the way, and saw the demons living here, some with green faces and fangs, some with skinny bones, some of them looked like human beings, but in the next second they turned into black smoke, and they went to bed in the empty building. Jump down.Yan Yi seemed to want Hong Rui to watch slowly, he led Hong Rui slowly through an alley, Hong Rui inadvertently hugged Guo Guo who was still sleeping in her arms, her pace gradually accelerated, and followed closely behind Yan Yi.She inadvertently saw some figures looming in the dark corner on the left side ahead, as if they were fighting for something.Driven by curiosity, Hongrui couldn't help staring at that corner, unable to look away.Her intuition told her that it was very dangerous there.

"Curious?" Yan Yi always had a glamorous smile on his face, and if he was handsome, he was indeed not inferior to the handsome men in the world.It's just that there is always an evil spirit about him, which makes Hongrui unable to equate him with the senior brother Hao Yi whom she knows.

Hongrui didn't answer his question, but couldn't keep her eyes from that dark space.Yan Yi seemed to know that Hongrui was afraid, and he stroked Hongrui's hand that was clasped tightly because of anxiety.A cold feeling came from the palm of her hand, which brought Hongrui back to her senses immediately.She looked at the man in front of her, and when she heard him softly say to herself: "Don't be afraid, I'm here." There was a ripple in her heart.

She remembered that there was a man who was hurt in order to protect her.It's just that she still can't remember, who is that man?She once asked Lehua, but the answer she got was always 'that's because your memory is messed up, it's not true'.She knew very well that that memory was not false.She remembered that at that time, the little senior brother seemed to be with her. She didn't remember who the person who injured them was. She only knew that when they were attacked, that man blocked the fatal blow for them.She clearly remembered that she felt very scared at that time, and she was too sad to say a word.A vague memory flashed through her mind, but Hongrui didn't realize that she was crying and staring at the devil in front of her.

"Miss Hongrui?"

A call from Yi Yi brought Hongrui back to her senses, and she immediately withdrew her lightly held hand.


Yi Yi glanced at her, nodded unobtrusively, turned around and continued walking.When they came to that dark corner, Yi Yi stopped.

"Do you want to take a look? This is actually the original appearance of the Demon Realm."

The original appearance is the original appearance of the demon world before Yi Yi became the demon lord.

As soon as Yan Yi's words fell, a fireball-like object suddenly appeared in the originally dark corner, passing by the corner in front of them.Although it was only a short-lived light, Hong Rui could see it clearly.Here, it's like a living hell.Fighting and fighting each other, the blood was like the natural body color, staining a large area of ​​land red.For those who lose, not to mention □□, even their souls are devoured and dissipated.But here, new monsters and demons are produced continuously.In the blink of an eye, there are millions of dead bodies in this space, and the picture is quite terrifying.Hongrui watched the devil's extremely sharp teeth, biting the penis of her companions and devouring blood, which made her shudder.

"This is the only place that cannot be cut off. It seems to be the lifeblood of this place, which cannot be cut off."

Even the demon king of the demon world said that it cannot be exterminated, so no one can stop this continuous lifeline.

The fireball just now seems to have been deliberately exported by Yiyi in order to let Hongrui see the scene inside clearly.Just such a small amount of light is enough to make the remnants of the demons inside let out a piercing scream.

"Can't they see the light?" Hongrui hid the fruit in her bosom even deeper, fearing that the leaked devil energy would devour the weak fruit.

"They are the pure Mingluo demon clan, and they are also the original clan that has lived here the longest. It's just that they don't have the ability to think, they are no different from wild beasts, and they become weaker when they see light. It is ridiculous that their magic power It is the strongest and the most simple."

Yan Yi said indifferently.Hongrui understands that this means that no matter how simple the bloodline is, no matter how powerful the magic power is, it cannot break through the magic circle of the current Demon King.This is the strength of the man in front of him.

"It's obviously a demon race, why do you want to make it as gorgeous and brilliant as the heaven?"

Originally, Hongrui just wanted to dampen Yanyi's spirit, and the words without much thought seemed to remind Yanyi of something, he stopped for a moment, his smiling eyes were like icicles, stinging Hongrui's sense of touch, Hongrui couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"In the beginning, I was not a demon. I never wanted to become a demon. But since he wished so, I granted his wish. I not only want to become a demon, but also a king."

"Who is that person you're talking about?" Hongrui guessed an answer in her heart, but she didn't want to believe it.She was obviously afraid of hearing the answer, but she still couldn't help but want to ask.

"Who do you think?" Unexpectedly, Yiyi didn't give the answer directly. When he asked Hongrui back, his eyes were full of sarcasm, which made Hongrui even more uneasy.

"Brother Hua wouldn't think that way!"

Seeing Hongrui's face flushed with resentment, Yiyi lowered his head with a sneer and looked at the small stones under his feet. He kicked and played with the small stones like a child, and said indifferently: "I haven't said it's Lefeng yet. Well, you are eager to affirm it yourself."

"I, you!" Hong Rui, who was so angry that she didn't know what to say, turned her face away, as if she didn't want to see this cunning man again.

"Don't you have a lot of things you want to know? My bedroom is in front of you. You go take a bath first and change into comfortable clothes. Tonight, I will tell you slowly."

It is impossible to refuse the words of Yan Yi.As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly entered the bedroom.Originally, Hongrui thought that the devil should live in a tall and gloomy castle.As a result, the bedroom that Yiyi mentioned was unexpectedly simple and simple.The house made of green bamboo as the main material is a bit too spacious and desolate for one person to live in.If there are three to five or seven people, it is just right.Perhaps because of the green bamboo, the air in the house is particularly clear and clean.Although the decorations are some simple jades, even a layman like Hongrui can see that these things are some peerless or unique and priceless ancient relics.

"Brother Hua is probably very interested in these things..." Hongrui held a jade rabbit in her hand and blurted out something that made her nervously raise her head.Originally, I thought that this demon lord, who was always making trouble for Lehua, would be very upset when he heard that there was something Lehua liked in his house, but Hongrui found that not only was he not angry, but he also had a happy expression on his face. Staring at the jade rabbit in Hongrui's hand.

"You can rest here. Someone will stay here, so you can rest assured. Except for the last room, you can choose the rest."

I don't know if I remembered something unpleasant, but I still greeted people with a smile one second, but walked away with a cold face the next moment.Hongrui felt that this person's mood swings were too great, and it was indeed a bit dangerous for a person with such great power to be so casual.

Hongrui was not in the mood to watch them one by one, she directly pushed open the first door, and locked the door tightly after entering.

Hongrui's eyes were covered by the red equipment in front of her. She doesn't dislike red, on the contrary, she likes it very much.It's just that here, it looks like someone else's newly married house.Not only the all-red coffee table and bed, but even the veils are also red.

"Guozi, I'm sorry, I accidentally got you involved."

Hong Rui put it in the deepest corner of the bed and set up a barrier.She was worried that there would be some commotion in the future, and she was afraid that it would be dangerous to bring the fruit with her.Put him here for the time being, and only return it when we see Qianqian again.

Hongrui slowly sat on the window sill, staring at the moon that has been dyed red all year round.Memories involuntarily played back intermittently in my mind.

People in the market came and went, she seemed to be following a fat boy, and that boy seemed to be her little brother, Hu Peng.There is no sound on the screen, and I can't hear what the little boy is saying to me.When I came to the teahouse, I saw the little boy slapping the table and cursing something, the pictures just jumped one by one, there was no clear image, no clear sound.Every time she thinks of this, Hongrui's head will involuntarily ache.At this time, a person's face always appeared in her mind.

When she was invited by Lehua to rectify history together, she already found a blank in her memory.It's just that Lehua told her very firmly that it was because Sa Qian accidentally changed history and touched [Shao], which caused the sequelae of those affected.When she thought that the gap in her memory was caused by this person, Hongrui disliked him very much.

["How dare you complain, I don't know who meddled in other people's past and caused the whole history to collapse."

"Sorry, please continue."]

Hongrui remembered how harsh she was to Qianqian at the beginning, and the grievance on Qianqian's face, she could only shake her head with a wry smile.

["It happens that there is silk bamboo here. This bamboo body is hard but light, very suitable for making kites."]

Hongrui seemed to see that kite ruined by the three of them.

["What's wrong?"

"Xiaoyue looks like she can't wait to fly the kite, and the way he looks at you is super concerned."

"Really? It's a pity I can't see it, it must be cute?"]

At that time, Hongrui really regretted it from the bottom of her heart. Occasionally, she would feel a little lonely if only the lord could see her servants?

However, in their eyes, probably only their lord.Is it enough that the person you care about the most can see yourself?


"Ah, animation is, do you know about shadow puppetry?"]

Hongrui still remembers that at that time, Qianqian worked very hard to find a suitable way of explanation.She looked up at the gradually dimming sky, thinking in her heart, is there the same sky in the world that Qianqian lives in?Besides, at the beginning, I obviously looked down on this idiot who didn't understand anything, but got into a catastrophe and asked them to deal with the aftermath.In the end, after getting along with her, she unexpectedly accepted Qianqian quickly.Thinking of this, Hongrui also felt strange.Sa Qian, at first, made people feel that he was timid and timid.As a result, it unexpectedly made people feel reliable, and. . . .

"And what..." Hongrui said to herself as if mocking herself

"Brother Hua... If he is really you, we will really miss out..." We can't expect more, since the beginning, fate has been so cruel.So Hongrui kept telling herself that right now, solving the biggest question in her heart is the top priority, and thinking about other things later.

When the sky was as dark as ink, a child with a pair of red pupils brought the dinner to Hongrui's room.He has a stinky face, but his movements are very gentle.He seemed to be concerned about Hongrui's feelings, deliberately avoiding his sight, put the food away neatly, and turned to leave.

"and many more."

Hongrui sat down, knocked on one of the dishes, and said, "I'm a vegetarian, you can take care of the meat."

The child opened his eyes wide, his unexpected expression was very cute.He seemed to remember his own difference, immediately lowered his head and turned his face away.The deep voice said indifferently: "If you don't eat it, leave it. The master said that you can't steal the food given to the guests."

He dropped these words and turned to open the door, but was pushed back by Hongrui very quickly, and the door was blocked.He wanted to raise his head to look at Hongrui, but continued to lower his head because of the grudge in his heart.

"Go and eat the food. If you find that the guests have left so much food, you think that your kitchen is lazy and didn't prepare the food. When the time comes, you will be blamed and you will not escape death."

Hongrui stared at the little head very seriously, she knew that the child was hungry.Ever since he brought the food into the room one by one, Hongrui heard the sound of 'gurgling' from her stomach.She is not a demon, so she doesn't understand how the children of the demons eat.She didn't understand that a child was hungry, who would be so cruel to let him continue to starve.If Sa Qian was there, she should have persuaded him softly by now to give all the food to the child.Hongrui thought in her heart, unconsciously showing a gentle smile.The child secretly raised his eyes to take a look, and found Hongrui smiling at him, feeling uneasy.But what Hongrui said just now is not impossible.The Lord of the Demon Realm, Demon Lord Mingluo is an elusive and unpredictable person.He stood there at a loss, Hongrui's intuition told her that this was a good time, so she forcefully brought the child to the dining table and asked him to sit down.He also deliberately pretended to be very impatient and pushed the rice bowl and chopsticks in front of the child, and simply ordered: "Eat."

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