Qianqian's mother's belly is getting bigger day by day. In the past few months, Qianqian has tried to help out in the store as early as possible so that her mother can rest.Seeing her with a big belly made me feel uncomfortable, but the joy and anticipation in everyone's hearts increased day by day.At school, Qianqian still communicates as little as possible, spends more time alone, and occasionally finds a place where there is no one, and sings softly.He likes to sing, he knows his voice is not good, in order not to disturb others, he will not sing in front of others.Thinking of my aunt in the country, and the praise that the teachers gave me at the beginning, could it be that those are just the encouragement given to comfort myself.Thinking of this, Qianqian couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"I said, why do you have such a nice voice? Even though you don't want to say this, you can even speak like you sing. How can you have a nice voice?"

Qianqian came to the backyard of the grass house by the small lake again, and played chess with Lehua.Qianqian used to yell every day that she couldn't play Go, but now she has finally learned the basics of Go.Hearing Qianqian's question, Lehua frowned inadvertently, put down the white piece in his hand, and said slowly but firmly: "Your voice is very nice."

"Look, aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open?" Qianqian made a mischievous face, looking at the chessboard on the surface, anxiously waiting for the man opposite to continue talking.

"If you sing badly, do you think I'll let you keep singing here every time you come?"

Being asked so bluntly, Qianqian didn't know how to reply.Glancing at the firm eyes of the other party, Qianqian felt that her heart was suddenly filled with confidence, and she also began to feel that it was right.

"Okay, you lost." It was a foregone conclusion that Lehua's one piece would fall, but Qianqian smiled happily after losing the game

"I still laugh when I lose"

"Anyway, I have never defeated you once." Qianqian tidied up the chess pieces indifferently, thinking that this chess piece was taught by the man opposite her who imagined it.But it's a bit wrong to think so

"Wait, I seem to have overlooked one thing. You clearly said that you are my imagination friend. Why are you smarter than me?"

"I'm not a God of Yi."

"That's English." Qianqian shook her head angrily, at first glance, this person was stupider than herself again.

"What I understand is what you subconsciously understand but you haven't understood yet. Do you understand?"

Lehua said pretending to be mysterious, while Qianqian scratched her hair and shook her head to express that she didn't understand.Without further ado, Lehua waved his hand, and the octagonal pavilion by the lake had a pair of electronic pianos.

Seeing Qianqian's eyes widen, Lehua smiled.After getting along for this period of time, Lehua discovered that as long as he casts spells, the expression on Qianqian's face is very brilliant.He also likes to watch it for no reason, because these are the parts he has been missing.

"In the future, if you lose the chess, you will be fined to sing a song, and I will play some accompaniment for you."

"Are you exaggerating too much? You can play this too."

Qianqian still kept her eyes wide open, her mouth wide open, and the word "surprise" was written big on her face.

"When you were in class, Taifu played a song for you, and you sang well, but your voice is too low."

Qianqian deliberately lowered her voice, the reason is self-evident, she is afraid that her classmates will make fun of her voice that has not changed its voice again.And this man also mentioned it on purpose, knowing everything.



"Teacher, now call him teacher."

"Oh, that's how it is." After a pause, Lehua continued: "Come on, let's sing a song."

"What?" Originally, I was still obsessed with the scene of the teacher playing his own accompanying song, but this sudden suggestion brought me back to my shallow thoughts, and I couldn't react

"You just lost chess, let's sing."

Seeing Lehua's arrogant and domineering face is enough to make Qianqian roll her eyes a hundred times.

"After what you said clearly just now, it will be the next time. This time doesn't count."

"The loser has no right to bargain."

Without further ado, Lehua had already dragged Qianqian to the pavilion.Qianqian is the worst at refusing, when the elders in the village say and sing, he is the only child who can't escape.No need to struggle, Qianqian asked in surrender: "What song to sing?"

"Just sing the song you often hum alone recently."

"You know this too. I always feel that my privacy has been violated. I want to sue you."

Ignoring the shallow nagging, she elegantly adjusted the overly long sleeves, revealing a pair of skin that was so fair that it looked bloodless, with well-defined and slender fingers.The extremely melodious music sounded, and the fingers seemed to be dancing briskly on the keys, which made people feel emotional.

The cheerful fingers suddenly stopped dancing, and Qianqian regained her thoughts.After staring blankly at Lehua who was staring at him, he suddenly realized "ah", remembering that he was going to sing.

"Come again." With this stern but not scary command, the air was covered with melodious music again. When Qianqian opened her mouth to sing, the chemical effect of the singing voice and the melody produced a wonderful effect.It seems that this is the artistic conception of the true fusion of sound and sound. The flowers and plants swaying slightly by the breeze seem to be as vivid as dancing for the song, and the fish and turtles in the water are playing happily.A little butterfly flying by itself, also excitedly scattered bits and pieces of small powder, which was carried into the breeze and scattered everywhere.

When the music ended perfectly, Qianqian who was subconsciously intoxicated by it slowly opened her eyes.At this moment, he deeply understood that he really likes to sing.He likes music, and he likes the ease and joy of singing.

"Don't deliberately lose chess just to sing."

Having been seen through again, he smiled lightly.Well, this fantasy friend is also good, at least here, he doesn't have to be burdened, he can be himself happily, the cheerful and smiling Qianqian can only appear here.

"Your chess skills are too high, how can you surpass you."

"This is a question that you need to think about yourself. Since I was imagined by you, you can definitely surpass it. You have to remember that you are the real deity."

"Well, I am the deity, and the deity is the real Sa Qian. You are my imaginary friend, Lehua, Lord Lefeng Shenjun."

Qianqian stretched out her hand, Lehua knew that this is the modern way of shaking hands, so she also stretched out her hand.As a result, Qianqian didn't hold the white and cold hand, but gave Lehua a bear hug by surprise with a plop.

"Hahaha, I had a great time today, thank you."

Like a child, Qianqian smiled happily and disappeared into the air with a bounce.Seeing Qianqian's disappearing figure, Lehua shook his head helplessly, and muttered to himself: "Oh, why is it like a child. Forget it, I don't have it, you go and get it back. It should be said, 'I' go for it come back."

The lively and noisy scenery just now was like a phantom, but now the figure staying alone in the pavilion has no charm of loneliness, but an indescribable tranquility.Lehua rested his fingers on the keys again, and began to play lightly. He sang softly, his voice was just like Qianqian's singing just now, perhaps even better.

As the mother's due date was approaching, Qianqian discussed with her father and temporarily refused to let her out of the store to help.In the morning, Qianqian went to the store to help her father take care of the trivial things in the store before going to school. After school, she reheated her lunch as soon as possible, took it to the store, and continued to help the store until it was closed before going home with her father.Because she was afraid of premature birth or something, Aunt Wen next door offered to ask Qian's mother to go to her house during the day, and it would be better to have someone to take care of her.Everything was arranged and things went smoothly as everyone expected.There was nothing wrong with it, Qianqian heard her sister crying that night.He became an older brother, and this joy, which was more than ten years late, made Qianqian too excited to speak.

"Dad, have you decided on your sister's name?"

"Sa Rou Yu, Yu Yu. Your mother said that since she was pregnant with your sister, she has seen many beautiful flowers and a pair of small wings in her dreams occasionally. The feathers look very beautiful and soft."

"Why didn't I hear you talk about such a thing?"

The two men hurriedly prepared some tonic soup for the wife/mother who had just finished the hard work. Thinking of the face of the little baby who just came into this world, both of them laughed happily.

"It's just a dream, nothing to say."

"By the way, Dad, when you were young, did you sometimes see or dream about your imaginary friends?"

"How old are you? Still imagining friends."

Hearing her father's words, Qianqian could only respond with a smile, "That's right...it's already fifteen."

"Ah, but I also had fantasies when I was a child. When I was playing alone, I had no one to play with. I just imagined the opponent."

Qianqian really wants to say that it is not the kind of imaginary friend, but a friend who can talk and have fun in dreams.

But then I thought about it, I lacked what others had, and could this friend who only met in my dream be a gift to make up for?

If you want to evaluate this friend Lehua, you can say that he is generous, generous, and good-looking.But it's just a little too old-fashioned, but other aspects are not bad.The small world in the dream can be regarded as a good place, in addition to the existence of this Lehua friend, there are water and mountains, beautiful scenery, and the cute little fairy butterfly.Until now, Qianqian still doesn't know how to master the skills and timing of coming and going.But I have made progress recently, at least I will not fall asleep too late or leave too early, so that I will wake up in the middle of the night, have nothing to do, and cannot fall asleep again.

Since Qianqian did not share the matter with others, he can only judge for himself, which is normal.

"What's the matter? Did you dream about anything special, too?"

When pouring the freshly stewed soup into the thermos carefully, Qianqian almost spilled the hot soup when she heard her father's question.

"Oh, be careful. I think you have something to do?"

Qianqian opened her mouth, closed it one by one, but didn't say anything after all.

"Hey, it's almost visiting time. We won't talk until things are settled. Come on, let's go."

On the surface, Qianqian calmly and obediently quickly closed the lid of the thermos bottle, and followed her father to the hospital, but in her heart she was busy thinking about how to talk to her father about Lehua and Meng.

But Qianqian's worries were superfluous. After the birth of her younger sister, the whole family became busy, and Qianqian's father also forgot what he said to his son that day.

The years passed by slippery and hastily, and Qianqian entered high school this year.My younger sister has already started to learn to speak, she doesn't say a word, her white teeth are trying to grow, the most important thing is that this little baby is very good at eating.Looking at the toddling baby, the elder brother Qianqian is really happy to smile every day, always chasing his sister with his mobile phone to take pictures and videos.Then in the dream at night, he kept showing off how cute his sister was in front of Lehua.

Once Lehua really couldn't take it anymore, and very firmly judged that Qianqian had a serious sister-in-law complex.

"I said you, you used to look like a handsome young man, but now you don't say anything vulgar, and you have a vicious tongue."

"Heh! Don't forget, you are the true deity, and I am just whatever color you dyed, and I am whatever color you are."

Lehua calmly fanned the paper fan in his hand, the words just now didn't look like there was any trace of cheating.

"You are sure I am what you are"

Lehua nodded, the fan didn't stop, and slowly brought out a breeze every time, making the hair that was longer than his shoulders fluttering.

"Come on, stand up."

Forcibly pulling up this irritating man, Qianqian stood shoulder to shoulder with him, then compared, and said very unwillingly: "You are more than a head taller than me, it's too much."

Then he squatted in a corner angrily and buried his face in his knees.Lehua put away his fan and squatted up together, seeing that Qianqian didn't look up, he patted him on the shoulder lightly

"Don't make trouble, I'm autistic."

"Okay, then don't eat the pancakes for a while."

"Is it spicy?"

Lehua expressed "yes" with his eyes, and Qianqian stood up happily.What I ate in my dream will not be a burden when I wake up, and Qianqian will eat and drink happily in my dream.

"You don't know, not only did I not wait for the voice change period, but I didn't even grow taller. You said that I didn't eat enough. I heard that drinking milk can grow taller, and I also play basketball. The problem is that exercise is real. No, I'm a sports idiot."

Bite by mouthful of pancakes, Qianqian was annoyed by the general troubles of teenagers.

"It's okay, you'll be fine like this."

"What's so good about this? When I go to the library, if I want to take a book that is placed on a higher place, I have to find a stool. My appearance here is different from the reality, and the reality is still short. Let me say, there is one thing I always Forgot to ask, why every time I come into the dream, my appearance is different, this appearance seems unrealistic, much bigger."

"Dreams usually show the self you are most eager to see in your best period. You at this time may be your happiest or most unforgettable time."

"Isn't it true that I'm already the best me?" Qianqian looked around with a disgusted face, and then said the main point: "I don't grow very tall...this...is 1.6 meters?"

"Didn't I teach you the spell of growing taller?"

"It was just in a dream. When I wake up, I still haven't grown taller."

"That's because you are impractical. If you learn something practical, it will be useful when you wake up."

"for example"

"This." Lehua motioned him to look at the writing brush in his hand and the paper lying on the table with his eyes. On the white paper, there were dignified characters one by one, and he looked like a person who practiced calligraphy.

"This, I have learned it before, but if I don't practice hard, I'm a little rusty."

"You still have self-knowledge."

After finishing speaking, ignore Qianqian, and continue to practice calligraphy on his own.Qianqian looked bored, so she also started singing softly.

"Singing is meant to be sung for others, so who will listen to it in a low voice?"

"Listen yourself." Qianqian replied without hesitation, Lehua rolled his eyes and shook his head.This rolled her eyes beautifully, because the first time she saw a handsome guy rolling her eyes, Qianqian almost fell off the chair with a smile on the ground, and then turned into lying on the ground laughing non-stop.

"You really shouldn't learn...hahaha...this won't work...it's too funny."

Inexplicably poked at the point of laughter, and smiled so shallowly that tears came out.A handsome man in a white Hanfu, holding a pen in his hand in a perfect posture, turns out the expression on his face is rolling his eyes from the heart. This picture is so beautiful that Qianqian laughed so hard that he couldn't hold his breath.

"Is it that funny?"

I feel that Qianqian's smile is too low, which is inexplicable.Qianqiankuang nodded, laughed until he coughed for a while, took a sip of the tea Lehua poured for him, and said: "Unfortunately, you are not a real person, otherwise we will definitely be good friends, as long as you do something stupid, I will You can laugh for a long time."

"If you love to watch, you can take a mirror and look at yourself, that's fine."

This proposal was immediately rejected by Qianqian

"No, that's different."

"It's nothing different, I was imagined by you, and I am you." He obviously thought this kind of behavior was very unrefined before, but one day he suddenly remembered Qianqian's little trick, and learned to do it again out of curiosity.Although I felt a little ashamed, it turned out to be surprisingly good.Lehua discovered that this kind of small action has the effect of venting a certain emotion in his heart, so he did it unconsciously.

She took a shallow breath, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "Are you laughing at me? How much taller are you than me? You are me... Tsk. Not to mention the height, the appearance is also different. Sometimes I think, maybe you are the appearance I look forward to having, so I fantasize about you."

"It makes sense." Lehua nodded while raising the written paper

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