"I'm so thirsty..." Qianqian dragged his heavy steps, looking at the boundless desert, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Lefeng Shenjun is a devil!!"

Things go back hours. . . .

"Look, has the fruit grown hair?"

Qianqian, Hu Peng, and Hongrui watched the sleeping Guozi.Because the little guy slept so sweetly, the three onlookers didn't dare to disturb it.

"Is this hair? It looks like thorns to me." Hu Peng narrowed his eyes, moved closer, and stretched out his hand to touch it to confirm, but was slapped down by Hong Rui's palm, causing him to hiss immediately in pain Hissingly, he touched the back of his hand that was beaten.

"I've always wondered why it loves to sleep more and more?"

"I've heard that they seem to go into hibernation."

Hongrui pulled the quilt for Guozi, and patted Guozi lightly like comforting a child.

"They hibernate for a long time, sometimes for a century."

"Are you kidding? Guozi, don't hibernate, get up." Qianqian felt that if Guozi had to hibernate for a century, then they would no longer communicate.

"Chirp?" Guozi opened her eyes with difficulty, saw that Qianqian was calling her, and rubbed her master's hand happily.

"Don't wake it up like that, even if it's hibernating, it won't wake up completely."

Hongrui separates the fruit that has fallen asleep from the two ignorant men.

Seeing that there were no more pets to play with, Hu Peng sat across from Lehua and played chess with him again.

"My lord, Taibai seems a little uncomfortable."

Fang Yichen's soft voice rang in Qianqian's ears, but no one else knew it.Hearing this, Qianqian took out the Taibai Stone from her pocket, and she saw the spirit stone flickering continuously.

"Taibai, can you show up?"

When Qianqian asked, the spirit stone really turned into a white tiger immediately, but this white tiger could only lie weakly on the ground, and didn't even have the strength to look up at the lord.

"It seems that the illness is not serious."

Qianqian doesn't know medical skills, even so, he can guess the cause.Because of the leg that just returned to Taebaek, something seemed wrong.The whole leg was red and swollen like a braised pig's trotter.

"It's a symptom of an inflamed wound."

Lehua, who was still playing chess with Hu Peng, squatted down to observe Taibai's injury at some point.

"Brother Hua, can you see him?"

Lehua stared at the wound with both eyes, and slowly spit out the words: "There are several situations, the servant can be seen by people other than the master. First, like your fake fiancée last time, who is about to die, Then you can see the real body of the Samurai God. Second, the Samurai God in a special state, such as Zhengyi, but in his state, if he wants to hide it, it is still possible, but it is called blindness. There are also coordinate stones. A servant of God, you can choose to live as a real body, or you can use an avatar to hide your existence."

Lehua stroked Taibai's head, and continued: "Samurai's physical condition may also prevent him from being invisible. By the way, there is another situation that will make Samurai unable to hide, that is, in a state of complete rampage, or when the demon Even transformed servants cannot be invisible."

"Demonization? Will the Samurai still be demonized?"

"Why not? Fairies can also be demonized, let alone a mere servant?"

Lehua's tone was indifferent, but Qianqian could hear a trace of inexplicable sadness.

"So, what should Taibai do now?"

After such a question, Qianqian was immediately waved by Lehua again, and the next moment Qianqian rolled from the clouds to the sand like a balloon.

"The medicine used for the God's wound is special. As the lord, the responsibility of finding the medicine naturally falls on you."

The body was protected by a gust of warm wind, and as soon as his feet landed, he heard the ruthless god talking to him in a tone that had nothing to do with him.

"Lefeng Shenjun is a devil!!"

Now Qianqian is walking alone in the desert.Not to mention how dry the deserted sandy land is, even the wind that blows it is scorching hot.At this time, Qianqian really felt what it was like to really live in the stove.

"My lord, there will be a small oasis ahead. You can go there and take a rest."

"Really?" Hearing what Zhengyi said, Qianqian was as happy as discovering a treasure.Immediately raise your spirits and speed up your pace.

"My lord, why don't you use the sword?"

Fang Yichen also joined the conversation, and now they seem to have opened a group in Qianqian's mind, and occasionally they chat with each other sentence by sentence.Occasionally, it really makes Qianqian wonder if she is suffering from auditory hallucinations.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!"

Ordinary people are used to walking steadily on their own legs.But this is not an ordinary world, and he is not an ordinary person now, so he can travel in an unusual way.

Ever since the time of saving Taibai, Qianqian can be said to be more than capable of dealing with such things as Yujian.

"If I had known earlier, I would have used the sword from the beginning, so I wouldn't have to be half-dead in the heat."

Arriving at the oasis mentioned by Zhengyi, Qianqian immediately went to the small lake surrounded by the oasis, drank a few sips of water, and then washed her face, feeling refreshed immediately.

Qianqian took out all the spirit stones in the bag, summoned them one by one, and let them cool off together.

Who knew that the summoning had just been completed here, watching the little moo cat and Xiaoyue running to the middle of the lake, Qianqian was about to call them to pay attention to the depth of the water, but a burst of dizziness hit him, and he fell to the ground on the spot, but did not lose consciousness. I just feel that I suddenly see stars in the night sky in front of my eyes.

Immediately, all the servants who wanted to play surrounded him.Qianqian looked at the servant gods looking at herself worriedly, and thought inappropriately in her heart: "Since the servant gods are all the incarnations of [Shao], and Lehua is the 'son' of [Shao], the servant gods can Normally showing emotions, why is there always something missing from Lehua's body? '

"My lord, my lord."

The worried call of the servants slowed down Qianqian's thoughts.

"It's okay. Don't worry, you go and play."

Qianqian appeases the little moo cat who is lying on him in worry, as well as Xiaoyue and others.

"My lord, with your current cultivation, it is still impossible to make all the servants appear at once."

It was obviously a reminder of concern, but once the words were uttered from Nan Wuyue's mouth, they would become extraordinarily cold.After listening to Qianqian, I can't help but want to laugh.And now he really smiled, and replied softly: "Thank you. Don't worry, I just didn't get used to it for a while, and I'm fine now. Besides, we don't know how long we have to stay in this ghost desert , It’s a pity not to let you all come out.”

When Nan Wuyue and Zhengyi wanted to say something, Fang Yichen stopped him and said, "Since the lord has a sense of proportion, we don't need to say anything more. My lord, rest well and don't fall into the water."

As soon as the words here fell, Qianqian saw that majestic white tiger drowning in the lake.When Qianqian was about to get up, Fang Yichen pressed his shoulders and prevented him from moving.There, he cast a glance at Nan Wuyue, and saw Nan Wuyue walking to Taibai's side in an instant, and led it ashore like an object with one hand.

"If you don't want the lord to bother, you should pay more attention when entering the water."

Nan Wuyue simply reminded that the servants stood at attention rigorously and earnestly as if they had listened to the military order, and then nodded yes.

Seeing the shallowness of this scene, he suddenly had an idea, and he suggested with a smile: "I have a small suggestion, I want to recommend Nan Muchen to be your captain and vice-captain... Uh... Fang Yi and Zheng Yizhi Who do you think is more suitable?"

Nan Wuyue obviously felt a little displeased and frowned, but Fang Yichen was very happy on the contrary, he quickly raised his hands in approval, and added: "I recommend Zhengyi as the vice captain."

Hearing what Fang Yichen said, Nan Wuyue's deeply furrowed brows became even tighter.When Zhengyi wanted to say something, Fang Yichen took a step ahead.

"As a coordinate, I can't be distracted, so I leave the important task of assisting Muchen to you. I think you are a bit similar."

Indeed, one is indifferent and the other is dull, their personalities are somewhat similar.

"Thank you, Big Brother Fang, for your kindness. It's just that I'm still not free to stay with the lord. I'm the vice-captain."

Before Zhengyi finished speaking, Qianqian patted him on the shoulder vigorously, Zhengyi's words were interrupted again

"Since you recognized me as an incompetent lord, regardless of the shackles, I have already regarded you as a member of our big family. Are you right?"

Immediately, someone nodded in agreement, and someone clapped their hands in agreement.Seeing that other partners also recognized him, Zhengyi blushed a little on his pale cheeks.

Nan Wuyue and Fang Yichen looked at each other and smiled, acquiescing to the duty of captain.

"By the way, why am I so stupid? I was so thirsty just now, and I still don't know how to fetch water."

Nan Wuyue's expression changed suddenly when she heard Qianqian said that she wanted to bring water, and when she wanted to stop it, she saw that Qianqian had only brought eight cups of tea.He almost fell to the ground immediately, and he quickly withdrew his overly nervous expression just now.It's just that Fang Yichen noticed his intentions.

"Do you think the lord will really recruit a lot of water without measure?"

Being teased by Fang Yichen, Nan Wuyue coughed lightly, turned her face away and said, "I didn't think so."

The ear dyed red was so cute, Fang Yichen casually leaned in and kissed it.Nan Wuyue covered her kissed ears nervously, her face turned red to the neck.At this time, I heard Qianqian shouting: "□□! There are children here." Qianqian pretended to close her eyes while covering Xiaoyue's kind eyes, and then continued: "Foul again next time. , you have to be punished. As the captain, the penalty is doubled."

"Then as the lord, how about three times the punishment?" Nan Wuyue retorted

Qianqian said arrogantly instead of cowardly: "Are you sure you want to do this? I'm a single man, you are different."

"One word from a gentleman, four horses are hard to chase," Nan Wuyue replied firmly, but his lord did not accept the move.

"Come on, cheers to the captain and vice-captain!!"

When Qianqian shouted, the children picked up the teacups Qianqian had brought for them and toasted together.Qianqian still felt that she wasn't having enough fun, and then shouted: "Cheers to the punishment captain!!"

Fang Yichen smiled and stared at Nan Wuyue who shook his head helplessly but cooperated with Qianqian to toast with everyone, and Zhengyi also toasted together foolishly.

"Wait, isn't Taibai sick? Why does he look so energetic now?"

At this moment, Qianqian remembered that the reason why she was kicked down by the demon god was to find the elixir for Taibai's wound, but seeing that Taibai summoned by her was not only full of energy, but also played in the water and almost drowned.

"My lord, this lake water is the good medicine you are looking for. Besides, this lake water is even more precious if it grows in arid areas. Generally, the temperature in this kind of place will drop sharply at night, and the white dew purely brewed from the earth in the early morning is called a panacea. Our gods are actually not mortals, so we can't use the medicine that the lord is used to. And this rare lake water is our panacea." Zhengyi was talking endlessly, and Qianqian was trying to tease him Asked if it was because he became the vice captain that he was so conscientious in explaining.As a result, before he had time to say anything here, Zhengyi had already said in a questioning tone: "I always thought that if the lord knew about it, he would go beyond his own ability and recruit all the servants out."

Qianqian covered her mouth and laughed out loud, and said without embarrassment: "You think highly of me, I just think it's rare to see an oasis on the sand, and it's a pity not to let you come out together to have fun."

Hearing such a straightforward speech, Nan Wuyue and Zheng Yi felt speechless.Should it be said that this is Qianqian's strength or should it be said that he is too young and inexperienced.And Fang Yichen, who followed Qianqian with a hearty laugh, thought that this was Qianqian's talent. Even though he didn't know much about many things, he could even be said to be a blank sheet of paper. Master it quickly and accurately.

Hu Peng, who was on the cloud, saw this scene inadvertently, and said with a smile: "It seems that Brother Qian will not be lonely wherever he goes, how happy he is."

"It will be more lively in a while."

After Lehua said this, a long-lost figure appeared in front of him.

Qianqian heard that the lake water is so precious, so while everyone was still resting and playing in the water, she took out a few elbow-long pots and filled them up.

Seeing the sky getting dark, Qianqian wanted to go back quickly, but suddenly all the servants surrounded him with vigilant expressions, protecting him in the middle.

"what happened?"

"My lord, there is an evil spirit approaching us from the east, be careful."

Zhengyi immediately hid his figure, and just after he finished speaking, he heard Nan Wuyue shouting "protect the lord", and holding a long sword, he attacked eastward without hesitation.Seeing this, Fang Yichen was afraid of being cheated, so he also went to support.

Taibai loosened his newly healed leg, looked back at Qianqian, and immediately disappeared into Hongji lying in Qianqian's pocket.It was only then that Qianqian remembered the existence of Hong Ji, and when he took it out, he saw that the white tiger that was originally in Hong Ji had been given a pair of wings at some point.

"Have you finally remembered your weapon?"

A somewhat familiar but unfamiliar voice came from behind Qianqian.

"Are you...Meng Zhang? The evil they said didn't come from you, did it?"

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