"Disciple is far away, I don't know when the master will go down the mountain, and what is the reason for visiting the humble house?"

"I heard that some strange things have happened here recently, so I came down the mountain to inquire about it." Lehua sat down in the seat he had prepared for himself, and was tentatively serious.

"Uh, this, may I ask what is the strange thing Master heard?"

It can be seen that this person is rough and domineering on the outside, but he is a cultured person in his words and deeds, and the original master he said must be someone who taught him etiquette, words, deeds, and conversation.

"Well, as I heard from the teacher, someone recently set up an enchantment without authorization, blocking the spiritual power of everyone here, making them unbearably disturbed."

"Is there such a thing? But as far as I... well, as far as I can see, except for the enchantment at the entrance, no one here has such a great ability to set up any enchantment."

"Well, I originally thought so as a teacher." Lehua frowned deeply, as if he was very distressed.The giant apprentice hurriedly said: "To tell the truth, Master, a group of people broke into here recently. I heard that this group of people are all children, but I tried my best to find them, but I still can't find them. Think of a way to clean them up?"

Hearing what the giant said, Qianqian's heart skipped a beat, and the little paw couldn't help but tightened.This grabbing was a piece of meat from Lehua's shoulder, Lehua immediately grabbed it lightly and threw it into the bag.

"Master, is that Master's little assistant?"

Originally, he had always been curious about the little things on the shoulders of his 'Master', and this was the first time the giant saw the small animals on his Master's body.

"No, it's just that the road is a bit dull. I met him by chance and picked it up as a companion."

Qianqian in the bag heard that she was picked up, and when she was about to protest, she heard Lehua say: "If the apprentice likes it, I will lend it to you temporarily as a teacher."

"Really? But the disciple dare not take what the master likes"

"It's nothing. I just saw that the little mountain mouse is clever and spiritual. Maybe he can master spells, so I took it with me and taught him a little bit."

"So miraculous?" The giant, who was a little moved by the words of "Master", couldn't help but couldn't wait to take over Qianqian who was banned by Lehua immediately.When Qianqian saw that she was going to be given to the giant, she couldn't scream or move, she was so nervous that she almost cried.Who knew that Lehua's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, and said: "This mountain mouse is a bit shy by nature, let's take care of it for the teacher temporarily, and when he is willing to get close to you, he will be handed over to you as a teacher. "

"Master, is this going to stay here temporarily?"

"Any objections?

Lehua's face was slightly angry, and the giant immediately said in fear: "No, why would there be objections? It's rare that the master is willing to stay in the humble house. The apprentice is so happy that it's too late."

Hearing the word '贱舍', Qianqian almost couldn't hold back her laughter, but the slight '噗味' sound still came out.The giant looked rough and reckless, but he was unexpectedly careful, and he heard Qianqian's laugh. When the giant wanted to say something, Lehua took the first step and asked impatiently: "What else is there?" What's the matter?"

The giant looked at the little mountain mouse who had pretended to be indifferent, and quickly said to the master flatteringly: "It's all right, this disciple will order someone to prepare the dormitory for the master, and let the master rest first."

Lehua nodded, and followed the giant to the bedroom he mentioned.When the giant resigned, Qianqian loosened her body and immediately jumped up like a small firecracker, biting first in respect, then seeing Lehua's brows without frowning, but his little front teeth were a little sore, she said with tears in the corner of her eyes : "You want to hand me over to such a terrible person, are you crazy?"

Seeing the puffy little figure, sitting in a corner, Guozi circled around him worriedly, teasing him, but Qianqian's eyes were red, and she refused to pay attention to anyone.

"I can come in with another identity, but I can't stay for too long. As long as this spell is still there, using a little spell will consume a lot of spiritual power." Hearing what Lehua said, Qianqian realized that Lehua's expression was a little strange .

"Are you not feeling well? I... what should I do? Xiao Peng and Xiao Rui are not here, why don't you lie down and rest and see if you can take it easy." Originally, Qianqian wanted to go up to help her blue lips Bai, looking at the very weak Lehua, stretched out his little hand, and realized that he is just a mountain mouse now, and this mountain mouse looks like the kind of groundhog he knows. He really wants to imagine that picture now. Like a groundhog, it yelled loudly.The fruit sitting next to him said that the picture is too cute to bear to imagine.

Lehua saw that the mouse was so anxious that he seemed satisfied, so he said: "Since you are so obedient, you promise me to stay with this big guy first, and pay attention to see if there is any sign of [Shao]."

"What about you?" Although she was very worried about Lehua, Qianqian was still a little scared when she thought of staying alone

"It's a bit difficult for me to stay here. This identity can't continue to be transformed. We will work separately. You are responsible for staying here with the big guy to inquire about news and find [Shao]. I will go out and find Xiaorui and Xiao Pengpeng."

Seeing Qianqian's hesitant look, Lehua sighed loudly on purpose. Seeing that his face seemed to be darker again, Qianqian couldn't bear it, and immediately agreed: "Okay. But if you have Xiaorui and the others Message, come back to me immediately."

Lehua made an 'ok' gesture, nodded in agreement, and Qianqian felt relieved.Seeing that Lehua told the big man that he had something to do and couldn't stay here overnight, he handed Qianqian to the giant, and gently touched Qianqian with a disturbed face.Before leaving, he glanced at his weak appearance just now, and showed a successful smile to Qianqian, which made Qianqian suddenly realize that he had been slapped!Qianqian hates herself for being so soft-hearted. Thinking about it, I can't blame myself. After all, I have known Lehua for so long, and I have never seen Lehua so weak. But who knows, what happened to this capable "fantasy friend" just now It's just a play to deceive yourself.Seeing that abominable god go away, Qianqian heard the giant say to herself: "I will take good care of you, and when master comes back, I will definitely see you become fat and fat."

Fat and fat?Qianqian couldn't help but imagine, this groundhog has a round face like a small peng, she can't help but ask herself, how much did she eat to become like that?horrible!Imagine being fed and being forced to eat non-stop, isn't that called good luck?That's abuse!

"If you dare to force me to eat, I'll sue you for cruelty to animals!" Qianqian said angrily, but to this giant, it's just 'chirp' and has no meaning.

As soon as he left the tribe, Lehua immediately quickened his pace, and after leaving a certain distance, he carefully dispelled the spell of pretending to be an identity.After this relief, he almost couldn't even stand still, his chest hurt a lot, he coughed a few times, and even blood flowed out.

He is a god, but in a state where his mana is suppressed by force, he also forcibly uses the middle-level spell of false identity, not to mention the tragic consumption of spiritual power, even his own cultivation is almost gambled.

Looking at Qianqian just now, he was very worried about himself. In order to let him stop thinking about it and stay there obediently, Lehua deliberately acted out the bitter trick of 'you are being tricked'.

Although it is still uncertain, Lehua intuitively believes that the spell that suppresses spiritual power has nothing to do with this tribe, but the location should be nearby.The problem is that in his current situation, there is no way to break through the spell alone.Everyone loves to say 'the safest place to hide is the most dangerous place. '.That's why Lehua left Qianqian in that dangerous place.Assuming that the enemy's location is near the tribe, even if the enemy discovers their actions, they will not search the range of their lair immediately.

Lehua held his breath to adjust the manic divine power in his body, and then used the remaining spiritual power to stabilize the pulse of the whole body. After closing his eyes and meditating for more than an hour, his state finally recovered, and he continued to go to what he sensed without delay. The location of departure is not mentioned.

Here, the two of you hit each other with a punch, and I bumped them once. Their spiritual power is almost exhausted, and the barrier that imprisoned them is still unscathed.Hu Peng sat down on the ground with a big buttock a little weak, looking at this damn solid formation sweating profusely.Hongrui kept hammering and attacking, but it didn't bring any effect. Her hands were red, and her face was red with anger.

"Junior Sister, you... you should calm down for a while."

Hongrui glanced at Hu Peng who was already tired and half lying on the ground, and said a little angrily: "I finally understand why my little brother's spiritual power has not been suppressed."

"Why?" Hu Peng, who was already a little dizzy from exhaustion, closed his eyes and asked heavily

"Because your spiritual power poses no threat to him at all, and it doesn't matter if you don't suppress you."

Although this is true, it is really heartbreaking to hear.Hu Peng wasn't willing to argue with his little junior sister, so he just smiled foolishly.Just when Hongrui was about to say something more, a familiar voice suddenly came from the sky.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Brother Hua! Brother Hua! Great, we are here!"

Both Hongrui and Hu Peng thought about the sky and kept shaking their hands to call, and when they heard Lehua's voice, they were extremely happy.

"This magic circle has two layers, inside and outside. Of the two of you, who can activate the spiritual power?"

Hongrui glanced at Hu Peng, then nodded and said: "Little senior brother! Little senior brother's spiritual power still remains, and it has not been restricted."

"That's good. I'll count to three in a while, and then I will exert force on this magic circle at the same time."

"it is good."

After saying yes, Hu Peng tried his best to stand on his feet, perhaps due to the excessive consumption of spiritual power, his feet began to tremble slightly.Hongrui looked at it, and then suddenly remembered that just now, she blindly urged Hu Peng to use spiritual power to attack the magic circle, but she ignored one thing. Even if the other party did not limit this person's spiritual power, if it was consumed, it would still bring harm to the caster. Come on stress.

"Can you do it? No, why don't you tell Brother Hua to see if there are other ways."

"It's okay, little junior sister, you should step aside first, lest if the magic circle breaks, it will come back to you."

Looking at her senior brother who always dotes on her, Hongrui bit her lower lip, hesitating to speak.Seeing that the little junior sister refused to back down, Hu Peng took a look at those eyes and understood, and said, "Young senior brother understands that you are impatient with Brother Hua and Brother Qian, and so am I, so I don't blame you. Hey, be good, Step aside."

Hearing what Hu Peng said, she finally felt a little better, so Hongrui obediently stood aside.

"Brother Hua, you can start!"

"Three, two, one!"

"Come again!"

Sure enough, after three attacks, the grassland that imprisoned Hu Peng and Hongrui was finally broken.

"Finally free!" After finishing speaking, Hu Peng fell to the ground, obviously so tired that he couldn't even breathe, but he still kept laughing cheerfully.

"Little brother! Are you alright?" Hongrui immediately let Hu Peng take a few more sips of the water that Lehua handed her, seeing her pale face gasping for breath and gradually recovering her color, Hongrui finally relaxed tone.

"Brother Hua, are you alone?"

Lehua took out the fruit in his pocket, Hu Peng and Hongrui glanced at it, almost speechless, then burst into laughter

"What? Has Sa Qian turned into a mouse?"

"Hahaha! I'm sorry, Big Brother Qian, I didn't mean to laugh at you, but it's so cute, haha!" Hu Peng, who was lying on the ground, simply laughed and rolled on the spot.

Guozi knew that they had misunderstood her as Qianqian, but her lord was being laughed at, so she couldn't help getting angry and cursing.As soon as the voice came out, the two who were laughing and crying stopped.

"Isn't this Sa Qian?"

"Wait, this voice is"

"Fruit!" Hu Peng and Hongrui said at the same time.Lehua nodded, stroking Guozi's head, who was still a little discouraged, and said: "But Qian has become similar to this little guy."

This time, the two of them stopped laughing, and instead asked a little worriedly: "What about others?"

Lehua roughly told what happened to them just now, and Hu Peng and Hongrui also told Lehua about meeting that man.Afterwards, Lehua put together the two clues to make out his doubts and certainties, and when the three of them simply simulated the plan, a person appeared behind them.

"I knew you would come, Lord Lefeng!"

It felt like no one had called him that for a long time, Lehua turned around unhurriedly, and saw a man in white.

"Brother Hua, it's him." Hongrui reminded Lehua in a low voice

Lehua told Hu Peng and Hongrui calmly and softly, and said: "First search in the direction I deduced, and when it's done, don't worry, you wait for me near the tribe, and when I'm done with this old friend, I will come to join you, and then we will take that little mouse away together."

The little mouse Lehua was referring to was Qianqian, but the man opposite seemed to mean someone else, he narrowed his eyes contemptuously, and said, "Do you think that little mouse is something you can take away if you want?" ?”

Lehua couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and after a quick interpretation in his mind, he jokingly said: "What belongs to me, whether it is a human or a mouse, cannot be taken away."

"Hmph! Still so arrogant."

When their boss was demoted, Hongrui and Hu Peng were getting restless, but they were persuaded by Lehua.

"Don't be affected by other people's opinions, just do what you have to do."

Hearing these words, he immediately slapped the other party in the face, and Hongrui was also happy, so she held on and was a little unwilling. Hu Peng, who even wanted to stay and help drag, split up according to the previously agreed plan.

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