Seeing him running over with a spoon, Le Hua nodded with a smile and motioned him to sit down and eat together.

"Brother Qian, are you digging for water?"


"If you want water, just tell us, and we'll give you a bucket." Hongrui said as she sandwiched the freshly fried choy sum to Lehua.

"No, I'm practicing."

As soon as he heard about the exercises, Hu Peng immediately said: "Generally, elementary exercises are done with real objects. Water or liquid types can only be done by intermediate people. I heard Brother Hua say that Brother Qian doesn't know anything. To be able to succeed in such a short period of time is worthy of Brother Qian."

"Don't beat him up indiscriminately, you can see that he can hardly hold his chopsticks now."

When everyone's eyes were on her slightly trembling hands, Qianqian smiled in embarrassment, and hurriedly said nothing happened.

"Use this to eat, and practice more when you have time." Lehua took out a spoon and motioned for Hu Peng to help with food.

"If you consume too much spiritual power, you will be more exhausted, but when you increase your spiritual power, the recovery speed will also be faster." Hong Rui clamped the chicken leg to the shallow bowl

"There's no rush for cultivation, but I believe Brother Qian will be absolutely fine."

After Hu Peng finished speaking, he also put a piece of chicken wing into the shallow bowl.

"Oh, that's enough, thanks, full."

Lehua poured him a cup of tea and said simply: "You did a good job today. Eat."

Looking at the full rice bowl is like full of encouragement.Qianqian silently promises in her heart that she will continue to work hard and live up to everyone's expectations.

"Jiujiu." The Forgotten Guozi finally cried out uncontrollably, and Qianqian remembered what should be fed to Guozi?

"Meat and vegetables are fine. Fruits are omnivorous. Their digestive system is stronger than ours." Hu Peng said, and directly handed a piece of meat to it. The fruit was not polite, took it and held it in his paws Eat slowly, bite by bite.

"Wash your hands after you're full." Seeing that her paws were getting greasy, Qianqian cleaned them with a piece of paper.

"You raised it as a human being." Hongrui couldn't help laughing.

Qianqian also smiled and scratched her hair. After all, she has never raised small animals, and she doesn't know how to get along with them.

Because there are all kinds of monsters and demons in the void, the deeper you go, the more dangerous you go.Now they haven't gone deep yet, Lehua asked Qianqian to be the No.1 in charge of staying behind tonight, the risk is relatively low, and it is suitable for Qianqian who has little ability.Seeing the 'crackling' sound from the campfire, Qianqian took a scarf as a quilt for Guozi to sleep on.The fruit is very sticky to him, and she doesn't want to be separated from him, so Qianqian had to let it sleep on her lap.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" Seeing Hongrui coming out of the pavilion covered with a mosquito net, Qianqian hurriedly poured her a cup of hot tea.

"Maybe I was full just now, so I wanted to come out to get some air."

Hongrui took the teacup from Qianqian, sat down and said

"It's just right. Xiao Peng gave me this tea, saying it's good for digestion." Qianqian added a few sticks of dry firewood into the campfire to intensify the fire.

"Aren't you sleepy? Don't force yourself if you're tired." Hongrui touched the bottom of the cup and asked

"I'm not sleepy. I used to stay up late and was often scolded by my family."

"Don't you go to bed early after being scolded? We are just the opposite here, staying up late is common."

"I'm used to it, and I'm working hard to improve." Qianqian scratched the back of her head, then lowered her head to touch the fruit that was soundly asleep.Hongrui looked at it, and couldn't help stretching out her fingers to scratch that little belly.

"It trusts you so much that it even opens its stomach to touch you." Hongrui said while petting

"Really? It should trust us, right?"

"That's right, except for the little brother." After finishing speaking, the two of them laughed at the same time.

"I, I really didn't like you at first." The sudden truth made Qianqian pause and let out a vague 'oh'.Hongrui took a sip and continued: "I really don't understand why the little brother always takes good care of you, even a god like Brother Hua speaks for you. I am a little bit unwilling."

Hongrui looked directly at Qianqian frankly, but Qianqian said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry."

Hongrui smiled and gently pushed Qianqian, and said, "No." She didn't mean to blame you, Hongrui shook her head weakly, and said, "Then I found out that no matter how harshly I accuse you, you Always don't argue with me. There's even a feeling of being afraid of me."

"No." This time it was Qianxiao's turn to smile, and said, "It's mainly because I'm cowardly. I'm less likely to confront people head-on."

"Really? But that day I saw that you and Brother Hua had a big fight."

"That's a boy, and I know him better."

Qianqian didn't know that Hongrui was shot on the spot by his honesty.

"When Xiaoyue appeared, I began to see your really gentle side, so I thought, would it be better if I wasn't too harsh on you."

Qianqian nodded, her gaze stayed on the bonfire, and she thanked softly.

"But then again, I really feel like I've heard you sing before. Have you and I really never met?"

"No. My singing voice is the voice of passers-by. Maybe you can find a similar one everywhere." Qianqian coughed dryly to hide her inner anxiety.

"No, I think your voice is very unique and nice. I finally understand why the little brother always yells that you sing well. I'm almost obsessed with it myself."

Such a frank Hongrui is so unreal, Qianqian is so nervous that her palms are sweating.He couldn't help asking himself, he wasn't so nervous chatting and singing with Xiaorui before.

"By the way, I always forgot to ask you, how did you change the history? What part did you change?"

"Hua, didn't Brother Hua tell you?" Qianqian never thought that Hongrui would ask herself so straightforwardly, and he didn't know how to answer.

"No, when Brother Hua found me, he only said that he needed my help, a man, that is, you, to return the history you inadvertently changed back to the right track. That's why I thought at that time, who is the one who is so blind and breaks into such a mess?" When a catastrophe strikes, let Big Brother Hua take care of it himself."

After finishing speaking, Hongrui smiled and tapped the cup in Qianqian's hand lightly with her cup, and said, "I heard from Brother Hua that the place where you live likes to clink glasses with people like this."

Qianqian raised her glass nervously to Hongrui, Hongrui looked at his cautious appearance, and said a little unhappy: "I know the world you lived in is very different from our culture here, and I will also Start trying to understand what you accidentally got into trouble. I promise you, I won't scold you casually, and don't be so cautious with me. "

"it is good."

After drinking the last sip of tea in the cup, Hongrui went back to rest.Looking at the back of Hongrui who left, Qianqian dared to secretly breathe a sigh of relief.It was really risky just now, if she was asked further, Qianqian really didn't know how to answer.

"Are you scared?"

"Wow!" Suddenly someone spoke behind him, and Qianqian couldn't help shouting, the whole person jumped up, the fruit sleeping on his lap rolled down to the ground, and crawled on the ground sleepily.

"Why do you always like to scare people?" Qianqian glared angrily at Lehua who suddenly appeared behind her, and quickly picked up the fruit that fell on the ground.

"It's your own timidity, I'm just asking you a question."

Does someone ask a question and hide behind others?Qianqian rolled her eyes angrily, patted the little heart that was almost scared away, and quickly took a sip of tea to calm the shock.

"What did you tell Xiaorui? Did you hear the question she asked just now?"

Lehua lay on the ground indifferently, picked up the cup, took a sip, and raised his eyebrows to show that he heard.

"Talk to me anyway, so that I can have something to confront you when I am questioned in the future." Qianqian let Guozi return to her lap comfortably, holding a long gun in his hand. Branches stirred the dry firewood in the bonfire with a bit of depression, and the small flames almost jumped on Lehua's body. At first, Qianqian was shocked, but who knew that he continued to lie on the ground without paying attention.

"Go back to the pavilion and sleep well." Hu Peng built it with such care, this man really loves to spoil other people's efforts.

Qianqian muttered, all in her heart.

"You just say that it was an unavoidable ending, and you only intervened out of desperation. For the rest, just say it's inconvenient to reveal too much, just prevaricate it casually."

Qianqian said "Oh, I see", touched the fruit quietly, and stared at the fire in a dull mood.He discovered one thing, Lehua likes to delay answering questions.Just like other people's network is unstable, sending data is slow and there is a delay.

Qianqian didn't know when she fell asleep, the bonfire was extinguished, and the quilt on her body was well covered.

"Thank you for your vigil, come and have breakfast, we will continue on our way in a while."

Seeing that the sky was just getting brighter, Hongrui had already started to prepare breakfast.

"When did I fall asleep?"

"A quarter of an hour ago." Lehua replied while helping to dismantle the pavilion

"That's good." Qianqian touched Guo Guo, who was curled up and still sleeping close to her.

"What's the matter?" Hongrui filled the hot porridge and placed bowls one by one, waiting for everyone to eat together.

"It's nothing, I'm afraid I fell asleep if I didn't guard well."

"I'm tired from walking during the day, Brother Qian, don't force yourself. If you're really tired, sleep a little longer." The pavilion was erected in a blink of an eye, and then dismantled in a blink of an eye, and Qianqian began to wonder if Hu Peng specialized in this aspect of cultivation. Professional too.

"It's okay. I'm used to staying up late. I'll be fine for a day or two."

Four people sat down, but only three actually ate breakfast.Lehua is not hungry, he just eats some vegetables occasionally, and most of the time he just drinks tea.

"Brother Hua, I haven't eaten your pancakes for a long time."

Hu Peng made an extra small bowl for the fruit, Qianqian carefully dipped some porridge into it, and then handed it to the patiently waiting fruit, letting him eat it slowly.

"Next time." Lehua packed the other people's backpacks, sat down and sipped tea slowly.

"What's the matter? Can Big Brother Hua know how to cook?" Hu Peng was the most greedy of the four, and he reacted the most when he heard something delicious.

In fact, with their cultivation base, they only need to eat a small amount, after all, they all have the habit of fasting.It's just that Hu Peng is greedy, and Qianqian is a mortal, so Hongrui will try her best to prepare some food for the two of them to have a good meal when the situation permits.

"Well, it's super delicious. Ah, I'm not saying that your food is not delicious." Seeing Hongrui looking back at herself, Qianqian immediately added

"Then let Brother Hua cook for us next time, I want to eat too."

Seeing that Hongrui smiled and matched her statement, Qianqian couldn't help but give her a high five.Hongrui reacted half a step late, when the two clapped their hands together, Qianqian told them that it was called a 'celebration high five' and in a foreign language it was called "givemefive!"

When everyone was full and packed up for departure, Hu Peng and Hongrui were still repeating this sentence in their mouths.Lehua, who was walking in the front, was also secretly practicing in a low voice.Watching them study the things they are familiar with with enthusiasm, makes Qianqian inexplicably feel a sense of intimacy.And the fruit sitting on her shoulder kept clamoring to give Qianqian a high five, making Qianqian dumbfounded.

After two nights and three days, Qianqian has gradually gotten used to walking in the barren desert.

"Be careful."

Hongrui slipped, but fortunately Qianqian who was walking behind helped her in time.

"Let's take a break first."

Although the weather here is neither hot nor cold, it is unexpectedly easy to consume energy.Not to mention Hongrui, Qianqian also began to feel overwhelmed.

"Guozi, don't run around."

Seeing Guozi chasing the scarf she gave it, Qianqian followed behind and reminded


Guozi suddenly let out a cry, and Qianqian immediately sped up her pace to catch up, only to see a branch growing out of nowhere, wrapped around a scarf, and Guozi, who was desperately pulling the scarf, was being swept in by a vortex.


Qianqian desperately pulled the scarf, trying to pull the fruit up, but the suction of the vortex was too strong, and Qianqian couldn't pull it up with all her strength.


With an order, the whole fruit floated in the air, and then slowly fell into Qianqian's arms.

"Brother Hua."

Qianqian turned around holding the frightened fruit, and saw Lehua shaking his head and sighing not far away.

"You have to read the formulas well, get used to not messing around, and be good at using spells."

"Sorry, I was in a hurry."

This is not my original world. The world here relies not only on brute force, but on mana.During this period of time, Lehua continued to pass on part of the formulas to Qianqian, training him all the time.

"In your world, it is often said that beauty and wisdom are both important, so here we are, magic and wisdom. If you understand spells, you must use them at the right time."

"Brother Qian isn't used to it yet, isn't he injured?" Hu Peng hurried up to check, Qianqian shook his head, Hongrui carried the fruit over and checked it carefully.As a result, Guo Guo, who was relieved, immediately jumped on Le Hua's body, licking Le Hua's hand, as if thanking him.

"There's not so much time for him to get used to it." Lehua cast his gaze forward, and the others followed suit, only to realize that it wasn't an ordinary vortex that swept the fruit just now.At a glance, it has the same scenery as the waterfall at that time, but this time there are thousands of sand swirls.

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