Qianqian suddenly remembered a question, raised a hand obediently, and said, "I have a question."


"Why do I see right away that you are me and not Yun Zixiao? Others see you as Yun Zixiao?"

"Well, of course you and I have an unending marriage." After finishing speaking, Lehua still raised his index finger, talking nonsense with a serious face.

Qianqian rolled her eyes almost to the sky, and said angrily: "Your values ​​are very problematic, where did you learn these things? Can we continue talking?"

Seeing Qianqian's reaction, Lehua couldn't help laughing, then coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Because the spell I set is only for people who really exist here, but you are not like that. Therefore my Spells have no effect on you."

"It turned out to be like this. I thought it was the superb 'wisdom eye' skill that little Hu Peng said, so I couldn't hide it." After finishing speaking, Qianqian amused herself and couldn't help laughing.

"This has nothing to do with wisdom eyes. If you are interested in the practice here, I can explain it to you slowly after the matter is resolved."

As soon as Qianqian heard that she wanted to 'explain one by one', she immediately refused with her whole body, waved her hands, and said, "No, no, I don't want to know." The next second she changed the subject cleverly, and asked, "Do you know if you want to know?" Who is controlling [Shao]?"

"No clue at the moment."

"You are a fairy, you can't use other supernatural powers and spells, can you check who it is?" Don't learn something in your free time, the human setting is completely collapsed

"Have you forgotten what it was like when we met for the first time?" Qianqian thought for a while, and then said 'Ah~', suddenly realizing.

The first time we met was in a dream.In that dream, Lehua violated the precepts of heaven, and was punished by the emperor of heaven and demoted to a mortal.

"Actually, I've always wanted to ask, in that dream, you kept falling, which meant being demoted, but why did I fall with you?"

Besides, the man in front of me is not like a mortal.

"About this, I can't tell you for the time being." Seeing the questioning look in his frowning eyes, Lehua chose to ignore it and continued: "In my current state, you can understand it as a state where mana is restricted. Although I can use some spells now, such as staying in your consciousness, or temporarily taking over other people's bodies or identities like now. However, some things that touch the secrets of the heavens should not be disclosed."

"Hey... You heavenly gods and whatnot are so troublesome."

Qianqian poured a cup of tea for Lehua, seeing that he must be thirsty after talking so much.

"I feel the same way." Lehua's words came from the heart, and he said shallowly: "It's still troublesome, you are still the son of the Emperor of Heaven, aren't you? Don't try to escape to me when father and son quarrel. Look This time, as an ordinary teenager in my teens, how could I have thought that I would be involved in such a fabulous plot." Qianqian couldn't help muttering: "In this life, reality is often better than TV dramas, Two-dimensional animations, etc. It's even more bizarre."

Lehua also listened to this sentence, and nodded in agreement.

"You still have the nerve to nod, why do I have a feeling that I was involved because of you."

"You think too much. There are serious things, don't get distracted."

"Okay, okay, you are the emperor, you are right"

Qianqian rolled her eyes angrily, and turned back to the trouble. When Lehua was talking seriously, Qianqian still listened quietly and carefully.

"Xiaorui is the most important person, and the history about her cannot be changed. But your participation has somewhat affected it. So you must remember that you cannot interfere with their life or death before I arrange for you to leave. Simple As the saying goes, the process can be changed, but the ending cannot be changed.”

"Isn't this contradictory? Generally, if the process is changed, the ending will be changed, isn't it?"

"Not necessarily. Based on your current situation, the people here didn't know you before, but they now have an extra you in their memory. Then in the next few days, if Hu Peng dies, you can't stop him. This happened. Then even if there is one more person in his memory, the ending will still be the same, and it will not affect the subsequent development. You can only be a passerby’s perspective here, and you cannot participate in it.”

"You mentioned Huppen, and I was just about to ask you, is this little Huppen the same Huppen I saw in the cellar that day?"

"It's the same person." Qianqian immediately showed a surprised expression with a silent 'wow'

"As I said, this is the earliest place of origin of [Shao], and Hu Peng is also a person who grew up in this era, and this is his past."

"So the first person who discovered this problem was Little Hu Peng, so he came to you?"

Qianqian recalled the conversation in the cellar at that time, and seemed to mention Xiaorui or something, so she asked worriedly: "You said in the cellar that you were looking for Xiaorui, did you mean that Xiaorui disappeared at that time?"

Lehua didn't answer, but just raised his index finger to keep Qianqian quiet.He stood up and walked to the door.Unexpectedly, he opened the door, and saw Little Hu Peng standing in front of the door with a surprised expression on his face, holding a plate full of food.

"what's up?"

Lehua asked without changing his expression, and little Hu Peng came back to his senses and said: "Master, I'm here to deliver lunch." Lehua looked around, stretched out his hand, and pulled the little fat man into the room.

"Little Hu Peng? Why are you here again?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Qian, Uncle Yun, I didn't come to eavesdrop, I was ordered to deliver food."

"Don't you have servants? Why do you always do these things. Besides, I just had breakfast not long ago, what lunch?"

Qianqian patted little Hu Peng on the head lightly, Xiao Hu Peng just smiled cheerfully, turned her head and glanced at Lehua, Lehua motioned for little Hu Peng to leave, Qianqian also understood He pushed little Hu Peng and said: "Your uncle and I still have very serious matters to discuss, so we won't eat the meal. You can eat slowly by yourself, thank you."

After finishing speaking, the person was pushed out of the door, and the door was closed immediately without missing a second.Little Hu Peng scratched the back of his head, shaking his head inexplicably.He took a look at the food specially prepared by the kitchen for Yun Zun, and he was happy.Since Qianqian said that he could eat for himself, he was not polite, and went back to the room with cheerful steps to enjoy the food slowly.

"He probably didn't hear what we just said?"

"It's okay, I set up a silence technique, he can't hear it."

"You gods really know how to play. Alas, to be honest, I don't really want to know too much. I feel that these things are beyond my knowledge. I only have two questions now. First, how can I go back to the original The world? Second, if I leave, how will Xiao Rui and Xiao Hu Peng be affected?"

"Let me answer you first, the question that I haven't answered just now. Xiaorui, today, ten years later, disappeared."

"Ten years later? Is the time here synchronized with the time in my original world?" Qianqian counted with her fingers and shook her head, expressing her surrender.

"It's different. One year here is two years in your place. Just remember that this is another dimension, and everything here is completely different from your original world. You don't have to It’s too in-depth to understand, after all, you are staying here temporarily as a passer-by.”

"That is, the time in my world is faster?" Lehua nodded to express his understanding, Qianqian stood up nervously and said, "This is terrible, so in my real life now, have I lived through several times?" It’s a week? I’ve been in a coma for weeks, don’t you scare my parents?!”

"It's not the same, you're confused. If it's the original body of this world, compared with the original body of your world, it's true. But we are only in one of the histories now, that is, a memory, and the speed of time flow here It has nothing to do with reality. This place is already a part of nothingness. Just like your dream, the time you spend in your dream, no matter how long or short you have been dreaming for ten years, is different from your real time. Reality You probably just slept for an hour and a half."

It's just that this 'dream' is the real history of a world.

Hearing what Lehua said, Qianqian finally let go of her heart.

"Why did Xiaorui disappear ten years later? Is it also because of [Shao]?"

"This Hu Peng is still investigating. I met Hu Peng at a later time than now, which is why I can't appear in my original body now."

Qianqian nodded half-understanding, and asked for confirmation: "In order to avoid things that change history, right?"


"But I've already been involved. If I leave rashly, will Xiaorui's memory be affected?"

"This is what I want to say now. I can't take you away for the time being, and I can't occupy this identity on Yun Zun for a long time. I will try to arrange for you to move to another place temporarily. Take you out of here. During this time, you try not to contact anyone."

"Are you leaving? If you are leaving, will the real Yun Zun reveal our identities?" Qianqian thought, what if she was caught like a bad guy in a TV series and was scolded in public? Being treated like an animal in the street, and even being lynched in private when it got serious, and beaten half to death, I couldn't help shivering.Although I am only the primordial spirit living here now, didn't Lehua say it earlier?The injury suffered by the primordial spirit will also cause the same trauma to the physical body.

"You worry too much, have you forgotten who I am? Although my mana is limited, I can still do things like stealing the sky in another day."

"Changing the sky? You want to change other people's memories? Didn't you just say that you should try not to affect the original memories of the people here?"

Qianqian shook her head, expressing her deep contempt for the man in front of her whose words and deeds were inconsistent.Lehua waved his hand angrily, and called out the fan that was not in his hand.

"I haven't finished yet. This memory is fake. Therefore, this memory will only stay on this person for a short time. After a certain time, it will naturally disappear."

"Won't this implicate Xiaorui?" After all, Xiaorui was the one who confirmed his identity in front of everyone.

"You don't have to worry about this. The development of the following things has absolutely nothing to do with you, and no one will be implicated because of you, especially Xiaorui."

Although I don't understand why Lehua is so sure, but he is really tired, after hearing so many inexplicable reasons, his head is buzzing, it hurts! !

"In two days, I will find a reason to take you away with me. Remember to change back into the clothes you wore when you came here."


Lehua has roughly finished what he wanted to say, and for the time being, the two of them will go back to their respective rooms and rest without mentioning it.

Waking up early in the morning and seeing Lehua's figure, Qianqian felt relieved.I've been here for so long, and now I feel more at ease.Just after breakfast, Jiang Ziyuan said enthusiastically that he wanted to learn Taoism with 'Yunzixiao', and the two went to a pavilion on the top of the mountain to study in depth.Qianqian had nothing to do, so she picked up the broom casually, intending to sweep the fallen leaves all over the ground.As soon as the broom was in my hand, someone ran over excitedly.The man glanced at Qianqian, then asked unceremoniously: "Where is your head?"

"May I ask if you have anything to do with Daoist Jiang?"

Qianqian doesn't care about his rudeness, after all, she is only wearing the clothes of beginners, so she must be mistaken for being a handyman here.

"It's useless to talk to you, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and ask your head to come out!"

Just when Qianqian wanted to tell the other party the truth, Jiang Ziyuan and Yun Zixiao went to the pavilion on the top of the mountain to study Taoism, but behind him came the curse of Little Hu Peng: "Where are you from? How dare you speak to Qing Junxuan's great apprentice?" So rude?"

Hearing what little Hu Peng said, Qianqian quickly said to herself in her heart: "Temporary, just a temporary apprentice."

Sure enough, when that person heard the words 'Qing Junxuan's apprentice', his complexion changed suddenly, he changed his attitude just now, and saluted respectfully: "Xiaosheng has eyes but no eyes, and I don't know that you are Qing Junxuan's master." Disciple, please forgive Xiaosheng for being rude. I have offended you a lot, and I hope you will forgive me for the offense.”

"It's okay, it's okay, little brother is serious. I shouldn't blame you for this. I have been here for a few days and haven't changed my clothes. I can only borrow the Taoist uniform temporarily to make my little brother laugh."

'Nonsense Shallow' is now online.After speaking, his face didn't even turn red.Little Hu Peng also came to the front with a proud face, and said, "Why do you want to see my master?"

The tough and arrogant man just now suddenly became cowardly and low-pitched, and reported back in a low voice: "The people in your way have had a dispute with us at Lingjiao Peak and hurt our people. I am here to ask for an explanation on behalf of Lingjiao Peak of."

Qianqian listened, thinking that this was the most useless argument I had ever seen.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The people in our temple never go out casually, let alone have grudges with others."

Seeing little Hu Peng's excited face, it seemed that the mouse on the opposite side hadn't resisted yet, and the fat cat was about to take a bite first.Qianqian grabbed little Hu Peng, went forward to understand clearly.

It turned out that the 'perpetrator' was Hao Yi from Su Ming Jingguan. It is said that they rushed into Lingjiao Peak rashly, and then wounded Lingjiao Peak's disciple who discovered his whereabouts.So Qianqian asked the little brother to go up the mountain with him to find Jiang Ziyuan.Seeing Jiang Ziyuan, the little brother said that Xiaorui, who was traveling with Hao Yi, was also seriously injured.Hearing the news, both Qianqian and Little Hu Peng clamored to go together.As a result, Xiao Hu Peng was persuaded by Jiang Ziyuan to retreat and stay in the Taoist temple, and only 'Yun Zixiao' and Qianqian accompanied him to Lingdiao Peak to learn about it.Originally, Lehua made a wink to prevent Qianqian from getting involved, but Qianqian heard that Xiaorui was injured, so she wanted to go with her no matter what.Lehua had no choice but to ask Qianqian to agree that she would never do any reckless behavior.Qianqian happily gave him a big 'OK'.

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