This is a nurturing essay

Chapter 200 Miss Lu Yu

"Right Idie. My life before my eyes.

"As I hang there, Isee wonderland..."

On the streets of Yokohama, someone was holding a guitar and singing casually.

It's a woman of indeterminate age.

She was wearing a simple khaki windbreaker and jeans, sitting on a bench with her legs crossed, her fingers waving the strings were slender and beautiful.

Her curly black hair was braided casually with a headband, and a small white hat was pressed on it.A relaxed smile filled his heroic brows and eyes.

She sang with all her heart, her voice was deep and hoarse, but also with unspeakable tenderness.

From time to time, people passing by stopped, and some people put a few coins in the open guitar case.Some people raised their mobile phones to take pictures, and some tried to sing along to unfamiliar songs.

The woman didn't pay attention to these, she just hugged the guitar and sang songs with peace of mind, one after another.

She is a wandering singer.

It wasn't until the sun went down that she stopped the last note, packed her things and left.

Foreign streets have exotic customs.She was carrying a guitar and was going to a bar for a drink.

"Beautiful young lady~" A soft and frivolous male voice sounded beside her.

The woman turned her head, and found that the man who spoke was a tall and handsome man, smiling slyly at her.

He looked young, with brown-black curly hair, iris-colored eyes, and a sand-colored trench coat with bandages on his exposed neck and arms.

A little taller than her at 178.


"Is something wrong?" the woman asked softly.

"Miss, are you going to the bar?" The man in the bandage smiled and said, "Would you like to have a drink together?"

The woman laughed.


They entered that bar together.The atmosphere in the bar was good, and the two found a booth to sit down.

"I wonder if I will be lucky enough to know Miss's name?" the young man asked with a smile.

"If you want to strike up a conversation, shouldn't you report your name first?" the woman teased.

"Miss, do you want to know my name?" The young man held his chin, "I'll exchange it with a glass of wine~"


"A cup of Long Island iced tea." She said to the waiter who came over, "What do you drink?"

"A glass of whiskey, add ice." The young man said.

The degree is not low.

"Thank you, miss, for inviting me to drink." The young man who got the drink was a little proud, "My name is Dazai, Dazai."

"June." The woman said cheerfully, "As you can see, he is a wandering singer."

"That's great. You can see a lot of interesting things, right?" Dazai rested his chin.

"Yeah, I also met a lot of interesting people." June Shun Shun's hair, "I like this kind of life very much."

"I heard Miss June sing, it's a song I've never heard before." Dazai said softly, "Did Miss June write it?"

"Some are, some are not." June said with a long voice, "Some are songs from my hometown Huahua Country. Some are songs I created myself. And some..."

"There's some left?"

"There are also some melodies that can't be found in this world, but they always echo in my mind." The woman leaned on the seat, her eyelashes drooping slightly, revealing a bit of laziness under the dim light, "I can sing them, but I know it's not my song."

"Maybe from a previous life?"

"Maybe." June skipped the topic, "It's not bad here."

"Well, this is a very famous bar."

Dazai changed the subject accordingly.

The wine was served.

One of the two told interesting stories about Yokohama, and the other told stories about what they encountered when they were wandering around the world. It was a happy conversation.

So much so that when June said that she had not yet settled down when she first arrived, Dazai invited her to stay at his house for a night.

June simply agreed.

Before midnight, the two left the bar together.

There are almost no people on the road.Street lights illuminate the dark city, and the empty streets are extraordinarily quiet after leaving the noisy bars.

The woman with the guitar and the young man in the windbreaker walked side by side.

"Isn't Miss June afraid that I'm a bad person?"

June smiled subtly and did not speak.

The light of the street lamp elongated her shadow, and cast it on the uneven ground, jagged and swaying.

Something stood out from inside.

A little cold light was held by a pitch-black arm, and it quickly approached June's neck...

Dazai's eyes were fixed, and he stretched out his hand to stop it, but it was already too late——


June grabbed the hand, dragged the man out of the shadow abruptly, and fell to the ground.

"Ah!! You frivolous bitch...Ah!!"

June stepped on the man's face.

There was deep confusion on her face: "That's it?"

Dazai was as quiet as a chicken.

The man seemed to try to reintegrate into the shadow, but June kicked him in the head just in time, knocking the man unconscious and preventing his escape.

June squeezed her chin: "Just such a thing, is it worth my trip?"

"Miss June, you're going to trample him to death." Dazai reminded, "We're going to catch him alive and interrogate him for any accomplices."

"Okay, okay." June loosened his foot, and kicked him flying to Dazai's hand.

It takes her no more effort to kick a big man than to kick a football.

Osamu Dazai caught the semi-conscious man, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This man is a supernatural murderer who was recently arrested by the supernatural business department. He can lurk in the shadows and kill men and women who leave the bar in the middle of the night.

Mainly killing women.

It was purely a coincidence that June was called here. She happened to be wandering in Japan, and the higher-ups let her go this time.

Because the last person killed by this killer came from the same country as June.

In order to cooperate with her, the Secret Service dispatched Osamu Dazai, who was in the whitewashing period, to catch the killer and restrain the ability.

Unexpectedly, June would directly drag people out of their supernatural powers and beat them to death...

Dazai glanced at the man in his hand, full of disgust.

In fact, this guy had a chance to escape through the shadow at first, probably because he had never met anyone who could drag him out, so he was frightened.

"Well, I'm here, and it's not bad to visit Yokohama." I didn't expect the task to be completed so easily, June yawned, and said vaguely, "Can you move it? Let me help you carry him away?"

"No need." Osamu Dazai declined June's help, "Hey, Miss June, can you tell me your full name now?"

"Lu Yu, June Yu." June smiled slightly, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." Dazai nodded, "Then I'll take my leave first..."

"Well, didn't you agree to take me to find a place to live?" June raised her eyebrows, "You're not afraid that I'm a bad person, are you?"

Dazai blinked: "Of course, it's an honor."

But no matter where he lives or what he does, they are all under surveillance.

"I'm Juneyu, codenamed Jiayinsan." June suddenly possessed himself, and said to Dazai—or to be more precise, his collar, "Come and pick up this idiot, and then tell the above, I Let this little brother named Osamu Dazai lead me to play for a few days. Is it okay?"

Osamu Dazai was confused: "Miss June?"

"Don't worry, my authority is very high." June stood up straight and raised her chin.

Sure enough, a black car drove up quickly, special personnel got out of the car in an orderly manner, injected the prisoner with drugs, controlled him with special means, and took him away.

Before leaving, the leader also said: "I wish Miss June a pleasant journey in Yokohama."

Leaving Osamu Dazai alone in Night Breeze - oh no, there is still June.

"Let's go." June patted Dazai's shoulder, then froze for a moment, "Huh?"

"My supernatural ability." Dazai shook June's wrist, then let go, "No qualifications in the world."

"Interesting." June suddenly realized, "No wonder you came to cooperate with me. Well, let's go, find a place to sleep first."

"How long does Miss June want to live in Yokohama?"

"Not sure, just leave when you've had enough fun. Can you leave Yokohama?"

"It depends on Miss June's authority~"

"I can't see it, little guy, the case is not shallow, right?"

"It was spotted."

"After all, this is not the first time I have cooperated with you..."

"Miss June." Dazai stood still, his face full of curiosity, "If you help me like this, you might like me~"

Of course he could see that June was helping him—helping him gain a little respite from the high pressure of whitewashing.

However, it was obviously just a chance encounter.

"Don't think too much, I'm in my 30s, and you're only old." The woman shook her head, "I really like you, because you're pleasing to the eye and want to make friends."

Traveling alone can be a lonely thing.During this process, she keeps meeting and separating from people, but every journey together is worth cherishing.

One day she can proudly say, hey, I have traveled to every corner of the world, and I have friends!

How great.

Dazai received a big straight ball and felt uncomfortable.He smashed his palm: "Well, if you put it that way, Miss June~"


He held up June's hand: "Do you want to die for love with me!"

"Martyrdom?" June was puzzled, "Is this a new way to strike up a conversation?"

"This is my lifelong pursuit!"

"So that's it." June, who is very good at getting along with weird people, suddenly realized, and she didn't know what she realized. "Sorry, I don't want to die yet, I can only wish you to find a suitable partner as soon as possible."


"However, as compensation for rejecting new friends." June shook the guitar behind him, "I can give you a song."

"it's here?"

"of course not."

If you sing here in the middle of the night, you will be scolded.

"What's the situation with your supernatural powers?" June asked enthusiastically, "Will I be blocked from supernatural powers if I pull your clothes?"

"The reactions of different people are different." Dazai spread his hands, "Miss June, do you want to try?"

Just try it.

June, who has been a transcendent for many years, rarely has a bit of a competitive mind.

The woman pondered for a moment, raised her hand and threw the guitar on Dazai's back, and then...

Put him on your shoulders.


June smiled heartily: "Hahaha, the shielding strength is really not small, but it doesn't matter, just to help you simulate martyrdom."

She carried a person on her back, bent her knees, ran up, and jumped.


Straight, along the wall, ran up to the roof of a building.

Fast like an enhanced version of Spider-Man.

"It's been a long time since I felt this way." June put down the dizzy Osamu Dazai, and sighed condescendingly, "It's really weird not to have supernatural powers."

You can run up without supernatural powers...

Osamu Dazai sat down and complained: "Although I pursue death, I want to die without pain..."

"Definitely next time?" June took the guitar behind Dazai, sat on the edge of the building, folded his legs and hugged the piano.

She hadn't decided what to sing yet, so she fiddled with the scattered notes at will.

Osamu Dazai had already slowed down, walked up to her and sat beside her, learning to hang his legs down.

It's a little irritating.

"Brother Dazai, I want to go to Aomori later, do you want to come together?" June asked, "Although I don't know what you committed, but my authority is definitely enough."

After all, even if she kidnaps people away from Japan, she can only admit that she is dumb.

However, civilized people, reduce disputes.

"What is Miss June doing in Aomori?"

"Hmm... to meet someone." The woman plucked the strings twice, "Have you heard of the Tsushima family?"

"A famous family in Aomori." Dazai replied.

"Patriarch Tsushima..." June shrugged, "He is my blood father."

After finishing speaking, Dazai beside him seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm a flower grower and don't want to admit him. However, I've been told he's seriously ill."

"I thought, we should go see each other."

"Since the beauty invited me, how could I refuse?" Osamu Dazai glanced at June, his eyes unclear, "Have you thought about the song that Miss June is going to give me?"

June didn't answer, but the broken piano sounds under her fingers joined together and turned into a smooth tune.

She sang slowly.


The night wind blurred the singing, and a story began.

Many years later, Osamu Dazai still remembered that someone was holding a guitar with a slight smile and quietly singing a gentle song.

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