This is a nurturing essay

Chapter 183 IF·Miss Dazai


A young man with black hair and black clothes flew across the sky of Tsushima's house.

He came to steal a photo symbolizing the last relationship for his soon-to-be-married mother.It's just that there is no gain today.

The person with supernatural abilities walked quietly on the wooden plank road, thinking about where to look for it tomorrow night.


The clouds parted and the moon shone.

——Behind the open window of the lodge, there was a small figure.

It's a child.

The young man paused, and walked over lightly.Through the moonlight, he saw clearly the child inside the house.

The little guy stood quietly by the window and looked at him.

She has baby fat on her petite face, a thin nightgown on her body, big and round eyes, long dark hair curled around her waist, and her expression is indifferent and dead.

...It's a little lady.Have a nightmare?

The young man named Lu Yu felt relieved.He walked up to the child, knelt down on one knee, and made a "shh" gesture with his index finger: "Shut up, little princess."

He wasn't worried about being reported the next day.Such a bizarre thing will only be regarded by adults as a nightmare for a little girl.

The little girl looked at him and nodded slowly.

Lu Yu's lips exposed outside the hood could not help but draw a deep arc.

"Actually, I'm a monster who brings people good dreams. I didn't expect to be caught by a child who didn't sleep at night. We have a tradition. If someone finds out, we have to grant her a small wish." Lu Yu said solemnly Nonsense, "Little guy, do you have any wishes? But in exchange, keep my existence a secret."

The child was silent for a while, then said softly: "Then take me away."

Lu Yu was taken aback.

Hmm... If it wasn't for the girl in front of him, he would suspect that it was Osamu Dazai.

"This is not allowed." Lu Yu chuckled, "But I can give you a sweet dream."

The girl seemed a little disappointed, but nodded anyway.

Lu Yu smiled with satisfaction.

Little cutie who met by chance, let Brother Lu Yu tell you a bedtime story.If you are young, don't learn from some strange black mud spirits.



Lu Xue's mother found out that Lu Yu secretly seduced (?) the little girl at night.

Lu Xue's mother criticized this hooligan behavior with a straight face, and hung up the phone while Lu Yu shouted, "But that child is only eight or nine years old."

Lu Yu: ...

He threw himself on the big elastic bed, and after being helpless, he showed a relaxed smile.

Let's look for it again tomorrow, forget it if you can't find it.

Anyway, Lu Xue's mother was just looking for a target for him to go out. can take a trip in Japan by the way.


Today's Lu Yu still has not found the photo.

But he remembered the cute little girl in the house, and gave up the idea of ​​leaving Tsushima's house immediately.

The young man sneaked into the little girl's room again.

The window was wide open, and the little child was huddled under the blanket, revealing only a little bit of dark hair.

Are you fast asleep?

Lu Yu blinked, and silently approached the small futon on the tatami.

After getting close, you can see that the quilt rises and falls regularly and unobviously.

It seems to be really sleeping.

Lu Yu felt for a moment that he was a pervert.Breaking into a little girl's room in the middle of the night or something...

The tips of his ears, covered by the darkness of night, turned red, and he couldn't help coughing lightly in his heart.

Forget it, just this once.I'm her brother!

The children who can live in this kind of room, um, the children of the Tsushima family, even if they are not Mr. Tsushima's own daughter, they will be nieces.

In short, it must be related to him!

He took out the things he bought in advance from his pocket, and put them gently on the little girl's pillow. There was no sound during the whole process, and the girl's even breathing didn't change, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The young man carefully arranged the presents, got up and admired his masterpiece, very satisfied.

That's a lot of candy.The small cube-shaped candies are wrapped in various colored cellophane, shining crystal light under the moonlight.

The candies are stacked in an irregular and orderly manner to form a small candy mountain. On the top is a small hairpin, which is a delicate red and white checked bow.

The candy was made by Lu Yu himself when he was free at home to pass the time. It tastes like fruit.The small hairpin was bought by a mysterious messenger when I went to buy souvenirs for my friends today——

I don't know if these little gifts will be discovered by adults... Regardless, the worst result is that the Tsushima family realizes that someone (maybe a pervert) has sneaked in and calls the police.

But what does that have to do with his innocent Lu Yu?

I'm just an innocent big cat.jpg

The young man smirked, jumped out of the window soundlessly, glanced at the sleeping little girl again, and closed the window gently.

So, goodbye, my strange little sister~

Lu Yu was like a dexterous big cat, prancing a few times, and left Tsushima's house.

If there is a destiny, maybe we can see each other in the future?


After the window was completely closed, the "sleeping" girl got out of the quilt.

She sat up expressionlessly, reaching for the pillow.Before touching the candy hill, she stopped her hand and left the bed lightly.

The girl went and opened the window.

The moonlight came back into the cabin and illuminated the little candy mountain.

The cellophane reflects faint colored light.The little girl was stunned for a while, then tentatively pulled out a candy and slowly opened it.

This small square should be yellow. The girl brought the candy to the tip of her nose and smelled it, and smelled a rich sweet fragrance.

It looked like candy, but she hadn't eaten it.Maybe poisoned...but that's better.

She twisted the candy and put it in her mouth.


The sour taste of the lemon stimulated the taste buds, the saliva was secreted quickly, and the girl's small face wrinkled involuntarily.The small sugar cubes melted quickly on the tip of the tongue, and a trace of sweetness gradually spread, filling the entire mouth from the tip of the tongue to the root of the tongue.

It turned out that this is the taste of candy.

The girl looked down at the candy paper, remembering the manual lessons taught by her tutor during the day.

Although she was very disdainful of those courses, after reading it once, what the teacher taught was easily imprinted in her mind.

The girl's fingers moved slowly, from jerky to proficient, it only took a few seconds.

The candy paper turned into a small paper crane.

Small, very smart looking.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then opened the cupboard lightly, and found a small box, which contained the necessary handmade materials for her as a girl.

Various materials that were not needed at all were vacated, and candy mountains and bows were moved in.

The girl put the materials back, put everything back in place one by one, and closed the windows.

She got into bed and began to pretend to sleep every day.

The sweet and sour taste of lemon candy still seems to linger between the lips and teeth.If she can sleep, maybe there will be a lemon-scented dream tonight.


The little paper crane fell asleep next to the girl's pillow.


Lu Yu made a phone call with his mother, and ended the task of looking for photos with a smile.

"Let's go to Tokyo next time..."

He embarked on a journey of his own.

solitary journey.


Three years have passed, and Lu Yu has traveled to many places.

Except for returning to the flower planter's home during the Spring Festival every year, the rest of the time is wandering outside.

He has met people with different abilities, and sometimes cooperates with departments of other countries to complete several tasks.

He also heard that there is a rich man in the United States, whose surname seems to be Fitzgerald; there are surpassers named Hugo and Goethe in Europe...

It's a pity that I couldn't see the "plot" characters.

Lu Yu finally decided that this was just Wenye's world, and there were no strange elementary school students, no man-eating creatures, king sword slates, clam mafia, and so on, and no strange high school students.

Very good and safe.

He quite likes the world of people with supernatural powers. All the past lives are gone, and his home is only here, and only here.

The only regret is that Lu Yu still failed to touch the threshold of transcendence...

Another spring, he received a call from his mother in Australia.

The young man bid farewell to the wild kangaroos and turned aside to answer the international call.

"Long time no see, Mom."

"I'm fine...just tell me if you have anything to say."


"No problem, it's just selling the house. Leave it to me."


Lu Yu hung up the phone and began to inquire about air tickets.

Lu Xue suddenly remembered that she still had a suite in Aomori.Probably just having fun with her little milk dog, she said that she would not go back to Yokohama anyway, so she simply sold the house.

OK, Lu Yu has no objections.It just so happens that he has almost played here, so it's good to go to Japan for a little refreshment.

He quickly bought a ticket, and a few days later, he boarded a plane to Japan.


Aomori is still the same.

Lu Yu found an intermediary to register the information of the house, and while waiting for the buyer, he disposed of some old things inside.

He wanted to keep some things that carried memories for Lu Xue.

Anyway, it was not an urgent matter, Lu Yu simply lived in the house, packed some things every day, coded, pressed the road, and lived a leisurely life.

Today, he was leisurely strolling the commercial street again.

laid back.

Yo -

Lu Yu stretched out his arm quickly and grabbed a small hand. At the same time, he turned around and looked at the captured person.

He was stunned.

It wasn't that the kid was caught with his wallet in his hand, and it wasn't that the thief was too young.

But because...

"Soldiers of Heaven and Man" is gone.

Lu Yu blinked, let go of the boy's wrist, and took back his wallet by the way.

The soldiers of heaven and man galloped happily again.

This effect—

Lu Yu looked at the young man in front of him, and four words came to his mind: Disqualification in the world.

So this is Dazai?

The released boy didn't run away, he stood where he was, moved the wrist that had just been restrained, lowered his head and muttered: "It hurts..."

The voice of the boy who has not yet passed the voice change period is thin and milky.

He was thin, but tall, with curly brown-black hair cut in a mess.He was wearing clothes that were too big, messy and unclean.

It should be a child who has been wandering for a while.

Lu Yu squatted down and saw the boy's appearance clearly from the perspective of looking up.

Very fair and delicate appearance, big and round iris-colored eyes, bandages are messily wrapped around the body, but the eyes are not covered.

Pretty like a girl...for some reason, it looks familiar.

"What's your name?" Lu Yu asked softly.

"Dazai, Dazai." The boy curled his lips, "Why, what do you want to do?"

"Stealing is wrong." As expected, it was him, and Lu Yu couldn't help feeling a little headache.

He remembered the reason why he was familiar with this face, because Osamu Dazai looked very much like the little girl the Tsushima family saw three years ago!

Based on age estimates, Osamu Dazai is probably the little girl's older brother.Therefore, Osamu Dazai is also related to him, and there is a high probability that he is really his younger brother.

The question that had been avoided by him finally surfaced.

"Don't meddle in your own business." The boy named Osamu Dazai took a step back when he heard the words, "I have returned the wallet to you, I..."

Lu Yu caught him again and said ruthlessly, "Don't run away, come with me."

"What—pervert! I'm going to call someone!"

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