The Hun King was stunned for a moment, but then realized what the courtier had said. He stood up and said angrily, "How is that possible! Those sheep didn't even reach half of the pasture, how could they eat up the pasture?"

Looking at the enraged Hun King, the courtier didn't even dare to say anything, just put his head on the ground and shivered.

The King of the Huns kicked his courtiers away, strode towards the stables, got on his horse and rode towards the pasture.

While riding the horse, he thought about how those sheep could have eaten up the pasture. He was afraid that some natural disaster would have swept away the pasture and exposed a piece of land, but these courtiers thought it was sheep and ate up the pasture without knowledge.

Looking at the green surrounding grasslands, the Hun King became more and more convinced that his courtiers were making too much fuss.

The ruthless King Xiongnu decided to go back and chop off all the courtiers after he had finished watching those round sheep, and then brought a new batch.

Before he arrived at the sheep farm, he saw white everywhere. The Hun King's mood, which was burning with anger, suddenly became more comfortable. These are all his treasures. How much more income did he get from the wool of these sheep? .

The Hun King could not help but put a big smile on his face, and began to gallop towards the sheep farm. However, as the distance got closer, the smile on the Hun King's face began to shrink gradually, until finally his face remained expressionless.

It turned out that the courtier really didn't lie.The Hun King thought blankly.

After getting closer, you can see that the snow-white and round sheep are not stepping on the green grass, but the land that has exposed the yellow soil. As far as the eye can see, almost all the sheep's feet are this yellow land .

The Hun King suddenly saw him riding a horse and quickly ran around the flock of sheep, and found such a large pasture, just as the courtier said, had been eaten up by these sheep.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from behind the Hun King, and he turned around to see that it was his personal guard.

The guards were originally worried about what the courtier said that made the Hun King so anxious and went straight to the sheep farm, but when the two slightly saw the whole pasture, they immediately understood why the Hun King was so anxious .

For nomads, pastures are the basis of all their lives. Without pastures, cattle and sheep will have no food, and they will become slaves on the grassland because of the starvation of cattle and sheep.

"Shan Yu, are these sheep so edible? How about we slaughter some of these sheep to prevent the grassland from being completely destroyed." One of the guards said so.

But the Hun King turned his head and narrowed his eyes and said, "If you dare to slaughter these sheep, believe it or not, I will kill you first."

Another guard said anxiously: "But if Shan Yu doesn't slaughter these sheep, we don't have so many pastures to feed these sheep."

At this time, the Hun King leisurely looked back at the sheep again and said, "Why don't we have so many pastures?"

The personal guard thought he understood the meaning of the Hun King and asked, "You mean to put these sheep directly on the pastures of other tribal leaders?"

The King of the Huns slapped him, almost knocking off the helmet of the guard. He pointed in one direction and said, "Let me put these sheep on the pastures owned by other tribes, can I get them back? I mean that side."

The guards suddenly realized, and then turned their eyes to the north.

That was the tribe of the Jurchens.


Because of the peace treaty signed with the Xiongnu, the border city has been very quiet in recent months. The generalissimo was itchy all over because he really had no battle, so he went to the exchange market to maintain order.

This also led to better and better order in the mutual market, and that day when he was about to go out, Xiao Honglang hurriedly rushed to the Generalissimo with a note in his hand, almost knocking him backwards.

"What's the matter with you boy, you want to kill your uncle, why are you so anxious? Is there a war?" Said the generalissimo's eyes, and suddenly lit up.

Xiao Honglang took a few short breaths, held up the note in his hand and said: "Uncle, there is an urgent military situation. The Hun King and the Jurchens in the north are fighting."

The Generalissimo raised his voice eight degrees, and said, "What? Why did that kid, King of the Huns, think of provoking the Jurchens?"

Immediately, his tone became quieter again, and the Generalissimo whispered to Xiao Honglang's side and asked, "How did the fight go? Did we both suffer?"

Xiao Honglang was a little speechless for his uncle's expression of wanting both sides to beat their heads into dog's heads, but he said honestly: "No, in fact, they only fought for a day or two. I have the strength to resist, but judging from the posture of the Hun King sending troops, he is still able to do a job with ease."

The Generalissimo is obviously excited. The Jurchens and the Huns are not fun. The Huns have harassed the border too frequently in the past few years. , can't reach the border.

Ten years ago, the Jurchens were also one of the tribes who often threshed grain and grass in the border city.

The fight between these two is a happy event for Dagan, and the revenge is not mentioned in advance. If both sides suffer from this fight, Dagan can definitely benefit from it.

The Generalissimo rolled his eyes, leaned into Xiao Honglang's ear and asked, "The King of the Huns is leading troops outside now, how many people have he brought?"

Xiao Honglang suddenly understood what his uncle wanted to do, but since there had been no wars in Border City for so long, he was so restless, he said with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Less than 1000 people."


I don't know that someone in the border city is thinking about the King of the Huns, who is in the King's Court of the Huns, and is actively and excitedly driving away the Jurchens who were originally stationed here.

This pasture is so beautiful and fertile, it is very suitable for the growth of round sheep. The Hun King has been staring at this pasture for a long time, and he took care of some neighbors before, but now his cash cow is about to starve to death. what?

The Jurchens don’t know why the Hun King suddenly descended from the sky and expelled them from the grassland where they had been nomadic for generations, and all those who chose to resist were killed. However, even if they were not killed, the days were not much better, the grassland has been occupied. Cattle and sheep were also taken by the Xiongnu, leaving only two paths for the Jurchens.

Either flee, or stay and become a slave to the Huns.

Some Jurchens chose to surrender, while others chose to advance in the direction of Border City.They believed that their tribe paid tribute to the Qian Dynasty in the past, so it was naturally regarded as a subsidiary of the Qian Dynasty, so as long as they asked for help, the Qian Dynasty would definitely not ignore it.

The fact is just like what they said, if they went to the border city and asked Qian Dynasty for help, even if it was for his own face, Emperor Hongde would not ignore it.

However, the Hun King cut off their vitality. He almost searched for the escaped Jurchens in a carpet search on the grassland.

It would be fine if they chose to escape to the north, but once they threw themselves in the direction of Border City, the Hun King, who had almost blocked the path from the grassland to Border City, would stand in front of them like a high wall.

He mercilessly cut off their vitality.

The Hun King pulled the knife out of a Jurchen's neck again, and let the blood spurt out with a grim expression.

After finishing hunting for a period of time, King Xiongnu handed over the next matter to his generals, and then returned to the temporary king's tent. The bloody smell on his body made King Zuoxian, who was sitting in the king's tent, sneezed.

King Zuo Xian looked at the bloodstains on King Xiongnu's body with a very complicated expression, and said, "Aksu, if you slaughtered the Jurchens like this, aren't you afraid that the remaining Jurchens tribes will gather to trouble us?"

The King of the Huns thought Zuo Xianwang's words were ridiculous, and he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Almost all the Jurchen tribes have fled to the north, how did they gather together, and their pastures are about to be eaten up by my sheep. Even if they come back, they won't get any benefits."

The marks on King Zuo Xian's brow deepened and he said: "Just for those sheep? When we don't have enough pasture, don't we always kill the sheep first to protect the pasture?"

The Hun King laughed and walked to the throne, sat down on the throne with a big horse and said: "My dear brother, do you know how much money a round sheep will bring to our tribe? Just my flock Yuanyang can bring the entire royal court a year's tax revenue within half a year, but killing the sheep? That's throwing gold and silver directly into the water."

King Zuo Xian only thought that the Hun King's words were crazy. For some money, he even forgot the survival wisdom of his ancestors.

Is it possible that this is the strategy used by the Central Plains people to let the sheep eat up their pastures and increase the purchase price of wool, so that they are completely reluctant to kill the sheep, so that the Huns will no longer attack the border for wool purchase?

As for the battle with the Jurchens, King Zuo Xian didn't care much about it anymore. Even though the Hun King was brutal, it was undeniable that his talent in war simply surpassed that of any Shan Yu in the past. Can survive the Generalissimo's knife at the age of 18.

Zuo Xianwang sighed deeply, he was indeed a cunning Central Plains man, perhaps it wasn't the Central Plains prince who arranged the situation in advance at that banquet and brought these sheep to them.

The Central Plains people should not be underestimated, even the prince who is like a mascot can introduce them into the game quietly.

King Zuo Xian lowered his eyes, concealed his expression and said very well: "Okay then, but my pasture is still enough for the time being, so I won't participate in it for the time being, after all, I raise very few sheep."

King Xiongnu responded casually on the throne, allowing King Zuoxian to retreat.

King Zuoxian looked at the large piece of round sheep in the tribe's pasture and the slightly yellowed land under his feet, sighed and decided to go to his own pasture tonight to see what happened to those round sheep.

But the King of the Huns summoned his ministers. The Jurchens were about to leave the grassland, and the King of the Huns felt that this was worth a banquet.

When the ministers at the dinner party were drunk, there was laughter outside the king's tent, and the sentries were also rarely relaxed. Before they noticed, a group of strong men dressed in Jurchen costumes entered their tent.

Just when this group of strong men was about to start with the light of the Huns' bow, the King of the Huns suddenly spoke.

"I! Aksu! Shanyu of the Huns! I will conquer the Central Plains city next year! Those rich Central Plains people will all become my slaves!"

Strong men in Jurchen costumes: Heh.

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small theater

The strong men silently raised their weapons: Boy, can you say it again?

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