Emperor Hongde originally thought that when he proposed to open a mutual market with the Xiongnu, he would receive fierce opposition from the ministers below, but what he did not expect was that the ministers fell silent after speaking.

Especially Dr. Yushitai, who jumped the highest during this period, held his sleeves for a long time, but he didn't take out the folds in his sleeve pockets.

Could it be that the conscience of these ministers broke out and they don't plan to confront me anymore?However, the fierce opposition in the next second made Emperor Hongde understand that these ministers might not be organizing their words before.

"Your Majesty! You are barbaric and vulgar, how can you be black with it! Where is the ancestor's etiquette in such a behavior! I implore the Holy Majesty to take it back." Amidst a burst of fierce opposition, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites finally appeared as a representative, and explained the current situation conclusively. The opinion of the courtiers.

Emperor Hongde nodded very clearly, and then said that your opinions are not important. After all, I have already sent the document to the Hun King, and the mutual market at the border has also been built, and we are waiting for the autumn in half a month.

The courtiers were in an uproar.

"Your Majesty! You are disregarding the etiquette of your ancestors!" the Minister of Rites said in disbelief at first.

The courtiers also echoed, and the Hubu Shangshu cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, if those barbarians enter the border city to harass the people in the border city, what should they do? I implore the emperor to take back his order!"

The censors even made a posture that they were about to hit the pillar and die.

Looking at the chaotic scene below, Emperor Hongde had no choice but to say: "My dear friends, listen to me. My dear friends are worried that I have also considered it, so this time the defense facilities of the mutual market are to be organized by the Marshal of the border. Yes, the people from the Huns will only be confined to a small area, and will not threaten the safety of the people at the border."

Doctor Yu Shitai pinched the fold in his sleeve and finally understood why King An would trade wool with the Xiongnu. During this period of time, the large number of woolen sweaters sold in the store in the hands of the Holy Master may have nothing to do with the Xiongnu, although it is a big surprise. Brings in many taxes, but...

Doctor Yu Shitai stood up and said with a serious expression: "My Majesty, the barbarians of the Xiongnu are cruel and ruthless and live in a barbarian land, and there is a shortage of supplies. I am afraid that opening a market like this will not attract wolves into the house!"

Emperor Hongde waved his hands tiredly from the courtiers below, and said casually, "How about Dr. Yushitai go to the exchange market in person? See if I have lured wolves into the house?"

As soon as the slightly mocking words came out, the entire court fell silent. After all, not everyone likes the border gate as much as King An, and even looks like it is going to take root in the border gate now. In the eyes of these ministers, the border gate is still the bitter cold place. Hey, it's like going to Half-Life every time you go and come back.

The original fierce opposition was nothing more than the panic aroused by the emperor's fear that these humerus ministers could get things done without even informing them.

Emperor Hongde looked at the silent ministers below who were about to announce their retreat, when he heard the originally quiet doctor Yu Shitai suddenly bow his hands.

"The minister leads the order!"

Looking at Emperor Hongde's unbelievable expression, Doctor Yushitai had an extremely firm expression on his face.

Emperor Hongde really didn't expect that the old-fashioned doctor Yushitai would be so determined to go to the bitter cold border.

You must know that the border gate is not a pleasant Jiangnan. Otherwise, when King An asked to go to the border gate, Emperor Hongde would not have done it. Give up and send people away.

Emperor Hongde couldn't help asking: "Are you sure about Aiqing? The border is not a good place. Can Aiqing bear this kind of suffering in a bitter cold place?"

Although Dr. Yushitai was silent, sometimes the silence said everything.

Emperor Hongde looked at the expression on Dr. Yushitai's face and sighed. Before, he only knew that Dr. Yushitai had a stubborn temper, but he never thought that he could be so stubborn.

"Then let's go. I'll ask Habayashi Wei to escort Aiqing to the border and hand it over to Marshal Xiao. However," said Emperor Hongde, his tone became extremely severe, "I want you to tell the others truthfully when you come back. Aiqing's border affairs!."

Doctor Yushitai made a big salute, kowtowed his head deeply on the ground and said, "I accept the decree!"


With the arrival of autumn, the border mutual market is finally open.

King Xiongnu led a team of cavalry outside the city and was unarmed. King Zuo Xian did not come this time, and he stayed in the court of King Xiongnu in case of emergencies.

The Hun King wanted to bring weapons into the city, but was stopped by these soldiers who had fought several times on the battlefield. The people who came out from behind the soldiers forcibly stopped them.

In the end, the Hun King was able to enter the city only after being stripped of all the weapons on his body by the Generalissimo who came out for shopping.

It's not that he didn't want to turn around and leave, but the cavalry behind him were sent by the tribal leaders to inquire about the price of today's transaction. Once he turned around and left, he could only escape in despair because he couldn't enter the city of the Central Plains people. , can make those tribal leaders laugh for three years.

The Hun King reluctantly walked into the city, but immediately after the city gate opened, the scene inside the city dazzled him.

The whole street is full of small stalls that sell food and cloth, and he even saw a handy woman outlining a very cute lamb with wool.

The lamb was handed over to a very richly dressed family. The family paid the money with a smile and walked to the noodle soup stand on the other side with the child.

The noodle soup stall only has two toppings, one is vegetarian and the other is mutton topping.

The smell of the aroma made the King Hun who got up early in the morning feel hungry. Seeing that the cavalry behind him were the same as him, the King Hun immediately waved his hand generously and led the cavalry into the next door. Restaurant.

"My lord, is it dine-in or a private room?" A little waiter came up to meet him as soon as he entered the door, and asked with a smile.

"Private room." The Hun King said casually. He looked around curiously. The cities of the Central Plains people were indeed different from theirs. Even the tables in the restaurant were made of high-quality wood.

The Xiongnu King was led to sit down in a private room. There were all kinds of bonsai paintings in it, and the decoration was very artistic. Although the Xiongnu King liked the decoration style of opening and closing, he didn't dislike it.

The cavalry behind them didn't care much, especially after the dishes were served, they began to feast on these rare and exquisite delicacies.

Just as the Xiongnu King and the others were tasting the delicacies, there was a commotion in the stalls below.

It turned out to be people from other tribes. Although the leaders of these tribes had sent cavalry behind them to explore the way, they would not stop other people from the tribe from coming to the market.

"It's from your Gorn tribe, why don't you go down and see what's going on?" One of the cavalrymen slapped the other cavalryman and said in a low voice, but the chopsticks in his hand aimed restlessly at the last braised lion head.

"It's not the little lamb still bleating in the ewe's arms. The warriors of the Goen tribe can solve it by themselves. You put down that braised lion head for me." Another cavalryman said unceremoniously, and the matter was just like this cavalryman That being said, it was quickly resolved.

But it was not the warriors of the Gorn tribe who solved it themselves, but the defense team arrived and evacuated the crowd to solve it.

The King of the Huns did not understand the ins and outs of the matter until the defense team arrived. It turned out that the warrior of the Goen tribe took a wool product from the original stall owner, but he did not pay the stall owner. , but did not expect that the stall owner's husband was a veteran who had just been discharged from the battlefield, so he was pushed to the ground with one move and the people around him hurried to call the defense team.

So this member of the Goen tribe didn't get the wool product in vain, and after doubling the compensation for the stall owner's loss, he was even included in the blacklist of the border mutual market for two days.

"Next time if you commit another crime, you will never be allowed to enter the border exchange market, and you will no longer be able to trade any items in the exchange market." The defense team said seriously to the Gorn tribe man, and then sent this The pleading Huns mercilessly threw them out of the city gate.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the King of the Huns felt a little uncomfortable. After all, it was their people who were restrained. However, the King of the Huns did not notice that this scene also fell into the eyes of another person.


When Dr. Yushidai was handed over to the Generalissimo by Habayashi, he was already haggard.

He is 58 this year and is about to enter his sixtieth year. He really can't stand the wind and rain along the way. However, Doctor Yushitai is in good health, but he recovered after a few days of rest at the Grand Marshal's Mansion.

Immediately, he came to the exchange market, ready to see with his own eyes what the scene of the exchange market here is, and it must be established to overcome all difficulties for the Holy One.

It was different from the mutual market that Dr. Yushitai imagined. Here he did not see the Huns showing off their might, nor did he see the trembling border people.

The people here reacted very calmly when they saw the Huns, and some people even ignored it.

This time the opening of the exchange market is based on the truce between the two sides, but the pain caused by the war to the people at the border is unavoidable, but ignoring these Huns is already a great face. When the people came down, it was impossible to say that the Huns blood spattered on the spot on the day of the exchange.

Doctor Yushitai, who finally walked the entire exchange market, recalled the incident of the Huns making trouble he had just seen, and had to admit that the Holy Majesty had indeed made complete preparations.

The entire exchange market is limited to a small area at the border, and within this area, if the Huns or other people make trouble, the defense team will arrive as quickly as possible, and these guards will become a large camp. The soldiers in the army took turns on duty, and in terms of force, there was no need to worry about the Huns who had been disarmed.

But this still cannot prove that the Huns did not secretly plan to attack Dagan with wolfish ambitions. Dr. Yushitai frowned as he thought about it. To the 'round sheep'.

Doctor Yushitai turned his head and stopped the Hun boy.

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Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Xiaoyu 10 bottles;

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