A Qingliu censor, a cashmere sweater with a thousand gold, he ordered 5 pieces at one go, if it was a gathering of colleagues, it would be fine, at most, he could say a few words about Mr. Zhao's good means.

But now, at the Dachaohui, or when the Holy Majesty was already dissatisfied with him, he was exposed nakedly by King An, the victim.

Zhao Yushi had already collapsed on the ground, and he knew that this time he was completely finished.

The colleagues around took a few steps away from the censor without a trace, and what happened in the next second proved that their distance was correct.

Emperor Hongde directly smashed all the pocketbooks at hand on Yushi's face and cursed: "A cashmere sweater is almost 300 taels, and five pieces are 500 taels. You can save so much money for three years without eating or drinking." You take it all out to buy cashmere sweaters? The king of Shen'an is fighting for profit with the people, but he is a corrupt official, Zhao Qifei, you really have a face! Come here! Where are the imperial guards!"

Following the emperor's shout, a small team of imperial guards came in unison, trotted into the palace, stood in front of Emperor Hongde, and waited for orders.

"Put Zhao Qifei in prison and let the governor of the capital interrogate him strictly. Let him spit out as much as he is greedy." Emperor Hongde said in a cold tone.

The imperial guards immediately obeyed the order to take Zhao Yushi, who was limp on the ground, ah, shouldn't he be called Zhao Qifei now, and dragged him out of the hall like a dead dog, but Zhao Qifei suddenly came, struggling with strength and shouting: "The emperor I was wronged, I just let you see the true face of King An, he definitely has evil intentions, Your Majesty!"

The imperial guards were startled, and quickly took out a handkerchief to gag Zhao Qifei's mouth, and quietly raised their eyes to look at Emperor Hongde, and sure enough, their eyes darkened again. The imperial guards hurriedly speeded up and dragged Zhao Qifei out.

When Zhao Qifei was dragged out of the hall, the courtiers who passed by all stood there watching their hearts. They all knew that it would be difficult for Zhao Qifei to escape this time. Their emperor has always had a bad temper. of.

The courtiers carefully glanced at King An standing in front of them, and now they all knew in their hearts that they should not provoke King An, at least until there was no conclusive evidence, they hoped to pull King An off the horse by relying on the pretentious look of the past. It is absolutely impossible.

But they didn't want to provoke King An, and hoped that when the Great Court Meeting ended, King An spoke up.

"Since it is said that the king is competing with the people for profit, it is impossible for the king to justify it if he does not do something."

When the courtiers heard this, their skin tightened. Is King An planning to settle the score?Then they breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what Chu An said next.

"It was also inspired by the emperor's brother. This time, I will donate a batch of felt blankets to the examination institute. Tianjing City in February is cold enough." Chu An said calmly.

In fact, this batch of felt blankets has been accumulated in the warehouse for a long time. Originally, they were just picked out defective wool, which cannot be made into sweaters, and it would be a pity to throw them away.

Chu An: Regardless of whether this felt is useful or not, let’s make a machine to make felt first.

But the workers at the border are very enthusiastic about this machine. After all, a blanket can be made with a few pricks. Who doesn't like it?

However, the sequelae also emerged, that is, the felt made from these defective wools is ugly and white, with some yellowed wool mixed in, and this kind of felt is really not warm enough at the border where it is so cold that it drips into ice. Strong, can only be used as a carpet or cushion.

After a year of accumulation, the border warehouse now has a large backlog of felts, and there is no place to store them, and they take up space in the warehouse.This time it happened to be donated, and since it has gained a reputation, it has the backlog of felt in the warehouse that can be processed, killing two birds with one stone.

The courtiers breathed a sigh of relief, it's not just revenge, and then the courtiers praised King An without money, as if they were not the ones who looked down on King An before.

The Great Court Meeting ended in this harmonious scene.


After the great court meeting was over, Emperor Hongde immediately dragged his family members and Chu An to the upper study room. Seeing this posture, Chu An immediately understood that he was going to discuss some secret political affairs that could not be discussed in the court, so he wanted to run away.

However, just as he was about to exit the study room, his brother grabbed his arm and pushed him to a chair beside him.

"Peace, I know you want to avoid suspicion, but you also saw some things in the court just now, and it's not something you can avoid if you want to avoid suspicion." Chu An wanted to refute something, but looked at his imperial brother With that face that was about to storm, he sat down on the chair obediently, waiting for his brother to speak.

Seeing Chu An obediently staying on the chair, the emperor nodded in satisfaction, and then watched his team cast a big thunder with no expression on their faces.

"The year before last, I started to trade wool with the Huns at the border with King An. This year, the border did not harass the border city. This is also the reason."

The team members below were still making eye contact with their colleagues, how much their majesty loved King An, how good the relationship between the two brothers was, and it was obvious that the royal family would not be suspicious of each other and fight for power.

Immediately when a thunderstorm blew up, they froze in place. Before they could react, Emperor Hongde asked the head eunuch to send a booklet for them to pass on to each other.

The team looked at the data on the data, and the more they looked at it, the more short of breath they got. They bought wool from the Huns, processed it a little bit, and sold it back to the Huns, and the price would double!If it weren't for this account book to clearly record the accounts for one year, they would not dare to believe that there is such a good thing in the world.

"I called you here today to make an agreement. When I return safely to the border, several people in the border will go with me. We are going to buy a large amount of wool from the Hun King." Emperor Hongde took a sip of tea, and finally sent The previous tone calmed down a bit.

But the team members were a little puzzled, and one of the father's team members in the household department seemed to understand something, raised his head and asked a little excitedly: "Is the Holy Majesty planning to buy a large amount of wool, and then let the Huns go to raise sheep, so they can't harass the border?" ?”

Emperor Hongde took a slightly appreciative glance at the team, um, add him to the quota for going to the border this time, Emperor Hongde thought, and then he put down the teacup in his hand and said: "You're half right, the rest is safe for you Come on."

Chu An was drinking tea, pretending to be a transparent person, but helplessly, his imperial brother did not intend to let him go, so he had to put down the teacup in his hand and said: "The difference between a cow and a sheep is that a cow can only chew grass leaves when it eats grass. When sheep eat grass, they turn out the grass roots and swallow them together, which is why the Huns' cattle and sheep have to change pastures every year."

Seeing the puzzled eyes of his subordinates, Chu An continued: "And if we go to buy a large amount of wool from the Huns, the Huns will raise more sheep. The grassland can't afford so many sheep, and they will be bald in a few months." , next season they have to move the sheep to the pastures, and when all the pastures are eaten up by the sheep, the remaining tribes with enough pastures will be coveted."

Needless to say the rest of Chu An, the team also thought of it. When the Huns on the grassland fought, it was when they picked up the leak. Thinking of this team who was born as a general, they began to gear up.

"But what if the Huns come to thresh the corn again?" said one of the team members. He is the son of a general at the border. He only returned to Beijing a few years ago. During the time at the border, he saw the cruel scene of the Huns coming to thresh every year. .

"No, the King of the Huns is not a fool. When we found out that he would lower the price of wool every time he threshed straw, they would not provoke us for a while," Chu An said calmly, holding up his teacup, "and when they react, The only way we can restrain him is to lower the price, and the civil strife of the Xiongnu should also start."

When the team members left the study room that day, the image of King An that the Holy Majesty said in their hearts was completely subverted. It is really terrifying that the Xiongnu can be wiped out by raising sheep alone. What kind of person can think of this? plot.

As the time for the exam came, the team members also began to get busy. First of all, the batch of felts donated by An Wang. In order to ensure that no one interfered with the whole process of this batch of felts, this batch of felts was directly escorted by the army, and even those who approached would be escorted by those soldiers Glaring at it, the tense nerves of the escorting soldiers did not relax until the blankets were sent to the examination institute intact.

When the candidates who were outside got the news, they all felt grateful for the kindness of the Holy Master and King An. Some of the candidates who left the stage for the first time did not understand why their classmates were so excited, but when they arrived at the examination institute and passed the inspection, they immediately started Thank you, Your Majesty and King An, for your kindness.

Looking at the small room with air leaks everywhere in front of him, even if he was wearing a thick sweater, he couldn't stop the cold draft from the hallway, blowing directly on the person, cooling him from the inside to the outside.

At this time, the importance of felt blankets is reflected. When you wrap a thick felt blanket around your body, the draft in the capital is not comparable to the cold wind that can blow people into ice balls at the border. Even in the wind, the side of the body in the felt blanket can gradually warm up.

After the exam was finally released, many candidates were surprised to find that they were not as uncomfortable or even seriously ill as they were last year. Some candidates who entered in sweaters even felt slightly sweaty after wrapping them in blankets.

When the examinees had a good rest and got together, they wrote poems, essays, poems and paintings about the felt blanket that saved their lives, hoping to engrave the felt blanket in history and make it famous forever.

And some people also want to buy a felt blanket to take home, but when they go to the sweater shop, the price of the felt blanket is almost the same as a sweater.

The shopkeeper said with a smile on his face: "King An specially ordered the manager, and the manager also specially ordered it to us people, saying that it is because His Majesty loves you for your actions, and His Majesty gave you half of the money you bought for sweaters." , and this blanket is the same."

The disciples all had tears in their eyes, and wrote their masterpieces on the blank wall next to the sweater shop to praise the Holy One and King An on the spot.

Xiao Wu is one of them. Since he sent the sweater home, his parents have repeatedly told him to do things for the Holy One and King An. It could be that this time he did well in the imperial examination and entered the top ten. Xiao Wu was overjoyed when he learned about this, and then he was worried about the ten taels of silver for the Rong En Banquet.

Xiao Wu, who is already a Jinshi, has no shortage of people to lend him money, but when Xiao Wu is about to hand over the money for the Rong En Banquet, a notice comes from the other side saying that there is no need to hand over the money.

Xiao Wu suddenly recalled the kindness of the Holy Majesty to them during this period. This time, the Honor Banquet may not be the Holy Majesty's own pocket again. Thinking of this, Xiao Wu and his contemporaries frowned, for fear that His Majesty would be kind and vengeful , but seeing the eyes of the other Jinshi who were moved to tears, wishing to die for His Majesty, he had no choice but to shut his mouth.

The court also greatly appreciated Emperor Hongde's behavior, thinking that the honor banquet in the past should not be contaminated with too much copper smell, and all the funds like this are in charge of the emperor, which means that the emperor attaches great importance to the Jinshi. Some upright officials looked at Emperor Hongde with a confidant look.

However, three days later, after they finally learned where the funds for the Rong En Banquet came from, they wished they could disappear three days ago.

After all, the Holy Majesty auctioned off the sheep felt blankets wrapped by the top ten Jinshi, such a thing would not have anything to do with Qingliu!

The author has something to say: Please comment and collect

Chu An: Would you like a piece of felt blanket that you wrapped during the No. [-] Scholar exam?Stained with vitality?

Candidates come on!I wish all those who take the exam will be right!

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