When Ai Tianlu woke up, the first thing he saw was the white ceiling. He held his painful head for a while before recalling that he was caught at the meeting.

And just when he was about to break the pus bottle in his hand, he was directly kicked by a little soldier and passed out.

Now this is... Ai Tianlu sat up suddenly and found that although the ceiling was pure white, it was obviously not a hospital.

The black and shiny metal railings stood in front of him, and the soldiers outside the door immediately reported to their superiors after realizing that Ai Tianlu had woken up.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Ai Tianlu still didn't understand how they found him. He was a very cautious person. He didn't even mention the specific location of the meeting on the phone, and he checked the meeting place back and forth. I checked several times to confirm that there were no surveillance personnel around before I dared to go in.

And when the interrogator brought the other two men to him, Ai Tianlu finally understood why he fell down.

"You two! In vain I treat you as brothers." Ai Tianlu gritted his teeth and said.

Now he finally knew why his secret place was exposed, the meeting place, he had taken these two people there.

The gentle man sat on the chair provided to him by the interrogator, and said disdainfully: "Who is your brother? If you do such a crazy thing, who dares to be your brother, and you are not afraid that you will use the zombie virus to kill you if you disagree with me." harmed."

Although the middle-aged man didn't agree with the gentle man's words, judging from his eyes, he agreed with the gentle man's words.

Ai Tianlu gritted his teeth and wished he could pounce on them on the spot and bite off a piece of meat from them. His business empire and his goal of controlling the food lifeline of the country were all shattered.

"Okay, it's time for Mr. Ai and his friends to end their reminiscences. Now let's talk about your intention to murder Dr. Chu An." The interrogator watched Ai Tianlu's chest heaving violently, and quickly signaled the two people next to him to go out and wait , I'm afraid that there is something wrong with Ai Tianlu, of course, after he confides what he knows, it doesn't matter how he dies, but before that, they still need to guarantee Ai Tianlu's life.

Ai Tianlu gritted his teeth and watched the two people leave leisurely, and didn't say a word about the interrogator's question.

However, the interrogator is worthy of being a veteran, he directly handed over a copy of the foreign man's interrogation record to Ai Tianlu.

Looking at the foreign personnel who tried their best to insult him and put the blame on him, Ai Tianlu finally had a channel to vent his anger.

He looked at the news that the foreign personnel had secretly sent people to infiltrate his power, sneered, tore up the torture records, and began to confide things one by one without reservation.

The interrogator judged whether what Ai Tianlu said was true or false while recording, but the more he listened to him, the more frightened he became, and the more he recorded, the more his hands trembled.

This is no longer accessible to him at this level, and I hope he can go out normally after this interrogation.The interrogator thought with a wry smile.


"It's so rampant, these foreign forces simply don't pay attention to us!" The leader slapped the table hard, shaking the pen holder on the table three times.

After finding out that Ai Tianlu had contact with people from country a, the big leader knew that he might have caught a big fish, so he invited Professor Qian and Chu An to be the bait to lure the snake out of the hole and catch the big fish.

However, I did not expect that the big fish caught this time turned out to be such a big one.

The general leader was taken aback after seeing Ai Tianlu's interrogation record. This person from country a has a wife from country d, a friend from country b, a lover from country e and a teacher from country f.

Those who didn't know thought that this member of country A was going to form the United Nations at home.

But this also shows one thing, in the attack on Chu'an, it must not only be the country a.

The general leader laughed angrily. When their country C was suffering, no country offered to help or provide assistance. They finally managed to survive on their own, and they were lucky enough to pick up the golden bump of Chu An. At this time, this group The guy jumped out to attack Chu An.

He immediately ordered the secretary to prepare a series of itinerary arrangements to have a good chat with their old friends, while Ai Tianlu's trial time was lightly suppressed by the general leader.

"This is a trump card. Any country has zero tolerance for the zombie virus. If this incident is exposed at this time, it will be nothing more than a few apologies. And when it is used at the right time... "The general leader's words were not enough, but the secretary immediately understood that it was a matter of wanting Ai Tianlu.If the international community makes trouble again, Ai Tianlu can come on stage.

After the itinerary was arranged, the general leader suddenly remembered the biggest sufferer of this incident.

After finding out that the vicious attack was related to Ai Tianlu, Chu An, whose ban was lifted, was immediately taken back to the base by the anxious base chief.

The head of the base was very anxious after hearing the news, and even the successive breakthroughs in the yield of potatoes were not enough to make him happy. The moment he saw Chu An, the head of the base, who was sure that he was standing in front of him, almost burst into tears of joy.

Second Uncle Chu also patted Chu An's shoulder with red eyes, and kept saying that it's fine, it's fine.

And Chu An, who was taken back to the base, was upgraded from the original star treatment to the national treasure treatment. Zhong Yang and Shao Wen almost treated Chu An as an old Buddha.

Fortunately, Professor Qian came at this time.

Professor Qian came here for Chu An's rice seedlings. Ever since he received Chu An's rice seedlings in the laboratory, he has never forgotten about them.

Even in the view of Professor Qian, the appearance of this rice seedling is very ordinary, and even the pedigree is the most common one, but it is because of such ordinary seeds that after being conceived by Chu Guoan with soilless cultivation technology, the rice seedlings can grow. Survive up to a week on sandy soil.

Professor Qian couldn't help thinking, what if the seeds were replaced with varieties that are more resistant to desertification?Is it possible that the seeds can survive longer, and even enter the heading stage, or even the maturity stage?

After he told Chu An about this idea, the two hit it off and stayed in the deserted soil greenhouse surrounded by the base for a whole month.

And the results are astonishing.

Seeds that are more resistant to desertification and soilless cultivation technology plus supernatural nutrient solution allow these rice plants to survive on desertified soil.

At this moment, the big leader had his eye on a big fish, and was about to follow the vine to pick out all the big fish behind him.

"Although I know this is a very insulting thing to the two of you, I really can't find a more important person to publish this paper on planting rice on deserted soil. After the event, the official will release the information for you To clarify, please help the country..." Professor Qian interrupted the leader before he could speak.

"We have already written a paper on rice planting on desertified soil, and we are about to release it. This fake one is unnecessary. By the way, who wrote the data? Is this a direct copy of the data on soil cultivation? It is a person who has learned Those who have studied agriculture, or even those who have studied botany, can tell that this paper is fake." Professor Qian frowned and flipped through the paper in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more he felt familiar, but the above data cannot be said to be somewhat similar to the real data , can only be said to be irrelevant.

The big leader's mouth was still open, and he froze. It took a while to realize what Qian Lao said just now.

"Professor Qian...you found out very early on that we were going to lure snakes out of their holes...that's why you helped write this fake paper?" The big leader struggled to force this sentence out of his mouth. It's almost time to go to the hospital.

However, Chu An didn't know about the problem of the leader's heartbeat speed. He said directly: "The paper is not fake. The experimental greenhouse is next to the original one. Does the leader want to see it?"

The big leader almost confessed there that day.

However, when he saw that the rice seedlings were planted in the sandy soil and thrived well, his eyes filled with inexplicable tears. The slightly dark-skinned middle-aged man was crying with snot and tears, which really ruined his image. Fortunately, the leader did not reveal his identity this time.

However, this scene happened again two months later when the harvest was over. This time the leader announced his identity, but no one noticed that a middle-aged man was crying without image, because the same was true for other people. In this golden rice field, they have never felt so clearly that the doomsday is far away from them.

After the rice yield per mu recovered before the doomsday, the benefits brought to the entire country C are unimaginable. Many countries began to choose to import food from country C, after all, the price is cheap and the quantity is large.

However, this angered country a.

Before the rice production in country C returns to the pre-apocalyptic yield, country A has been the world's largest food exporter after the apocalypse. Because of the shortage of food in the apocalypse, country A has a vast land and sparse population and is a mechanized operation. , while other countries have not been so lucky.

After the apocalypse, country a has made a lot of money just by exporting grain, but now country C wants to compete with him, and has always regarded itself as the number one country in the world. How could it be happy?

So when country C was happily selling food abroad, the international community gradually set off a wave of opposition to country C's food exports.

"The grain export standards of country C do not meet international standards." This is what the foreign ministry spokesperson of country A declared.

"The quality of food in country C does not meet international standards." The younger brother of country A, who lives above country a, country e, immediately jumped out and began to go along with their boss.

"Our country f will no longer import grain from country C." Country f just imported a large amount of grain from country C some time ago, and they feel that this batch of grain is enough to last until the end of this smoke-free war.

Based on the growing condemnation from the international community, country C first handed over its own inspection report. Although they had no hope of shutting up after handing over the inspection report certificate, the members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs heard those people After the shameless remarks, I was still angry enough.

"The inspection agency of country C inspects the grain of country C? Besides, your report is not up to standard." The spokesperson of country A's foreign ministry, Barabara, immediately explained the items of their report. After hearing the news, the foreign ministry of country C immediately blacked out face.

Such a detailed report project, why don't you just say let us directly disclose the experimental data?

"If country C discloses the basic data of this batch of grain, we will fully believe that this batch of grain is harmless."

Why do people really say such things? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw that it was a neighbor next door who was about to be destroyed by sea water, so it was fine.

Country c didn't even give them a look, they are not without temper.

So on a sunny day, the reporters attended the meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Country C as usual. The gentle spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Country C came to the stage and greeted these reporters gently as usual.

Later, when a reporter from country A sharply asked whether the international community’s wave of boycotting country C’s food was because the food in country C did not meet international standards, the gentle spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs slowly showed a gentle smile to the extreme.

However, the words she uttered were two extremes from the smile on her face.

"Country C is a peace-loving country. The food in country C is very in line with the nationality standards. However, since the international community has recently raised objections to country C's food export standards, country C upholds the principle of respecting the international community. Any food that does not meet the standards of the international community will no longer be exported."

The gentle spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said kindly to the foreign reporters in the audience.

The author has something to say: Please comment and collect

In the next chapter, the world is almost ready, ready to open the next world!

ps. I wrote the second half very cool!

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