Cao Derun, who came back to his senses, immediately grabbed the bald researcher by the collar and asked angrily, "Why aren't the irrigation facilities turned on? Didn't you see that the seedlings are dying?"

The bald researcher secretly scolded his colleague who insisted on changing shifts with him today, but he still said submissively: "Now the water level in the base has dropped to a certain level, and the entire base is now limited in water supply. Teacher, have you eaten with the people above them recently? Tell you?"

The people above would not say this at the dinner table. Cao Derun gritted his teeth and said, "Then why didn't you come and tell me in advance? You have to delay until now, when the seedlings are almost dead?"

The bald researcher said very aggrieved: "Teacher, you haven't been able to find you for a month, even if I want to notify you, I can't find you."

Only then did Cao Derun recall that he had been socializing with his superiors and people from other bases for almost a month, and this seedling was the reason why he could be on an equal footing with these big men who he could only look up to before.

But now his confidence is about to wither away.

"Hurry up and go to the laboratory and get out those temperature and humidity control and drip irrigation equipment!" Cao Derun said with a dark face. He felt pain when he thought of the equipment that was about to be brought out. These instruments were all prepared for the big shots above. .

Those big people don’t eat non-organic vegetables, and they can’t even spray them with pesticides. This makes the vegetables grown very delicate and requires temperature and humidity control equipment. The drip irrigation equipment is also prepared for these big people’s vegetables. It is to make them absorb nutrients better.

Now that such a precious instrument should be used for these crops that are only sold to civilians, Cao Derun felt that he was losing money when he thought about it, and immediately raised the price of food by one-third.

But I have to say that these instruments are expensive and have their advantages. After turning on all the instruments, the seedlings in some grain-growing areas eased up at a speed visible to the naked eye. No difference.

Cao Derun finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw the grain seedlings beside him that were not covered due to the lack of equipment, he raised his breath again.

His superiors also learned that some of the grain seedlings in the grain planting area that Cao Derun was in charge of were about to die in the sun. As soon as Cao Derun got off work, he called people to the office to talk.

"Cao Derun, how do you manage you, don't you know how important the grain-growing area of ​​your people is?" Cao Derun's leader is a slightly fat, middle-aged male in his 40s.

He poked Cao Derun's forehead with his hand with his stomach upright, and his shiny face was full of hatred for iron and steel, and he said, "Yes! These grains are only for those poor ghost bases, but those poor ghosts Bases also have oil and water, and one base can’t squeeze out much, so wouldn’t the other bases add up to more?”

Cao Derun's submissive expression seemed to be the reappearance of his bald researcher. He said, "Yes, yes, leader, I must reflect on myself."

The leader said he was thirsty, so he took a sip of tea and continued, "Don't be self-reflective, but show your actual actions. There are already many pre-orders in the grain-growing area under your command. We businessmen have to be a little honest. You At least supply those scheduled orders."

Cao Derun nodded again and again, and then said with some embarrassment: "Leader, but our temperature and humidity control equipment is insufficient, and we need twice as many equipment to cover the entire grain planting area."

The leader raised his head, looked at Cao Derun in surprise and said, "Are you my subordinate or am I your subordinate? If you have any problems, you can solve them yourself. Why do you ask me? If you don't want to be in this position, you can leave. Some people want to be in this position."

Cao Derun immediately understood what the leader meant.

Cao Derun gritted his teeth. It seemed that this time he had to pay for it out of his own pocket. He comforted himself while digging out points to buy equipment in pain. Those bases engaged in soilless cultivation may consume more water, and the equipment must be used more than him.

Thinking of this, he even felt a little less pain in collecting points.


However, according to Cao Derun, those bases that practice soilless cultivation, consume more water, and use more instruments than him, are now preparing for a bumper harvest.

Director Wu Ji saved a huge amount of nutrient solution in advance, and it was much easier to deal with the drought than Cao Derun thought. The best thing about soilless cultivation is that as long as the nutrition can keep up, there is basically no hindrance to the growth process of the plants.

Besides, it only takes one month for the potatoes on his side to be harvested. Although the scorching sun caused by the drought caused the consumption of nutrient solution to be more than what Director Wu Ji had imagined, but with a huge amount of nutrient solution stored, Wu Ji I feel that they will definitely survive until the day of harvest.

As expected by Director Wu Ji, they finally made it to the harvest day.

And the residents of Base Chief Wu's base finally realized how happy Chu An and the others were at that time.

"A lot of potatoes, Boss, this time we finally don't have to buy food from that Cao Paipi, so there are enough potatoes for us to eat through winter." A high-ranking supernatural being under Chief Wu's subordinates held a large handful of potatoes. Hehe said to Director Wu Ji.

Director Wu slapped this senior supernatural user on the head and said, "Just you guys with a big belly, you still eat until winter? Did you pass elementary school math? It's almost enough to survive until autumn. After a few days, wait for the weather to clear up." It's so hot, let's plant another crop."

The high-level power user said with a smirk: "Boss, haven't I seen so much food? It was a miscalculation. I couldn't get enough of the food that Cao Papi gave me before. I got up in the middle of the night and poured water when I was hungry."

When Director Wu heard this, his heart began to feel sour. All these years, the base was only relying on real estate, earning points, but without connections, even if you have more points, what is the use?It's not that food can't be bought.

It was not easy to get in touch with Cao Derun from that private base. That man was cruel and merciless, but almost took away a building from him in two years, and he took a lot of points. The food in exchange will also feed the entire Residents of the base.

But it is impossible to eat enough. Once he wanted to buy more food, Cao Derun would hypocritically shirk and save some for other bases, but who knew that he would stuff food into other people’s yards for free in order to please the leaders above.

But now it's not Cao Derun, don't even think about taking a penny or a piece of land from him, Director Wu looked at the warehouse full of potatoes and thought proudly.

In the evening, Director Wu's canteen at Base B finally supplied enough food in the 10th year of the doomsday, so that everyone in the base could have a full meal.

The cafeteria was silent, some people had happy smiles on their faces while eating, while others shed tears silently while eating.

Director Wu Ji and his deputy were also in the cafeteria. The deputy felt the long-lost sense of fullness in his abdomen and said with emotion: "Thank you so much this time, Mr. Chu An, if it weren't for him, we would still be worrying about how to get rid of Cao's skin." How about some more food in your hand?"

Base Chief Wu stretched himself to the point of being unable to walk, he spread out on a chair in the cafeteria and said thoughtfully: "You said to provide Mr. Chu An with a copy of our base's household registration and a real estate certificate of a villa, you Would he be willing to settle in our base?"

The deputy said dumbfoundedly: "You are not afraid that Zhang Jichang will come to you to practice boxing. When you were still in the army, you never beat him. Besides, if Mr. Chu An cared about this little money, he would not give it to you. The technology is released."

Director Wu Ji also knew that he was whimsical, and he murmured unwillingly: "What if we have beautiful mountains and rivers here, I can't tell."

The deputy poured a cup of tea for Base Chief Wu and said: "Mr. Chu An was raised by their base since he was a child. With Mr. Chu An's level of affection, he will never leave. Let's go with Mr. Chu An. We will do whatever he tells us to do."

Jichang Wu patted his thigh and said, "You're right, I still have hundreds of barrels of nutrient solution left, counting the time, Mr. Chu'an's second crop of potatoes for replanting has not yet been harvested, maybe this Hundreds of barrels of nutrient solution just solved their urgent needs."

Base Chief Wu did what he said, and the next day he asked the convoy to take hundreds of barrels of his nutrient solution to Base A where Chu An was.

The sentinels on duty at the city gate immediately notified their superiors ecstatically when they learned that they were here to deliver the nutrient solution.

The head of the base personally went out to greet them, which made everyone in the team a little panicked. The deputy who led the team asked calmly: "Master Zhang, where do we put the hundreds of barrels of nutrient solution?"

The base chief signaled his subordinates to drive the truck out. He smiled at his deputy and said, "Let's go directly to the greenhouse. The lack of nutrient solution is severe now. It really solves our urgent need."

The deputy got into the same car with the head of the base. On the way, the head of the base said, "Have you harvested your potatoes? Haven't you reduced production?"

The deputy smiled and said, "Our base chief has asked us to stockpile a large amount of nutrient solution, but the production reduction has not been reduced. It is just that the drought has caused the consumption of nutrient solution to be really high, and it has almost doubled."

The head of the base felt a little strange, and he asked suspiciously: "Your nutrient solution consumption has nearly doubled?"

The deputy looked at the surprised expression of the base chief, and asked in confusion: "Isn't your base consuming so much nutrient solution? I asked several bases, and the consumption is almost the same."

While talking, they finally arrived at the planting base that had been surrounded by the base. After entering the base through the checkpoint at the gate, the deputy looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

The endless greenhouse is full of plants. Apart from the potato plants that the deputy is already familiar with, there are also some other vegetables.

He even spotted a row of peppers in a greenhouse at the far end.

But with so many plants planted, how did they ensure the supply of nutrient solution?The deputy thought suspiciously.

The supply of so many greenhouses for the entire base can also be supplied, but that should be during normal weather rather than drought.

Thinking about this, the deputy also asked: "Master Zhang, how does your base maintain the supply of so many greenhouses? In the case of drought, the nutrient solution is guaranteed not to evaporate, unless there are expensive temperature and humidity control facilities, but I looked in the greenhouse and it doesn’t seem to be there?”

The base chief looked at the bewildered eyes of the deputy, and asked in a little surprise: "Didn't your base cover the greenhouse with a sunshade net?"

"Sunshade net?" the deputy asked suspiciously.

The base chief pointed to the soldier who was hanging a layer of black net material in the greenhouse and said: "When the sun is about to be scorching hot, just cover the greenhouse with a layer of sunshade net, and the consumption of supernatural nutrient solution will not be reduced." increase by how much."

Speaking of this, the head of the base began to brag about his eldest nephew: "I didn't believe it when Chu An said this idea. After all, where do you buy sunshade nets these days, and you don't buy them online or deliver them to your door, but who knows He directly found a bunch of sunshade nets from the abandoned flower and bird market, and when he put the sunshade nets in front of me, I realized that the black fabric on the flower and bird market used to be, and the effect of shading sunlight and heat is better than that of sunshade nets. Those expensive temperature controls are much better."

After finishing speaking, the base chief came back to his senses and met the shocked and sad eyes of the deputy. He seemed to understand something and asked cautiously.

"You...don't know?"

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small theater

Cao Derun: Millions of instruments were thrown into it.

Director Wu Ji: There is no limit to the nutrient solution.

Chu An: The sunshade net is hung up.

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