The district chief instantly understood why Chu An contributed these soilless cultivation techniques so selflessly.

Isn't that what An Lao was like back then?Before the doomsday, it clearly achieved the world's largest rice production, but directly contributed the patented technology to the country for free.

Before the doomsday, there were a total of five major grain merchants in the whole world, and the other four grain merchants held power tightly in their hands, as if they would lose money if others ate an extra bite.

And the only one that satisfies everyone at a pared price.

There are only national grain merchants backed by An Lao.

The district chief's eyes were moist. She was silent for a while, calmed down and said, "Comrade Chu An, just report what kind of equipment you need, and we will send it to you as quickly as possible."

Chu An said on the phone: "Thank you, leader, I will sort out the data of soilless cultivation as quickly as possible and send it to you."

The district chief shook his head and said to the other end of the phone: "No, it should be us thanking you. Don't worry, Comrade Chu An, there will be a lot of treatment you deserve."

The district chief ignored Chu An's refusal on the other end of the phone. In his opinion, Comrade Chu An was good at everything, except that he was too thin-skinned.

But for young people, their skin is indeed thinner than those old guys.

The district chief couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

Seeing the District Chief smiling like this, the leadership team asked a little scared: "What's going on? Why are you laughing so penetratingly, Lao Li? Comrade Chu An's handing over Tudou's public data made you so happy?"

The district chief shook his head and said, "No, I just think that the end is over and we still have a future, which is great."

The leadership team looked at each other, unable to understand what the district chief was saying here.

The district chief also didn't want to explain to the group of bosses who didn't understand her mood. She hummed a song in a good mood, and before leaving the meeting room, she specifically asked the minister of the armed forces: "Take someone to that base when you have time. There is one other suspect who has not been apprehended."

The Minister of Armed Forces found it strange, asking him to catch a petty criminal, isn't that a sledgehammer?However, the district chief's next sentence immediately made the Minister of the Armed Forces understand.

"The criminal suspect tried to slander Comrade Chu An. He clearly has a life in his hands, and there are traces of those forces behind him." The district chief said indifferently.

The Minister of the Armed Forces originally thought that he was overqualified, but when he heard that this matter was related to Comrade Chu An, he felt that no amount of caution could be overstated in this matter.

A poisonous snake is lurking next to his baby Pidao, and he hasn't caught it yet. If it were him, he wouldn't be able to sleep in the middle of the night.


However, Lin Liang is the one who really can't sleep. Since the supernatural person confessed him, he has never been out of the base, and you have never had a good night's sleep.

Whether it's changing clothes, changing hairstyle or changing appearance, as long as he is close to the gate of the base, there will always be three barriers blocking him.

Now in the base, everyone will take their ID card for verification when they go out. This is a difficulty for Lin Liang, who does not focus on this base.

The second is the ability detector. The fire-type ability will be tested every time he goes out. Of course, Chu An also compensated it, and it was a small vegetable that was screened out.

Although it looked shabby in Chu An's eyes, the fire-type superpowers all closed their mouths contentedly.

And the last checkpoint... Lin Liang gritted his teeth thinking about this.

This base actually borrowed a police dog from the superior for nothing!Don't they know that raising a dog costs more meat?Those dogs have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

The last time Lin Liang tried to get out of the base, he almost overturned his car in front of them. If he hadn't taken a girl hostage in the end, he might not have escaped.

Lin Liang looked viciously at the security management personnel who patrolled outside from time to time, and looked back at the girl who had been held hostage by him and returned, and then just sat there and looked down at the ground, wondering if it was the girl who was frightened and stupid.

Since you can't get out of the base, you can only come hard.

Lin Liang forcibly pulled the girl up. The girl seemed to want to resist, but this kind of weak force was useless in Lin Liang's hands.

The girl resisted and shouted: "I have no grievances with you, why did you arrest me? Everyone outside is saying that you have a problem with Mr. Chu An, why don't you go to him?"

The shameless look of the girl eager to find a scapegoat pleased Lin Liang. Lin Liang said with a smile: "Chu An? Just relying on his soilless cultivation technology, those forces will either recruit him or he will not survive."

The girl was still struggling, she seemed to realize that she had found the wrong scapegoat, and she wanted to cry without tears: "Then you had trouble with Mr. Chu An before!"

Lin Liang became impatient, and he roughly grabbed the girl and grabbed her by the neck, saying: "If I knew that he was the one who improved the soilless cultivation, I wouldn't bother him, and tell those people about him." Isn’t it good for power to get information fees?”

The girl calmed down strangely, and said as if she was talking to herself: "So you don't know about soilless cultivation, and you didn't spread the news."

Lin Liang felt something was wrong: "?"

Immediately, Lin Liang was thrown to the ground by a strong force. The last scene he saw before he passed out was a weak and helpless girl who looked at him with contemptuous eyes, and then kicked him, accompanied by a sharp pain , he fell into a coma.

Lin Liang was not too flustered after being caught and woke up, after all, there was still a big force behind him.

But for three days in a row, no one came to see him in the cell, not even a lawyer, so he panicked and tried to get the prison guards to contact his subordinates.

However, his subordinates came and brought bad news.

"Boss, why are you so desperate to offend this kind of scientific researcher?" His subordinates looked at Lin Liang loyally, "Don't blame your superiors, they also tried to get you, but they were all stopped by the top of the base." gone."

After his subordinates left, Lin Liang went back to his cell quite distraught, but if Lin Liang could accept his fate so quickly, he would not have climbed to this position.

Lin Liang made up his mind with dark eyes.

If you die, you have to pull a back.

When Chu An learned that Lin Liang had been arrested, he was preparing to plant potatoes.

Facing the enthusiastic base chief Chu An, he didn't just reply "Oh" like last time.


"I see, thank you Uncle Zhang."

This doesn't seem to be a word that makes people feel emotional.

Looking at the head of the base who seemed to have been splashed with cold water, Chu An's brain that had been exposed to the data for a long time only reacted belatedly.

"Nephew, you have to change your disposition of not caring about everything except scientific research, or you won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future." The director of the base said earnestly.

Chu An felt that what the head of the base said was very reasonable, so after providing a wave of vegetable benefits to the head of the armed forces of the big base who came to help and the female soldier who bravely sneaked into Lin Liang's side.

He handed in a plan for potato expansion.

The head of the base looked at the plan in front of him and then at Chu An. He went back and forth a few times. Just when Chu An thought he had something important to say, the head of the base sighed and said, "Why are you so obsessed with things other than scientific research? Why are things so careless?"

Chu An:?

The head of the base said while looking at the plan: "Lin Liang is going through the procedure now. He will be brought back when he is sentenced. He will be executed at the base. The court will hear the trial the day after tomorrow. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Chu An shook his head and said, "Leave Lin Liang to the court. Large-scale planting of potatoes is more important now."

The head of the base didn't understand why Chu An said that at first, but after a few months, he expressed the same emotion as Chu An.

"Lin Liang will be executed tomorrow. What are you telling me? You bothered me to help my eldest nephew collect potatoes." The base chief shouted at the soldier who came to inform him with a dissatisfied expression.

The soldier said with a look of embarrassment: "But if you don't go, the base chief, there will be no commander in the execution ground."

The base chief asked in a daze, "Where did everyone go?"

The soldier said helplessly: "Just like you, everyone asked for leave to help Mr. Chu collect potatoes."

On the execution ground, Lin Liang, who was about to slander Chu An before his death, looked at the empty space under the viewing platform and the very impatient bailiffs on the left and right.

Lin Liang:?


Chu An didn't know that his act of collecting potatoes this time made Lin Liang almost angry and died on the spot without being executed.

Chu An's potatoes were planted in the small town cleared out by Second Uncle Chu, and the base directly surrounded the small town.

They built several large greenhouses on this land in the new circle, covering an area of ​​tens of acres. When planting, Chu An directly called the supernatural beings in the cultivation base to help.

Originally, ordinary people could do this kind of work, but because the city walls of the town outside have not been well built, the safety of ordinary people here cannot be guaranteed for the time being, so they had to let the supernatural beings do these jobs.

However, due to the huge demand, the original superhumans could not meet the nutrient solution needs of these greenhouses at all, so the base began to recruit workers for the second time.

The difference between this time and the last time is that the base chief basically needed to be tricked and abducted last time before everyone was willing to come over, but this time the base chief's news was posted.The recruitment hall was almost overwhelmed by people with supernatural abilities.

This time, the head of the recruitment base clearly stipulated that only temporary workers are recruited, and the points are calculated according to the nutrient solution converted from the output of different energy. Of course, it can also be exchanged for food.

But even with such low-level 1.2-level abilities, the recruitment hall was still full, and the base chief had to send another person to register these abilities one by one.

These superhumans will not work in the greenhouse like the original supernatural employees, but have cleared out a factory building to produce nutrient solution in large quantities like an assembly line.

Although these low-level supernatural beings are said to have the title of supernatural beings, before Chu An improved the soilless cultivation technology, they could barely make ends meet.

Now that I have such a job opportunity, and can pay the salary according to the food, all the supernatural beings are crazy. The amount of nutrient solution produced in this factory surprised Chu An, although the price is that these supernatural beings go home erratically. , but judging from their joy of getting the food, they don't care about these little things at all.

The addition of these nutrient solutions has greatly eased the demand for nutrient solutions in the potato greenhouse.

On the day when all the potatoes were sown, the head of the base was also present. He looked at several greenhouses full of potato plants and almost cried in front of everyone.

Everyone in the base knew that day, they finally won't go hungry anymore.

The ability team in the base liked the fun of walking around the field and talking to the people in the base every time they went on a mission.

"You didn't see it. That greenhouse is so beautiful. I was very lucky. I saw it when someone went in. It was full of potato leaves. How many potatoes would it take if they all grew up?" The superhuman from the supernatural team patted his thigh and said to the base resident sitting next to him.

"It must be enough for one of our bases to eat for half a year." An aunt said in a dreamy tone.

The people in the base never tire of hearing about the greenhouse. Even though these supernatural beings say the same things, they just like to hear it.

And now these potatoes have finally grown.

The author has something to say: A moment of silence for Academician Yuan Longping, the country’s unparalleled scholar

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