Cal, who was sober, had to face the mess in front of him. He reluctantly came to the office under the urging of Hein.

But Hein understands Karl's arrogant temper very well. He just needs to set this young master up high and praise him non-stop, and he will grit his teeth for the sake of his own face and persevere.

Accompanied by 'Master Karl sure enough. ''I didn't expect you, Master Carl, to be so powerful. 'The voice Carl officially took over the noble custom booth.

However, the first thing Karl has to face is the problem of insufficient funds. Karl has never been troubled by money since he was a child. Financial assistance from his brother.

Then there was only one road left, and Karl tremblingly took out the invitation card handed to him by the nobleman in purple.

"What! The armor customization is similar to that of elves, and the queue will be faster than elves?"

Carl didn't want to come to this club at first, but the pressure of money made him experience for the first time what it means to bow to life, but fortunately, life is still very gentle to him, and he didn't encounter any difficulties. After customizing armor similar to that of the elves, the eyes of all the nobles present lit up.

The purple-clothed nobleman was the first to place an order, and handed over to Karl the style of elf armor that was presented at the exchange meeting: "Great, little Karl, the elves don't make those styles at the exchange meeting, although those styles will definitely be produced in the future." It caused a storm among the nobles, but it is said that those designs that are too complicated are designed by their royal highness, so it is not rumored, dear Karl, I can only rely on you."

When Karl returned to his office, he had already accumulated a thick pile of orders, most of which were in the style of elf armor. Although the armor still needs to be made in the shadow of the elves, it is still necessary to grab the market from the elves. makes him happy.

Carl sat in the office and thought arrogantly, if this news gets out, the elf prince who never looks straight at others might be so angry that he loses his composure.


Chu An did lose his composure, but he was happy.

God knows, after those armor orders were placed, Elven Forest complained more than once in the letter brought by Hedwig, "Your Majesty, don't accept the order because of insufficient manpower and time, we are really overwhelmed, and Buck's lame leg is almost due to During this period of time, the walking has become invisible, and the elves in the forge are about to change from the original slender and elegant to the unicorn arms.

Chu An has long been looking forward to having one or two copycats to share the burden for him, but the technical level is not up to the standard. To build Chu An's light and light armor, the manpower and material resources needed to be spent are twice or even more than Chu An's cost. More, and the protection ability is not good.

No one is willing to do business at a loss, so Chu An was both painful and happy in the face of the orders that came in for the past half month.

Now someone is finally willing to share the burden with him. When he learned that Karl fought with him because he was angry with his brother, he immediately sent Anthony a gift.

"My friend, thank you brother for sharing so many orders for me. After I sent the order back last time, Hedwig was almost pulled bald by the elders when Hedwig came back." Chu An's tone was light, while Anthony faced this situation. It's a weird situation, and I don't know what to do.

Anthony asked Chu An with complicated eyes: "Aren't you afraid that Karl will really steal your clients?"

Chu An took a sip of tea calmly and said, "Can he take away the batch manufacturing process or the elves?"

The support of the elf club has always been supported by multiple pillars. In addition to the craftsmanship of fencing and armor, the elegant and standard posture of the elves and the sense of relaxation that seems to be in nature every time they come to the elf club are the nobles' appreciation for the elf club. Reasons to linger.

Chu An would never put all his eggs in one basket. After seeing that the nobles of Mance had a lot of money, no one could stop him from spending money from the nobles of the Mance Kingdom to build the Forest of Elves.

Thanks to the nobles of the Mance Kingdom for their great support, more than half of the city wall of the Elf Forest has been completed, and the city walls are full of consumption by the nobles of Mance.

"But the business is not so easy to do, and then he should encounter the same problem as the Elf Club." Chu An put down his teacup, and during that time he had a terrible headache because of this problem.

Anthony also recalled the situation when the elf club turned into a vegetable market during that time. Although he was a little worried, his disobedient brother should indeed be taught a lesson.

It's time for Karl to grow up, and he should let go. He should be more obedient when he comes back with a broken head.

Anthony took a sip of tea in a relaxed manner and said, "I hope this kid can hold on. This time, I'm not behind him to support him."


Karl felt that he couldn't hold on. God knows why, after learning that he could customize styles that the elves did not customize, those nobles were like crazy, sending orders to him every day, and starting to quarrel over who would get the goods first Get up, and from time to time, the situation of using titles to overwhelm people appears.

So under Hein's reminder, Karl decided to go to the club to find a few more nobles and even the third prince to suppress the field. Unexpectedly, those nobles did not speak loudly, and were even very happy to come to him to testify, but the only one The requirement is that the armor made for them needs to be more suitable for the body shape of the elves at the exchange meeting.

"I can't get the armor worn by the elves, but it's not bad to make one myself. It doesn't matter if I wear it or not. It's just for viewing anyway." The freckled youth stroked the armor in front of him fascinatedly, Karl, who was looking at that expression, shivered, and his raised chin subconsciously retracted.

Although it is now in a competitive relationship with the Elf Club, seeing that the Elf Club is being stared at by such guests, Karl still can't help but feel sympathetic to the elves.

However, no matter how sympathetic Karl is, he will not be merciful. With the efforts of the dwarf master and Karl, his custom business can finally appear together with the elf club in the mouth of the nobles.

Karl looked at the surprised expression on the third prince's face who was pulled to help him, and raised his chin very proudly.

The third prince also did not hesitate to praise himself: "Karl, you are simply a genius. You are even better than your brother. I never thought that you could snatch this market from the elves."

Karl was a little blushed when he was praised by the third prince. You must know that when he went out to attend various banquets in the past, he would always be called "Anthony's younger brother". Under the shadow of him, he gradually couldn't get along with Anthony peacefully.

The third prince flaunted Carl's compliments and left, and in the next second, a person came out from the secret compartment of the third prince's study, and it was Hein.

"Things are done well. Carl, an idiot, really broke with his brother. I didn't expect this guy to have such talent, although he is not as good as his brother." The third prince pretended to be a good brother in front of Carl, He showed his impatience unabashedly in front of Hein.

Hain said at his desk: "Half of the armor market of the elves is now on our side, and the rest... rapiers are unable to supply in large quantities due to craftsmanship."

The third prince frowned and said, "What about those dwarves? Didn't they say that weapons are what they are best at? Why can't they even wield such a thin sword?"

Hayne quickly lowered his head and replied: "Forging can be made, but there are not enough dwarves, and the output cannot be increased."

"Then buy it for me. Our goal is to destroy the elf club, not really play this kind of housekeeping game with the elves." The third prince impatiently tapped the table with his knuckles.

Hain quickly nodded and said yes, so in the following time, there were many slave dwarves in the dwarf workshop that Karl had never been to, working overtime day and night, the third prince and Hain tacitly concealed Karl.

Karl would not turn a blind eye to these slave dwarves. After all, he had received an orthodox education from the Heyman family, so Karl would definitely stop him from exploiting slaves.

After Karl’s customized supply of nobles came up, many nobles no longer only had the option of elf clubs, especially when Hein played the brand made by Danmans with Mance, some of them even put themselves in the All the orders placed by the elf club were returned.

All of a sudden, Carl's aristocratic customization was in the limelight. When Carl went out to socialize, people no longer called him Anthony's younger brother. Occasionally, they even called Anthony Carl's elder brother.

Carl was almost fascinated by such flattery until the latest news came from the elf club.

All the bubbles dissipated endlessly after the elves released a notice that they would launch a light armor next week.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, he is still the same, immeasurable in the limelight, but only Karl understands that the party invitations and orders he has received have decreased a lot recently, and the nobles are looking forward to the new light armor launched by the elves.

"Master Karl, let's go to the elf club, and find out the news first?" Hein's expression was not very good when he heard the news.

Chu An was enjoying a rare leisure time. After Carl helped him share the pressure of the order, Elven Forest finally did not complain to him about the shortage of manpower, and Hedwig also came back smoothly.

Although the Forest of Elves is very angry at someone daring to copy the elves, it has to be said that this has brought Chu An a benefit. The employees in the forging room who were a little bit tired have started to work hard. It was originally planned to launch in the next year. The Ladies Light Armor is now available for sale.

Chu An sat in the hall and waited slowly for Luo Lan and the others to change into light armor and come out. At this time, several nobles who came in at the door caught his attention.

'It's Carl, what is he doing here today? Chuan watched Karl walk in with his chin raised, and he was keenly aware that the visitor might not be good this time.

Karl turned his head away when he saw Chu An at the first sight. For a nobleman like him, plagiarism is always disgraceful, no matter whether it is the style provided by the client or not.

But Hai En is different, new and old grudges are added together, he can't wait to tear Chu An's face to the ground right now.

He said in a strange way: "Long time no see, Your Highness the Prince of the Elf Clan, how are you doing recently? Thanks to you, I have been too busy with orders to come to your place to spend recently."

Hai En was waiting for the elf in front of him to either dismiss him or attack him angrily, but the green-eyed elf tilted his head and anyone could see the doubt on his face.

"Excuse me, is your Excellency?"

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