As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Qiao Mu packed up his things and prepared to go to the cooking classroom for special training. After the doomsday event 100 years ago, there was a shortage of talents in all aspects in various countries, so in the past 10 years They pay great attention to the cultivation of talents in other aspects.

Unlike before the end of the world, only a few professions will be respected.

Qiao Mu studied culinary art, which is the most popular major 100 years after the end of the world. As for why it is so popular...

"Qiaomu Qiaomu, did you watch the culinary competition last night? Chef Bai really deserves to be a chef with an entire soil cultivation laboratory standing behind him. All the ingredients he used last night were cultivated with soil I don’t know how many credits I spent just for the eggplant love.” A student who also studied cooking as Qiao Mu walked up to Qiao Mu and said excitedly.

One of the reasons is the culinary competition broadcast on time at 7 o'clock every night. This variety show is extremely popular among the people. They all like to watch soil-grown vegetables that they may not be able to afford in their entire lives. In such a program was squandered.

"Aren't the vegetables grown with soil similar in nutrition to the vegetables grown without soil? Why do you praise the vegetables grown with soil so much?" Qiao Mu asked suspiciously.

Qiao Mu was admitted to Capital Base University from a small base in the countryside. Before he was admitted to university, his knowledge of vegetables was limited to soilless cultivation of vegetables, and soil cultivation of vegetables is a luxury in his world. Never showed up.

The classmate glanced at the bumpkin in front of him with a little pity, and then explained triumphantly to Qiao Mu: "Isn't it because the soilless cultivation of vegetables will use special abilities and a lot of chemicals that make people worry, but Vegetables grown with soil are purely grown on non-polluted land, so they are definitely cleaner than vegetables grown without soil.”

Hearing such words, Qiao Mu suddenly felt that either he had learned biology in junior high school for nothing, or his classmates had learned biology in junior high school for nothing.

It is clearly written in the textbook that soilless cultivation is much cleaner than soil cultivation. After all, the substrate and water required for soilless cultivation are all sterilized, and the nutrition is also calculated. It is not like soil cultivation. , may suffer from pests and diseases due to soil problems.

The official has been determined to cultivate with soil, but it is because soil is much easier to obtain than those mechanisms and water. After all, soilless cultivation requires pipeline mechanisms and various nutrient solutions for input nutrients, although there are already reserves of abilities The facilities and nutrient solution are also extremely cheap, but the water or substrate needs to be changed every other harvest, which really makes the cost of soilless cultivation not come down.

However, Qiao Mu wisely chose to keep his mouth shut. After all, what the classmate said aroused the response of several students nearby. Although some people rolled their eyes at the classmate, since he would go to the cooking class with this group of classmates It is not good for his study if the class relationship is too rigid.

Qiao Mu packed up his things and followed his classmates to the cooking classroom.

He is very talented in cooking, especially in cooking vegetables. Even the teacher praised him for cooking the taste of soil vegetables in top five-star restaurants from soilless vegetables. This made his classmates envious, but there was no way to do it. In their impression, things like cooking really depend on talent, and unfortunately, Qiao Mu is the very talented person.

Qiao Mu is very uncomfortable with the teacher's praise. It is very happy to be praised for the taste of a five-star restaurant for the dishes he cooks, but when it comes to soil vegetables, Qiao Mu feels that even his happiness is discounted .

Obviously the two kinds of vegetables are the same. Is it possible that they are so sought after because of the soil vegetables, capital packaging and scarcity?

With this doubt in his mind, Qiao Mu finished class, and then came to the library, planning to borrow some books about vegetables to read back. He was holding the book list in his hand to borrow books one by one, but found that there was only one book left. The book was in the hands of a black-haired boy next to him.

The boy was holding the book about the history of soil cultivation and soilless cultivation with great interest. Qiao Mu waited beside him for a long time, and then whispered to the black-haired boy when he saw the black-haired boy turning the book to the end. : "Student, have you finished reading this book? I'm going to borrow this book to go back and read it."

Qiao Mu was a little embarrassed when he said this, but he didn't expect the boy to hand him the book very readily.

"Thank you, classmate, it seems that you also like the history of soilless cultivation?" Qiao Mu said excitedly after taking the book.

His hobbies seem out of place in a society that promotes soil cultivation, so he rarely finds like-minded people.

The black-haired boy nodded and said, "It can grow more food, can't it?"

Qiao Mu suddenly felt that he had found a bosom friend. He liked soilless cultivation because he could grow more food.

For Qiao Mu, who was a bit psychologically disturbed when he heard his grandfather tell about ancient times that they almost starved to death, as long as they could fill their stomachs, it was a good skill.

Although there is no intention to despise the soil cultivation technology, in Qiaomu's view, if it cannot be restored on a large scale to the scene before the doomsday, the soil cultivation technology is just a toy for the rich and a marketing gimmick.

So Qiao Mu, who finally found a bosom friend, went to the library to meet this friend every day during the next period of time.

Because this friend doesn't seem to like the way of online communication, so far he hasn't given his contact information, so Qiao Mu can only use this stupid method to communicate with this fellow friend.

But communicating with Qiao Mu, on the contrary, they gained the pleasure of talking face to face.

Especially when he found that this colleague was really sharp in speaking and could get some popular science from time to time, he went to the library more often.

"Brother An, the Chef Bai with the support of the Soil Cultivation Laboratory started showing off his wealth again today. Lettuce in oyster sauce can be sold to him for thousands of credits. Obviously, with our credits, he can buy a catty .” Qiao Mu whispered to the black-haired boy.

He still doesn't know the name of this colleague, but he only knows that there is An in his name. Qiao Mu called him Brother An to address him. Hearing this name, the black-haired boy was dazed for a moment, and then nodded his head as a sign of recognition. Under this name.

"Actually, lettuce grown with soil doesn't taste as good as lettuce grown without soil. The same goes for cucumbers." The black-haired boy replied softly while flipping through the history books in his hand.

Qiao Mu complained in disbelief, "Then how dare they sell it so expensive?"

The black-haired boy slowly turned a page and explained to Qiao Mu: "Those laboratories that grow soil vegetables are all backed by capital, and what capital can do to make money, you should learn in history class Pass."

Qiao Mu recalled the hard history textbook he had memorized before he was admitted to university, scratched the back of his head, and said, "There seems to be such a paragraph, but the textbook only said that the capitalists took risks to control the source of food and hurt our country's national treasures." The scientist is the academician Chu Anchu who brought the soilless cultivation technology to the present in one breath, that is the man who single-handedly ended the era of doomsday famine."

Speaking of this, Qiao Mu said with great indignation: "Those capitalists really don't have any good things, and the street lamps are not enough to hang them. If Academician Chu hadn't been clever at the time and brought a supernatural being by his side to protect him, we might not only have local vegetables being controlled by those capitals, but even food might not be able to escape the murderous hands of capitals."

When Qiao Mu was boasting to Academician Chu, he didn't notice that the black-haired boy next to him couldn't even read the book. His hands were trembling and he was pinching the pages of the book, crumpling the pages.

After finally waiting for Qiao Mu to finish boasting, the black-haired boy heaved a sigh of relief and stroked the page of the book he had just pinched with his hand, and then began to change the subject.

"So now soil-based vegetables are the profit-making tools these capitals have found. These capitals know that the rumors about soilless cultivation vegetables will bring them a greater effect, so they will add fuel to the flames and continue to discredit soilless vegetables. This is to achieve the goal of earning more funds." The black-haired boy said flatly, but Qiao Mu was so angry that he was about to jump up when he heard this.

"How can these capitals be so shameless? Could it be that they failed to achieve the goal of controlling food 100 years ago, so they changed it to controlling vegetables in modern times?" Qiao Mu still remembered that this was a library, so he could only suppress his voice.

The black-haired boy nodded, and said flatly: "It is very likely that based on the manipulation methods of these capitals, they are indeed going for this purpose."

"Brother An, do you think there is any way to expose these capitalist ambitions? If they are controlled, the consequences will be disastrous." Hearing Qiao Mu's anxious words, the black-haired boy felt question marks all over his face.

He looked up at the arbor, and asked with some doubts in his tone: "Do you know how many distribution areas soilless vegetables have in the whole country? And each base will have a soilless cultivation greenhouse specially used for emergency, where all the year round Potatoes and some other vegetables are planted to ensure the food supply of the base. Although it should be used as a feed reserve now, it will be emergency food in case of disaster."

Finally, the black-haired boy said in a flat tone: "Those capitalists just want to promote a luxury product, and they will not and cannot control the source of vegetables at all, unless they blow up all the greenhouses in the base."

Hearing these words, Qiao Mu inexplicably felt a sense of peace of mind, which was the sense of peace of mind after knowing that his survival was guaranteed.

Qiao Mu, who was immersed in this sense of love, faintly heard the black-haired boy mutter something, but he couldn't hear it clearly because the speech was too fast.

I only vaguely heard the sentence "not to mention...successful."

Qiao Mu buried this doubt in his heart.But after that conversation, An Ge disappeared in the library, and asked other students if they had met An Ge, and the other students also said that they had not seen him.

Until he was learning about the history of soilless cultivation of vegetables, he saw a photo of Professor Chuan when he was young in the textbook.

Exactly the same as the black-haired boy.

Qiao Mu was staring at the history textbook in a daze when his information terminal sent him a piece of news.

"my country's soil purifiers have successfully purified tens of thousands of acres of soil, and large-scale planting of soil-cultivated vegetables is no longer a dream! "


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 crazy girl;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Jia Huan; 1 bottle of Tang Yin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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