Looking at the master craftsman kneeling below, Chu An and the emperor felt helpless for a while.

It turned out that the emperor said that it was a gift for the queen when he explained it, so he directly informed the Imperial Manufacturing Office according to the specifications of the gift for the queen before. As a birthday present for the queen, the materials on this prescription were regarded as extremely precious materials at that time.

Even though it only wrote ordinary stones and sand, he was striving for perfection. However, he did not expect that this was his pursuit of perfection, which made the output of cement rare and expensive, which was completely contrary to the emperor's original intention.

Originally, the emperor just wanted to make an experimental product first, and give the experimental product to those in the Ministry of Industry for observation, so as to continue to expand production, but because the Jin people have frequently harassed the border again recently, the emperor was also very busy, and did not notice his order at all. The cement that went down was slow.

After the matter of the Jin man was settled, and the queen's birthday banquet was approaching, he called on Chu An, the original owner who knew a lot about cement, to see if there was anything that needed to be modified, and he happened to see this so-so.

The emperor rubbed the center of his brows with a headache. The old people in the imperial building really have a good memory, but their thoughts are still circling around serving the royal family. Looking at the uneasy expression on the emperor's face, the master craftsman kneeling below has already sweated. .

However, after Chu An inspected the cement made by the master craftsman, he touched the concrete platform made of cement made by the master craftsman thoughtfully, and knocked again.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this master has indeed done it before, but he has made a lot of contributions. The cement he made is much harder than the previous ones. Although the cost is expensive, rich businessmen from aristocratic families should know how to use it. I like it better." Seeing that the emperor was about to punish the master craftsman, Chu An hurried forward to stop him.

This kind of national treasure-level talent who can develop new types of cement purely by hand must not be hurt a little bit, but he just likes to use good materials, which is a bit regrettable, but although ordinary people cannot afford it, princes and nobles can use it Get up.

After looking at each other with Chu An, he thought about his poor private treasury, and the eyes of the emperor, who could barely afford to give gifts to the queen, suddenly lit up.


The newly opened cement shop in the capital has become the most popular talking point in tea houses and restaurants, especially the samples displayed in the cement shop, which amazed everyone.

The most expensive cement slab cannot be broken directly with a hammer, and the middle-grade one has only some debris. The eyes of the wealthy families who were planning to repair their houses lit up.

Moreover, the propaganda made by the cement shop is particularly tempting. It uses a few things recently released by the Ping An Inn. After these things are confirmed to be true, they are made into jokes by the storyteller in the teahouse. After earning money, all the storytellers in the teahouse began to tell these jokes.

For example, a chivalrous man wanted to make trouble in Ping An Inn, but he wanted to lift a chair but couldn’t lift it, and he couldn’t lift a table.

For example, a flower picker wanted to enter the Ping An Inn through the window on the second floor, but was caught by the concrete railing outside the door and window. It was not until the yamen went to work the next morning that someone rescued him.

These jokes have greatly enriched the spare time life of the people in the capital, although those knights are good at fighting for justice.But many of the things they damaged in their chivalry were their money.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with ordinary people, but after these jokes were publicized, many ordinary people also became interested in it, and after seeing it in the cement shop, they couldn't move.

Who made the lowest-grade cement even a little richer common people can afford to buy it, and after seeing that cement can be made into various styles, not only common people who lack furniture and rich families who need repairs at home, even Some opened small restaurants, and the merchants of the taverns directly gritted their teeth and bought back mid-range cement.

For merchants who often have heroes drinking and fighting in their inns, the monthly repair fee alone is enough to give them a headache, but they dare not ask those murderous knights for money. Well, some decent young heroes will leave some scattered silver taels, but those evil ways and little people don't dare to go forward to ask for it.

This also leads to the fact that the inns in the capital are the best and most difficult to open. The good thing is that as long as they dare to open, they can have guests. The difficulty is that the knights will follow after the guests come. The repair costs brought down many inns that opened stores in the capital.

So you can imagine how important it is for the inns in the capital to keep the tables and chairs from being smashed, which saves a lot of repair costs every month.

"...Look at the chivalrous men who have caused trouble in the Ping An Inn these days, which one was not directly pushed down on the concrete table and knocked on the head, and they paid money and apologized. Our family is not like Ping An The inn can hire such a master as the waiter."

The owner of Yuelai Inn said to his daughter-in-law who asked him why he didn't keep the money for repairs: "And his owner is an imperial merchant, a 15-year-old imperial merchant, think about his identity, your husband-in-law and I are I opened a broken inn, so don't think too much, let my son bring the mold from the backyard, I will pour the cement on it, and when the cement is dry, our family will no longer have to pay for the monthly repair fee I'm worried."

His daughter-in-law was skeptical about his words, so of course she asked her son to go to the backyard to bring the mold and let him pour the cement on it.

After the cement was completely dry, the owner of Yuelai Inn carefully removed the wooden planks and tapped on the gray tabletop, and found that it was very solid. His son was also very curious, so he slapped it directly, and then covered the pain. His hands were screaming loudly, which attracted the attention of the guests.

However, after the concrete table of Yuelai Inn was poured, the owner of Yuelai Inn never worried about the table again. All the heroes who fought in Yuelai Inn were impressed by the cement table.

Some tried to lift the table, but they flashed their backs with too much force; , As a result, the hammer hurts my hand.

After seeing the good results of the cement table in Yuelai Inn, other small inns flocked to the cement shop and bought back medium cement. It is not that they do not want to buy high-end cement, but it is too expensive. A bag of cement 100 taels of silver, is this cement made of gold?

But fortunately, a medium-sized cement table is enough, as for the low-grade floor tiles that are pasted and cracked, it is okay. I am afraid that the table will return to the days when I was worrying about repair costs.

There are other inns in the capital who have owners. After quickly learning the trick of using cement as tables and chairs, the number of chivalrous guests who often fight has dropped sharply. Even the law and order has improved a lot, which surprised the governor of the capital.

And Zhang Huangshang, who had inquired about the news from Yinna of the capital, came to the alliance gathering of the imperial merchants again.

"So we have nothing to do with that kid?" Huang Huangshang slammed the table hard and said angrily.

His family is in the timber business, and after the so-called cement came out, his family's business dropped sharply. Even the old customers who used to order tables and chairs from his house no longer came. How many performances he has created, why is he no longer competitive?

"Then what else can you do with people? The owner behind this cement pants is not only that. Besides the Western Region Imperial Merchant, there is also the emperor's shareholding in it. You can move the Western Region Imperial Merchant as you like, but do you dare to touch the emperor's money bag? "Zhang Huangshang rolled his eyes and said.

Zhao Huangshang picked up the teacup leisurely, skimmed off the tea foam and said, "So now we have a clear and clear result whether we want to win over this kid or suppress him."

The imperial merchants present were all silent, and they dared to just wrestle with the guy from the Western Regions, but with the emperor added, let alone the emperor of the Western Regions, they can't wait to carry him to join their alliance now.

Zhao Huangshang said to them comfortingly: "Fortunately, none of you are upright or upright to oppose them. You know about the martial arts conference organized by Biyun not far from the capital?"

Huang Huangshang curled his lips in disdain and said: "The meeting where the Wu lunatics gathered to fight? I don't know that the emperor will allow such a meeting to exist."

Zhao Huangshang said sarcastically: "Come on, those martial lunatics you mentioned helped our emperor take the Western Regions back from the hands of the golden men. For this credit alone, the emperor can't do too much. "

Seeing that Huang Huangshang and Zhao Huangshang were about to quarrel, the other emperors hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Okay, okay, what kind of temper is Lao Huang? Don't you know Lao Zhao? He just keeps talking. Quickly tell me what is the relationship between the martial arts conference held by the Biyun faction outside the city and that imperial merchant from the Western Regions?"

Then Zhao Huangshang said leisurely: "One of my nephews was sent to Biyun School to learn martial arts. This kid was eliminated in the martial arts conference. He came home two days ago and told me that the Western Regions Huangshang was originally A martial arts sect in the Western Regions is called the Lieyan Sect, and it came to the Central Plains only after being granted the title of Emperor Merchant by the grace of the Holy One."

Hearing this, Huang Huangshang sneered disdainfully and said: "Isn't it just a martial arts sect? He made it so mysterious and said it's a good thing we didn't face him head-on, so what if we did face-to-face? ? They can still take me..."

Halfway through Huang Huangshang's speech, he heard Zhao Huangshang interrupted.

"The Lie Yan Sect ransacked all the horse bandits who robbed houses in the Western Regions half a year ago."

Zhao Huangshang quietly looked at the words on his lips, and then held back Huang Huangshang said: "Except for the chief culprit who was sent to the government, the whereabouts of the remaining people are still unknown."

Finally, Zhao Huangshang added slowly: "It is said that this is a traditional activity of the Lieyan Sect, and the leader will personally appear on the stage, showing force to deter the Western Regions. By the way, the last time the horse bandits were robbed was led by this little young lord... .”

"The kind that plays in person."

Huang Huangshang was quiet for a while, and said.

"Do you think it's useful for us to invite that little ancestor to join our alliance now?"

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small theater

Chu An, who just came to Beijing: a silly, white and sweet poor ghost from the Western Regions.

Chu An now: (Godzilla growls) Oh——

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