"Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao! Did you find out? What is the origin of the imperial merchant that entered the city a few days ago? Why haven't you heard of it before?" In the largest teahouse in the capital, a group of middle-aged men in rich and noble The man was sitting in the private room with his fat belly, eagerly asking the skinny man who had just entered the door.

I saw that the thin man was wearing a dark brown ice plum pattern and gold brocade jacket, and there was a glass jade safety buckle hanging on his waist, which gave him a very rich and noble appearance.

As soon as Zhao Huangshang pushed open the door of the box, he was urged by these allies who were also Huangshang. He said impatiently: "What are you urging? What are you urging? Didn't you just inquire about it?"

The allies couldn't help being a little embarrassed, only to realize that they had really lost their composure before.

But there is no way, who made the luxurious carriage of the imperial merchant too conspicuous, and they have never heard of this person in the capital.Don't you have to hurry up and make a sound to confirm whether it is to win or suppress?

Recalling the grand occasion a few days ago, the wealthy businessmen couldn't help but slap their tongues. The thirty large carriages entering from the south gate of the capital were already extremely conspicuous. However, the most conspicuous ones were not the thirty large carriages, but the The large carriage surrounded the luxurious carriage in the middle.

The luxury carriage was like a small house, with extremely luxurious decorations, the door curtains seemed to be made of gold wire, and even the horses pulling the carriage were top horse kings, the old horses in the carriage business had straight eyes Now, if it weren't for the guards holding knives next to the carriage, the old horse would have jumped on him and shouted violently.

With such strong financial resources, I really don't know which company came from it. Could it be a salt merchant from the south of the Yangtze River?It's impossible, the salt merchants dared to enter the city so arrogantly, isn't this waiting for the emperor to kill them?

The imperial merchants couldn't help but began to contact each other, and invariably arranged the location at the largest teahouse in the entire capital. Some of the imperial merchants in the capital formed an alliance in order to protect their interests, but only the imperial merchants themselves knew how true or false.

But this time, for the sake of that foreign imperial merchant, it was the first time that the imperial merchants who had formed an alliance came back so neatly.

"Old Zhao, why did that imperial merchant come from the south of the Yangtze River or the north?" An imperial merchant surnamed Zhou asked anxiously. His family was in the business of medicinal materials, but it had gone downhill. It just kept the name of Huangshang.

If the new Huangshang's business overlaps with his family's business, he can't compete with the other party's financial resources.

Zhao Huangshang curled his lips and said: "Take your heart to heart, that guy is neither from the north nor from the south of the Yangtze River."

The imperial merchants present questioned: "Where can it come from?"

Zhao Huangshang pointed to the west side and said disdainfully, "That piece of land I just came back a few years ago."

The originally tense nerves of the imperial merchants all relaxed. Zhou Huangshang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Old Zhao, you should have said it earlier, so it turned out to be the barbarians from the Western Regions."

The imperial merchants of the alliance also echoed. After all, in their impression, the Western Regions are poor and have no resources worthy of praise. There are also horse bandits and uncontrolled Western Regions. For the big imperial merchants, it was a scene like hell.

And these years, because the emperor supported the Western Regions, the imperial merchants also dealt with those barbarians from the Western Regions. However, those people were either too barbaric to look directly at, or they looked like they had never seen any good things, as if they wanted to snatch them back when they saw them.

The imperial merchants breathed a sigh of relief, as for the luxurious carriage displayed by the imperial merchant?

Who knows where this barbarian from the Western Regions got this luxury carriage, maybe it was snatched from a previous house robbery.

With this in mind, the imperial merchants returned home in a happy mood. After a good night's sleep, when they woke up again, they heard their subordinates coming forward to report anxiously.

"Master, it's bad! That imperial merchant from the Western Regions directly took down the largest inn in our entire capital!"


The people in the capital have seen enough of the novelty recently. First, the luxury carriages from the Western Regions directly became the talk of the entire capital, and then this imperial merchant from the Western Regions directly bought the largest Lanyuan Inn in the entire capital. , although you have been going downhill in Lanyuan Inn, but the price is not affordable by ordinary businessmen.

Afterwards, I saw those big-armed guards who followed Huangshang into the city, directly pulled a large cloth to surround the entire entrance and exit of Lanyuan Inn, and then heard the sound of tinkling inside, as if they were smashing against the wall.

Some old people in the capital sighed, if it wasn't for the fact that there were no high-ranking officials living around the Lanyuan Inn, they would have seen the governor of the capital a long time ago just based on the noise they made.

The tinkling sound lasted for several days before it stopped, and then I saw carts of bricks and things that were covered with cloth and could not be seen clearly transported into Lanyuan Inn, and then There was almost no sound in the Lanyuan Inn except for the voices of people, until one morning, with the crackling of firecrackers, Lanyuan Inn, shouldn’t it be renamed Ping’an Inn and officially opened.

Unlike the common people who entered the Ping An Inn with the mentality of watching the excitement, the imperial merchants were not as interested as the common people.

The imperial merchants once again gathered in the largest tea house in the capital, but this time there was no relaxed atmosphere as at the end of last time. They all turned their accusing eyes on Zhao Huangshang, who was in charge of inquiring about the news last time.

"Old Zhao, didn't you say that the imperial merchant is a barbarian from the Western Regions? Where did he get so much money to sell the Lanyuan Inn directly?" The one who said this was Zhang Huangshang, who was in the fabric business, but he The brother-in-law opened the inn, didn't the emperor blatantly compete with his brother-in-law for business?

Zhao Huangshang said angrily: "God knows where they got so much money, and what's the use of accusing me now, and I didn't see you taking advantage of that barbarian from the Western Regions to decorate the inn?"

Zhang Huangshang shut his mouth when he heard this. It's not that he didn't move, but that the people he sent out were spotted by those burly guards before they were within the range of the inn. When the servant came back, he was all shit Yes, and trembling and stammering, he told him that those guards had definitely seen blood.

Thinking of the tough folk customs of the Western Regions, Zhang Huangshang had long since thrown the idea of ​​attacking the barbarians of the Western Regions behind him. He really sent someone there, but he didn't know who would kill whom.

After Zhang Huangshang died down, the box was silent for a while, and the royal merchants looked at each other. After a long time, Zhou Huangshang said: "Then what is our attitude towards this imperial merchant from the Western Regions? To attract membership or to suppress it?"

Solicit membership?

The imperial merchants were really unwilling to win over a barbarian from the Western Regions, but to suppress...

The imperial merchants couldn't help but shudder when they recalled the guards all around the big mansion where the barbarian from the Western Regions lived.

In the end, it was Zhao Huangshang who made the final decision and said: "Let's send someone to find out what the road number of his inn is, and see the specific situation, and then we will draw down the road."

It was the first time that the imperial merchants agreed with Zhao Huangshang's words with such concerted efforts.

Today the Ping An Inn welcomed a special guest. Looking at the silk, satin and gold and silver jewels on this person, he looked incompatible with the other caravans that came to the Ping An Inn.

This man was obviously a little uncomfortable being stared at by the surrounding caravans, so he quickly signaled the attendant to ask for a private room. When the attendant communicated with the front desk in the hall, this man began to look up and down the inn.

This inn was obviously remodeled on the basis of the original Lanyuan Inn, but unlike the Lanyuan Inn, they layered the entire three floors very thoroughly, not like other inns. You can see the corridor on the 1nd floor from the lobby on the 2st floor.

Zhang Huangshang looked at the dazzling chandelier above his head, and his heart sank. His brother-in-law also discussed it at the dinner table when he was running the inn. If his inn could add half the rooms, the profit would be doubled directly. When the other inns are full, only your house has spare rooms, so why don't the guests just stay at your house?

Such a strategy may not work very well in a small place, but where is it?This is the capital!The imperial examination candidates, business caravans, and small officials from other places who come to the capital every year fill up the inns in the entire capital.

And after staying in the Ping An Inn for a day, Zhang Huangshang, who experienced the service of the Ping An Inn, felt that something was wrong.

The comfort of the room in the Ping An Inn is beyond the reach of his brother-in-law. The quilt is like a cloud, and the toilet has no peculiar smell. He can solve his physical problems without even going out of the room in the middle of the night.

And the food made by Ping An Inn is full of exotic flavors, so that those businessmen who are used to eating everything after traveling all over the world can eat a fresh one, not to mention that they also provide very delicious dry food. It is extremely important to have such a delicious dry food that does not strain the throat and can be stored during the exam.

What's more, the rooms in Ping'an Inn are not that expensive. Except for the big rooms on the third floor that can accommodate a whole family, the rest of the rooms are charged according to the most common room price in the entire capital.

Zhang Huangshang, who lived in the Ping An Inn for a day, hurried back and told his brother-in-law everything, and then he didn't care anymore. He was able to help his brother-in-law to inquire so much, it was the best of humanity.

Song Hui begged his brother-in-law to help him several times, but he didn't get a response. Seeing that his pleading didn't work for his brother-in-law, Song Hui understood that this time he really had to rely on himself.


Song Hui rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea.

"Shopkeeper, you don't have a guest room here either?" A group of swordsmen uniformly dressed in blue-patterned white robes stood in the lobby of Song Hui's inn, and one of the swordsmen who looked like a big brother said with a calm face.

Song Hui saw the swordsman's stern expression, and said tremblingly: "Yes, sir, we really don't have any guest rooms here."

The elder sister sighed, and was about to persuade the elder brother to find another inn when the shopkeeper said.

"However, we have opened a new inn here. That inn has many guest rooms. You should be able to live there. Just turn right along this street and you will see the tallest house." Song Hui forced a smile Said.

The swordsman was no longer sullen. After hearing that there was an inn that could accept them, he cupped his fists and said thank you to the shopkeeper, then led his brothers and sisters towards that inn.

He didn't notice the sinister smile on Song Hui's face after watching them leave the inn.

The author has something to say: Please comment and collect

small theater

What are the characteristics of the martial arts world?

There will always be accidents in martial arts meetings, there will always be a hypocrite, and there will always be a wounded inn


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of leisurely looking back suddenly;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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