At the beginning, the Xuelian faction hadn't realized it and would be unable to say anything, but when he realized it, his face turned purple from anger.

Seeing the right protector with a mocking smile on his face, the leader who felt humiliated subconsciously slapped him, but the right protector didn't dodge or dodge, still looking at the leader with a smile on his face.

The head of the sect subconsciously felt that something was wrong, no matter how superb the right protector's martial arts were, under the attack of a top master like him, it was impossible to escape without dodging or dodging.

But regardless of whether the Right Protector was frightened and stupid, or if there is some secret trick, let's take his palm first.There was a sinister look on the head's face.

However, when the master's palm was about to touch the right guardian, his arm was firmly grasped by a hand, which was like iron tongs, preventing the master from moving, and then he was firmly held get it under control.

The sect leader struggled to free himself, but when he saw who was holding his arm, he was shocked and screamed out!

"Iron Hand Qi Yan! Didn't he have a broken leg and can't fight? Why do you still keep him?" The head of the sect was very puzzled. Martial artists who lost their fighting power in the Western Regions are useless. If the sect is kind, it will support him. For a while, but not too long, gradually these people will be forgotten by the public, and then die in a corner.

If there are family members, it’s okay to say, but those who don’t have family members may die for several years and no one will find out.

The guardian pharaoh on the right sat there comfortably and said: "Who made my young master merciful? Even the congregants who were injured and disabled because of the sect were cared about."

The head of the Snow Lotus Sect was so angry that he was going crazy, but Qi Yan, the iron hand, held his hand tightly, making him unable to break free at all. Back then, Qi Yan, the iron hand, relied on this kung fu in his hand to almost fight with the left and right guardians. The same name, but who would have thought that a battle would make the iron hand Qi Yan sadly withdraw from everyone's sight.

Iron Hand Qi Yan felt that the head of the Xuelian faction was struggling too much, and signaled his cleaning staff to take the rope, and together they bound the head of the Xuelian faction firmly.

Guardian Right looked at the leader of the Snow Lotus Sect who was restrained in a panic, hooked the corners of his lips, and said, "Originally, if you didn't come to the leader this time, the Lieyan Sect would not treat you like this, but you are the leader. Don't blame Lie Yanjiao for not eating the meat that is in his mouth, I don't know what price the head master plans to pay to redeem your life."

The leader who calmed down felt that he was so reckless, and shot at their right guardian in the territory of Lie Yanjiao, which was not like his usual style. Then he looked up, and the right guardian seemed to be like an old fox. With a smile on his face, he understood everything, fearing that it wasn't the right protector who deliberately provoked him, but he didn't realize that he fell straight into his pit.

The leader stopped struggling, and said calmly, "Let's make a price for the right protector."

This time he was defeated, but if Lie Yan teaches the lion to open his mouth, don't blame him for turning his back and breaking the contract.

"The master is very straightforward, I want Xuelian to teach all the caravans..." As soon as the words fell, the master struggled recklessly before he finished speaking, wanting all their caravans?Why didn't the Right Protector just let them hand over the Snow Lotus Sect?

The right protector stretched out his hand and made a stop gesture, squinted his eyes and said: "Don't get excited, master, I haven't finished talking yet, what I want is the fixed route of all the caravans under the name of Snow Lotus Sect, and their future accommodation." The points are all set at the inn under the name of our Lie Yanjiao."

"How? This request is not too much."

The headmaster looked suspiciously at Guardian You, he couldn't believe that such a fox-hearted guy would make such a simple request.

"Ah, of course the spies you gave us before will not be returned, and we will also detain the goods you brought over this time." The right guardian looked at the headmaster and heard the request. The tone of the situation makes them feel a little speechless. They originally planned to let them go with good intentions, but in the end they had to bleed some blood before they were relieved.

After writing the regulations and drawing the deposit, the two copies of the contract were kept by the head and the user law respectively.After the head of the Snow Lotus Sect came back upstairs in a huff, Guardian You ordered Qi Yan to keep an eye on the Snow Lotus Sect, and then began the usual security checks.

This security check is mainly for the opening ceremony, to prevent people with intentions from sneaking in or disrupting their ceremony. This opening ceremony not only informs everyone that there is a very novel inn here, it is also for the establishment of the young master. Wei, you can't go wrong.

The first thing Guardian You came to was the kitchen of the logistics department, which was responsible for the food for the logistics staff and the preparation of the ingredients needed by the inn.

When I opened the door, I saw more than a dozen congregants gathered in the kitchen of the logistics department. However, except for half of the congregants who came out to work and subsidize their families, the rest of the congregants were all disabled or looked very weak.

As if he didn't see it, the right protector took out a handful of silver needles and inserted them into these ingredients one by one, and as the right protector inspected, each and every congregation was familiar with the places that needed to be checked, and the removal did not affect the work. .

Watching the skillful and unsloppy movements of these congregants, the Right Protector felt that the young master recruited these congregants who were like transparent people in the congregation because of their disabilities to work as logistics staff in the inn, which was really the right thing to do.

These congregants were unable to do heavy work due to physical reasons. Although the Lieyan Sect helped to support them, these originally all-powerful knights could not accept that they would become wastes that depended on others in this life.

Although there will be tasks for coaches and bodyguards, at least they must not affect force, and only a small number of disabled church members can be selected.

The work in the inn just provided a job opportunity for these knights. When these knights learned that the young master still remembered them, they burst into tears.Although they were old, disabled and useless, their young master still remembered him, and provided them with such a livelihood that allowed them to rely on themselves, so that they did not become the useless people that other sects in the Western Regions said.

The other members of the Lieyan Cult didn't care about where the disabled members went, but when the disabled knights returned to the church with radiant faces.Many people were surprised and asked what the young master asked them to do?

These disabled congregants happily told all about their work and what they had seen and heard in the inn.

The congregants first exclaimed for the 5-story building, and then learned that even if they were old and disabled, the young master would find jobs for them. up.

These disabled congregants finished their holidays and boasted to the neighbors around them. After enjoying the envious eyes of other congregants, they returned to the inn to change shifts, waiting for other guests who came to the inn's opening ceremony. .

The Snow Lotus Sect was the first to arrive, and they were also the closest to the inn, followed by other scattered guests. At first, these congregants were very nervous, for fear that they would mess up the young master's affairs.

However, after receiving a few more waves of guests, their nervousness gradually receded. Their proficiency in work is one aspect, and the other aspect is the performance of those guests.

Those guests outside the door were all disdainful or pretending to be calm, but after seeing the decoration of the entire hall inside, without exception, they all turned into the expressions of bumpkins entering the city. It was a novelty again, after all, it was rare to see those big figures so restless.

But fortunately, these knights are very good at nourishing qi, and they are so stunned that they can't see the gossip in their hearts.

After using the services inside, these guests lingered even more, and even asked Chu An if he could open more such inns?

Chu An is also considering this issue.

Expansion is not a big problem at this stage, but manpower is.

In this large hotel alone, the entire congregation of the Lie Yan Cult was mobilized by himself. Fortunately, there are horse bandits and those spies in the quarry and cement, but the management and service personnel of the hotel are not so good. Look, those disabled congregants can only do work in the later stage or cleaning, and put them in the positions of service personnel. Not to mention customers are not happy, even those disabled congregants themselves are not happy.

"Young master! It's not that we don't know good people. Isn't it scary to put us in front of us as service personnel with such a rough appearance?" An old church member who watched Chu Xiaoxiao grow up burst into tears Said.

Chu An had no choice but to give up this idea silently, and then put some of the spare maids in his palace into the hotel on a voluntary basis, but there were still not enough people.

When Chu An was most short of people, seeing a congregation pass by him, Chu An's eyes would glow green. If it wasn't for rationality reminding Chu An, he might have pushed the left and right guardians to the door to welcome the guests.

Although what they are doing now is almost the work of welcoming guests.

Chu An, who pushed all the entertainment to the left and right guardians, felt guilty for a while in his heart, but then put the guilt behind him and began to think about the issue of raw materials.

Needless to say, steel bars can be ordered directly from the official workshop. Although the demand is a bit high, but at least there is a country behind it, Zhang Fangzhu should not even be able to produce such a small amount of steel... right?

However, with regard to cement, those spies and horse bandits digging stones and cement are about to be overloaded. According to Zuo Hufa, those spies and horse bandits can no longer think of harming the Lie Yanjiao at all. After all, they have finished their work now. After 4 hours, when they go back to sleep and fall asleep, it is already the second morning. Even if they have thoughts, they still have time to implement them.

Chu An looked at the two problems listed by him on the paper in front of him and summed it up in one sentence, lack of people.

Chu An sighed, staring at the two questions on the paper in a daze, and then heard a knock on the door. After Chu An signaled to come in, Guardian Zuo opened the door and said, "Young Master, Master Zhang is here."

Chu An specially ordered the left and right guardians before, and if Zhang Fangzhu must come to inform him, whether the house can be built depends on how much material Zhang Fangzhu can provide.

Hearing Master Zhang coming, Chu An's eyes lit up immediately, how could he forget this one?

With so many prisoners in the government's prison for nothing, it must be financially stretched. It's not the first time he heard Guardian You tell him how miserable the brother of landlord Zhang is in the Yamen.

Chu An excitedly went to find Master Zhang Chen, but was stopped by Zuo Hufa. Chu An looked up and found that Zuo Hufa had a strange expression on his face.

Chu An asked suspiciously: "Is there something wrong with Master Zhang?"

Zuo Hufa replied with a strange face: "Young Master, Fangzhu Zhang can't say that something is wrong, it can only be said that he lost his mind and went crazy."

"After all, I have never seen a person lying on the bottom of the wall and hitting the bottom of the wall with a hammer just after entering the house."

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Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Yu Luo Qianxun; 1 bottle of Mo Xiaoli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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