[Western Fantasy] Magic Chef

Chapter 7 Learning Magic Array (6)

Come on, the sleeping posture is not right, Moore's legs are pressed uncomfortably, interacting stiffly, hearing the neighing of the unicorn outside, Moore walked out, the soreness and numbness of his legs prevented him from strenuous activities.

"I swear, I will never sleep like this again, it's too uncomfortable," Adair took two steps, not as ugly as Moore, and instantly envied Adair's good health.

Going out, Adair secretly laughed behind her.

Moses saw Moore limping out of the tent, looking at the two people in front of him and one behind, his ambiguous eyes swept across Moore's buttocks, thoughtful.

Stanaro had no status between the two pairs of men, so he could only stomp his feet and tell Leonard that Moses had bad intentions, telling him to pay attention to his own safety.

Leonard didn't believe it. He couldn't talk about love around, so he doubted everywhere. He knew Moses.Yes, Leonard learned of the relationship between Moore and Adair through Stanaro's sensitivity.

As they got closer and closer to the North Pole, they wore thick clothes and cloaks made of Firefox's fur. Moses gave each of them one with great wealth, and Adair also had a lot of good things.

There is another interesting thing on the way, that is, at night, Adair writes furiously, and there are still two days left, and he has not finished it yet.

Moore knows the future, and Adair combines it to write content that Leonard will use, divide it into various chapters, and pay attention not to be too thick, keep it mysterious, and it is the wisdom of survival at first glance.

Content chapters: How to make the tribe live better, how to manage the tribe, prey distribution rules, future planning of the tribe, chapters on magic plants, chapters on monsters, chapters on alchemy, magic training, etc.

After finishing the draft, Adair transcribed it with the books he brought from the Kingdom of God, which can recognize the master, become invisible, shrink, and deform. Adair looked at the book that combined their wisdom and breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally completed. We will be in the forest tomorrow.

The author has something to say: finally let the two confess, survive in the cracks, originally between the protagonist's plot, now there is an extra god, can't resist, so I think about how to become better, fortunately, my son is very optimistic, and he can think about it (Why are you suddenly praising yourself)

☆, chess piece

Adair put the book away, and he hurriedly arranged for Stanaro to tell the location of the book of wisdom, and he wanted to make sure that Moses and Leonard got it at the same time.

There were low bushes on the periphery of the Anhui Erke Forest, they stopped, "Take a short rest, and then act after a comprehensive arrangement," there was no objection, and it was almost afternoon.

Adair said to Leonard: "I will hunt with Moore and prepare the food for the future." Leonard took the cloth and set up half of the tent, "Be careful, don't go to dangerous places."

Moore said: "Our goal is a second-level monster. I have prepared fat pigs, pheasants, and wheat flour." Leonard saw that he was ready, so naturally he had no objection.

Leonard shouted: "Mersius—come and help me." Moses picked up the other end, passed through the rope, and looked at Moore and Adair. Moses was not at ease with them, "You guys By the way, explore the way, Miss Stanaro, please show them the way, after all, you are familiar with the terrain here."

Stanaro has a fanatical belief in Leonard, and his attitude towards him is also respectful and loyal.Merseus didn't expect that Stanaro didn't know anything from the beginning.

Stanaro obeyed the order and led them to a safe path.

Moore smelled the humidity of the air. It had just rained here, and there were gray mushrooms growing under the big tree. Moore knew the delicious taste, so he picked a lot, and asked Adair and Stanaro to follow suit. It is also good to dry the mushrooms and save them for later use.

The black fungus was plucked from the rotten wood. Moore held one and said to Adair, "This is Moore too." , "Moore, how do you eat?" Looking at Moore's eyes, it was extremely ambiguous.

Moore turned his head away, "Hurry up and work," Stanaro blushed hotly, watching this scene, a dog man, a delicate beauty, was actually regarded as blind.

Adair smiled triumphantly, and heard the sound of humming in the distance, water sword passing through, and the sound of falling to the ground. Moore ran over and saw a fat pig, "Tonight, do you want to eat roast pig?" Moore asked , Adair raised his eyebrows, "I just met it, there will be more later," Moore put it away.

Bird eggs and fruits on the trees, pheasants in the grass, and hares have harvested a lot.Adair was hunting in the front, and Moore was picking it up behind. It was almost the same, and Moore told Adair to stop. They could eat for half a month during this hunting.

Moore vaguely saw the mountain in front of him. The top of the mountain was white and towering into the sky. This was the first time Moore saw snow in this world, pure and beautiful.

Stanaro stopped him, "Going forward, it is the Stanaro Swamp, is it frozen now?" Uncertain and sad, she missed the good old days.

Adair embraced Moore, "Stanaro Swamp," suddenly increased the tone, and Stanaro froze, motionless.Adair let go of Moore's ear.

Moore understood, "I want to hide the book of wisdom? Do you know where to put it?" Adair released Binbin, "Go ahead to find the way," Binbin jumped on the tree and left quickly.

Adair looked at Stanaro, his voice was full of temptation, "Where is the forbidden place of the Stana tribe?" You can only enter with the patriarch's permission."

Then he asked, "What else is in there?"

"Guarded by snow wolves, only people with Stana blood are allowed to pass through," the voice was dull.

Moore asked after hearing this: "Can you let Stanaro go in and put it down?" Adair hugged Moore and pressed his forehead, "You still don't believe me?"

Moore didn't know how to answer, "Are you afraid of me like this?" Adair asked carefully.

Moore pushed Adair away, "Is it harmful to Stanaro? Will you control me? Will you control people at will?"

Adair smiled and said: "No!" What a lovely person, Adair's heart was burning.

"It's good to know, I believe in you, just like I believe in my character," Moore said, but how could it be like a confession, Moore frowned and thought.

Adair kissed, it was so good, Moore wiped his saliva, now Adair is a little abnormal.

Soon, Binbin came back. The ninth-level ice snake was not very difficult for Adair, but it took a lot of effort. Binbin led the way. The swamp was frozen. They passed through it, and the shore was covered with withered flowers. Under the ice and snow mountain, there are all stone-built houses, which look dilapidated and uninhabited.

Binbin jumped on Adair's shoulder, "Meow Meow Meow—" Adair nodded, and Adair gave the box containing the book of wisdom to Stanaro, "Go and put him in the secret room, Forget everything when you come back."

Stanaro left in a daze, and Binbin led the way.

Moore looked at the sky and said, "Do you know what time it is?" It took a long time for them to come out, "It will be fine soon, they won't notice anything, don't worry," Moore glanced, "I am You are guilty of being a thief, you have long been used to it!"

Adair remained silent, Stanaro came back, and Moore looked at the monster like a leopard in the distance, with a little white on the top of its head, this is Binbin!Carrying Stanaro on his body, when he arrived in front of them, Binbin became smaller and jumped on Adair's shoulder, "Meow~" Adair nodded.

Stanaro came to his senses, "Why am I here, when?" The sun was slowly setting, and Moore continued: "Don't be sad, we will avenge you," he said softly.

Stanaro looked melancholy at the house in the distance. When he was a child, his neighbor’s sister often took her to play, but now it’s gone. In his memory, there was an ice snake hovering like a mountain, spitting out ice breath, and everything turned white. Overwhelmed, there was a wail, and their weapons could not break the thick skin at all.

"It's getting late, let's go!" Stanaro said, and now her enchantment has disappeared, and she is fragile and even more lovable.

Moore felt guilty for reminding her of bad things. Were they too bad for a girl?Adair held his hand, "It's not your fault, it's me who got you in trouble, for the sake of superiority!"

Adair was right, he should move on and try not to hurt anyone, in this particular moment.

After Moore went back, all three tents were pitched, and there was a fire in them, and they went into one tent, and everything was in order.Moore went outside to the campfire, jumping and crackling.

Take out the pot and the stove, cook the mushroom and vegetable rice soup first, take out half of the pork, after processing, put it on, put honey and pepper on it, and cut a few knives on it at will.Take out the pot, knead the noodles, ferment after an hour, let the temperature cover the hot stones until cooked, minced garlic, chopped green onion, and shredded ginger are all chopped, and the onion is the most important thing.

Rolled onion, ginger, garlic, onion strips, and a few pieces of fat and lean pork on the cake, it tasted very delicious. Moses was also conquered by Moore’s special food, and he was no longer picky. He drank a bowl of mushroom rice soup, which was delicious. The strong taste is in the mouth, and the warmth flows into the stomach, which is very satisfying.

Stanaro didn't come out to eat, Leonard came to her tent with a plate, "Come in," Leonard opened the tent, Moore saw Stanaro's side face full of sadness.Moses smiled as Leonard entered the tent, hands clenched in his lap.

"They look so well matched," Moore lamented.

"I've finished eating, I'll go back first," Moses said, not because he was sensitive, he always felt that although Moses was smiling, something was wrong.

in the tent

Stanaro took the food and lowered his head to express his gratitude, "Thank you, I'm fine, but I'm close to the tribe, a little sad, the place where I was born and slept!" Sighed.

Leonard has been wandering since he was a child. When he was eight years old, his magician parents who loved him were hunted down by nobles. He wandered all the way and went through hardships.What it looks like at home, he only remembers that there is a small river in front of the door, and he catches fish in it in summer, when his father threw a fireball, the fish were burnt, and his mother scolded him.

"From now on, we will all be your family, you don't have to follow me, for your people, Grandpa Priest." Stanaro suddenly hugged Leonard, crying bitterly, Leonard hugged her, gently comforting her, silently .

On the other side, Moses stared at the shadow on the tent, the usual smile disappeared, and he closed his eyes. Why did I feel uncomfortable when I saw it? Moses has always known that he is a possessive person. It turns out that he Already consider Leonard his?

ask yourself.

The tent was opened, Leonard sat down in silence, and Moses looked at him in silence, "How is Stanaro, I see you, huh?" Seemingly joking unintentionally.

Leonard's heart was heavy, "Don't talk nonsense, she is in a bad mood, we should be considerate."

Once the sun rose again, they unplugged the tent, Moore had already made breakfast, and also made do with it at noon, Leonard and Moses ignored each other, and they both finished their breakfast in silence, The way to the swamp was clear, and it took them half a day to get there.

Stanaro said to Leonard, "There is a secret room of our family on the ice and snow mountain, and only I can enter it, the secret room of the snow wolf guardian." Thinking of Leonard blinking, Moses looked at this scene, dazzling Extremely, even though Moses understood, he still felt uncomfortable.

Moore beat Adair, Stanaro entered the secret room, and wanted to bring the book of wisdom to Leonard and Moses. Moore felt that he was in the TV series, and every day was wonderful, and he was the wonderful Queen of the Butterfly. It's all so real.

At the foot of the mountain, Stanaro went up the mountain alone. There are snow wolves everywhere, separated by a swamp, but the climate is winter, a magical continent.

The blood wolf king let Stanaro in. She put away all the food and collections left in the family, dripped blood on the inconspicuous wall, and a small hole appeared. Inside was a quaint box with paintings on it. The complex magic circle was brought out by Stanaro.

Leonard took the box from Stanaro, "This is the book of wisdom of our family. Now I give it to you, and it can be opened with a drop of blood. Only with a compassionate heart can it be recognized."

Leonard put it away, and there was no blood dripping.

The author has something to say: ask for comments, ask for favorites

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