[Western Fantasy] Magic Chef

Chapter 7 Learning Magic Array (2)

"The master hasn't given me a name yet, so I'm taking advantage of you!"

Owner?It seems that there is a big secret behind it.

"Where is your home? What's the matter with the master?"

The author has something to say: ask for advice, ask for collection

☆, I twisted my neck

Tomato realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly covered his mouth.The day is long, Moore packed up his things, and the lunch that he promised Chef Martin has arrived.

Moore put the tomato under the leaves of the magic plant, and said: "Stay here honestly, don't be discovered, and answer my questions when I come back." Tomato quickly agreed, it is curious about everything now, and its big head is looking eastward Look west and shake.

The restaurant is full of desire for food. Several people sit together and talk in low voices. There are people queuing up in the gap. Moore enters from the back, and the kitchen is in full swing. Moore finds Martin and asks him to arrange work.

The tall windows on the east side are hung with white curtains, looking into the distance, the ups and downs are green. There is a whole wall of cabinets, with tableware and preliminarily processed ingredients, and a large table in the middle, half of which is filled with chopped ingredients and half of which are ready-made dishes. Martin is holding everything at the door.

"You cut the ingredients first, and Visa will tell you how to do it." Steaks, chicken chops, and pork chops are okay, but I am a little uncomfortable with knives. Chinese and Western food knives are different, a bit like a big sword in half.

Moore quickly got used to it. The chef on the east side fried the steak, which irritated his taste buds, but Moore knew it was not suitable for his taste.

After Martin tasted it himself, he could serve it on the table. Everything now seemed to bring him back to the past. The time passed quickly. Two hours passed, and the guests basically finished their meals.

"Today is over, I'll come back tomorrow." Moore came to the lounge, and Martin welcomed him very much. "You are basically familiar with it today, and tomorrow you will be able to cook by yourself," Moore said a little worried.

"Why, you don't want to?" Martin asked suspiciously.

Moore said: "I may not be able to cook the dishes that the guests need. What I learn belongs to my hometown, which is different from the dishes that are popular in the mainland. If you let me develop freely, I may be fine, no problem. "

Martin tapped his finger on the table lightly, "I understand your thoughts and concerns," he thought for a moment, "I hope you can learn, I know this is a bit difficult for you, I will give you some hints, old fellow Adair There are some books there, you can borrow them, you can go to the library to study, or you can watch the chefs here.”

"This is not forcing you. If you don't know how to make mainland dishes, how can you pursue a higher level? This is just a little advice from the seniors to the younger generations."

After thinking about it, Moore understood that there are several reasons for getting along. The dishes are all classic use of ingredients. If you don’t learn mainland dishes, you don’t know all the ingredients.

"I see," Moore bowed deeply to Martin, "Thank you for waking me up." Martin was very optimistic about Moore, with a kind of pride in the continuation of his ideals.

"When you wake up, do what you should do." Moore has a place to go in the afternoon, go to the library to read, and the experience summed up by his ancestors can save him from going wrong.

There was a table at the door of the library, and a scholar wearing glasses was sitting at a table, reading a book. Moore walked by without raising his head. Moore was wandering in it, thinking about the Encyclopedia of Plants and Animals, Mozhi Encyclopedia of Warcraft, casual browsing, finally found it on the third floor.

The introduction of plants and animals is not very comprehensive. There are several thick books about magic plants and monsters. Moore flipped through the books. There are pictures and detailed introductions in the books. These belong to the sub-branch of pharmacists. Sitting on the ground, Moore concentrated on It seems that things around him don't affect him.

The breeze blew the curtains, a thin layer of gauze blocked the sea breeze, and the sun changed from brilliant to dim. Moore straightened up and stretched himself, holding a book, and went to the door to register.

First, after reading it briefly, Moore felt that his memory had improved, and he could memorize many things. He could remember all of them after reading it three or four times. On the way, he randomly thought of a magic plant, and the pictures and all the introductions were vivid in his memory. .

He still remembers the laboratory, he was too impulsive today, and it would be successful, which he didn't expect. Thinking of Little Tomato, he hasn't given him a name yet, Tremella?

Moore shook his head amusedly, how could he think of this, he was really defeated by himself.

Yes, the tomato is still in the garden, I hope the magic plants will not be too naughty, Moore took a few steps, arrived at the teleportation circle, and he was at the door in a blink of an eye, he went to check under the leaves, there were no more!He should be able to come to him by himself, Moore still has the knowledge in the book in mind.

He went to greet the teacher first. Candles were lit in the corridor of the hall, and there was a magic lamp in the laboratory. Moore stopped knocking on the door lightly. The teacher seemed to have guests inside, so he still knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The teacher looked very relaxed, sitting on the long-back sofa, with a tablecloth on the delicate table, and a cup of coffee, at a glance, where is the teacher's guest?

"Hee hee~" Moore looked at the voice suspiciously, and there were tomatoes on the table! "Teacher! It! What's the matter with it?"

Moore hasn't figured out how to explain it to others.

"I found out when I went to the garden. Moore, you summoned Vivier. Why did you ignore him? I know its grievances. This is your fault. I have neglected to guide you."

Moore lowered his head, "It's my fault."

Bartley looked at Moore, and took out a book from the bookcase. Moore read it, "How to Treat Your Contractor" author: Sasha.

Vivier jumped into Moore's arms, came to the room, put Vivier on the bed, and Moore sat on the chair, "Now you can talk about it, such as where are you from and who is your master?"

Wevier knew that he couldn't escape, so he looked at the book beside him and confessed honestly.

"I'm an elf from the kingdom of gods, and I'm my brother in the vegetable garden. It's your luck that you can sign a contract with me. It's the result of God's arrangement!" Louder and louder, starting to lose confidence and inflate self-confidence, God is really an existence that makes people feel bloody.

Move your ears, "Be quiet, I can hear you." Lifting up Vivier, he poked the big tomato. It's watery at first glance, will it be pierced, "Do you think I will believe it? Let me Guess how much truth you're telling? Huh?"

Vivier held his face and wriggled, "It's all the truth," thinking in his heart, saying this deliberately, it depends on how you understand it, God!The task is so difficult.

Biting Moore's finger suddenly, Moore felt instant pain, shaking his finger, and Vivier floated in the air, "Let go!" Moore shouted loudly.

Vivier bit his finger and said vaguely: "Let you poke me! Bit you, don't think I'm easy to bully!"

"Let go, I've bitten my finger, and it's bleeding!" Vivier cursed to make you bleed.

A huge magic circle flashed from the ground, accompanied by the sacred singing, Moore was stunned, obviously not sure what was going on, two rays of light rushed from the magic circle to the heads of the two, and Moore instantly knew what it was .

Signing a contract is only once in a lifetime, and he stared fiercely at Big Tomato.

Vivier blinked innocently, "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on, he is still a newborn child in the Kingdom of God."

Moore turned his head away fiercely, and Vivier snickered slyly. When the summoning circle appeared, all the elves did not respond, their abilities were weak, and they were not interested in the terms of the exchange, only it!Smelling the tempting fragrance, he didn't dislike Moore's weakness, and resolutely jumped into the summoning teleportation array.

Oops!The neck was twisted too hard, and Moore didn't dare to move for a while, and walked to the head of the bed step by step to lie down.Vivier carefully rubbed over, "Don't be unhappy, I don't know, I just don't want you to poke me, he is from the Kingdom of God anyway, I know all the magic plants and plants."

"Really?" Moore said muffled, softly as if whispering.

"It's true," Wevill jumped onto Moore's chest, "What's wrong with you?" Moore didn't move, staring quietly at Wevill's short legs, "I twisted my neck."

Vivier covered his mouth, but his small hands couldn't cover his huge mouth, "Tomorrow you and I go to Martin's restaurant, and you will be in the tomato basket, so don't be found." Vivier looked at Moore resentfully, trying to let He changes his mind.

Moore closed his eyes, and Wevill fell asleep on Moore's chest.

The sun shines through the eyes, Moore decides to have noodles for breakfast, wide and long, smooth and chewy, half a bowl of soup is topped with tomatoes, Moore decides to eat tomatoes for a few days until he gets tired of it.

While Moore was making noodles, Vivier also bought a small piece of noodles, some tools from unknown sources, and followed Moore to make noodles. There was also a set of small tools on the table, including small bowls, knives and forks, mini exquisite.

Now Bartley is used to his apprentice cooking from time to time, with a unique taste, in order to take care of him, he also added cheese, Bartley likes it very much.

The morning time is spent reading books, and he learned a lot of experiments. What he lacks is practical experience. He has memorized the appearance and names of plants in the general plant encyclopedia, and found many substitutes in it, more than 500 kinds of plants. There are only more than 300 things to remember, and only 20 kinds that Moore is interested in.

Moore made up his mind, closed the book, and noon came.

Monte Island has four distinct seasons and occupies different areas. Moore did not feel the change of time, but it has been more than half a year, and he is very familiar with the campus, and he is not deserted because he is hanging overseas.

There are banquets every day. If you want to have a happy and lively time, you will find a place. Moore has also made the food in the banquet. There is only one requirement. It looks good, the taste is not much, and the more important thing is good wine.

Going back and forth between three and four o'clock is boring but satisfying. Sometimes I feel a little tired, but I am truly alive.

Moore put away the book and remembered the summoning circle, can you send the good friend from the past?

The author has something to say: ask for comments, ask for flowers, ask for praise

☆, the fish in the pot

A pot with a diameter of one meter was set up, and underneath it was the transformation circle, which could be heated. The pot was specially made by Moore. Over there, Vivier also made his own small pot. Moore felt like he had taken in his apprentice.

The ingredients are placed next to it, the heart of the seventh-level wilderness mad cow, the hind legs, the root of the eighth-level magic plant, the sixth-level charm mushroom, the seeds of the sunflower, the bursting berry solution, and the fusion energy potion, from the fifth-level saber-toothed fish Salt from the body, sauces from various plants.

Moore decided to try summoning the magic circle again. After trial and error, his idea basically took shape. He directly communicated with the water element in the world, filled half of the pot, put it in the hind legs, waited for the water to boil, and instantly heated the temperature to over [-] degrees. , The pure water element can conduct heat very well, put it into the heart, the heart is cooked instantly, and at the same time release the energy. At this time, Moore needs to lock the energy and lower the temperature at the same time.

The array plate engraved on the bottom of the pot is very important. At the same time, it is fitted with a heating-up fire array, a cooling-down water array, a uniform rotation array, and an isolated array. At the same time, the entire pot is surrounded by a space array to ensure any taste There is no way to run out.

Which magic circle to use, light it up at any time, this is a test of physical strength, Moore picked up the kitchen knife again during this time, the specially made kitchen knife, the magic circle and the pot inlaid on it are from the hands of Master Bartley, Moore But I have learned a lot. There is also a forging room in the basement. Moore personally witnessed the completion of a complete set.

The role of the rhizome is to tame the somewhat irritable energy, make them assimilate and become easy to absorb, while opening the sealed environment, lock yourself and the pot at the same time, the knife flashes quickly, the roots become uniform in size, and at the same time, the escaping The energy collected is very good for him to absorb these energies every day at this stage.

Three hours later, the temperature in the pot reached [-] degrees, and the rotating magic circle in the pot came into play, and the charm mushrooms were put in to make the soup become energy-balanced.

Moore took out the leg meat from the pot, cut off part of it with a kitchen knife, cut it into thin slices, shredded the rhizomes, and set aside a little bit of mushrooms, and started to smash the array, the pot became meat sauce, and the white meat in the rhizomes The juice flows out, making the soup thicker, and the soup color is light red.

The seeds of the sunflower are peeled and put into the brine with energy to continue to simmer.

Vivier's small pot was also finished, wiping off sweat, with a fruity scent, he seemed to be in a good mood, humming a little song.The pot was bubbling and stirred automatically. Moore took off his work clothes and changed into his own clothes. It was noon.

Today the kitchen is still in such a hurry with order. Moore put on his work clothes, and now he has become a member of the kitchen. Moore took the initiative to cut vegetables and won the favor of everyone. The feeling of work, now he can make the meat into various shapes very smoothly, with previous experience, he quickly adapted to it.

Moore learned basic swordsmanship, practiced from the habit of cutting vegetables, and found the method of practicing swordsmanship from martial arts novels. Moore was inspired to chop firewood three hundred times a day, making the movement a physical skill. Moore paid attention to making the body To accumulate energy, it is very effective to drink energy-filled vegetables and soups every day.

Holding the knife in front of his chest, he exerted natural force on his wrist. He seemed to hear the sound of the knife entering the meat in his head, and it separated neatly after touching. Moore paid attention to the practice of skills.The body does not move, the arms move, the hands are used, the center of gravity is maintained, and the whole body is relaxed, all using ingenuity.

There are bare trees everywhere in the winter area. Moore knows a kind of tree called iron tree, which is extremely hard. It is used as an alchemy material and added to the fire, which can prolong the burning time. Ever since Mr. Bartley let him see the forging room Don't hide it from him anymore, just hand over this task to Moore, and Moore will take it as an exercise.

Tier [-] cycads are very common on high-altitude mountains. The cold temperature deprives their leaves of water. Moore took out the action of chopping firewood. Starting from the small branches, he couldn't cut them down even with a lot of effort. Later, it was easy but Mu I started to go to the next level.

Moore recorded all his explorations and sorted out useful skills. After writing more than a dozen pages, Moore found that it was a recipe for basic processing of ingredients. He simply wrote "On Cooking in Battle" on the first page. Useful in ".

Martin stood behind Moore with his arms folded. Moore was the most talented and conscious person he had ever seen. It is true that there are high talents, but there is no one who thinks about cooking skills at any time. Besides, he has a good understanding , The gourmet theory brought from their hometown made their hope possible.

Martin thought about letting Moore join the association, so that more people could recognize Moore's food theory. When you're done, put away the kitchen knife.

He said: "What's the matter, Chef?" Martin hesitated. He knew that Moore would definitely agree. People with malicious intent defile the association.

Martin thought for a while, "Moore, I know you are a person who loves food, you put food and magic in the same position, and even put food higher than magic, now I am hesitating about one thing, you come with me. "

They walked out of the kitchen, walked through the long corridor, and came to the top floor, which is Martin's exclusive place, "There are some things, I believe you to be honest, but others may not understand you," Moore heard confused, "Let me Excuse me, what exactly are you talking about? You haven't told me yet."

Martin covered his forehead with a headache, "The mercenaries have a mercenary team, and my good friend, Sidense, is the head of the Frost regiment. The chef of the Frost regiment is old and has left. He expressed his feelings to me. Painful, I recommended you to him, I wonder if you would like it? It’s just a temporary mission, and it’s up to you to choose later.”

After speaking, Martin breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Moore to express his thoughts.

After listening to Moore, he was very grateful to Martin for thinking of him. He had learned everything he should have learned, and he couldn't learn new things in the cafeteria.

"I am happy, and thank you for thinking of me," Martin said with a smile: "It's really great, I really have no way to refuse Sidense's request, he is now in the next lounge, I asked him to come over. "

"Sidenz!" Martin shouted, raising his voice.

A blond man came out from the hanging cafe, smiling at you with deep blue eyes, wearing a headband on his head to make the mischievous hair look honest, and wearing a soft armor made of leather to protect the key parts.

"Hi~ I'm Xidenze, the president of the Frost Group," with a magnetic and indescribable demeanor.

Moore felt his demeanor when he saw him. His handsome appearance made Moore feel good about him, "Hi, I'm Moore, and I'm currently the chef under Chef Martin."

Martin gave the space to two men.

"Have you seen that without you he grows as fast, do you still think you are indispensable? If you don't show up, the two of them will be together for life, and they will become an existence that everyone admires, Their heroic spirits will reach the kingdom of gods." The god sat tall and said lightly.

"Stop talking! I know how to do it. Since fate has given me the opportunity to peep, I will make good use of it, so that the situation you expected will not happen!" Adair bent down, "Please forgive my rudeness, everything is It did as you expected."

"Let's go, the opportunity is today."

"Yes, my God." Adair lowered his head and smiled wryly for a moment. Will the calculation end well?

Jumping into the sea from the Kingdom of God, Adair's heart soared, as if all his troubles were gone, and hit the sea to form a huge wave.Adair in the sea closed his eyes and said to himself: If I stay here and see him again, let me love him well and never leave him.

Moore felt very happy. Sidense was humorous and gentle. Moore had no reason not to agree to him. The half-hour conversation made him yearn for various changes in the task.From tomorrow onwards he will not be here anymore, now he is just registered as a mercenary.

Accompanied by Sidense, it was quickly done. Moore temporarily joined the Frost Group and made an appointment with Sidense to meet tomorrow.

There was still a pot of soup in the lab that hadn't been finished yet. Moore went back quickly and explained everything to the teacher. Bartley had no objections. He came here in the same way back then. There were Sartre, Latem, and Sartrei. you.

"You go, leave when you come back, find a place to build your own laboratory in the future, do your own research with peace of mind, or open a restaurant, just for your own hobbies."

"Teacher, I..."

Bartley waved his hand, "Life is always parting, and I know it's a new beginning." Moore was a little sad, yes, parting is everywhere.

He could smell the smell of meat before entering, but Moore didn't like the heavy meat smell, so he added popping fruit pulp into it, stirred it manually, added the fusion energy potion, and after a while, drew a summoning circle on the soup.

How I want to see my friends and relatives, let them come to me!The magic circle is formed, and wishes are written in the magic circle language inside.


Adair closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the sea. The tail of the fish was swimming regularly, and the dark blue hair fluttered with the sea water. The small fish of various colors frightened by him fell back to calmness, and consciously lined up to play and frolick around.

A big magic circle appeared beside him, and Adair felt the stretching sensation, and felt the temperature as soon as his eyes blurred, seeing Moore right in front of him, staring at him in disbelief, Adair felt cute inexplicably , Complicated thoughts arose in my heart.

Compared with the tall people in the mainland, Moore is relatively petite. His black hair has grown a lot since I saw him, and it looks very soft.

Touching Moore's soft black hair, he calmly picked it out of the pot, raised his eyebrows, "I haven't seen enough, huh?"

The author has something to say: I have always thought about cooking a small gong from the pot, and now it is finally here. The magical soup, this is how space magic is used, and there will be all kinds of strange food.I found that the writing is so capricious

☆, Moore on the chopping board

Moore followed, and couldn't help but glance at Adair's legs. Although Moore knew that there were many races, he didn't think that Adair was a mermaid!

There is a small lounge outside the laboratory. Adair is sitting on the only chair. Moore feels like meat on a chopping board, fidgeting. If he sees Adair's secret, he will be silenced. Moore is not sure. , Is this another hidden plot?

"What else can I do to you? Just let you be my partner!" Adair lightly formed a bomb, which made Moore blank for an instant.

"You! You!" Moore pointed at Adair with trembling hands, opened and closed his mouth, but finally couldn't say anything.Moore didn't know what to do, it was all his fault after all.

At some point, Adair's leg turned into a fishtail, and the beautiful color was stained with smudges, which was ugly, "What are you looking at! Why don't you come and wipe it for me," Moore acted quickly, like a The little worker who was exploited by the boss, "What do you say between us?" Adair threw the bomb at Moore.

"I don't know, can I pretend I didn't see it, I won't say anything, yes, yes," Moore's head flashed, "You can sign a contract, and if you violate it..." Moore seemed to have made a difficult task. The decision, "Just as your partner," Moore forced his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Adair couldn't help laughing, how could Moore be forced to such an extent, "Am I so scary?" He moved his face to Moore's, and his breath brushed Moore's cheek lightly, and Moore felt the heat burning all over his body Come to think of it, no one wants him to confess his love, and there are very few women, let alone men.

"I, I, I," he hesitated, wanting to cover his face to cool down the heat.

"Okay, if you can't say it, let me say it, if you agree, you agree, how about this, huh?" Moore nodded quickly.

Moore took a few steps back, came to the door, opened the door and turned to Adair and said, "I'll get you something to eat, we'll talk about it later." Moore thought about calming himself down while making food Come down and think.

Adair stood up.

"Then I'll wait for you in your room." Touching the black and silky hair, he was very satisfied with the touch, and Moore's dumbfounded look, "Hurry up and come back," bent slightly, and hugged Moore.

It’s really a bully, he’s taken him for something, he’s taller than him, and touches his head like a little girl, Moore has made up his mind now that he can’t be a partner for anything, and if he can’t accept it, he will definitely be in the future. He suffers.

In the kitchen, Vivier drank all the pot of soup. The one he summoned just now was a brother on a branch. Vivier gave all the food to the brother. I believe that no one will laugh at him in the kingdom of gods, saying He has no future.

"La la la ~" hummed happily, Moore's broth has not been drunk yet, just a little bit, Vivier bounced to the cauldron, moved his nose, the remaining information is more familiar, in Where have you seen it?Vivier happily let go of his momentary thoughts.

Vivier jumped into the pot and took a deep gulp. Anyway, it is an elemental body, so it is not afraid of anything. The soup reduced little by little. When Moore saw it, he saw a swollen tomato floating in the pot. know what happened.

Pull Vivier up, "light, light, my stomach," Vivier covered his stomach with one hand, and held Moore's hand with the other, "just once, just once," Moore put Vivier in front of his eyes, "I know I was wrong, now you have to help me with something," Moore told Vivier what happened.

Under the premise of the contract, Moore believed that Vivier would consider him.

Vivier couldn't believe it, "God! No wonder I think the smell in the pot is very familiar. It belongs to Lord Adair." Vivier jumped happily, "Promise him, promise," covering his face. She said foolishly, "If only I could marry Lord Adair!"

Moore said angrily: "I'll give you the chance, you go, Tomato." Vivier jumped to Moore's shoulder mountain, "I am not worthy of Lord Adair, he is the messenger of God, once I Just seeing him in the vegetable garden, bringing us water full of energy, I felt deeply happy at that moment."

Moore patted Vivier up, "Now it's time to decide what to do, you said I will answer later," Moore stopped Vivier, "First, I can't agree, and second, it's best to let Adair not pursue it. .”

Weaver whispered, "But you've seen Lord Adair's fishtail," Moore said.

According to the tradition of the mermaid tribe, human beings have to be responsible after seeing and touching the fish’s tail. This sentence is very useful. It is useful when you want to be responsible, and it is useless when you don’t want to.Wevill didn't want to say this sentence, it felt that Master Adair definitely didn't want Moore to know,

"Master Adair likes you, otherwise how could he make you responsible, as his partner..."

"Little Moore~ are you ready, are you chatting?" The voice seemed to be right next to them, both of them froze, Moore was frightened, and Vivier muttered in his heart, Master Adair didn't know me, have no idea.

"In short, go ahead, promise Lord Adair, if..." Vivier made a threatening gesture, Moore thought, he would die.

He picked up the things he had prepared a long time ago, and made a hint in his heart when he pushed the door open, stretching out his head and shrinking his head.

Adair was lying on his bed, his dark blue hair was still wet, and his body was light pink. He usually looked like water, so Moore didn't pay special attention to Adair's appearance, blue eyes, Moore Seen from the inside, it is like the tranquility of the deep sea, but there is a little change when you look closely, Fang Buddha is smiling.

The corners of the mouth are slightly curved, and the thin lips are healthy red, which makes him look extra seductive. Moore gets rid of this idea, so he is not seduced!

Moore noticed that the curtains were drawn, creating an enclosed space.

"What? I'm willing to come back. Now, I only accept one result, which is to agree. It's no different from me." Adair propped himself up and leaned forward gently.

Said in a soft and bewitching voice: "Let's travel the continent together, go to various places, welcome every morning and night together, taste delicious food, you can ask me if you don't understand, I can be your teacher, the best Friends, when you are your close lover, the only one who can accompany you for the rest of your life is your lover, your partner."

"Okay," following Adair's words, Moore thought a lot, teachers, friends, they talked, and even had the same hobbies and dreams, which reminded Moore of a beautiful picture.

Make delicious meals every day, let your wife and children taste them, pass on happiness, and then get happiness from them. This is what Moore thinks deep in his heart. If it is changed to Adair, it is no different. You can talk to him , there is no obstacle, there will be no things that cannot be said to the wife. At that time, they treat each other as if they know themselves.

Moore admitted that he was bewitched and was deeply attracted by Adair's beautiful dream. He heard himself agreeing softly, with joy and ease that he didn't realize.

Multiple people are better.

Adair smiled like a child, the innocence and joy made him feel the same.Isn't this the dream in Adair's heart? Thousands of years of life are lonely. Mermaids are destined to be in the vast sea. They may form partners when they meet companions, but more often they are lonely for a lifetime. This lifetime may be tens of thousands. years, and possibly eternal life.

Mermaids are God's creations. Gods have a preference for mermaids. They have a unique and dazzling appearance, a perfect body, and elemental affinity. It is not difficult to even become a god. This results in a small number of mermaids. After all, God's love is also rare.

At this moment, they were thinking about their own future, and they all approached each other with the best thoughts.



The two said in unison.

Now both of them are a little shy, "Come and sit down," Adair patted the bed, Moore walked over, and Moore turned off the magic crystal lamp.

The two of them are lying down, like two eggs close to each other, both carefully, the change is an instant thing, and sometimes the change of mind is an instant.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving, and I'm going to be the accompanying chef of the Frost Group. If I come across good ingredients, I'll stay," Adair understood the meaning behind the words.

He took out a silver-blue ring from his pocket, like Adair's own color, raised Moore's finger, and put it on Moore carefully, "Space ring, bound for life, and my pair, Take it as a proof of agreement."

Moore's mental power entered the space ring, and the space inside was so large that he couldn't estimate it. Now he feels that no one but him can take it off. The ring seems to have no weight, and it sticks to the finger, forming a wavy pattern .

Moore kept silent, put away his hands, held them together, and gently rubbed his fingers against the sheets, wanting to feel the temperature.

"We all give each other time. When you don't want to, take off the ring and throw it into the sea. This is its destination. Mermaids only recognize one person in their life." Moore felt inexplicably sad, and said with a smile, "Then I will never If you don't pick it off, then you are not alone, not a fish," Adair felt the firmness in Moore's words.

It is possible to have no love in life, but still have friendship and family affection, that's how they feel!It may be good to go on like this, the future of their dreams is ahead, and they believe that life will be wonderful.

They closed their eyes all night and chatted for a long time. Moore couldn't believe that Moore had lived for so long. Thinking about his future, maybe trying to live is another goal. Adair passed for a long time, and Moore quietly Lying beside him, he lifted Moore's hair and kissed him so tenderly.

The light of the stars appeared in the room, and a vague figure appeared. Adair got up carefully and bent down.

"My God, Adair listens to your orders."

The author has something to say: now they are just friends with a marriage contract, and they will develop slowly in the future

Today came to sell cosmetics, so good at talking, I forgot the time, so I crackled, see you tomorrow!

☆, missions and delicacies

"You are doing very well now, his soul fits with you, even if there is no love, he is a good partner," God's hand touched Adair's hair, "My child, how could I harm you , you have to know that everything I do is for you, for our tomorrow."

Adair closed his eyes lightly, his eyelashes trembling slightly, showing his inner unrest, trying his best to restrain himself, for a long time, "I know, God, your will is my direction."

God took a deep look at Adair, and left with a sigh. Adair couldn't see God's mind, but only knew that this God who could see fate was in control of everything.

Adair was lying on the bed, embracing Moore, trying to draw strength from him, silently thinking of 'Leonard' in his heart, he wanted to be his mentor in life, the guide to unify the continent, and the accomplice in destroying the temple, And he became the guide of God, and later the concealer of Ragnarok.

Reason told him there was nothing wrong with it, God was right, but the mermaid yearning for free travel was full of anger at being controlled, longing for freedom, and the trajectory of life was not to follow the guidance of fate.

early morning

Moore didn't know how this night passed. He thought about tomorrow's events, maybe he could escape for a while, and gave him time. Looking at Adair's handsome face, Moore only felt that he wanted to run away. The feeling of being caught by prey.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

"I'm going to make a farewell breakfast for Master this morning, and pack everything," Moore turned and asked Adair, "What about you?" Adair took Moore's things, packed them together, and took them from the space ring A lot of things, and a quilt made of flamingo down

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