In the palace, the meeting started early in the morning. Moore was a little puzzled. The ministers sat and discussed fiercely. There was only one topic. Under the guidance of the Glacier Snake King, they were rushing to Norton. Norton Kingdom has a long mountain range, and there are many monsters in it. How many monsters are infected, it is very likely to cause civil strife. Although they have a good relationship with dragons and humanoid monsters, they cannot be relied on.

Moore thought seriously, compared with the wave of monsters, there is still a big difference between humans and monsters. With the help of dragons and monsters, and the advantages of terrain, they may not have no chance of winning, and they occupy very favorable conditions.

"Your Highness, we should let the dragon clan cooperate, mobilize soldiers, arrange in advance at the Senari River, and use the natural terrain to isolate the monsters from the Senari River."

This is the solution discussed by everyone. Di Lilian stood up and said: "Your Highness, I am willing to go with Moore to command the beast tide!" After two years of running-in, everyone knows that Moore's logistics No one objected to the role played in the beast tide.

Moore was a little uncomfortable. Moore didn't feel much about Di Lilian's friendliness. He stood up and said, "I'm willing to go. Please let me bring the chef soldier."

They are the two people Leonard trusts the most, and it is no surprise that they are them. For the first time, Moore knew that Di Lilian was still a very good commander. Under his order, the soldiers began to deploy their defenses. The news from the Dragon Clan The Glacier Snake King is one city away from the Senary River. They headed directly to the Norton Kingdom. For the sake of the monsters in the Marin Mountains and Polly Mountains from being infected with evil spirits, they should also guard it.

Moore cleaned up the food and grass, and put most of the things in the space ring. When the things were distributed, they would be given to the responsible personnel, [-] soldiers plus the food of the dragons and monsters. Moore was responsible for all the food.

The dragons carried people back and forth, and sent some people to the battlefield first to seize the opportunity. The monsters were temporarily used as mounts. In half a day, they rushed from the Marin Mountains to the Senari River. The soldiers had already seen the city wall next to the river bank. The glacier snake king meandered forward, and they felt the ground shaking, accompanied by thick black clouds, mixed with blizzards.

The weather was extremely unfavorable, and the city lord had already asked the earth-type monsters to dig a deep pit on the opposite bank. There were soil thorns in it, and if they accidentally fell, they could stop some beast tides.

As the evening came, the tumbling snowflakes not far away came violently, and elemental arrows shot past like raindrops. Hundreds of watchtowers on the river bank had elemental arrows on them.

The frozen river has cracks due to the vibration. The glacier snake king spits out ice breath and freezes the river again. The monsters rush forward, the giant dragon flies into the air, and some of them restrain the ice snake. The fire dragon spits out flames and melts the glacier. They control the battlefield on the other side.

The earth-type monsters built earth walls and pushed forward step by step. The magicians released nine-level magic on the battlefield, combined magic circles, and harvested the advancing monsters. The monsters on their own side flexibly shuttled through the beast tide.

Moore set up a cauldron on the river bank. Before the next Snake King attack, he needs to replenish the dragon's magic power and physical strength.The seven-level magic beast meat was boiled on the element spring water rack, and magic elements were introduced into it. Moore's all energy was in it, and the spirit guided them to combine.

This big pot of broth is enough for them to replenish their magic power, and the energy contained in the elemental spring water is converted into energy that is easy to absorb.

Di Lilian watched with fascination Moore's technique, the rhythm of stirring, casting special magic to lock the energy, a series of flowing water, and finally put it into the bottle.It was the first time he saw Di Lilian full of hesitation. He took the bottle given by Moore, took a sip, and the water magic entered his stomach and spread all over his body, gently soothing the wound.

"Moore's broth is better than the top medicine," Moore smiled reservedly, accepting the praise. His only special skill is to cook broth.

The alternate giant dragons flew over, and Moore sent out bottles one by one, and watched them come to the battlefield again, and they were still young dragons.

"Pay attention to the output of magic power, pay attention to the combination of magic power and elements, and always keep the fire slightly open!" Moore instructed his apprentices, precise control is always the key to success, if there is something wrong, adjust quickly, activate the magic circle at the right time, Reduce the time to ripen.

Seeing that no one responded, Di Lilian went to the front to treat the injured people and monsters. Moore was relieved to see him go far away. After an hour passed, the broth was ready, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

The magic lamp illuminated the surroundings, and the torches were lit in front of it. The Glacier Snake King raised his body and breathed ice into the sky. Snowflakes floated in the air, and the temperature suddenly became cold.

The elemental arrows were replaced with fire-type magic crystals. The white arrows seemed to be popular in the night sky. They fell into the beast tide. They approached the river bank. Moore watched the soldiers retreat to the bank and began to defend. The attack increased and the dragons came back. Rest, the official war has not yet begun.

In the middle of the night, there was a roar from every mountain in the Marin Mountains. It was the sound of giant dragons gathering. Those adult dragons finally woke up. Seeing the hope, Moore quickly ordered people to prepare materials.

For the sea beast feast, set up a grill, use the hot iron grill for charcoal grilling, and replenish the magic power at the same time. Two or three meters of strange fish have been soaked in the seasoning water for some days, waiting for them to be put to great use. Grilled, while brushing with spices, the hotness of the fire magic plant has always been popular.

The breath of flapping wings suddenly fell, and a dozen giant dragons turned into human shapes. Beyoncé and Leif took the lead, and they all consciously found their favorite food. Beyonce's plate was full of conch meat.

"If it wasn't for Moore's food, I wouldn't have woken up. There are decades in the water," Moore said, not knowing what to answer, "Moore's food is the best," Di Lilian didn't know what When the time came, he bravely joined the food grabbing action. Among the many giant dragons, he did not fall behind at all, and left after eating and drinking.

Moore really saw it, and was dumbfounded. What is the origin of Di Lilian, Beyoncé frowned, and looked at the petite elf, who had a serious crisis and was robbed, which is unforgivable!

In the middle of the night, the moon showed its head, and the faint light was covered up with a shallow layer.

The Glacier Snake King personally attacked and began to cross the river. His huge body stretched across both banks. The glacier was crushed. Behind the snake, attack the back, abdomen.

Beyoncé casts wood magic, and the accompanying magic plants begin to grow into a small forest. The plants temporarily trap the ice snake and inject toxins into it. The ice snake cannot be excavated for a while. The snake's belly was dripping with blood.

Lei Fu's dark magic went down, devouring the ice snake's abdomen, the scales on its body...

This beast tide, victory is in sight, Moore looked at the time, it will be dawn, the final attack needs to replenish food, prepare for the carnival of victory, order the apprentice to set up wild boars, sea beasts, light the bonfire and start roasting, put the drinks in place .

More than a dozen large pots were boiling thick soup, waiting for the heroes to arrive.

Moore saw that everything was set up, Di Lilian walked over with a sullen face, Moore was a little puzzled, shouldn't he perform healing in front at this time?How come here, Moore went over and asked him to eat something.

"Di Lilian, come and eat something, the carnival at dawn is about to start, it's not easy to grab something from the mouth of the dragon." Di Lilian took it and looked at him complicatedly.

"You shouldn't exist, it would be fine if you didn't exist," Moore felt for the first time, whether he heard it wrong, although he didn't like Di Lilian's style, a kind therapist shouldn't say this if.

"What did you say, I didn't understand?" Moore felt bad, Di Lilian stretched out his hand, Moore thought he was going to pick up the food, but he didn't expect that black mist emanated from his hands, Moore smelled it, and immediately felt Dizziness followed by loss of consciousness.

Di Lilian walked away with a smile, watching the ice snake being defeated by the giant dragon and tearing its body apart, watching the soldiers cheering and entering the carnival.

"Master Moore, thank him for providing us with strength!" They didn't find it. Lord Moore may be tired and needs to rest. Di Lilian said: "Maybe I am tired and need to rest." Lian joined together, looking at the therapist's eyes enthusiastically, Dili Lian said with a smile: "One night, the consumption is a bit heavy, I need to go to rest first."

Di Lilian didn't return to the city, she held Moore tightly in her hand, clenched it several times, then loosened it several times, just let him die like this, it's a pity, his heart is very complicated, the two personalities are at war, and he can't convince anyone, Stay for now, both personalities decide.

Moore woke up again, his eyes were full of light, his body was cold, and he was in the Ice Crystal Palace!It was all crystal clear, and he was lying here in a coma, looking around, on the high steps, there was a huge seat, and he didn't know who was on it, and Moore was full of doubts.

This is where?

A person suddenly appeared on the seat. Moore saw the black hair and felt very friendly. He looked down and met a pair of dark eyes. He sank in it and couldn't pull it out. He seemed to see countless things in it. The struggling desire was howling, Moore was deeply attracted, unable to move, the man lowered his eyes.


Moore came back to his senses, lowered his head, stopped looking at him, and asked, "Who are you, where is this place, where is Dililian?" He remembered that it was Dililian who knocked him out, what was the plan.

Leonard was confused by him. For two years, no one saw his true face. What is Di Lilian's identity?

He should be glad that he should do it at this time, so that they can see their true colors clearly.

The person above, to be precise, was a cloud of human-shaped mist, waved his hand, and a row of ice snakes came over carrying food. Moore looked at it suspiciously, and asked, "What is this, invite me to dinner?" Yes, how to eat?

The tendons on the head of the person above jumped, "Give it to me when it's done!"

Moore understands, his culinary skills have been passed down here?Although he doesn't know who they are.

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