[Western Fantasy] Magic Chef

Chapter 61 Innocence!

The servants called the magician and acted according to the prince's orders.

Moses said: "I prove that I am sincere to Leonard and have not concealed anything. Now I want to announce that our love has not violated any taboos. I also want to prove that I have no double-heartedness towards His Majesty and the Empire. "

Leonard looked at him with a smile, and the smile collapsed in a blink of an eye, Moses gradually lowered, and the soil over there rose little by little, "Merius~" whispered.

"I doubt the fairness of this trial. It is ridiculous to let dirt decide a person's character," Leonard shouted towards the stage.

The priest was displeased, "Are you questioning God?"

The ministers on the stage agreed and suggested that Leonard should accept God's punishment and atone for his sins. The people below were also talking about it. To them, questioning God's justice is the greatest crime.

In a blink of an eye, one of them was about to be sent to the guillotine, and the other was about to be punished by God. Leonard couldn't bear the groundless trial, just to question and distrust, he waved his magic wand, and beat the two people holding Moses to the ground. , more than a dozen fireballs rushed onto the stage, and the emperor, ministers and nobles hurriedly dispersed, taking advantage of the soldiers not coming.

"Let's go, I don't trust them, follow me in the future."

Moses said: "I made you lose your mind, we can't escape," just as the words fell, the priests chanted, all kinds of magic came over, and the soldiers surrounded them.

Moore hid in the corner and asked anxiously: "When will we go up, now is the time!"

Adair walked to the front and stepped into the encirclement. Moses didn't think of resisting. He was waiting, waiting for his father. He didn't want to disappoint his father.Adair pulled down his hat, revealing a handsome face, with blue eyes full of wisdom.

"I'm a friend of Moses, let me explain this misunderstanding."

The momentary stalemate was eased, the emperor looked at their force and went down, the emperor's ministers sat down again under the protection of the swordsmen, and the empress beside him did not change.

"You first introduce your identity, why do you have any reason, and defend Moses," the emperor said.

Adair smiled and didn't speak. Moore kept staring at the picture on the other side of the scale. He knew exactly what had changed. After being passive, the earth went up first, and Moses went down again. Moore walked over, yes The priests said: "I have always believed that God is just, but it does not rule out that some people dare to do things against justice in the eyes of God."

He pointed to the scale and said: "I don't know, have you noticed that when the balance is unbalanced, the soil first rises, and then Moses descends. I noticed this because I have never seen an artifact. Curious about artifacts."

Moore faced the stage, "I think Leonard's questioning is correct, it's just that God memorizes mistakes for those who destroy justice, and we should return God's justice."

The emperor was a little displeased.

A minister stood up: "I object, how to prove that the soil has decreased, not that his crimes have increased!"

The old priest who took the lead also nodded, and Moore asked: "The weight of the soil is fixed, as long as the weight of the soil is weighed, please ask the priest, for the sake of justice."

Moore walked over and said a few words to the priest, and the priest went to the temple to prepare with doubts and hesitation.A container that carries the soil from the other side to the shrine.

Adair said: "Now they are going to verify the justice of the gods. Let me introduce first. I am the owner of Karst City, which is next to Maimai City. Our friendship lies in cooperation and help. Knowing that there is a chance to be more glorious, We voluntarily joined in and fought with the army, and the Moore Magic Kitchen next to us was responsible for the food of more than 7 soldiers, and we couldn’t be more clear about the situation ahead.”

In order to show the truth of what he said, Adair swore an oath to the temple, took out the contract paper, signed his name, and asked the soldiers to present it.

The emperor looked at the content above, "Of course I believe it, please tell me how you can forgive the sins of the two."

A minister held a piece of parchment and read: "Betrayal of the empire, private alliance with other countries, forbidden love, questioning the gods, attempting to escape in front of your majesty, assassinating your majesty and the minister..." Finally, he indicated the punishment received, "according to Article According to the laws of the First Empire, Moses and Leonard, without all their titles and responsibilities, can never enter the First Empire, and according to the laws of the gods, blaspheme the gods and accept the divine punishment of the temple!"

Summary: Moses was expelled from the First Empire, and Leonard went to the temple to accept divine punishment.

"Is it for father's sake?" Moses murmured, and Adair, Moore, and Leonard could hear him clearly.

"Your Majesty, if I can't refute the crimes your lord said, both Moses and Leonard will accept it. Shouldn't we be given a chance to defend ourselves now?"

With consent, Adair began to narrate everything from the beginning, the death of General Maxi, from General Maxi, and one thing the general did. treatment.

During this period, the prince was restless, the loss of face made him feel ashamed to be here, and the eyes of the poor below made him extremely ugly. He was kicked out of Maimai City, which was an unbearable humiliation in his life.

Adair's eloquence is extremely good, Maxi is brave, rogue, and decides for himself. In front of everyone, as Adair unfolds, it should be said that Maxi's death was not wronged. The most incomprehensible thing is that Moses is pitiful. was involved.

"What a poor friend, Moses, Leonard and the others have gone through hardships together. They are really the most innocent people. Your Majesty's trial has drawn a sword in the heart of your loyal minister. Please judge fairly."

Everyone present knew that Moses was innocent, and the ministers were not going to let him go. How would they explain the gift from the Third Reich?

"Your Majesty! The gods have given a just result, which proves that someone violated the justice of the gods. Please allow the temple to punish those who violated justice!" Several priests escorted a person, with his head covered by a black cloth bag, The bound person struggled and launched an earth magic attack.

Everyone understood what was going on.

Moses said: "Your Excellency, how do you think it should be explained?"

The prince faced many eyes in a panic, "What explanation, they just want to vent their anger on me, I don't know anything."

Moore then said: "Then you admit it, this magician is your subordinate." The priest took off the hood, and the prince was shocked. The person he didn't know was not the person he sent at all.

"It's not me, I don't know him, it has nothing to do with me!"

Moore went on to explain: "I have always been curious about the scales, so I observed all these people. I noticed a detail. When His Excellency the Prince summoned the servants, and when I asked the priest to verify, His Excellency the Prince became even more nervous. Not knowing the power of God, I am even more sure that it has something to do with you, and it is you who are blaspheming, Your Excellency the Prince!"

The emperor looked at his half-brother with dissatisfaction, and spoke out his punishment. The prince struggled and was taken away by the guards.

Adair said: "Now, they are not guilty. I don't know when the food owed by His Majesty will be cashed. After all, Maimai City has paid too much. I am just a reminder from the clerk of Maimai City."

Now they and the emperor and the ministers are tearing their faces apart. The emperor noticed that many housekeepers who were not present at the ministers reported to the master in time.

The maid went over and whispered to the queen, "The Duke of Houston is coming to the palace to see you." As one of the three dukes, with the largest territory, the emperor could not be offended and stood up.

"I admit the defense, Moses Leonard is not guilty, the trial is invalid!" The joy below made him a little displeased, and with a smile, he led the queen into the carriage and returned to the palace.

"You are not guilty," Leonard hugged Moses.

Moore smiled ambiguously, happy for them.

Moore came over to congratulate them and proposed to celebrate. The skirt lake outside the city was just right. The warm water vapor, the surrounding green lawn, hung bright red fruits. Moore plucked them and detoxified them. They were delicious fruits.

Adair jumped into the water, and Moore followed. The skirt of the goddess was a hot spring flowing down from a high mountain. The wound on Moses' body was still bleeding. They sat on it, watched the two of them, and swam in it. , I really didn't expect that they would become friends, friends who could be trusted.

Moore felt the relief of his body. The real scene was that two fish were being boiled in a hot pot, and he couldn't help laughing. Adair closed his eyes and rested his mind. Moore explored the bottom of the water boredly, and the small fish around him were playing around.

Adair opened his eyes and looked at Moore, two slender white legs, the fabric in the middle was really an eyesore, but unfortunately it was not a fish tail, he approached Moore, touched the swimming legs, "Am I cold-blooded and ruthless? "Fang Buddha murmured greetings.

There was a dark light in his eyes, and Moore was misled by his beauty, so he couldn't say anything. It seems that he has everything, saying that he is ruthless, but also sentimental, always rational, and restrained. Didn't he already know it?Why did you ask it out at the time, did it hurt him?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said you, I didn't know your personality, and all the reasons." Adair chuckled, "Let's go, go up, don't keep them waiting."

Above, Leonard applied the medicine to Moses, and Moses made a twitching sound, and the white gauze was soaked with blood.

"It seems that you need blood-enriching food," Moore thought of something, blood tofu, with meat, vegetables, vermicelli, and eat hot pot together.

Without using a chopping board, Moore took out the meat, made a few cuts in the air, and it easily turned into pieces of meat. He could clearly see that he made at least a dozen cuts in these few strokes. After a long time to solidify, Moore cut into thick slices and set them aside.

Surrounded by the stove in the middle, half of the top is red and half white, and the thick and fragrant soup is tumbling, surrounded by more than 20 plates, all of which are ingredients collected by Moore. There are only seven or eight kinds of seasonings. in a bowl.

"It's a pity to be injured. The delicious food and the beautiful scenery are just short of bubbles." Moses laughed at himself, inserted a few pieces of blood tofu, and put them in his mouth. The plate in front of him was all the blood tofu that Leonard gave him .

There are mushrooms and fungus in front of Adair, and there are green leafy vegetables in front of the fungus, and he hates the bitter taste the most.

The author has something to say: Is it because Moses and Leonard are too much, try to transfer to Moore

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